40 research outputs found

    Heliospheric modulation of galactic cosmic rays : Effective energy of ground-based detectors

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    Variability of Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) is often expressed in terms of the modulation potential, which is typically assessed using energy-integrating ground-based detectors, such as neutron monitors (NMs) for the last decades or cosmogenic isotopes on the time scales of centuries and millennia. In order to estimate the energy dependence of the GCR variability we re-assess here the effective energy Eeff of each type of detector, which is defined so that the variability of the GCR particles at this energy is equal to that of the detector's count rate. We found that Eeff is 11-12 GeV/nuc for the standard polar sea-level neutron monitor, but it is essentially smaller for cosmogenic isotopes, being 6-7 GeV/nuc for 14C and 5.5-6 GeV/nuc for 10Be, respectively. It is also discussed that this effective energy is robustly defined and is hardly dependent on the primary assumptions on the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) of GCR. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Peer reviewe

    Heliospheric modulation of galactic cosmic rays : Effective energy of ground-based detectors

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    Variability of Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) is often expressed in terms of the modulation potential, which is typically assessed using energy-integrating ground-based detectors, such as neutron monitors (NMs) for the last decades or cosmogenic isotopes on the time scales of centuries and millennia. In order to estimate the energy dependence of the GCR variability we re-assess here the effective energy Eeff of each type of detector, which is defined so that the variability of the GCR particles at this energy is equal to that of the detector's count rate. We found that Eeff is 11-12 GeV/nuc for the standard polar sea-level neutron monitor, but it is essentially smaller for cosmogenic isotopes, being 6-7 GeV/nuc for 14C and 5.5-6 GeV/nuc for 10Be, respectively. It is also discussed that this effective energy is robustly defined and is hardly dependent on the primary assumptions on the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) of GCR. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Peer reviewe

    Modeling a Coronal Mass Ejection as a Magnetized Structure with EUHFORIA

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    We studied an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) that erupted on 2015 March 15. Our aim was to model the CME flux rope as a magnetized structure using the European Heliospheric Forecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA). The flux rope from eruption data (FRED) output was applied to the EUHFORIA spheromak CME model. In addition to the geometrical properties of the CME flux rope, we needed to input the parameters that determine the CME internal magnetic field like the helicity, tilt angle, and toroidal flux of the CME flux rope. According to the FRED technique geometrical properties of the CME flux rope are obtained by applying a graduated cylindrical shell fitting of the CME flux rope on the coronagraph images. The poloidal field magnetic properties can be estimated from the reconnection flux in the source region utilizing the post-eruption arcade method, which uses the Heliospheric Magnetic Imager magnetogram together with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 193 angstrom images. We set up two EUHFORIA runs with RUN-1 using the toroidal flux obtained from the FRED technique and RUN-2 using the toroidal flux that was measured from the core dimming regions identified from the AIA 211 angstrom images. We found that the EUHFORIA simulation outputs from RUN-1 and RUN-2 are comparable to each other. Overall using the EUHFORIA spheromak model, we successfully obtained the magnetic field rotation of the flux rope, while the arrival time near Earth and the strength of the interplanetary CME magnetic field at Earth are not as accurately modeled.Peer reviewe

    The impact of coronal hole characteristics and solar cycle activity in reconstructing coronal holes with EUHFORIA

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    Modelling with high accuracy the open magnetic field and the fast solar wind in the heliosphere is essential for space weather forecasting purposes. Primary sources of open magnetic field flux are Coronal Holes (CH), uni-polar regions that appear as dark patches in the solar corona when observed in X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) images due to having significantly lower density and temperature to their surroundings. Therefore, when assessing how well the open magnetic field and the fast solar wind are modelled one can look at how well the model performs on one of its fundamental functions, that of reconstructing coronal hole areas. In this study we investigate how the CH morphology (i.e. latitudinal position of the centre of mass, area, intensity, elongation) and the solar variability, from high to low activity periods, can affect the results. We also investigated the possibility that the model is reconstructing CHs that are systematically shifted with respect to their observed position. The study is applied on 15 CHs exhibiting different latitudinal position and geometry. We compare the modelled CH areas with boundaries obtained by remote sensing EUV observations using the CATCH tool (Collection of Analysis Tools for Coronal Holes). We found no apparent effect of the CH characteristics on the modelling capabilities. In addition, solar cycle activity seems not to have any effect either. However, we emphasize that our sample is small and this outcome highlights the need for an extended research.Peer reviewe

    Reconstructing Coronal Hole Areas With EUHFORIA and Adapted WSA Model : Optimizing the Model Parameters

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    The adopted Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) model embedded in EUHFORIA (EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset) is compared to EUV observations. According to the standard paradigm, coronal holes are sources of open flux; thus, we use remote sensing EUV observations and CATCH (Collection of Analysis Tools for Coronal Holes) to extract CH areas and compare them to the open flux areas modeled by EUHFORIA. From the adopted WSA model we employ only the Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) model for the inner corona and the Schatten Current Sheet (SCS) model for the outer (PFSS+SCS). The height, R-ss, of the outer boundary of the PFSS, known as the source surface, and the height, R-i, of the inner boundary of the SCS are important parameters affecting the modeled CH areas. We investigate the impact the two model parameters can have in the modeled results. We vary R-ss within the interval [1.4, 3.2]R-circle dot with a step of 0.1R(circle dot), and R-i within the interval [1.3, 2.8]R-circle dot with the same step, and the condition that R-iPeer reviewe

    Connecting remote and in situ observations of shock-accelerated electrons associated with a coronal mass ejection

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    One of the most prominent sources for energetic particles in our solar system are huge eruptions of magnetised plasma from the Sun called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which usually drive shocks that accelerate charged particles up to relativistic energies. In particular, energetic electron beams can generate radio bursts through the plasma emission mechanism, for example, type II and accompanying herringbone bursts. Here, we investigate the acceleration location, escape, and propagation directions of various electron beams in the solar corona and compare them to the arrival of electrons at spacecraft. To track energetic electron beams, we use a synthesis of remote and direct observations combined with coronal modelling. Remote observations include ground-based radio observations from the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) combined with space-based extreme-ultraviolet and white-light observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and Solar Orbiter (SolO). We also use direct observations of energetic electrons from the STEREO and Wind spacecraft. These observations are then combined with a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the electron acceleration locations that combined with results from magneto-hydrodynamic models of the solar corona is used to investigate the origin and link of electrons observed remotely at the Sun to in situ electrons. We observed a type II radio burst followed by herringbone bursts that show single-frequency movement through time in NRH images. The movement of the type II burst and herringbone radio sources seems to be influenced by the regions in the corona where the CME is more capable of driving a shock. We also found similar inferred injection times of near-relativistic electrons at spacecraft to the emission time of the type II and herringbone bursts.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Analysis of Ground Level Enhancements (GLE) : Extreme solar energetic particle events have hard spectra

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    Nearly 70 Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) of cosmic rays have been recorded by the worldwide neutron monitor network since the 1950s depicting a big variety of energy spectra of solar energetic particles (SEP). Here we studied a statistical relation between the event-integrated intensity of GLEs (calculated as count-rate relative excess, averaged over all available polar neutron monitors, and expressed in percent-hours) and the hardness of the solar particle energy spectra. For each event the integral omnidirectional event integrated fluences of particles with energy above 30 MeV (F-30) and above 200 MeV (F-200) were computed using the reconstructed spectra, and the ratio between the two fluences was considered as a simple index of the event's hardness. We also provided a justification of the spectrum estimate in the form of the Band-function, using direct PAMELA data for GLE 71 (17-May-2012). We found that, while there is no clear relation between the intensity and the hardness for weak events, all strong events with the intensity greater 100 % h are characterized by a very hard spectrum. This implies that a hard spectrum can be securely assumed for all extreme GLE events, e.g., those studied using cosmogenic isotope data in the past. (C) 2016 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Multipoint Observations of the June 2012 Interacting Interplanetary Flux Ropes

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    We report a detailed analysis of interplanetary flux ropes observed at Venus and subsequently at Earth's Lagrange L1 point between June 15 and 17, 2012. The observation points were separated by about 0.28 AU in radial distance and 5 degrees in heliographic longitude at this time. The flux ropes were associated with three coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that erupted from the Sun on June 12-14, 2012 (SOL2012-06-12, SOL2012-06-13, and SOL2012-06-14). We examine the CME-CME interactions using in-situ observations from the almost radially aligned spacecraft at Venus and Earth, as well as using heliospheric modeling and imagery. The June 14 CME reached the June 13 CME near the orbit of Venus and significant interaction occurred before they both reached Earth. The shock driven by the June 14 CME propagated through the June 13 CME and the two CMEs coalesced, creating the signatures of one large, coherent flux rope at L1. We discuss the origin of the strong interplanetary magnetic fields related to this sequence of events, the complexity of interpreting solar wind observations in the case of multiple interacting CMEs, and the coherence of the flux ropes at different observation points.Peer reviewe

    Multi-spacecraft observations of the structure of the sheath of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection and related energetic ion enhancement

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    Context. Sheath regions ahead of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale heliospheric structures that form gradually with CME expansion and propagation from the Sun. Turbulent and compressed sheaths could contribute to the acceleration of charged particles in the corona and in interplanetary space, but the relation of their internal structure to the particle energization process is still a relatively little studied subject. In particular, the role of sheaths in accelerating particles when the shock Mach number is low is a significant open research problem. Aims. This work seeks to provide new insights on the internal structure of CME-driven sheaths with regard to energetic particle enhancements. A good opportunity to achieve this aim was provided by multi-point, in-situ observations of a sheath region made by radially aligned spacecraft at 0.8 and similar to 1 AU (Solar Orbiter, the L1 spacecraft Wind and ACE, and BepiColombo) on April 19-21, 2020. The sheath was preceded by a weak and slowly propagating fast-mode shock. Methods. We apply a range of analysis techniques to in situ magnetic field, plasma and particle observations. The study focuses on smaller scale sheath structures and magnetic field fluctuations that coincide with energetic ion enhancements. Results. Energetic ion enhancements were identified in the sheath, but at different locations within the sheath structure at Solar Orbiter and L1. Magnetic fluctuation amplitudes at inertial-range scales increased in the sheath relative to the solar wind upstream of the shock, as is typically observed. However, when normalised to the local mean field, fluctuation amplitudes did not increase significantly; magnetic compressibility of fluctuation also did not increase within the sheath. Various substructures were found to be embedded within the sheath at the different spacecraft, including multiple heliospheric current sheet (HCS) crossings and a small-scale flux rope. At L1, the ion flux enhancement was associated with the HCS crossings, while at Solar Orbiter, the ion enhancement occurred within a compressed, small-scale flux rope. Conclusions. Several internal smaller-scale substructures and clear difference in their occurrence and properties between the used spacecraft was identified within the analyzed CME-driven sheath. These substructures are favourable locations for the energization of charged particles in interplanetary space. In particular, substructures that are swept from the upstream solar wind and compressed into the sheath can act as effective acceleration sites. A possible acceleration mechanism is betatron acceleration associated with a small-scale flux rope and warped HCS compressed in the sheath, while the contribution of shock acceleration to the latter cannot be excluded.Peer reviewe

    Solar energetic particle time series analysis with Python

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    Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) are charged particles accelerated within the solar atmosphere or the interplanetary space by explosive phenomena such as solar flares or Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Once injected into the interplanetary space, they can propagate towards Earth, causing space weather related phenomena. For their analysis, interplanetary in situ measurements of charged particles are key. The recently expanded spacecraft fleet in the heliosphere not only provides much-needed additional vantage points, but also increases the variety of missions and instruments for which data loading and processing tools are needed. This manuscript introduces a series of Python functions that will enable the scientific community to download, load, and visualize charged particle measurements of the current space missions that are especially relevant to particle research as time series or dynamic spectra. In addition, further analytical functionality is provided that allows the determination of SEP onset times as well as their inferred injection times. The full workflow, which is intended to be run within Jupyter Notebooks and can also be approachable for Python laymen, will be presented with scientific examples. All functions are written in Python, with the source code publicly available at GitHub under a permissive license. Where appropriate, available Python libraries are used, and their application is described.</p