32,498 research outputs found

    Molecular orientation entanglement and temporal Bell-type inequalities

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    We detail and extend the results of [Milman {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 99}, 130405 (2007)] on Bell-type inequalities based on correlations between measurements of continuous observables performed on trapped molecular systems. We show that for some observables with a continuous spectrum which is bounded, one is able to construct non-locality tests sharing common properties with those for two-level systems. The specific observable studied here is molecular spatial orientation, and it can be experimentally measured for single molecules, as required in our protocol. We also provide some useful general properties of the derived inequalities and study their robustness to noise. Finally, we detail possible experimental scenarii and analyze the role played by different experimental parameters.Comment: 10 pages and 5 figure

    Mechanisms of superconductivity investigated by nuclear radiation

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    Investigation focused on the behavior of superconducting magnet and its constituent materials during and after exposure to nuclear radiation. The results will indicate the feasibility of their use in diverse applications and various environments

    Cretaceous-to-recent record of elevated 3He/4He along the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain

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    Helium isotopes are a robust geochemical tracer of a primordial mantle component in hot spot volcanism. The high 3He/4He (up to 35 RA, where RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.39 × 10−6) of some Hawaiian Island volcanism is perhaps the classic example. New results for picrites and basalts from the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain indicate that the hot spot has produced high 3He/4He lavas for at least the last 76 million years. Picrites erupted at 76 Ma have 3He/4He (10–14 RA), which is at the lower end of the range for the Hawaiian Islands but still above the range of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB; 6–10 RA). This was at a time when hot spot volcanism was occurring on thin lithosphere close to a spreading ridge and producing lava compositions otherwise nearly indistinguishable from MORB. After the hot spot and spreading center diverged during the Late Cretaceous, the hot spot produced lavas with significantly higher 3He/4He (up to 24 RA). Although 3He/4He ratios stabilized at relatively high values by 65 Ma, other chemical characteristics such as La/Yb and 87Sr/86Sr did not reach and stabilize at Hawaiian-Island-like values until ~45 Ma. Our limited 3He/4He record for the Hawaiian hot spot shows a poor correlation with plume flux estimates (calculated from bathymetry and residual gravity anomalies [Van Ark and Lin, 2004]). If 3He is a proxy for the quantity of primordial mantle material within the plume, then the lack of correlation between 3He/4He and calculated plume flux suggests that variation in primordial mantle flux is not the primary factor controlling total plume flux

    Oxygen-isotope effect on the superconducting gap in the cuprate superconductor Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}

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    The oxygen-isotope (^{16}O/^{18}O) effect (OIE) on the zero-temperature superconducting energy gap \Delta_0 was studied for a series of Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} samples (0.0\leq x\leq0.45). The OIE on \Delta_0 was found to scale with the one on the superconducting transition temperature. These experimental results are in quantitative agreement with predictions from a polaronic model for cuprate high-temperature superconductors and rule out approaches based on purely electronic mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A composition theorem for the Fourier Entropy-Influence conjecture

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    The Fourier Entropy-Influence (FEI) conjecture of Friedgut and Kalai [FK96] seeks to relate two fundamental measures of Boolean function complexity: it states that H[f]≤CInf[f]H[f] \leq C Inf[f] holds for every Boolean function ff, where H[f]H[f] denotes the spectral entropy of ff, Inf[f]Inf[f] is its total influence, and C>0C > 0 is a universal constant. Despite significant interest in the conjecture it has only been shown to hold for a few classes of Boolean functions. Our main result is a composition theorem for the FEI conjecture. We show that if g1,...,gkg_1,...,g_k are functions over disjoint sets of variables satisfying the conjecture, and if the Fourier transform of FF taken with respect to the product distribution with biases E[g1],...,E[gk]E[g_1],...,E[g_k] satisfies the conjecture, then their composition F(g1(x1),...,gk(xk))F(g_1(x^1),...,g_k(x^k)) satisfies the conjecture. As an application we show that the FEI conjecture holds for read-once formulas over arbitrary gates of bounded arity, extending a recent result [OWZ11] which proved it for read-once decision trees. Our techniques also yield an explicit function with the largest known ratio of C≥6.278C \geq 6.278 between H[f]H[f] and Inf[f]Inf[f], improving on the previous lower bound of 4.615

    Iron isotope effect on the superconducting transition temperature and the crystal structure of FeSe_1-x

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    The Fe isotope effect (Fe-IE) on the transition temperature T_c and the crystal structure was studied in the Fe chalcogenide superconductor FeSe_1-x by means of magnetization and neutron powder diffraction (NPD). The substitution of natural Fe (containing \simeq 92% of ^{56}Fe) by its lighter ^{54}Fe isotope leads to a shift of T_c of 0.22(5)K corresponding to an Fe-IE exponent of \alpha_Fe=0.81(15). Simultaneously, a small structural change with isotope substitution is observed by NDP which may contribute to the total Fe isotope shift of T_c.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gemini/GMOS photometry of intermediate-age star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We present Gemini South GMOS g,i photometry of 14 intermediate-age Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) star clusters, namely: NGC 2155, 2161, 2162, 2173, 2203, 2209, 2213, 2231, 2249, Hodge 6, SL 244, 505, 674, and 769, as part of a continuing project to investigate the extended Main Sequence Turnoff (EMSTO) phenomenon. Extensive artificial star tests were made over the observed field of view. These tests reveal the observed behaviour of photometric errors with magnitude and crowding. The cluster stellar density radial profiles were traced from star counts over the extent of the observed field. We adopt clus- ter radii and build colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with cluster features clearly identified. We used the cluster (g,g-i) CMDs to estimate ages from the matching of theoretical isochrones. The studied LMC clusters are confirmed to be intermediate-age clusters, which range in age 9.10 < log(t) < 9.60. NGC 2162 and NGC 2249 look like new EMSTO candidates, in addition to NGC 2209, on the basis of having dual red clumps.Comment: MNRAS, accepte
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