251 research outputs found

    Nucleotide sequences modulating the expression of genes in plants

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    The provides a genetic cassette for the expression of heterologous nucleic acids in response to abiotic stresses such as drought and soil high salinity, regulatory sequences used in the expression cassette, expression vectors carrying these sequences and plants transformed with the same

    Optimal strategies to steer and control water waves

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for controlling surface water waves and their interaction with floating bodies. A floating target rigid body is surrounded by a control region where we design three control strategies of increasing complexity: an active strategy based on controlling the pressure at the air–water interface and two passive strategies where an additional controlled floating device is designed. Such device is modeled both as a membrane and as a thin plate and the effect of this modeling choice on the performance of the overall controlled system is analyzed. We frame this problem as an optimal control problem where the underlying state dynamics is represented by a system of coupled partial differential equations describing the interaction between the surface water waves and the floating target body in the frequency domain. An additional intermediate coupling is then added when considering the control floating device. The optimal control problem then aims at minimizing a cost functional which weights the unwanted motions of the floating body. A system of first-order necessary optimality conditions is derived and numerically solved using the finite element method. The efficacy of this new method for reducing hydrodynamic loads on floating objects has been shown through numerical simulations

    Plant MYB Transcription Factors: Their Role in Drought Response Mechanisms

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    Water scarcity is one of the major causes of poor plant performance and limited crop yields worldwide and it is the single most common cause of severe food shortage in developing countries. Several molecular networks involved in stress perception, signal transduction and stress responses in plants have been elucidated so far. Transcription factors are major players in water stress signaling. In recent years, different MYB transcription factors, mainly in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. but also in some crops, have been characterized for their involvement in drought response. For some of them there is evidence supporting a specific role in response to water stress, such as the regulation of stomatal movement, the control of suberin and cuticular waxes synthesis and the regulation of flower development. Moreover, some of these genes have also been characterized for their involvement in other abiotic or biotic stresses, an important feature considering that in nature, plants are often simultaneously subjected to multiple rather than single environmental perturbations. This review summarizes recent studies highlighting the role of the MYB family of transcription factors in the adaptive responses to drought stress. The practical application value of MYBs in crop improvement, such as stress tolerance engineering, is also discussed

    Equalization in redundant channels

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    A miscomparison between a channel's configuration data base and a voted system configuration data base in a redundant channel system having identically operating, frame synchronous channels triggers autoequalization of the channel's historical signal data bases in a hierarchical, chronological manner with that of a correctly operating channel. After equalization, symmetrization of the channel's configuration data base with that of the system permits upgrading of the previously degraded channel to full redundancy. An externally provided equalization command, e.g., manually actuated, can also trigger equalization

    Pyrethroid resistance in Italian populations of the mite Varroa destructor: a focus on the Lombardy region

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    Varroa destructor Anderson et Trueman (Acari Varroidae) is a major pest of honey bees and synthetic acaricide treatments remain the most effective tool to contain its infestations. In 1991, pyrethroid resistance was first reported in Lombardy, and is now spread worldwide. Recently, three different mutations (L925V/I/M) occurring in the voltage-gated sodium channel have been associated with tau-fluvalinate resistance. Furthermore, in the literature, indirect evidence from laboratory bioassays have indicated that high levels of esterases may be involved in mites resistant to tau-fluvalinate. This study provides an update on the actual spread of target-site resistance to tau-fluvalinate in V. destructor samples collected in the Lombardy region. TaqMan assays showed that mutation L925V is present in this area, however only low frequencies of this resistant allele were detected. The majority of resistant mites were found in the homozygous form (11%), and only a small fraction possessed the heterozygous genotype (2%). Additionally, a protocol was set up to detect esterase activity directly in single mites. Slight variability was observed among different populations collected in Lombardy. Additional studies are needed to confirm the involvement of esterases in resistance to pyrethroids in V. destructor and whether this can be correlated to changes in enzyme activity

    Over-expression of the Arabidopsis AtMYB41 gene alters cell expansion and leaf surface permeability

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    The Arabidopsis AtMYB41 gene encodes an R2R3-MYB transcription factor whose expression is not detectable under normal growth conditions in any organ or at any developmental stage analysed. It is expressed at high levels in response to drought, ABA and salt treatments, suggesting a possible role in stress responses. Transgenic lines over-expressing this transcription factor showed a pleiotropic phenotype similar to that exhibited by some mutants that affect cuticle biosynthesis. This includes a dwarf appearance, dependent on smaller cells with abnormal morphology, enhanced sensitivity to desiccation, and enhanced permeability of leaf surfaces, suggesting discontinuity in the cuticle. The expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and transport, in cell-wall modifications and cell expansion, genes coding for membrane-associated proteins and genes specifically involved in cuticle metabolism was differentially modulated between wild-type and transgenic plants, suggesting a direct or indirect role of AtMYB41 in the regulation of their transcription. Taken together, our results suggest that AtMYB41 is part of a complex network of transcription factors controlling cell expansion and cuticle deposition in response to abiotic stress

    Extrados Strengthening of Single-Leaf Vaults Against Seismic Actions

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    Single-leaf vaults are acknowledged among the most vulnerable components of historical masonry constructions with respect to earthquake loads, particularly when featuring large span to thickness ratios, as in the case of single leaf covering the main nave of churches. These elements often require structural strengthening against seismic actions. In this paper, two different extradostechniques are tested: lightweight plywood restraining elements and FRP laminates embedded in a lime mortar layer. The techniques are tested on single leaf vaults having a very unfavorable span to thickness ratio. A previous study on less slender vaults, showed that lightweight plywood centerings, applying passive confinement to the vault extrados, inhibit the onset of the typical four-hinges failure mechanism. This lightweight, dry solution can be easily prefabricated, transferred and assembled at the construction site. The technique is reversible and fully compliant with the major preservation principles. FRP is also effective against the onset of the failure mechanism but entails larger deformations of the retrofitted vault, which may be detrimental in the case of possible decorations. The solution requires special man labor to ensure correct smoothening and cleaning of the vault extrados and to trigger effective bond between the mortar and the vault extrados. Both solutions are shown to enable small relative displacements of the vault springing, which may follow the deformation of possible internal ties. The effectiveness of these retrofit techniques was comparatively verified through experimental tests on single-leaf barrel vault stripes at 1:2 scale subjected to cyclic distributed unsymmetrical loads and through comparison with the seismic response of a reference unreinforced single-leaf vault
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