3,707 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of die and container materials

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    X = 0.75 Beta prime Sialon (a silicon aluminum oxynitride) and Sibeon (silicon beryllium oxynitride) are promising die materials. In sessile drop tests in contact with molten silicon, beryllium contamination was less than ppm and aluminum contamination 50 ppm. A shaping die of the Sialon material was successfully fabricated. Dry milling studies for the preparation of Si3N4-Al2O3-ALN mixtures were performed with butanol, acetic anhydride, oleic acid, and triethanolamine milling aids. Optimum mixing was achieved with 0.15 percent triethanolamine using a milling time of 8 hours. Preliminary evaluation of Sibeon materials indicates that they are more resistent to molten silicon attack than Sialon. Silicon contamination from the beryllium was less than aluminum contamination even though the aluminum impurity level in the Sibeon was only 450 to 1300 ppm. Work designed to produce an aluminum-free Sibeon is described

    The effect of pre-exposure on family resemblance categorization for stimuli of varying levels of perceptual difficulty

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    This study investigated the effect that pre-exposure to a set of stimuli has on the prevalence of family resemblance categorization. 64 participants were tested to examine the effect that pre-exposure type (same-stimuli vs unrelated-stimuli) and the perceptual difficulty of the stimuli (perceptually similar vs perceptually different) has on categorization strategy. There was a significant effect of perceptual difficulty, indicating that perceptually different stimuli evoked a higher level of family resemblance sorting than perceptually similar stimuli. There was no significant main effect of pre-exposure type; however, there was a significant interaction between pre-exposure type and level of perceptual difficulty. Post-hoc tests revealed that this interaction was the result of an increase in family resemblance sorting for the perceptually different stimuli under relevant preexposure but no such effect for perceptually similar stimuli. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed

    Vesignieite: a S=12S = \frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet with dominant third-neighbor exchange

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    The spin-12\frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet is an archetypal frustrated system predicted to host a variety of exotic magnetic states. We show using neutron scattering measurements that deuterated vesignieite BaCu3_{3}V2_{2}O8_{8}(OD)2_{2}, a fully stoichiometric S=1/2S=1/2 kagome magnet with <<1% lattice distortion, orders magnetically at TN=9T_{\mathrm{N}}=9K into a multi-k coplanar variant of the predicted triple-k octahedral structure. We find this structure is stabilized by a dominant antiferromagnetic 3rd^{\mathrm{rd}}-neighbor exchange J3J_3 with minor 1st^{\mathrm{st}}- or 2nd^{\mathrm{nd}}--neighbour exchange. The spin-wave spectrum is well described by a J3J_3-only model including a tiny symmetric exchange anisotropy

    Toward Perfection: Kapellasite, Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2, a New Model S = 1/2 Kagome Antiferromagnet

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    The search for the resonating valence bond (RVB) state continues to underpin many areas of condensed matter research. The RVB is made from the dimerisation of spins on different sites into fluctuating singlets, and was proposed by Anderson to be the reference state from which the transition to BCS superconductivity occurs. Little is known about the state experimentally, due to the scarcity of model materials. Theoretical work has put forward the S = 1/2 kagome antiferromagnet (KAFM) as a good candidate for the realization of the RVB state. In this paper we introduce a new model system, the S = 1/2 KAFM Kapellasite, Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2. We show that its crystal structure is a good approximation to a 2-dimensional kagome antiferromagnet and that susceptibility data indicate a collapse of the magnetic moment below T = 25 K that is compatible with the spins condensing into the non-magnetic RVB state.Comment: Communication, 3 pages, 3 figure

    Prototype Backscatter Moessbauer Spectrometer for Measurement of Martian Surface Mineralogy

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    We have designed and successfully tested a prototype of a backscatter Moessbauer spectrometer (BaMS) targeted for use on the Martian surface to (1) determine oxidation states of iron, and (2) identify and determine relative abundances of iron-bearing mineralogies. No sample preparation is required to perform measurements; it is only necessary to bring sample and instrument into physical contact. The prototype meets our projected specification for a flight instrument in terms of mass, power, and volume. A Moessbauer spectrometer on the Martian surface would provide wide variety of information about the current state of the Martian surface, and this information is described

    Aging in a topological spin glass

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    We have examined the nonconventional spin glass phase of the 2-dimensional kagome antiferromagnet (H_3 O) Fe_3 (SO_4)_2 (OH)_6 by means of ac and dc magnetic measurements. The frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility peak is characteristic of a critical slowing down at Tg ~ 18K. At fixed temperature below Tg, aging effects are found which obey the same scaling law as in spin glasses or polymers. However, in clear contrast with conventional spin glasses, aging is remarkably insensitive to temperature changes. This particular type of dynamics is discussed in relation with theoretical predictions for highly frustrated non-disordered systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Optical Polarization and Warm Absorber in IRAS 17020+4544

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    We report the detection of ionized absorption in the ASCA spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 17020+4544. Subsequent optical spectropolarimetry revealed high polarization increasing from 3% in the red to 5% in the blue, indicating electron or dust scattering as a likely origin. The broad emission line Hα\alpha is somewhat less polarized than the continuum, supporting a location of the polarizing material within the AGN. The Balmer line decrement and reddened optical spectrum support the presence of a dusty warm absorber in this object. We compared the broad band optical polarization and ionized X-ray absorption of a collection of Seyfert 1 and 1.5 galaxies, excluding classes of objects that are likely to have significant neutral X-ray absorption. Warm absorber objects are generally more likely to have high optical polarization than objects with no detected ionized absorption. This result lends additional support to the idea that the warm absorber is associated with dust and implies either that dust transmission is responsible for at least part of the polarization or that the polarization is revealed because of the dimming of the optical spectrum. Spectropolarimetry of Seyfert 1s generally locates the scattering material inside the narrow-line region and often close to or within the broad line region, consistent with estimates of the location of the dusty warm absorber.Comment: 11 pages using (AASTeX) aaspp4.sty and 3 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Are "EIT Waves" Fast-Mode MHD Waves?

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    We examine the nature of large-scale, coronal, propagating wave fronts (``EIT waves'') and find they are incongruous with solutions using fast-mode MHD plane-wave theory. Specifically, we consider the following properties: non-dispersive single pulse manifestions, observed velocities below the local Alfven speed, and different pulses which travel at any number of constant velocities, rather than at the ``predicted'' fast-mode speed. We discuss the possibility of a soliton-like explanation for these phenomena, and show how it is consistent with the above-mentioned aspects.Comment: to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Moessbauer Spectroscopy for Lunar Resource Assessment: Measurement of Mineralogy and Soil Maturity

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    First-order assessment of lunar soil as a resource includes measurement of its mineralogy and maturity. Soils in which the mineral ilmenite is present in high concentrations are desirable feedstock for the production of oxygen at a lunar base. The maturity of lunar soils is a measure of their relative residence time in the upper 1 mm of the lunar surface. Increasing maturity implies increasing load of solar wind species (e.g., N, H, and He-3), decreasing mean grain size, and increasing glass content. All these physicochemical properties that vary in a regular way with maturity are important parameters for assessing lunar soil as a resource. For example, He-3 can be extracted and potentially used for nuclear fusion. A commonly used index for lunar soil maturity is I(sub s)/FeO, which is the concentration of fine-grained metal determined by ferromagnetic resonance (I(sub s)) normalized to the total iron content (as FeO). I(sub s)/FeO has been measured for virtually every soil returned by the Apollo and Luna missions to the Moon. Because the technique is sensitive to both oxidation state and mineralogy, iron Moessbauer spectroscopy (FeMS) is a viable technique for in situ lunar resource assessment. Its utility for mineralogy is apparent from examination of published FeMS data for lunar samples. From the data published, it can be inferred that FeMS data can also be used to determine soil maturity. The use of FeMS to determine mineralogy and maturity and progress on development of a FeMS instrument for lunar surface use are discussed

    The 3D printing of a polymeric electrochemical cell body and its characterisation

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    An undivided flow cell was designed and constructed using additive manufacturing technology and its mass transport characteristics were evaluated using the reduction of ferricyanide, hexacyanoferrate (III) ions at a nickel surface. The dimensionless mass transfer correlation Sh = aRebScdLee was obtained using the convective-diffusion limiting current observed in linear sweep voltammetry; this correlation compared closely with that reported in the literature from traditionally machined plane parallel rectangular flow channel reactors. The ability of 3D printer technology, aided by computational graphics, to rapidly and conveniently design, manufacture and re-design the geometrical characteristics of the flow cell ishighlighted
