1,767 research outputs found

    Signatures of current loop coalescence in solar flares

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    The nonlinear coalescence instability of current carrying solar loops can explain many of the characteristics of the solar flares such as their impulsive nature, heating and high energy particle acceleration, amplitude oscillations of electromagnetic emission as well as the characteristics of 2-D microwave images obtained during a solar flare. The physical characteristics of the explosive coalescence of currents are presented in detail through computer simulation and theory. Canonical characteristics of the explosive coalescence are: (1) a large amount of impulsive increase of kinetic energies of electrons and ions; (2) simultaneous heating and acceleration of electrons and ions in high and low energy spectra; (3) ensuing quasi-periodic amplitude oscillations in fields and particle quantities; and (4) the double peak (or triple peak) structure in these profiles, participate in the coalescence process, yielding varieties of phenomena

    Rolling contact fatigue of railways wheels: Influence of steel grade and sliding conditions

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    AbstractThe aim of this work is to develop a numerical approach which is able to compare the different steel grades influence on rolling contact fatigue of railways wheels according to practical conditions. The main stages are the identification of the material behavior, the determination of the stress-strain fields and the application of a fatigue criterion. Two steels usually used for the manufacturing of wheels have been studied, R9T and 50CrMo4. Their influence has been numerically studied. Results show that the threshold of elastic and plastic shakedown differs depending on the steel grades and consequently the risk of damage can be affected. This methodology allows a classification of the material grades face the risk on rolling contact fatigue

    Hot electron cooling by acoustic phonons in graphene

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    We have investigated the energy loss of hot electrons in metallic graphene by means of GHz noise thermometry at liquid helium temperature. We observe the electronic temperature T / V at low bias in agreement with the heat diffusion to the leads described by the Wiedemann-Franz law. We report on TVT\propto\sqrt{V} behavior at high bias, which corresponds to a T4 dependence of the cooling power. This is the signature of a 2D acoustic phonon cooling mechanism. From a heat equation analysis of the two regimes we extract accurate values of the electron-acoustic phonon coupling constant Σ\Sigma in monolayer graphene. Our measurements point to an important effect of lattice disorder in the reduction of Σ\Sigma, not yet considered by theory. Moreover, our study provides a strong and firm support to the rising field of graphene bolometric detectors.Comment: 5 figure

    Mutual Information of Population Codes and Distance Measures in Probability Space

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    We studied the mutual information between a stimulus and a large system consisting of stochastic, statistically independent elements that respond to a stimulus. The Mutual Information (MI) of the system saturates exponentially with system size. A theory of the rate of saturation of the MI is developed. We show that this rate is controlled by a distance function between the response probabilities induced by different stimuli. This function, which we term the {\it Confusion Distance} between two probabilities, is related to the Renyi α\alpha-Information.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted to PR

    The electrum analyzer: Model checking relational first-order temporal specifications

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    This paper presents the Electrum Analyzer, a free-software tool to validate and perform model checking of Electrum specifications. Electrum is an extension of Alloy that enriches its relational logic with LTL operators, thus simplifying the specification of dynamic systems. The Analyzer supports both automatic bounded model checking, with an encoding into SAT, and unbounded model checking, with an encoding into SMV. Instance, or counter-example, traces are presented back to the user in a unified visualizer. Features to speed up model checking are offered, including a decomposed parallel solving strategy and the extraction of symbolic bounds. Source code: https://github.com/haslab/ElectrumVideo: https://youtu.be/FbjlpvjgMDA.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE2020) and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826, and the French Research Agency project FORMEDICIS ANR-16-CE25-000


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    The nonlinear coalescence instability of current carrying solar loops can explain many of the characteristics of the solar flares such as their impulsive nature, heating and high energy particle acceleration, amplitude oscillations of electromagnetic emission as well as the characteristics of 2-D microwave images obtained during a solar flare. The physical characteristics of the explosive coalescence of currents are presented in detail through computer simulation and theory.Canonical characteristics of the explosive coalescence are: (1) a large amount of impulsive increase of kinetic energies of electrons and ions, (2) simultaneous heating and acceleration of electrons and ions in high and low energy spectra, (3) ensuing quasi-periodic amplitude oscillations in fields and particle quantities, (4) the double peak (or triple peak) structure in these profiles, and (5) characteristic break in energy spectra of electrons and ions. A single pair of currents as well as multiple currents may participate in the coalescence process, yielding varieties of phenomena. These physical properties seem to underlie in some of impulsive solar flares.In particular, double sub-peak structures in the quasi-periodic oscillations found in the time profiles of two solar flares on June 7, 1980 and November 26, 1982 are well explained in terms of the coalescence instability of two current loops. This interpretation is supported by the observations of two microwave sources and their interaction for the November 26, 1982 flare.Some more details as well as a generalization of the present model to solar flares with the coalescence as an elementary process in the flare phenomenon are presented

    Crohn's versus Cancer: Comparison of Functional and Surgical Outcomes after Right-Sided Resections.

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    The objective of this study was to compare functional and surgical outcomes of patients undergoing ileocecal resection for Crohn's disease (CD) to patients undergoing oncological right colectomy. Retrospective single-center cohort study including consecutive patients undergoing right colectomy for adenocarcinoma (oncological resection) or CD (mesentery-sparing resection) between July 2011 and November 2017. Outcome measures were pathological details (lymph node yield), postoperative recovery (pain levels, return to flatus and stool, intake of fluids, weight change, and mobilization), and early (30-day) outcomes (surgical/medical complications, hospital stay, readmissions). A total of 195 patients (153 [78%] with cancer and 42 [22%] with CD) were included. Overall compliance with the institutional enhanced recovery protocol was comparable between the 2 groups (compliance ≥70%: 60% in CD patients vs. 62% in cancer, p = 0.458). The adenocarcinoma group had a larger lymph node yield than the CD group (26 ± 13 vs. 2.4 ± 5, respectively, p < 0.001). While the CD group experienced significantly more pain (3.7 ± 1.9/10 vs. 2.8 ± 2.5/10, p = 0.007, patients requiring opioids: 65 vs. 28%, p = 0.001), return of flatus (2.3 ± 1.2 days vs. 2.4 ± 2.8 days, p = 0.642) and stool (4.1 ± 6.0 vs. 3.0 ± 1.8 days, p = 0.292) was no different in both groups. No difference was observed regarding postoperative complications, length of stay, and readmission rate. This study revealed no differences in both functional and surgical outcomes in CD and cancer patients undergoing mesentery-sparing or formal oncological right colectomy, respectively

    Temporal decorrelation of collective oscillations in neural networks with local inhibition and long-range excitation

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    We consider two neuronal networks coupled by long-range excitatory interactions. Oscillations in the gamma frequency band are generated within each network by local inhibition. When long-range excitation is weak, these oscillations phase-lock with a phase-shift dependent on the strength of local inhibition. Increasing the strength of long-range excitation induces a transition to chaos via period-doubling or quasi-periodic scenarios. In the chaotic regime oscillatory activity undergoes fast temporal decorrelation. The generality of these dynamical properties is assessed in firing-rate models as well as in large networks of conductance-based neurons.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Experimental observation of nonlinear Thomson scattering

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    A century ago, J. J. Thomson showed that the scattering of low-intensity light by electrons was a linear process (i.e., the scattered light frequency was identical to that of the incident light) and that light's magnetic field played no role. Today, with the recent invention of ultra-high-peak-power lasers it is now possible to create a sufficient photon density to study Thomson scattering in the relativistic regime. With increasing light intensity, electrons quiver during the scattering process with increasing velocity, approaching the speed of light when the laser intensity approaches 10^18 W/cm^2. In this limit, the effect of light's magnetic field on electron motion should become comparable to that of its electric field, and the electron mass should increase because of the relativistic correction. Consequently, electrons in such high fields are predicted to quiver nonlinearly, moving in figure-eight patterns, rather than in straight lines, and thus to radiate photons at harmonics of the frequency of the incident laser light, with each harmonic having its own unique angular distribution. In this letter, we report the first ever direct experimental confirmation of these predictions, a topic that has previously been referred to as nonlinear Thomson scattering. Extension of these results to coherent relativistic harmonic generation may eventually lead to novel table-top x-ray sources.Comment: including 4 figure