707 research outputs found

    Motion Planning from Demonstrations and Polynomial Optimization for Visual Servoing Applications

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    Vision feedback control techniques are desirable for a wide range of robotics applications due to their robustness to image noise and modeling errors. However in the case of a robot-mounted camera, they encounter difficulties when the camera traverses large displacements. This scenario necessitates continuous visual target feedback during the robot motion, while simultaneously considering the robot's self- and external-constraints. Herein, we propose to combine workspace (Cartesian space) path-planning with robot teach-by-demonstration to address the visibility constraint, joint limits and “whole arm” collision avoidance for vision-based control of a robot manipulator. User demonstration data generates safe regions for robot motion with respect to joint limits and potential “whole arm” collisions. Our algorithm uses these safe regions to generate new feasible trajectories under a visibility constraint that achieves the desired view of the target (e.g., a pre-grasping location) in new, undemonstrated locations. Experiments with a 7-DOF articulated arm validate the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    Canonical Notch signaling is required for bone morphogenetic protein‐mediated human osteoblast differentiation

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    Osteoblast differentiation of bone marrow‐derived human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) can be induced by stimulation with canonical Notch ligand, Jagged1, or bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). However, it remains elusive how these two pathways lead to the same phenotypic outcome. Since Runx2 is regarded as a master regulator of osteoblastic differentiation, we targeted Runx2 with siRNA in hMSC. This abrogated both Jagged1 and BMP2 mediated osteoblastic differentiation, confirming the fundamental role for Runx2. However, while BMP stimulation increased Runx2 and downstream Osterix protein expression, Jagged1 treatment failed to upregulate either, suggesting that canonical Notch signals require basal Runx2 expression. To fully understand the transcriptomic profile of differentiating osteoblasts, RNA sequencing was performed in cells stimulated with BMP2 or Jagged1. There was common upregulation of ALPL and extracellular matrix genes, such as ACAN, HAS3, MCAM, and OLFML2B. Intriguingly, genes encoding components of Notch signaling (JAG1, HEY2, and HES4) were among the top 10 genes upregulated by both stimuli. Indeed, ALPL expression occurred concurrently with Notch activation and inhibiting Notch activity for up to 24 hours after BMP administration with DAPT (a gamma secretase inhibitor) completely abrogated hMSC osteoblastogenesis. Concordantly, RBPJ (recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region, a critical downstream modulator of Notch signals) binding could be demonstrated within the ALPL and SP7 promoters. As such, siRNA‐mediated ablation of RBPJ decreased BMP‐mediated osteoblastogenesis. Finally, systemic Notch inhibition using diabenzazepine (DBZ) reduced BMP2‐induced calvarial bone healing in mice supporting the critical regulatory role of Notch signaling in BMP‐induced osteoblastogenesis.Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) stimulation of bone‐marrow‐derived human mesenchymal progenitor cells (hMSCs) increases Notch proteins via increased Notch ligand Jagged1 expression. Canonical Notch signaling is required for BMP‐induced ALPL expression and osteoblastic commitment of hMSCs. Both BMP‐induced osteoblastogenesis and Notch‐induced osteoblastogenesis require Runx2.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162778/2/stem3245_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162778/1/stem3245.pd

    High Precision Axial Coordinate Readout for an Axial 3-D PET Detector Module using a Wave Length Shifter Strip Matrix

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    We describe a novel method to extract the axial coordinate from a matrix of long axially oriented crystals, which is based on wavelength shifting plastic strips. The method allows building compact 3-D axial gamma detector modules for PET scanners with excellent 3-dimensional spatial, timing and energy resolution while keeping the number of readout channels reasonably low. A voxel resolution of about 10 mm3 is expected. We assess the performance of the method in two independent ways, using classical PMTs and G-APDs to read out the LYSO (LSO) scintillation crystals and the wavelength shifting strips. We observe yields in excess of 35 photoelectrons from the strips for a 511 keV gamma and reconstruct the axial coordinate with a precision of about 2.5 mm (FWHM)

    Infant BMI or Weight-for-Length and Obesity Risk in Early Childhood

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    Weight-for-length (WFL) is currently used to assess adiposity under 2 years. We assessed WFL- versus BMI-based estimates of adiposity in healthy infants in determining risk for early obesity

    Novel design of a parallax free Compton enhanced PET scanner

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    Molecular imaging by PET is a powerful tool in modern clinical practice for cancer diagnosis. Nevertheless, improvements are needed with respect to the spatial resolution and sensitivity of the technique for its application to specific human organs (breast, prostate, brain, etc.), and to small animals. Presently, commercial PET scanners do not detect the depth of interaction of photons in scintillators, which results in a not negligible parallax error. We describe here a novel concept of PET scanner design that provides full three-dimensional (3D) gamma reconstruction with high spatial resolution over the total detector volume, free of parallax errors. It uses matrices of long scintillators read at both ends by hybrid photon detectors. This so-called 3D axial concept also enhances the gamma detection efficiency since it allows one to reconstruct a significant fraction of Compton scattered events. In this note, we describe the concept, a possible design and the expected performance of this new PET device. We also report about first characterization measurements of 10 cm long YAP:Ce scintillation crystals. r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Spin-Orbit Interaction Enhanced Fractional Quantum Hall States in the Second Landau Level

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    We study the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling fractions 7/3 and 5/2 in the presence of the spin-orbit interaction, using the exact diagonalization method and the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method in a spherical geometry. Trial wave functions at these fillings are the Laughlin state and the Moore-Reed-Pfaffian state. The ground state excitation energy gaps and pair-correlation functions at fractional filling factor 7/3 and 5/2 in the second Landau level are calculated. We find that the spin-orbit interaction stabilizes the fractional quantum Hall states.Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    The CAST Time Projection Chamber

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    One of the three X-ray detectors of the CAST experiment searching for solar axions is a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with a multi-wire proportional counter (MWPC) as a readout structure. Its design has been optimized to provide high sensitivity to the detection of the low intensity X-ray signal expected in the CAST experiment. A low hardware threshold of 0.8 keV is safely set during normal data taking periods, and the overall efficiency for the detection of photons coming from conversion of solar axions is 62 %. Shielding has been installed around the detector, lowering the background level to 4.10 x 10^-5 counts/cm^2/s/keV between 1 and 10 keV. During phase I of the CAST experiment the TPC has provided robust and stable operation, thus contributing with a competitive result to the overall CAST limit on axion-photon coupling and mass.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and images, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    A segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics for a PET scanner

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    We describe the design, fabrication and test results of a segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics. Both the photodetector and its VLSI readout electronics are custom designed and have been tailored to the requirements of a recently proposed novel geometrical concept of a Positron Emission Tomograph. Emphasis is put on the PET specific features of the device. The detector has been fabricated in the photocathode facility at CERN

    Novel geometrical concept of a high-performance brain PET scanner. Principle, design and performance estimates

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    We present the principle, a possible implementation and performance estimates of a novel geometrical concept for a high-resolution positron emission tomograph. The concept, which can be for example implemented in a brain PET device, promises to lead to an essentially parallax-free 3D image reconstruction with excellent spatial resolution and constrast, uniform over the complete field of view. The key components are matrices of long axially oriented scintillator crystals which are read out at both extremities by segmented Hybrid Photon Detectors. We discuss the relevant design considerations for a 3D axial PET camera module, motivate parameter and material choices, and estimate its performance in terms of spatial and energy resolution. We support these estimates by Monte Carlo simulations and in some cases by first experimental results. From the performance of a camera module, we extrapolate to the reconstruction resolution of a 3D axial PET scanner in a semi-analytical way and compare it to an existing state-of-the art brain PET device. We finally describe a dedicated data acquisition system, capable to fully exploit the advantages of the proposed concept. We conclude that the proposed 3D axial concept and the discussed implementation is a competitive approach for high-resolution brain PET. Excellent energy resolution and Compton enhanced sensitivity are expected to lead to high-quality reconstruction and reduced scanning times
