81 research outputs found


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    After the preparation of the tooth, one of the main manipulations in the manufacture of aesthetic structures is to obtain an impression. When prosthetics with metal-ceramic and all-ceramic crowns, the refined impression technique is used using silicone or polyester impression materials. One of the main criteria for the obtained impression is the accurate representation of the tissues of the marginal periodontium, the hard tissues of the tooth in the cervical area and the gingival sulcus, which is an important step for the exact fit of the subgingival margin of the future restoration. To achieve this goal, a special manipulation is carried out - gum retraction, which consists in expanding and completely opening the periodontal sulcus

    Electronic Government as an Element of the Digital Economy: Experience of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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    The global trend of the world development is the strengthening of the strong-willed ICT usage processes as one of the driving forces for public administration refines. The electronic services sphere of the legislative and executive state power and administration bodies happens to be one of the basic components for organizational and technical system in the digital economy. Successful implementation of e-government development initiatives in Azerbaijan will help to reduce the volume of the shadow economy, the current level of which is the highest in the world. The article considers the initiatives of Azerbaijan Republic in e-government concept implementation. Necessity of further ICT development as a priority branch for countries sustainable progress and as the provision for the increasing demands of the society for ICT services and products as well as the growth of ICT implementation in all levels of the public administration and in the local authorities is substantiated as the main conclusion by author

    Study of the Activity of Phospholipase A2 in Venom of the Transcaucasian Macrovipera Lebetina Obtusa

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    The activity of phospholipase A2 in the venom of the Transcaucasian Macrovipera lebetina obtusa, collected from viperas inhabiting in different regions of Azerbaijan in terms of pollution, was studied. The lowest (30,2 IU / mg) was detected in the venom of Viperas collected in Sabirabad district, Karatuga village and the highest was detected in the venom of Viperas collected in Baku, s. Bina (38,5IU / mg). As a result of experimental studies it follows that the activity of phospholipase in the venom collected in the vicinity of the Sabirabad district Karatuga village and Agsu district Garagoyunlu village, Gobustan district Childag village, Bina and Sumgait is 30.2 ± 1.1 IU / mg, 32.6 ± 0.9 IU / mg, 34.5 ± 0.8 IU / mg, 38.5 ± 0.2 IU / mg and 36.1 ± 0 , 8 IU / mg, respectively. Thus, the activity of phospholipase A2 in the venom of the Transcaucasian Viperas Macrovipera lebetina obtusa collected from snakes inhabiting different in the degree of contamination of the regions of Azerbaijan was studied. The results of the experimental data can be used to determine the biological activity of the venom samples, including, for identification and standardization of the venom of the vipera

    Ecology factor and Venom of snake Macrovipera lebetina obtusa

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    In this article presents experimental data, the basic composition of the venom of Macrovipera lebetina obtusa, captured from different regions of Azerbaijan, differing in degree of contamination by industrial emissions was studied. γ – radiospectrometric studies showed that the samples of venom also contain radionuclides as Ra228, Ra226, K40 and 137 Cs. It was established that the radiation dose (up to dose 1.35 kGy) for 3 minutes did not cause structural changes in the samples venom of vipera, but rather contribute to the stabilization of both toxicity and pharmacological activity while increasing the shelf life of aqueous solutions of vipera venom. At high doses (2.7, 4.05 and 5.4 kGy) γ-irradiation for 3 minutes there was a gradual decrease in toxicity (pharmacological activity of enzymes) of snake venom. We can assume that these data can be used in the identification of zootoxins and their metabolites, and these criteria can serve as a theoretical basis for the development of effective methods for diagnosis of poisoning zootoxins

    Digital Economy in the Projection of the Economic Development Model: Realities of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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    At present, not only the formation of the VI technological order is occurring, but also the transition to a network model for the development of the world economy, a specific feature of which is virtualization. This is the objective reality of our time, to which all countries are forced to adapt, taking it for granted, coexisting in a single digital space. The article explores the economic model and identifies patterns of economic development in Azerbaijan in the postSoviet period. The experience of digitalization of the economy is studied on the basis of public administration, the key factors for the development of the Azerbaijani economy are formulated, the perspective direction of using digital technologies within the framework of the existing economic development model is substantiated. A hypothesis is the assumption that it is necessary to use blockchain technology to increase the efficiency of the oil and gas sector, which forms a significant part of the state budget revenues, more than 50% of which are transfers from the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan

    Противоречия судебно-уголовной политики

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    The subject of the study is the criminal policy in the context of contradictions in the functioning of the courts.The purpose of the study is to investigate, which contradictions of criminal policy are generated by a multi-level system of courts, and which mechanisms for overcoming them in order to optimize criminal policy could be found out.The methodology. In modern conditions of diversification of methodological approaches to organizing and conducting political-legal research, it is important not to discard, but to rethink and rediscover the epistemological possibilities of the methods of classical science, especially the method of dialectical analysis.The main results and scope of the study. The use of the category "dialectical contradiction" for the purpose of studying the problems of the functioning of the courts in terms of the interpretation and application of criminal law provisions opens up new possibilities in the study of criminal and judicial policy, as well as determining the prospects for its development. In the study, the law enforcement contradictions of criminal policy refer to the relations between courts of various types and levels that develop in the course of their functioning and reflect the opposite approaches of law enforcement bodies to the interpretation and application of criminal legislation. Considering the level and type of legal proceedings, these contradictions can be summarized in the following groups: (a) between national and international courts; (b) between superior courts of the national legal system; (c) between the courts of various instances of the system of courts of general jurisdiction.The contradictions between national and international courts, emerging in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, are an objective source of development of judicial practice and policy. The resolution of these contradictions is based on the consensus of various courts and compromise. If the position of the European Court of Human Rights does not contradict the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state adjusts its legal practice in the direction set by the authoritative international instance by means of: (a) direct application of national legislation with due regard for the ECHR’s legal positions; (b) the application of national legislation in its constitutional interpretation by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which does not differ from the decisions and positions of the ECHR; (c) amending national legal acts in pursuance of ECHR judgments. In exceptional cases, when the position of the European Court touches upon issues of the country's constitutional identity, the contradiction between the international and national legal order is resolved by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the basis of the priority of constitutional norms.At the level of the superior national courts the contradictions are represented by the differing positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the assessment and interpretation of criminal law provisions. Such contradictions can be thought of as latent until they are not revealed in constitutional proceedings. The identification and resolution of these contradictions is the most important direction of legal policy in the country; it reflects the consistent solution of the aim of constitutionalization of the criminal law.At the level of the system of courts of general jurisdiction, the concept of "contradiction" can only be applied to those differing approaches of the courts to solving criminal cases that do not go beyond the rule of law. Contradictions arise only when, having correctly established the factual circumstances of the case, the courts disagree in the choice of the legal provision to be applied, although any such choice can be explained and motivated. These contradictions may or may not be related to the quality of criminal legislation. Therefore, the mechanism for their resolution includes not only law revision. It is important to use the capabilities of the judicial system itself to develop a consensual understanding of the textual content of the criminal law and the rules for its application.Conclusions. Overcoming the contradictions of the judicial criminal policy is possible only in the process of communication and dialogue between the courts of different levels on the basis of differentiation of jurisdiction, respect for authority and independence.Рассматриваются противоречия судебного уровня реализации уголовной политики, которые складываются в сфере функционирования международных и национальных судов различных уровней при толковании, оценке и применении правовых норм. Предлагается классификация этих противоречий на основе уровня, вида судопроизводства и источника возникновения, которая помогает лучше понять механизм функционирования судебной системы, роль судов в обеспечении верховенства права. Принимая во внимание диалектическую природу противоречий, доказывается, что механизм их преодоления должен включать в себя как организационные решения в части разграничения компетенции судов, так и идейно-нормативные решения, обеспечивающие компромисс судебных позиций ради достижения общей цели соблюдения прав человека при разрешении уголовно-правового конфликта

    Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Implementation of the Public-Private Partnership Mechanism in the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan

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    The relevance of research on the implementation of the public-private partnership mechanism is determined by the important role of the state in investment projects of oil and gas enterprises. The article discusses the global practice and the experience of applying the mechanism of public-private partnership in the oil and gas sector of the Russian economy, identifies elements of the synergistic effect of public-private partnership, describes models of public-private partnership, presents successful examples of public-private partnership in the oil and gas sector of Russia. The key problem of the implementation of the mechanism of public-private partnership in Russia is identified, which consists in the insufficient development of medium-term and long-term financing and it is proposed to increase the level of attracted foreign capital through project financing. An assessment of the application of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the countries of the Eastern Partnership is carried out and the experience of the oil and gas sector of Azerbaijan is considered. The creation of a Public-Private Partnership Development Center in Azerbaijan is proposed to support public-private partnership policies, as well as support projects and programs of partnership between the state and business

    The comparative analysis of rentgenogrammetric parameters of chest department of a columna vertebralis in norm and at an osteochondrosis depending on somatotype

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    Purpose: Analysis of rentgenogrammetric parameters of chest department of a columna vertebralis in norm and at an osteochondrosis depending on somatotype.Material and Methods: To define with rentgenogrammetric methods development proportionality of bone wramework thoracic cage principal elements and to compare them with somatotypes.Results: The carried out researches with all objectivity allow to recommend allocation of a concrete contingent among pupils of schools and higher educational institutions on somatic types and the presented levels of a variation of anthropo-metric signs as groups of risk of degenerate-dystrophic of columna vertebralis disease (DDCVD).Summary: The given methodological approach allows to carry out authentic forecasting of presence of degenerate-dystrophic disease of a backbone in teenage, youthful and in the beginning of the first mature period of a life, even in the absence of clinical displays of pathological process. Finally it is obviously possible to spend timely correction of initial stages of development of an osteochondrosis by adequate methods of preventive maintenance and treatment

    Negative magneto-resistance of electron gas in a quantum well with parabolic potential

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    We have studied the electrical conductivity of the electron gas in parallel electric and magnetic fields directed along the plane of a parabolic quantum well (across the profile of the potential). We found a general expression for the electrical conductivity applicable for any magnitudes of the magnetic field and the degree of degeneration of the electron gas. A new mechanism of generation of the negative magnetoresistance has been revealed. It has been shown that in a parabolic quantum well with a non-degenerated electron gas the negative magnetoresistance results from spin splitting of the levels of the size quantization.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Menstruation: science and society

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    © 2020 The Authors Women\u27s health concerns are generally underrepresented in basic and translational research, but reproductive health in particular has been hampered by a lack of understanding of basic uterine and menstrual physiology. Menstrual health is an integral part of overall health because between menarche and menopause, most women menstruate. Yet for tens of millions of women around the world, menstruation regularly and often catastrophically disrupts their physical, mental, and social well-being. Enhancing our understanding of the underlying phenomena involved in menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, and other menstruation-related disorders will move us closer to the goal of personalized care. Furthermore, a deeper mechanistic understanding of menstruation—a fast, scarless healing process in healthy individuals—will likely yield insights into a myriad of other diseases involving regulation of vascular function locally and systemically. We also recognize that many women now delay pregnancy and that there is an increasing desire for fertility and uterine preservation. In September 2018, the Gynecologic Health and Disease Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development convened a 2-day meeting, “Menstruation: Science and Society” with an aim to “identify gaps and opportunities in menstruation science and to raise awareness of the need for more research in this field.” Experts in fields ranging from the evolutionary role of menstruation to basic endometrial biology (including omic analysis of the endometrium, stem cells and tissue engineering of the endometrium, endometrial microbiome, and abnormal uterine bleeding and fibroids) and translational medicine (imaging and sampling modalities, patient-focused analysis of menstrual disorders including abnormal uterine bleeding, smart technologies or applications and mobile health platforms) to societal challenges in health literacy and dissemination frameworks across different economic and cultural landscapes shared current state-of-the-art and future vision, incorporating the patient voice at the launch of the meeting. Here, we provide an enhanced meeting report with extensive up-to-date (as of submission) context, capturing the spectrum from how the basic processes of menstruation commence in response to progesterone withdrawal, through the role of tissue-resident and circulating stem and progenitor cells in monthly regeneration—and current gaps in knowledge on how dysregulation leads to abnormal uterine bleeding and other menstruation-related disorders such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, and fibroids—to the clinical challenges in diagnostics, treatment, and patient and societal education. We conclude with an overview of how the global agenda concerning menstruation, and specifically menstrual health and hygiene, are gaining momentum, ranging from increasing investment in addressing menstruation-related barriers facing girls in schools in low- to middle-income countries to the more recent “menstrual equity” and “period poverty” movements spreading across high-income countries