43 research outputs found

    Reliability Estimation of Transport Means Elements Under the Action of Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Environment

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    The approach for determining the residual lifeofthe vehicles’thin-walled metal elements with cracks under the action of cyclic loads and corrosive environment isdevelopedbased on the first law of thermodynamics and the fracture mechanics principles. Based onthe results of the mathematical description of electrochemical reactions and separate data of fracturemechanics, the equation describing the kinetics of thecorrosion-fatigue cracks propagation is deduced. This equationand the initial and final conditionsarea mathemat-ical model for determining the residual lifeof structural elements.The correctness of the developed analyticalmodels is confirmed by the experimental data known in the litera-ture. The performance of this modelis demonstrated on the example of determining the residual life of a plate made of 17G1Ssteel. The plate wasdiluted by a crack in a 3% NaCl solutionandsubjected to cyclic loading.An increase in the initial size of corrosion-fatigue cracksis significant to reducethe period of their subcritical growth

    Technological bases of process of calibration half-round slots of machine detail

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    Виведено аналітичні залежності для визначення зусилля дорнування в залежності від конструктивних і технологічних параметрів. Побудовано графіки залежностей зусилля дорнування в залежності від величини загального натягу, висоти розміщення робочих елементів інструменту за умови забезпечення рівномірного режиму його навантаження.Equalization is shown out for determination of height of placing of working elements of instrument on condition of providing of the even mode of his loading. It is investigational conformity to the law of placing of working elements of instrument from the size of admittances, which are taken off by them on the different stages of forming of half-round groove ditches

    Development of repair technology of drum brakes

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    Bakgrund: Stroke tillhör de vanligaste kroniska sjukdomarna i världen och insjuknande leder till omfattande förändringar i livet. Det är sjuksköterskans ansvar att, i samspel med den drabbade, hitta strategier för att hjälpa den drabbade att hantera de svårigheter sjukdomen medför. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa strokedrabbades upplevelser av livet efter insjuknandet. Metod: I litteraturstudien ingick 15 vetenskapliga artiklar som har kvalitetsgranskats, analyserats och sammanställts till ett resultat. Resultat: Insjuknandet medförde förändringar i upplevelsen av sig själv, förändringar i sociala livet och rollförändringar vilket skapade ett beroende hos den drabbade. Med stöd från familj och samhälle samt tillämpande av olika strategier för att hantera vardagen, kunde en del drabbade anpassa sig till svårigheterna och återfinna livsglädjen. Konklusion: Slutsatser kan dras att insjuknandet ledde till hälsotransitioner som den drabbade behövde hjälp att gå igenom för att uppnå hälsa samt att det fanns brister i hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens förhållningssätt.Background: Stroke is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. The onset of stroke leads to comprehensive changes in the sufferer’s life. It is the nurse's responsibility, in interaction with the sufferers, to find strategies to deal with the difficulties caused by this disease. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to illuminate stroke sufferer’s experiences of life after illness debut. Methods: The literature review included 15 qualitative studies which have been reviewed, analyzed and compiled into a result. Results: The disease caused changes in the perception of oneself, changes in social life and rolechanges which created various dependencies. With support from family and society and application of various strategies, some sufferers could adapt and relive the joy of life. Conclusion: Conclusions can be drawn that the onset of the disease led to healthtransitions that the sufferers needed help with in order to achieve feeling of health and that there were shortcomings in health professionals' attitudes

    Ground of parameters of instrument key-way half-round details of machines by plastic deformation

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    Виведено рівняння для визначення висоти розміщення робочих елементів інструменту за умови забезпечення рівномірного режиму його навантаження. Досліджено закономірність розміщення робочих елементів інструменту від величини припусків, що знімаються ними на різних етапах формування півкруглих шліцевих канавок.Equalization is shown out for determination of height of placing of working elements of instrument on condition of providing of the even mode of his loading. It is investigational conformity to the law of placing of working elements of instrument from the size of admittances which are taken off by them on the different stages of forming of half-round groove ditches