88 research outputs found

    Intracranial V. cholerae Sialidase Protects against Excitotoxic Neurodegeneration

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    Converging evidence shows that GD3 ganglioside is a critical effector in a number of apoptotic pathways, and GM1 ganglioside has neuroprotective and noötropic properties. Targeted deletion of GD3 synthase (GD3S) eliminates GD3 and increases GM1 levels. Primary neurons from GD3S−/− mice are resistant to neurotoxicity induced by amyloid-β or hyperhomocysteinemia, and when GD3S is eliminated in the APP/PSEN1 double-transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease the plaque-associated oxidative stress and inflammatory response are absent. To date, no small-molecule inhibitor of GD3S exists. In the present study we used sialidase from Vibrio cholerae (VCS) to produce a brain ganglioside profile that approximates that of GD3S deletion. VCS hydrolyzes GD1a and complex b-series gangliosides to GM1, and the apoptogenic GD3 is degraded. VCS was infused by osmotic minipump into the dorsal third ventricle in mice over a 4-week period. Sensorimotor behaviors, anxiety, and cognition were unaffected in VCS-treated mice. To determine whether VCS was neuroprotective in vivo, we injected kainic acid on the 25th day of infusion to induce status epilepticus. Kainic acid induced a robust lesion of the CA3 hippocampal subfield in aCSF-treated controls. In contrast, all hippocampal regions in VCS-treated mice were largely intact. VCS did not protect against seizures. These results demonstrate that strategic degradation of complex gangliosides and GD3 can be used to achieve neuroprotection without adversely affecting behavior

    R5-SHIV Induces Multiple Defects in T Cell Function during Early Infection of Rhesus Macaques Including Accumulation of T Reg Cells in Lymph Nodes

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    Background: HIV-1 is a pathogen that T cell responses fail to control. HIV-1gp120 is the surface viral envelope glycoprotein that interacts with CD4 T cells and mediates entry. HIV-1gp120 has been implicated in immune dysregulatory functions that may limit anti-HIV antigen-specific T cell responses. We hypothesized that in the context of early SHIV infection, immune dysregulation of antigen-specific T-effector cell and regulatory functions would be detectable and that these would be associated or correlated with measurable concentrations of HIV-1gp120 in lymphoid tissues. Methods: Rhesus macaques were intravaginally inoculated with a Clade C CCR5-tropic simian-human immunodeficiency virus, SHIV-1157ipd3N4. HIV-1gp120 levels, antigen-specificity, levels of apoptosis/anergy and frequency and function of Tregs were examined in lymph node and blood derived T cells at 5 and 12 weeks post inoculation. Results/Conclusions: We observed reduced responses to Gag in CD4 and gp120 in CD8 lymph node-derived T cells compared to the peripheral blood at 5 weeks post-inoculation. Reduced antigen-specific responses were associated with higher levels of PD-1 on lymph node-derived CD4 T cells as compared to peripheral blood and uninfected lymph node-derived CD4 T cells. Lymph nodes contained increased numbers of Tregs as compared to peripheral blood, which positively correlated with gp120 levels; T regulatory cell depletion restored CD8 T cell responses to Gag but not to gp120. HIV gp120 was also able to induce T regulatory cell chemotaxis in a dose-dependent, CCR5-mediated manner. These studies contribute to our broader understanding of the ways in which HIV-1 dysregulates T cell function and localization during early infection

    Neuronal Chemokines: Versatile Messengers In Central Nervous System Cell Interaction

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    Whereas chemokines are well known for their ability to induce cell migration, only recently it became evident that chemokines also control a variety of other cell functions and are versatile messengers in the interaction between a diversity of cell types. In the central nervous system (CNS), chemokines are generally found under both physiological and pathological conditions. Whereas many reports describe chemokine expression in astrocytes and microglia and their role in the migration of leukocytes into the CNS, only few studies describe chemokine expression in neurons. Nevertheless, the expression of neuronal chemokines and the corresponding chemokine receptors in CNS cells under physiological and pathological conditions indicates that neuronal chemokines contribute to CNS cell interaction. In this study, we review recent studies describing neuronal chemokine expression and discuss potential roles of neuronal chemokines in neuron–astrocyte, neuron–microglia, and neuron–neuron interaction

    The modular systems biology approach to investigate the control of apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration

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    Apoptosis is a programmed cell death that plays a critical role during the development of the nervous system and in many chronic neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). This pathology, characterized by a progressive degeneration of cholinergic function resulting in a remarkable cognitive decline, is the most common form of dementia with high social and economic impact. Current therapies of AD are only symptomatic, therefore the need to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of the disease is surely needed in order to develop effective pharmacological therapies. Because of its pivotal role in neuronal cell death, apoptosis has been considered one of the most appealing therapeutic targets, however, due to the complexity of the molecular mechanisms involving the various triggering events and the many signaling cascades leading to cell death, a comprehensive understanding of this process is still lacking. Modular systems biology is a very effective strategy in organizing information about complex biological processes and deriving modular and mathematical models that greatly simplify the identification of key steps of a given process. This review aims at describing the main steps underlying the strategy of modular systems biology and briefly summarizes how this approach has been successfully applied for cell cycle studies. Moreover, after giving an overview of the many molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis in AD, we present both a modular and a molecular model of neuronal apoptosis that suggest new insights on neuroprotection for this disease

    Low-cost airlines and online price dispersion

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    This paper presents a new form of online pricing tactic where airlines post, at the same time and for the same flight, fares in different currencies that violate the Law of One Price. Unexpectedly for an online market, price dispersion may be accompanied by a hidden discount that tends to persist in the period preceding a flight's departure. The econometric analysis reveals that airlines post dispersive fares in less competitive routes with more heterogeneous demand. Furthermore, temporal persistence of intra-firm fare dispersion suggests that it is an equilibrium phenomenon engendered by the airlines' need to manage stochastic demand conditions for a specific flight. \ua9 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 glycoprotein gp120 reduces the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in vivo: potential implication for neuronal cell death

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    Neuronal loss has been observed in post mortem brains of patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Experimental evidence has implicated HIV-1-derived envelope glycoprotein 120 (gp120) in the neuronal cell death observed in these patients. However, the intrinsic mechanisms by which gp120 causes neurotoxicity are still unknown. We have recently shown that the neurotoxic effect of gp120 in vitro is reduced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). We therefore tested the hypothesis that low levels of BDNF render neurons more sensitive to gp120. Gp120 was injected acutely into the striatum of BDNF heterozygous mice and wild-type littermates. BDNF heterozygous mice exhibited more apoptotic neurons in the striatum than wild-type mice, suggesting that BDNF is neuroprotective also in vivo. Because several neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by lack of trophic support, we tested the hypothesis that gp120 may cause apoptosis by reducing BDNF expression. Gp120 was injected acutely in the rat striatum and BDNF levels determined by a two-site immunoassay at various times after the injection. Gp120 elicited a dramatic decrease in BDNF protein levels by 24 h. Reduced BDNF levels were still present at 4 days. Cellular localization of BDNF immunoreactivity revealed that gp120 decreases BDNF immunoreactivity mainly in neuronal processes. This effect of gp120 precedes the peak of caspase-3 activation and neuronal cell death. We propose that one of the mechanisms whereby gp120 causes neurotoxicity is a reduction of the neurotrophic factor environment crucial for cell survival