19 research outputs found

    Gender-Related Attitudes toward Homosexuality in Greece

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    Received 19 May 2021. Accepted 16 December 2021. Published online 30 December 2021.The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance of the “Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men” (ATLG) Scale developed by G. M. Herek to the Greek society. The study consists of two stages or sub-studies. At the first stage, the sample consisted of 186 undergraduate university students and at the second, 254 undergraduate university students, who studied at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini, Greece. Methodologically speaking, our research relied on the methods of descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis (Cronbach’s α, composite reliability and average variance extracted) and t-test for independent sample. The results of the first stage showed that the two factors, men’s homophobia and women’s homophobia, accounted for 58% of the total variance. At the second stage, three confirmatory factor analyses were performed: men’s homophobia, women’s homophobia and total homophobia. We also found genderrelated differences in students’ attitudes to homosexuality, but only as far as male homosexuality is concerned

    Does group Cohesion predict team sport athletes' satisfaction?

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    Many social and sport psychologists consider that group/ team cohesion as well as athletes' satisfaction has a major impact on team performance. The aim of this study was to examine if there were significant differences in group cohesion and athletes' satisfaction as a function of gender (male, female), type of team sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, water polo) and sport division (professional, semi-professional). A second aim was to analyze the relationship between group cohesion and athletes' satisfaction in team sports. Participants were 615 professional and semi-professional team-sport athletes from Greece, aged 15 to 36. They completed two questionnaires: (a) the Group Environment Questionnaire (Individual Attraction to Group - Task: ATG-T; Individual Attraction to Group - Social: ATG-S; Group Integration - Task: GI-T; Group Integration - Social: GI-S) and (b) the Athletes' Satisfaction Scale (Personal Outcome, Leadership). Separate three-wayMANOVAs revealed that type of team sports, but not gender or sport division, had a significant effect on group cohesion and athletes' satisfaction.Moreover, canonical correlation analysis revealed significant multivariate relationship between group cohesion and athletes' satisfaction. Overall, results indicated the important role of group cohesion, gender and team sports on Greek athletes' satisfaction. © 2018, Psychological Society of Northern Greece

    Investigation of the relationship between the eating habits of junior high school children and parental educational level

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    OBJECTIVE Το investigate the relationship between the nutritional habits of junior high schoolchildren and the educational level of their mothers and fathers. METHOD The “Dietary Habits” questionnaire was completed by 956 schoolchildren (491 boys, 465 girls) aged 13–15 years. RESULTS Analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences between children with different maternal educational level concerning the following nutritional habits: (a) Eating fresh vegetables, and (b) eating fresh fruits. Significant differences according to the paternal educational level were demonstrated concerning the following nutritional habits: (a) Eating fresh vegetables, (b) eating fresh fruits, (c) eating fried fish, (d) eating charcoal grilled fish, and (e) eating unsalted boiled egg. CONCLUSIONS Parental educational level plays a crucial role in several nutritional habits of junior high schoolchildren. These specific nutritional habits could be targeted through an intervention program or through a health education at school. © Athens Medical Society


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    Emotional relationships are crucial for an accurate prediction and control of the impact of emotions on athletic performance. The Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model attempts to describe and explain emotions related to individually successful and poor performances (Hanin, 1997, 2000). The participants were 617 Greek athletes (424 males and 190 females) from five different sports. Their ages ranged from 18 to 30 years (M=24.30, SD=3.70). All athletes completed the questionnaire on emotions (IZOF, Hanin, 2000), which was translated into Greek (Hanin, Papaioannou & Lukkarila, 2001). The aim of the study was the examination of a possible relationship between emotions and confidence and among different competitive sports in Greece. The results supported the good psychometric properties of the assessment tool. Additionally, the results indicated statistically significant differences among sports in almost all the questionnaire variables: (a) in optimal-pleasant emotions swimmers had higher scores than Graeco-Roman and freestyle wrestlers, (b) in optimal-unpleasant emotions swimmers had higher scores than taekwondoists and water polo players, and (c) in dysfunctional-unpleasant emotions swimmers had lower scores than taekwondoists and water polo players. On the other hand, in dysfunctional-pleasant emotions and in confidence no statistically significant differences among the sports were found. According to previous research, it is also important to indicate that emotional content and intensity are different in training practice and competitions and that they vary across the pre-, mid-, and post-event performance situations (Hanin & Stambulova, 2002). Possible future research might replicate and extend the study's findings, explore an athlete's anxiety, goal-orientations, motivation and performance, and develop effective intervention strategies

    Дослідження его та цільової орієнтації серед міжнародних рефері з боротьби

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    Aim: study was to investigate any possible effect(s) of experiences from active membership and participation in task or ego orientations among referees in the sport of wrestling. Material: The sample consisted of 213 international referees from 30 countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Hungary, U.S.A, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Canada, Georgia, Croatia, Uzbekistan, Norway, Cuba, Belarus, & Tunisia). Their age ranged from 26 to 60 yrs. old ( M =43, SD =8.6). During the procedure, the participants were asked to fill a specific questionnaire, the «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Results: Results showed that the referees from elite wrestling level’ countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, U.S.A., Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, & Cuba) are more task oriented than those from the non-elite wrestling level’ countries. Researchers believe that this occurred because referees from non-elite wrestling level’ countries might have less game-sport experience and more specifically in high level games. At the same time, the Olympic experience referees were more task oriented than the non-Olympic experienced. Conclusion: Referee’s decisions are an important issue in the sport milieu. The investigations in decision-making by referees and factors that affect it are rather scarce and research should focus on such topics. Improvement of decision-making by referees, would lead to safer and better performance. Thus, better understanding of referees’ behavior, through identification and operationalization of the factors affecting it, might lead to more effective selection, training and performance.Цель: исследовать возможный опыт активного участия в целевой или эго ориентации среди рефери по спортивной борьбе. Материал: Выборка состояла из 213 международных рефери из 30 стран (Греция, Турция, Болгария, Франция, Италия, Германия, Швеция, Финляндия, Швейцария, Россия, Польша, Венгрия, США, Украина, Армения, Азербайджан, Иран, Корея, Монголия, Казахстан, Египет, Канада, Грузия, Хорватия, Узбекистан, Норвегия, Куба, Беларусь и Тунис). Возраст варьировал с 20 до 60 лет ( M =43, SD =8.6). Во время процедуры, участникам было предложено заполнить специальный опросник «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Результаты : Результаты свидетельствуют, что рефери из элитных борцовских стран (Россия, Азербайджан, Армения, Болгария, Украина, США, Корея, Япония, Казахстан и Куба) более ориентированы в решениях конкретных задач, чем другие, представители не элитных борцовских стран. Это, очевидно, связано с тем, что рефери из стран, не являющихся элитными по уровню развития борьбы, имеют меньший спортивный опыт и меньшее представление об уровне соревнований. В тоже время, рефери, имеющие олимпийский опыт были более ориентированы в решении соревновательных задач, чем не имеющие олимпийского опыта. Выводы: Решения рефери являются важным вопросом в спортивной среде. Исследования, посвященные процессу принятия решений рефери и факторов, которые влияют на это решение, весьма скудны. Совершенствование процесса принятия решений рефери, приведет к более безопасной и объективной оценке. Лучшее понимание поведения рефери, путем выявления и введения в действие факторов, влияющих на него, может привести к более эффективному отбору, обучению и эффективности судейства.Мета: дослідити можливості досвіду активної участі у цільовій або его орієнтації серед рефері з спортивної боротьби. Матеріал: Вибірка складалась з 213 міжнародних рефері з 30 країн (Греція, Туреччина, Болгарія, Франція, Італія, Німеччина, Швеція, Фінляндія, Швейцарія, Росія, Польща, Угорщина, США, Україна, Вірменія, Азербайджан, Іран, Корея, Монголія, Казахстан, Єгипет, Канада, Грузія, Хорватія, Узбекистан, Норвегія, Куба, Беларусь та Туніс). Вік варіював з 20 до 60 років ( M =43, SD =8.6). під час процедури, учасникам було запропоновано заповнити спеціальний опитувач «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Результати : Результати свідчать, що рефері з елітних борцівських країн (Росія, Азербайджан, Вірменія, Болгарія, Україна, США, Корея, Японія, Казахстан та Куба) більш орієнтовані у рішення конкретних завдань, ніж інші представники не елітних борцівських країн. Це, вочевидь, пов’язано із тим, що рефері з країн, які не є елітними за рівнем розвитку боротьби мають менший спортивний досвід і менше уявлення про рівень змагань. В той же час, рефері, які мають олімпійський досвід були більш орієнтовані у вирішенні змагальних задач, ніж ті, що не мають олімпійського досвіду. Висновки: Рішення рефері є важливим питанням у спортивному середовищі. Дослідження, присвячені процесу прийняття рішення рефері і факторів, що впливають на це рішення, дуже мізерні. Удосконалення процесу прийняття рішення рефері, призведе до більшої безпеки та об’єктивної оцінки. Краще розуміння поведінки рефері, шляхом виявлення та введення в дію факторів, що впливають на нього, може призвести до більш ефективному відбору, навчанню та ефективності суддівства

    Causal relationships of sport and exercise involvement with goal orientations, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in physical education: A longitudinal study

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    Little information exists about the causal relationships of sport and exercise participation with goal orientations, perceived athletic competence and intrinsic motivation in physical education. A longitudinal study was conducted involving 882 Greek students who completed questionnaires on three occasions: 3 - 5 weeks into the academic year, 3 - 6 weeks before the end of the academic year, and 7 months later. The data were analysed using structural equation models, controlling for age. Task orientation and intrinsic motivation in physical education at the beginning of the academic year predicted sport and exercise participation 7 and 14 months later. Perceived athletic competence both at the beginning and end of the academic year predicted sport and exercise participation 7 and 14 months later, while ego orientation did not predict sport and exercise involvement at either time. Previous sport and exercise participation had positive effects on task orientation and perceived athletic competence 3 - 6 weeks before the end of the academic year and predicted all cognitive-affective constructs 7 months later. These results imply that the cultivation of task orientation, intrinsic motivation in physical education and perceived athletic competence will help to promote sport and exercise participation in adolescence

    Using multimedia as an instructional tool in physical education

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    Etude des effets de trois méthodes d'enseignement (traditionnelle, multimedia et combinée) sur l'apprentissage de connaissances, d'habiletés et de l'attitude des étudiants envers la méthode utilisée

    Motricidade Motricidade Motricidade Motricidade Assessing adolescents' sport participation motives: psychomet- ric evaluation of BRSQ Avaliação dos motivos de participação desportiva entre os jovens: Avalia- ção psicométrica do BRSQ

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to examine the factorial structure and validity of Behavioral Regulation in Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ -Lonsdale Hodge & Rose, 2008). The proposed nine dimensional motivation model by Key-words: adolescents, self-determination theory, motivation, team sports RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a estrutura fatorial e validade do Behavioral Regulation in Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ). O modelo motivacional com 9 dimensões proposto por Lonsdale et al. Palavras-chave: adolescents, teoria da autodeterminação, motivação, desportos coletivos Manuscrip

    Greek Traditional Dance as a Practice for Managing Stress and Anxiety in Cancer Patients

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    Stress and anxiety levels in cancer patients tend to decrease by performing bodily-kinesthetic and musical activities. The hypothesis of the present study is that attending lessons in Greek traditional dance is an effective method for managing anxiety and stress in patients diagnosed with cancer of any type both during and after treatment. The study was conducted on 300 cancer patients (150 experimental subjects, 150 controls) selected by Attica hospitals and nonprofit cancer patients’ organizations. Each patient in the experimental group attended an 8-week Greek traditional dance lesson program. Lessons were held twice per week, lasting 60 min each. A similar group of cancer patients not participating in any organized physical activity during the same time period served as a control group. Data were collected using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (Dass-21) questionnaire and subjected to reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha) and deviation-dependent analysis (one-way repeated). Both stress and anxiety values decreased significantly in the experimental group (stress value: initial mean = 16.27, second mean = 2.58, final mean = 6.77, p < 0.001; anxiety value: initial mean = 15.59, second mean = 2.81, final mean = 5.35, p < 0.001). In contrast, no significant fluctuation was observed in the control group. Thus, there was a significant decrease in stress and anxiety values in cancer patients who attended Greek traditional dances lessons with important psychotherapeutic significance. © 2020, American Association for Cancer Education