132 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of industrial enterprises in the basis of a new form of economic activity organisation

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    This article examines a new form of economic activity organisation for industrial enterprises in the context of the digital transformation of the economy. The analysis of networking in the cluster and economic approaches has allowed us to identify the guiding principles of interaction between economic actors, and the resulting effects and “values”. The platform education proposed by the author as an organisational and economic activity form is the digital ecosystem component, which is a spatial and temporal environment for the functioning of enterprises. A scheme for assessing data and process management in this ecosystem has been developed using the metrics proposed by the author. This scheme reflects the production-logistics chain formed in the framework of the actors’ integration in the digital ecosystem


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    The features of the formation of the mechanism of sustainable development of industry on the basis of new principles of effective use of resources, based on the coordination of the volume of involvement of resources in the production process, taking into account the possibilities of reproduction and knowledge economy have been presented. The resource potential of the industry as part of the socio-economic system of the industry has been considered, characterized not only by the limit of production growth, but also by the technological capabilities of the industry, which affects the potential growth of the economy as a whole. It has been proposed to determine the growth of industrial sectors of the economy through the formation of a mechanism of sustainable development, which allows you to determine the growth potential by changing the principles of involving resources in the production process, taking into account innovative capabilities of the industry and rational allocation. The possibility of allocation of resources has been defined on the basis of substitution determined by the emergence of new technologies and the dynamics of their implementation in the industry

    Functioning features of industrial enterprises and complexes in modern economic conditions: structural changes and industrial development prospects

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    The article presents an analysis that contains functioning features of industrial enterprises and complexes in the conditions of transformation of their activities caused by the fourth industrial revolution. The purpose of the study is to determine the significance of structural changes in industry and the role of industrial policy in the implementation of structural transformations that contribute to the sustainable development of the economy. During the set goal, the objectives of the study were identified, which are necessary to coordinate industrial development programs in related sectors of the economy, modernization of infrastructure that promotes industrial development on a platform basis and the effectiveness of industrial policy implemented at the state level. When studying the task, methods of system and structural analysis, a structural-functional approach to the analysis of structural change problems were used. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the currently implemented programs of enterprise development should be coordinated with the strategies for the development of industries, which will allow them to coordinate and determine the levels and ways of interaction of economic entities. The directions of structural changes are proposed as a response to the digitalization of production processes and a way of rational organization of economic activity of subjects

    Methodology for business process development in the digital economy in the formation of a sustainable industrial development mechanism

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    The article considers the methodology of business process development in the digital business transformation. The aim of the study was to determine the dependence of sustainable enterprise development on the organisation of stakeholder engagement in the context of the digital ecosystem and the organisation of effective digital asset management.Taking into account the aim of the study, the main objectives are to study international experience of managing business development in digital transformation, determine the impact of ecosystems on business organisation and management of business processes and sustainability, and develop recommendations for business model formation and its alignment with the ecosystem market needs.The study resulted in the development of a sustainability framework in the digital ecosystem and proposals for digital ecosystem configurations that focus on giving and generating “value” when applying new ways and methods of “platform” interaction in the digital economy. Sustainability in digital transformation and ecosystematic business organisation depends on how digital assets are managed and approaches used to resource management. This process requires consideration of the methodology for business process development and research into changes in the external environment, identifying the possibility of integrating actors into the digital ecosystem development processes and defining tools for business process management

    Formation of a model for the use of industrial enterprises resources as part of the production and logistics chain

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    The article defines the ways of using the resources of an industrial enterprise as a result of the transformation of business processes occurring in the context of interactions within the ecosystem. The approaches to the use of resources aimed at ensuring the resource potential and determining the chains of creating “value” in the resource model, the development of which was carried out in the blocks “production” – “Logistics” – “Interaction” – “Infrastructure”, have been analysed. It has been proposed to identify resources according to the parameters of the value of use, complementarity, the possibility of substitution and the benefits received from the use by economic entities as a result of ecosystem interaction. An assessment of the resource requirements has been presented, taking into account the level of automation of operations in business processes that make up the economic benefits of use and utility


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    The possibility of applying a new form of personnel training on the principle of an open system that includes training modules that are embedded in the educational program based on «best practices» has been analysed. When implementing the educational program, the circle of participants has been expanded. The participants are partner universities and enterprises that provide access to new technologies and material and technical base. The proposed practice-oriented model of education allows us to form a rational mechanism for co-financing educational programs by all its participants. An approach to personnel training with a reserve of high professional growth based on a practice-oriented educational environment has been proposed. The conducted analysis of normative legal acts has made it possible to determine the most effective forms of interaction between participants in the educational platform and new principles for organizing advanced training. The role of innovative scientific and technological centers in the formation of a new model of personnel training has been determined

    Transformation of the development model of the building materials industry with consideration to changes in the economic structure during digitalisation of business processes

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    In the process of digitalisation of the economy, economic integration occurs at the micro, meso and macro levels. There is a need to change the model of industrial development with consideration to the ongoing changes in the economic structure. The article proposes the author’s model for development of the building materials industry, reflecting a new approach to the use of resources and formation of resource potential by a set of enterprises. An attempt has been made to present options for increasing production capacity of industrial enterprises based on the developed scale which allows determining the need to reserve production capacity when enterprises conduct activities in a single ecosystem. The article determined the features of the developed model and its advantages for the building materials industry and related industries, the importance of interaction processes in the formation of economic relations and results. The presented results are of an applied nature, reflect the specifics and directions of development of economics of ecosystems in relation to the industrial sector, determine the role of the building materials industry in the structural transformation of the economy and its purpose in the reproduction process. The search for ways of sustainable industrial development is defined on the basis of the presented development model and opportunities created as a result of the emergence of a new version of industry interaction between economic entities. The essence of reproduction processes in the ecosystem is reflected, considering the functional purpose of economic entities and characteristics of reproduction of fixed assets in industry

    Problemas de gestión empresarial en la actual situación de crisis

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    The paper examines the problems faced by enterprises in the real sector of the economy. These problems are not new; they have been discussed in the scientific community for a decade, but in today's realities, when the entire world economy lives in a pandemic, these problems have become aggravated and require a serious, balanced approach to their solution. All economic crises are primarily reflected in investment activity. That is why it is necessary to highlight economic security to ensure the effectiveness of budget investments. In this area, the bulk of violations and sometimes crimes are observed in the financial and investment area of relations of all participants in business processes in the economy. In general methodological terms, the article substantiates and reveals a proposal for organizing a system of indicative analysis and regulation of production volumes and production and economic activities of enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy as an organizational tool for resolving crisis situations in the economy. Both external and internal factors are touched upon, which caused the current unsatisfactory state of the Russian economy. In a concrete plan, the author's proposals on the directions and ways of overcoming the current crisis phenomena in the Russian economy are presented.El documento examina los problemas que enfrentan las empresas en el sector real de la economía. Estos problemas no son nuevos; se han debatido en la comunidad científica durante una década, pero en la realidad actual, cuando toda la economía mundial vive en una pandemia, estos problemas se han agravado y requieren un enfoque serio y equilibrado para su solución. Todas las crisis económicas se reflejan principalmente en la actividad inversora. Por eso es necesario resaltar la seguridad económica en el campo de asegurar la efectividad de las inversiones presupuestarias. Es en esta área donde se observan la mayor parte de las violaciones y, en ocasiones, los delitos en el área financiera y de inversión de las relaciones de todos los participantes en los procesos comerciales de la economía. En términos metodológicos generales, el artículo fundamenta y revela una propuesta de organización de un sistema de análisis indicativo y regulación de los volúmenes de producción y actividades productivas y económicas de las empresas y organizaciones del sector real de la economía, como herramienta organizativa para resolver situaciones de crisis en la economía. Se abordan los factores, tanto externos como internos, que causaron el actual estado insatisfactorio de la economía rusa. En un plan concreto, se presentan las propuestas del autor sobre las direcciones y formas de superar los fenómenos de crisis actuales en la economía rusa

    Managing the industrial enterprises development in ecosystem interaction

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    The article considers a new approach to managing the development of enterprises operating in a period of digital transformations and ecosystem interaction. The concepts of sustainability and development in an economic context have been analysed. The author’s interpretation of the concept of sustainable development has been outlined and the factors that ensure the development and sustainability of enterprises have been identified. The benefits and limitations of sustainable development management, and the specific of data analysis in the digital ecosystem of the industrial enterprise as a component of sustainability and security of actors, have been defined. The components of a sustainable development framework have been identified and the effects obtained at the ecosystem level of interaction have been highlighted. Guidelines for new management approaches to the organisation of modern business processes and management decisions have been given

    Problemas de gestión empresarial en la actual situación de crisis

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    El documento examina los problemas que enfrentan las empresas en el sector real de la economía. Estos problemas no son nuevos; se han debatido en la comunidad científica durante una década,pero en la realidad actual, cuando toda la economía mundial vive en una pandemia, estos problemas se han agravado y requieren un enfoque serio y equilibrado para su solución. Todas las crisis económicas se reflejan principalmente en la actividad inversora. Por eso es necesario resaltar la seguridad económica en el campo de asegurar la efectividad de las inversiones presupuestarias. Es en esta área donde se observan la mayor parte de las violaciones y, en ocasiones, los delitos en el área financiera y de inversión de las relaciones de todos los participantes en los procesos comerciales de la economía. En términos metodológicos generales, el artículo fundamenta y revela una propuesta de organización de un sistema de análisis indicativo y regulación de los volúmenes de producción y actividades productivas y económicas de las empresas y organizaciones del sector real de la economía, como herramienta organizativa para resolver situaciones de crisis en la economía. Se abordan los factores, tanto externos como internos, que causaron el actual estado insatisfactorio de la economía rusa. En un plan concreto, se presentan las propuestas del autor sobre las direcciones y formas de superar los fenómenos de crisis actuales en la economía rus