1,146 research outputs found

    Diffusion of water from a range of conservation treatment gels into paint films studied by unilateral NMR: Part I: Acrylic emulsion paint

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    Unilateral NMR was used to monitor the penetration of water into acrylic emulsion paint-outs on canvas during cleaning simulations with five thickened conservation treatment systems – agarose gels, methylcellulose paste, Pemulen-TR2, poly(vinyl alcohol)-borax gels, and Velvesil Plus – and water-moistened swabs. Studies were also carried out to measure the rate of water penetration from the different treatment methods into acrylic paints during continuous exposure. Unilateral NMR is shown to be an effective technique for comparing depth penetration of water during cleaning treatments; the volume of paint occupied by water can be extracted from these measurements. The results show that young paint films (1 month) are more prone to swelling than aged paint films (2–50 years), with light aged paints having the highest resistance to water penetration during treatments. Aged organic pigmented acrylic paint (Hansa yellow light) shows a higher propensity for swelling during cleaning than aged titanium dioxide white paint. Cleaning simulations using water-moistened swabs and agar gels deposit approximately equivalent amounts of water into the paint films, whilst all other gel systems tested, with the exception of Velvesil Plus, tend to allow approximately 50% more water into the paint films. None of the aqueous thickened cleaning systems tested reduced the quantity of water which entered the paint films relative to swab cleaning

    Mjerenje prinosa međusustavnog prijelaza s4U u tRNA vremenski-razlučenim izbjeljivanjem

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    The rare base 4-thiouridine (s4U), present in various transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules from Escherichia coli, occupies usually the strategically important 8 th position between the double helices of the acceptor and the dihydrouridine stems of the cloverleaf. This unusual base is largely used as an intrinsic build-in probe for RNA conformational and RNA(DNA)–protein interaction studies through triplet excited state photochemistry related to covalent adducts formation. Here, by applying laser transient absorption saturation spectroscopy, we measured the intersystem crossing yield ϕST and the excited triplet state absorption εT−T of s4U within tRNA. While the incorporation of s4U in tRNA induced appreciable changes in the latter, no important variation of the intersystem crossing yield was observed, which is in contrasts with the published data.Rijetka baza 4-thiouridine (s4U), koju nalazimo u raznim prijenosnim molekulama RNA (tRNA) Escherichie coli, obično uzima strateški važan 8. položaj između dviju zavojnica primatelja i dihidrouridinskih stapki lista djeteline. Ta se neobična baza najviše rabi kao unutarnja ugradbena proba za proučavanje interakcija konformalne RNA s RNA(DNA)–proteinima preko fotokemije tripletnog uzbuđenog stanja, povezanog sa stvaranjem kovalentnih adukata. U ovom smo radu primjenom laserske prijelazne apsorpcijske spektroskopije sa zasićenjem mjerili prinos međusustavnih prijelaza ϕST i apsorpciju tripletnog stanja εT−T s 4U u tRNA. Dok ugrađivanje s4U u tRNA uzrokuje prilične promjene u tRNA, nismo opazili promjene prinosa međusustavnih prijelaza, što nije u skladu s objavljenim rezultatima

    Dynamic model of gene regulation for the lac operon

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    Gene regulatory network is a collection of DNA which interact with each other and with other matter in the cell. The lac operon is an example of a relatively simple genetic network and is one of the best-studied structures in the Escherichia coli bacteria. In this work we consider a deterministic model of the lac operon with a noise term, representing the stochastic nature of the regulation. The model is written in terms of a system of simultaneous first order differential equations with delays. We investigate an analytical and numerical solution and analyse the range of values for the parameters corresponding to a stable solution

    Organizational And Economic Characteristics Of Compensations For Temporary Loss Of Capacity To Work

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    The insurance for general diseases with temporary incapacity to work has specific features due to the specifics of the risk it covers. Such diseases are very frequent but usually mild and entail specific consequences, such as reduction or loss of income due to sick leaves. The object of research is the insurance for of general diseases and its subject is the organizational framework and the regulations regarding the benefits for temporary incapacity for work. The aim of this study is to investigate the organizational and economic characteristics of benefits for temporary incapacity for work due to general disease in certain of the European Union and formulate guidelines for organizational development and improvement of the social security system in Bulgaria

    Učinci UV zračenja visokog intenziteta na izdvojen i s dna interkaliran etidium bromid

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    High-intensity picosecond laser flash photolysis has been used for investigating ethidium bromide (EtBr). The quantum yield of primary photoproducts as a function of the laser intensity has been obtained. DNA intercalated EtBr and water solutions of EtBr have been investigated. The results have been compared. They show that two-photon processes are predominantly responsible for generation of hydrated electron (eaq-). The primary processes of DNA photosensitization have also been discussed.Istraživali smo etidium bromid (EtBr) pomoću pikosekundne bljeskovne fotolize velikog intenziteta. Određeni su kvantni prinosi fotoprodukata u ovisnosti o intenzitetu laserskog snopa. Istraživao se je EtBr u vodenoj otopini i interkalirani s DNA. Rezultati se uspoređuju i oni pokazuju da pretežno dvofotonski procesi tvore hidrirane elektrone eaq-. Raspravljaju se također primarni procesi fotosenzitiranja DNA

    Assessment of ROS Production in the Mitochondria of Live Cells

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    Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the mitochondria plays multiple roles in physiology, and excessive production of ROS leads to the development of various pathologies. ROS in the mitochondria are generated by various enzymes, mainly in the electron transporvt chain, and it is important to identify not only the trigger but also the source of free radical production. It is important to measure mitochondrial ROS in live, intact cells, because activation of ROS production could be initiated by changes in extramitochondrial processes which could be overseen when using isolated mitochondria. Here we describe the approaches, which allow to measure production of ROS in the matrix of mitochondria in live cells. We also demonstrate how to measure kinetic changes in lipid peroxidation in mitochondria of live cells. These methods could be used for understanding the mechanisms of pathology in a variety of disease models and also for testing neuro- or cardioprotective chemicals

    Laserska izravna dvofotonska fotoliza guanina u DNK

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    Nanosecond laser-induced oxidative lesions at guanines within DNA were investigated using sequencing gel electrophoresis analysis. Strong sequence-specific lesions on guanines were revealed by either Fpg or piperidine treatments and assigned to 8-oxoG and oxazolone, respectively. It was shown that both the biphotonic ionization process and the chemical reactivity of the radical cation (G+) are dependent on the DNA sequence. The former were explained by the occurrence of energy and charge migration phenomena, while the latter in terms of local DNA hydration peculiarities.Istraživali smo lomove DNK izazvane nanosekundnim laserskim impulsima primjenom gel elektroforeze za određivanje nizova. Otkrili smo snažne nizovno specifične lomove kod guanina djelovanjem sa Fpg ili piperidinom i oni se pripisuju 8-oxoG odnosno oxazolonu. Pokazali smo da su i dvofotonski ionizacijski proces i kemijska reaktivnost radikala kationa (G+) nizovno ovisni. Prvi se objašnjava selenjem energije i naboja, a drugi kao posebnosti lokalnog hidriranja DNK