9 research outputs found

    Interpreting the antiheretical edict of Wieluń : between literal meaning and philosophical approach

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    Edykt wieluński ogłoszony przez polskiego króla Władysława Jagiełłę, aby powstrzymać narastające zagrożenie herezji husyckiej, został wymuszony poważną sytuacją międzynarodową. Był on koniecznym rozwiązaniem, które umożliwiło odciąć się od szerzonych przez krzyżaków sugestii, jakoby to Polacy darzyli sympatią czeską herezję. Z tego względu polska historiografia po dziś dzień toczy debatę w jakim stopniu ta ustawa spełniała jedynie oczekiwania papieża i cesarza, a w jakim stanowiła pierwszy rzeczywisty cios wymierzony heretykom w Polsce. W artykule autor stara się zbadać efektywność edyktu, analizując jego treść oraz związki z ustawodastwem synodalnym epoki oraz współczesnymi trendami filozoficznymi.Edict of Wieluń established by the king of Poland Władysław Jagiełło to suppress emerging threat of Hussite heresy was also demanded by a dire international situation which required extraordinary measures to fend off slanders made by Teutonic Order that Poland was sympathetic to the Bohemian sectarians. For this reason, historians disputed continuously how much the law was needed only to met expectations of the Pope and the Emperor or meant a first real action against infidels in Polish history. The article aims to examine the main body of the edict in a way which ultimately settles opinions about its efficiency. It will be achieved by reading the law with the assistance of particular canon law statutes from the province of Gniezno as well as the concept of just war made that time by most elated professors of the University of Cracow. The results could lead us to the assumption that Polish-Lithuanian tradition to guarantee the freedom of beliefs from sixteenth century has its seeds sown earlier than it was reasoned before

    Boundaries of the presidential pardon in Poland as seen by law and history : a commentary on the resolution declared by the Supreme Court I KZP 04/17

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    W niniejszym opracowaniu autor analizuje współczesne opinie w przedmiocie dopuszczalności prawa łaski przed prawomocnym skazaniem w polskim systemie prawnym. Z pomocą metodologii stosowanej przez nauki historyczno-prawne stara się przedstawić nową definicję instytucji łaski, która mogłaby rozwiązać szereg sprzeczności pojawiających się w ramach obecnego dyskursu oraz uzewnętrznionych w rozumowaniu przyjętym przez Sąd Najwyższy na kanwie uchwały I KZP 04/17. Niniejsza analiza zostaje przeprowadzona w następującym porządku, poczynając od wykładni literalnej poprzez systemową i kończąc na funkcjonalnej wykładni art. 139 Konstytucji RP. W końcowej części opracowania autor konfrontuje wyniki własnej interpretacji przepisu z argumentacją Sądu Najwyższego, prowokując tym samym do szerszego spojrzenia na omawiane zagadnienie.The paper reviews the cohesion of contemporary opinions about the eligibility of giving a pardon to defendants before a final conviction in Poland. It tends to redefine a pardon as a legal institution by Law and History methodology and to confront reasoning indicated by the Supreme Court in the mentioned resolution. The analysis starts with an interpretation how the art. 139 of Polish constitution should be read through checking its consistency and finally by presenting historical views on its purpose. Lastly, results of the research are confronted with reasons formed by Supreme Court to give a final opinion. Moreover, a described problem serves as an opportunity to look at legal thinking in a broad view

    Medieval Canon law and state regulating issues of religious minorities : the statute of Nicolas Trąba 1420 AD

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    The relationship existing in middle ages between canon law and secular one was non-comparable to any connection amidst legal systems in European history. For this reason, it makes such link hardly imaginable even for modern scholars. Therefore, the topic needs detailed research by a rigorous methodology based notably on exemplary fragments of medieval legal sources. The article adopts such rules to review the double jurisdictional system made to regulate the status of religious minorities in the Kingdom of Poland in the fifteenth century. It consists of three parts: a description of ideological basis to apply canon law to secular matters; a detailed analysis of the accordingly chosen regulations from synodal statutes promulgated by archdean Mikołaj Trąba in 1420 as well as an explanation which groups could have access to the rules and how possibly provisions were spread among the faithful

    Burgess law in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem as seen by law and history approach

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    Od zdobycia Jerozolimy w 1099 r. państwa krzyżowe potrzebowały nowych osadników, którzy wzmocnią podstawy ekonomiczne nowych tworów i zmodyfikują je do potrzeb zdobywców. Z tego powodu, pochodząca z północnej Francji klasa rządząca Królestwa Jerozolimy rozpoczęła pierwszą zorganizowaną akcję osadniczą nowożytnej Europy w oparciu o zwyczajowe przywileje osadnicze z ich ojczyzny. Niniejsza książka podejmuję się analizy tych przywilejów oraz statusu społecznego grupy wolnych osadników wiejskich zwanych bourgeois. Poprzez to badanie można dojść do wniosku, że frankijska kolonizacja terenów wiejskich Palestyny była emanacją powszechnego w Europie zjawiska, które dotąd nie doczekało się wspólnej nazwy a w Polsce jest znane pod określeniem kolonizacja na prawie niemieckim. Co więcej, rozdawane osadnikom przywileje mają swoje źródła w rozwiązaniach stosowanych przez Rzymian, a w szczególności bizantyjskiego cesarza Justyniana z VI w.Latin state founded in Jerusalem in 1099 desperately needed new settlers which bolster the primitive as well as heavily militarized economy of the new kingdom and adapt to the needs of its western establishment. For this reason, the ruling class of a newly founded nation changed burgess customs from their homelands of Lorraine and Anjou as well as organized the first deliberate colonization in the history of modern Europe. The book reviews these customs describing a social group of free settlers known as bourgeois which had their freedom guaranteed by personal agreements with landlords of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The detailed analysis of these contracts leads us to the assumption that Frankish colonization of Palestine was merely a fragment of a pan-European phenomenon which still hasn’t one universal name in the rural history also is known notably as incastallmento, Der Ostsiedlung or locatio according to the German rules of land settlement. Moreover, these customs could be traced back to the ancient Roman law and particularly to the colonization policy of Byzantine emperor Justinian I from the sixth century

    Frankish Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

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    Celem niniejszej pracy dyplomowej było przeprowadzenie szczegółowej analizy uprawnień przysługujących nierycerskim osadnikom w Królestwie Jerozolimskim. Osadzona w historycznym kontekście analiza pozwoliła rozstrzygnąć, iż zastosowane przez kolonistów rozwiązania są bliskie rozwiązaniom lokacyjnego prawa niemieckiego. Odpowiada tym samym na częste pytanie o pochodzenie quasi stanu bourgeois, którego rozwój wiązał się z zastosowaniem przywilejów lokacyjnych.The pourpose of present diploma work was to describe rights of non-nobles in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. The analysis shows an influence of paneuropean locatio process and similarities with settlement according to german law in medieval Poland

    The vision of infidels in Nicolas Trąba's statutes. Searching for origins of religious freedom in Poland.

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było przeprowadzenie szczegółowej analizy średniowiecznego źródła poznania prawa kanonicznego partykularnego w postaci statutów wieluńsko- kaliskich Mikołaja Trąby z 1420 r., aby scharakteryzować jego wpływ na kształtowanie się tradycji polskiej tolerancyjności. Z tej racji przeprowadzono wielopłaszczyznową interpretację przepisów zbioru, regulujących relację z mniejszościami żydowską, prawosławną i zwolennikami doktryn heterodoksyjnych, z wykorzystaniem wskazań niemieckiej szkoły historycznej oraz współczesnych metod hermeneutycznych.Omówione zagadnienie stanowi próbę zmierzenia się z zagadnieniami historii społecznej z perspektywy prawnika, otwierając nowe perspektywy interpretacji istniejących przekazów źródłowych.The purpose of present bachelor's work was to interprete medieval canon law statutes of Nicolas Trąba describing its impact on tradition of Polish tolerance. The interpretation was made using instrucionts of The German Historical School and contemporary deeds of Hermeneutics

    Hardware implementation of a Takagi-Sugeno neuro-fuzzy system optimized by a population algorithm

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    Over the last several decades, neuro-fuzzy systems (NFS) have been widely analyzed and described in the literature because of their many advantages. They can model the uncertainty characteristic of human reasoning and the possibility of a universal approximation. These properties allow, for example, for the implementation of nonlinear control and modeling systems of better quality than would be possible with the use of classical methods. However, according to the authors, the number of NFS applications deployed so far is not large enough. This is because the implementation of NFS on typical digital platforms, such as, for example, microcontrollers, has not led to sufficiently high performance. On the other hand, the world literature describes many cases of NFS hardware implementation in programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) offering sufficiently high performance. Unfortunately, the complexity and cost of such systems were so high that the solutions were not very successful. This paper proposes a method of the hardware implementation of MRBF-TS systems. Such systems are created by modifying a subclass of Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy-neural structures, i.e. the NFS group functionally equivalent to networks with radial basis functions (RBF). The structure of the MRBF-TS is designed to be well suited to the implementation on an FPGA. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain both very high computing efficiency and high accuracy with relatively low consumption of hardware resources. This paper describes both, the method of implementing MRBFTS type structures on the FPGA and the method of designing such structures based on the population algorithm. The described solution allows for the implementation of control or modeling systems, the implementation of which was impossible so far due to technical or economic reasons

    Efficient Lightweight Multimodel Deep Fusion Based on ECG for Arrhythmia Classification

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    An arrhythmia happens when the electrical signals that organize the heartbeat do not work accurately. Most cases of arrhythmias may increase the risk of stroke or cardiac arrest. As a result, early detection of arrhythmia reduces fatality rates. This research aims to provide a lightweight multimodel based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that can transfer knowledge from many lightweight deep learning models and decant it into one model to aid in the diagnosis of arrhythmia by using electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Thus, we gained a multimodel able to classify arrhythmia from ECG signals. Our system’s effectiveness is examined by using a publicly accessible database and a comparison to the current methodologies for arrhythmia classification. The results we achieved by using our multimodel are better than those obtained by using a single model and better than most of the previous detection methods. It is worth mentioning that this model produced accurate classification results on small collection of data. Experts in this field can use this model as a guide to help them make decisions and save time

    History of law and other humanities: views of the legal world across the time

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    This book is the result of discussions that took place during the XXIII Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians held in Naples in the spring of 2017.The collection of thirty-five essays presented here examines the links forged through the ages between the realm of law and the expressions of the humanistic culture. The essays are organized into sections of ten chapters based around ten different themes. Two main perspectives emerged: in some articles the topic relates to the conventional approach of ‘law and/in humanities’ (iconography, literature, architecture, cinema, music), other articles are about more traditional connections between fields of knowledge (in particular, philosophy, political experiences, didactics). The variety of authorial nationalities gives the collection a multicultural character and the historiographical interpretation is the element that unites the collection, with a breadth of the chronological period goes from antiquity to the contemporary age. This project is the result of discussions that took place during the XXIII Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians held in Naples in the spring of 2017.New Perspectives on ‘Law and Humanities’ together with a ‘Musical’ Approach to the History of Legal Problems: Looking Through the Mirror of Opera / Valerio Massimo Minale (pp. 15-24). -- (History of) Law and Other Humanities: When, Why, How / Luigi Lacchè (pp. 25-43). -- A Legal Study of Medieval Cities from the 11th to 14th Century: The Example of Sigillography in France / Romain Broussais (pp. 47-68). -- Typographic Art and Roman Law: A Renaissance Image of the Lex XII tabularum / Fabiana Tuccillo (pp. 69-80). -- «Oh, the Law is Ruination, and Attorneys are Vexation ...» Law and Lawyers in the Opera and Operetta / Krzysztof Bokwa (pp. 83-95). -- The Boyars, the Poet and the Composer. The Portrayal of the Boyar Duma in Puškin’s and Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov / Nina Kršljanin, Filip Milinković (pp. 97-122). -- The Dreyfus Affair in Music. L’Hymne à la Justice of Albéric Magnard / Mario Riberi (pp. 123-137). -- Scientia iuris and architectura. A Focus on Buildings for Shows / Paola Pasquino (pp. 141-156). -- Optimus princeps and the Triumphal Arch in Benevento / Alessio Guasco (pp. 157-166). -- Law, Justice and Architecture in Modern Venice: The Rectors’ Palaces and the Government of the Mainland / Claudia Passarella (pp. 167-179). -- Milan’s Courthouse: A View of the Roman Legal Culture across Fascist Ideology / Virginia Maria De Capitani (pp. 181-192). -- Cicero’s Thinking on the Essence of Legal Reasoning / Valentina Cvetković- Dordević (pp. 195-204). -- Interpreting the Antiheretical Edict of Wieluń. Between Literal Meaning and Philosophical Approach / Paweł Dziwiński (pp. 205-220). -- Law and Humanities in Giambattista Vico’s Thought. A First Understanding / Alessia Farano (pp. 221-234). -- The National Codification of Civil Law in Poland at the Beginning of the 19th Century. Sources and Inspirations / Piotr Pomianowski (pp. 235- 245). -- The Frogs by Aristophanes: When Comedy Meets Legal History / Athanasios Delios (pp. 249-263). -- Medicus between Perception and Reality as Portrayed in Some Non-legal Sources / Nikol Žiha (pp. 265-285). -- Military Law, Justice and Discipline in the Early Modern Owlglass Literature from Central Europe / Przemysław Gawron, Jan Jerzy Sowa (pp. 287-298). -- Pamphlet Literature Reflecting Parliamentary Opposition at the Time of the French Fronde: The Example of the Mazarinades (1648- 1649) / Juan Manuel Hernández Vélez (pp. 299-313). -- The Methods for the Legitimation of the Succession of James II in Aphra Behn’s Poem for Coronation / Balázs Rigó (pp. 315-327). -- Balzac and the Criticisms of the French Civil Code in the First Half of the 19th Century / Elisabeth Bruyère (pp. 329-336). -- The Medieval Legal Practice of Exculpatory Oath and Trial by Fire in the Legend of Queen Isolde / Alicja Bańczyk (pp. 339-347). -- Between Law and Literature. Violations of the Legal Rule in the Decameron / Daniela Buccomino (pp. 349-376). -- Institutions and Criminal Procedure of the Magdeburg Law in Poland according to Judas’Sack by Sebastian Fabian Klonowic / Lukasz Golaszewski (pp. 377- 390). -- A Letter from Detention: The Edition of Letters of Livonian Humanistic Lawyer David Hilchen as an Interdisciplinary Challenge / Hesi Siimets-Gross (391-405). -- The Case of Eszter Solymosi from Tiszaeszlár: The Notorious Blood Libel Trial through the Eyes of Gyula Krúdy / Imre Képessy (pp. 407-418). -- Reading a Travel Journal. The Melancholia of Gina Lombroso in Latin America / Francesco Rotondo (pp. 419-430). -- History of Rome, History of Roman Law and Cinema / Carlo De Cristofaro (pp. 433-442). -- You Can Only Write Once – Rights to Autorship, Inspiration and Transformation in the Chosen Judgements of U.S. Courts Involving the Copyrights on the James Bond Character / Wojciech Bańczyk (pp. 443-453). -- Advertising and the Rule of Law. Law in Representations of Insurance in Late 19th Century Netherlands / Christina Reimann (pp. 457-470). -- Newspapers and the Making of Popular Legal Culture. The Example of the Death Penalty in France (20th century) / Nicolas Picard (pp. 471-482). -- Secularism versus Religion-based Legal Pluralism: The Diverse Views on These Concepts in Modern Muslim Discourse and Culture between 19th and 21st Century / Rafal Kaczmarczyk (pp. 483-493). -- Legal Organization of Medieval Serbian Mining Communities / Andreja Katančević (pp. 497-512). -- The Structure of the Government and the Press / Gábor Bathó (pp. 513-525). -- The Influence of Political Factors on the Adjudicating on Petty Offences in the People’s Republic of Poland / Marcin Lysko (pp. 527-535). -- History and Legal History in Latin America. Reflections on a Necessary Dialogue with Special Attention to Cuban Experience / Fabricio Mulet Martínez (pp. 539-549). -- Teaching a Historical Context in a First-Year ‘Introduction to Private Law’ Course. The Effects of Teaching Approaches and a Learning Environment on Students’ Learning / Emanuel G. D. van Dongen, Irma Meijerman (pp. 551-569)