209 research outputs found

    Способи мінімізації інвестиційних ризиків машинобудівних підприємств (Ways of risk investment minimization of machine-building enterprises)

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    Стаття присвячена розгляду інвестиційних ризиків підприємств машинобудування та пошуку ефективних способів їх мінімізації. Разом із тим, автором розглянуто умови виникнення інвестиційних ризиків, а також фактори, що сприяють підвищенню ризику машинобудівних підприємств. Зазначаються основні підходи щодо зниження ступеня негативного впливу інвестиційних ризиків на діяльність підприємства. Своєю чергою, визначено основні принципи, яких повинно дотримуватись машинобудівне підприємство в процесі зменшення інвестиційних ризиків на підприємство. Таким чином, визначено способи зниження ризиків інвестування в машинобудівні підприємства та запропоновано використовувати інструменти зменшення ризику інвестиційної діяльності машинобудівних підприємств. (The article deals with the investment risk of machineuilding enterprises and finding the effective ways to minimize them. However, the author considers the conditions of investment risks and factors that contribute to the risk of machinebuilding enterprises. The main approaches to reducing the negative impact of investment risk in the enterprise are indicated. In turn, the basic principles to be followed in the process to reduce the risks to the enterprise are determined. However, the tools to reduce the risk of machine-building enterprises are proposed to use.

    Risk assessment of innovation investment project of engineering enterprise

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    У статті розглянуто сутність ризику за умов реалізації інноваційно-інвестиційного проекту. Доведено, що проблема вибору проекту з урахуванням ризику неосвоєння або неповернення коштів є актуальною для кожного підприємства, а тому оцінка рівня ризику є важливим елементом означеного вибору. Розглянуто головні фактори ризику, який може нести підприємство при реалізації інноваційно-інвестиційного проекту. Виділено основні методи та критерії оцінки ризиків, що можуть бути використані на машинобудівних підприємствах. Зa рiвнeм обраного кoeфiцiєнтy визначено зoни ризикy – зони загальних втрат, у межах яких втрати не перевищують граничного значення встановленого рівня ризику.В статье рассмотрена сущность риска в условиях реализации инновационно-инвестиционного проекта. Доказано, что проблема выбора проекта с учетом риска неосвоения или невозврата средств актуальна для каждого предприятия, поэтому оценка уровня риска является важным элементом указанного выбора. Рассмотрены главные факторы риска, которым может быть подвергнуто предприятие при реализации инвестиционного проекта. Выделены основные методы и критерии оценки инвестиционных рисков, которые могут быть использованы на машиностроительных предприятиях. По уровню избранного коэффициента определены зоны риска – зоны общих потерь, в рамках которых потери не превышают предельного значения установленного уровня риска.The essence of risk in the conditions of the innovation investment project implementation in the engineering enterprise is considered. It is proved that the problem of choosing the project according to the risk of default is important for every enterprise, and therefore assessment of risk is an important element of definite choice. The main risk factors, which the enterprise may be subjected to in the process of implementation of the innovation investment project, are considered. The basic methods and criteria for evaluation of risk that may be used in the engineering enterprises are determined. According the level of the selected factors the risk zone is determined – the zone of total losses, within which the losses do not exceed the maximum value of the established risk level

    Extremely high room-temperature two-dimensional hole gas mobility in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures

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    To extract the room-temperature drift mobility and sheet carrier density of two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) that form in Ge strained channels of various thicknesses in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures, the magnetic field dependences of the magnetoresistance and Hall resistance at temperature of 295 K were measured and the technique of maximum entropy mobility spectrum analysis was applied. This technique allows a unique determination of mobility and sheet carrier density of each group of carriers present in parallel conducting multilayers semiconductor heterostructures. Extremely high room-temperature drift mobility (at sheet carrier density) of 2DHG 2940 cm2 V–1 s–1 (5.11×1011 cm–2) was obtained in a sample with a 20 nm thick Ge strained channel

    Allelopathic potential and cytostatic activity of Antarctic moss Sanionia georgicouncinata (Amblystegiaceae)

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    From the first half of the XX century, the maritime Antarctic was a region with high regional warming rates. At the beginning of the XXI century, regional warming strongly slowed down, but during the next twenty years the near-surface temperatures and mean annual precipitation at the Antarctic Peninsula will most probably increase. Higher temperatures and precipitation make the conditions in the maritime Antarctic more favourable for plants, including invasive species. Moreover, the increasing number of Antarctic tourists unintentionally transport thousands of seeds to the Antarctic on their clothes and equipment. In such circumstances, it is important to evaluate possible defensive mechanisms of native plant species, including their allelopathic potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic potential and cytostatic activity of Sanionia georgicouncinata. This species is widespread in the maritime Antarctic and is one of the most abundant moss species on the Argentine Islands (Wilhelm Archipelago). Seeds of cucumber Cucumis sativus, radish Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus, wheat Triticum vulgare, and amaranth Amaranthus paniculatus were used as bioassay species. Fresh green biomass of S. georgicouncinata was used to prepare aqueous extracts with 1 : 10, 1 : 50, and 1 : 100 plant to water ratios. The average root length of wheat sprouts and cucumber sprouts in distilled water did not differ significantly from those in plant extracts. The root length of radish sprouts in 1 : 50 plant extract was significantly shorter than in distilled water. Meanwhile, in 1 : 50 and 1 : 100 water extracts, roots of amaranth plants were significantly longer than in water. The number of lateral roots of cucumber sprouts in water and studied aqueous extracts varied from 1 to 6 with medians from 3 to 4. The medians of control (distilled water) and sample groups (aqueous extracts) did not differ significantly, but only 38.1 ± 6.1% of cucumber sprouts developed lateral roots in the 1 : 10 aqueous extract of S. georgicouncinata, and even less – 28.3 ± 7.5% in the 1 : 50 aqueous extract. The results of this study show that the allelopathic potential of S. georgicouncinata is low. However, a significant cytostatic activity of the studied extracts shows that this species may still affect other plants and animals. Further research is needed to evaluate the impact of the studied extracts on root growth and germination of the invasive plants, particularly Poa annua

    Employment in high-technology industries in the european union and job satisfaction - case study Czech Republic and Poland

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    The significance and position of high-technology industries within the economy is often considered to be an attribute of the company’s maturity. The aim of this study is to compare employment in the high-technology sector in selected European Union and OECD countries and to analyse university-educated workers’ job satisfaction in the Czech Republic and Poland. The work will use available data concerning employment and data mining will be carried out. Job satisfaction will be examined through a questionnaire survey. From these results some dependence between employment and job satisfaction could be observed. The employment rate in the Czech Republic is slightly higher and the level of job satisfaction is also slightly higher than in Poland. It can be assumed that the importance of high-technology industries will continue to grow because it is in the interest of the companies themselves to be competitive. At the same time, this is needed for further economic growth and productivity gains, so these directions should be further developed and supported

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 1. Classes: Cakiletea maritimae, Ammophiletea, Crithmo-Staticetea, Crypsietea aculeatae, Therosalicornietea

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    Pioneer plant communities grow on newly-formed ecotopes of coastal and partially continental areas, on patches that have dried after the surface water flooding. They are affected by sea tides, wind-induced effect, salinity, denudation, accumulation and sharp changes in soil humidity. To these factors are added chemical and biological pollution, as well as anthropogenic pressure. Due to these reasons, such plant communities have a specific floristic composition, structure, functional regime and resilience mechanisms, which are different from coenoses of more stable habitats. On the basis of the analysis of more than 600 phytosociological relevés using TWINSPAN modified algorithm the current state of littoral and halophytic classes of pioneer vegetation in Ukraine has been established and their syntaxonomic structure identified. It has been determined that the level of pioneer phytocoenoses diversity in Ukraine is similar to that of Central Europe. The Cakiletea maritimae class is presented by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 4 associations; Ammophiletea – by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 8 associations; Crithmo-Staticetea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 3 associations; Crypsietea aculeatae – by 1 order, 3 alliances, and 4 associations, Therosalicornietea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 10 associations. Synoptic tables of vegetation classes are given and nine alliances are briefly characterized. Using DCA-ordination analysis of syntaxa in the association-rank level we identified that the main factors of ecological differentiation are soil humidity and aeration as well as the nitrogen content. For the pioneer plant communities, other significant impact factors are the extremality of environmental conditions, their unevenness and non-equilibrium, in particular, the mechanical action of the sea waves, the dynamic processes of denudation and accumulation, salinity, as well as the variability of damping during the year. This research contributes to the identification of the place of the distinguished syntaxa of Ukrainian pioneer vegetation in the European system


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    Purpose. Coverage of the basic purposes and objectives of economic mechanisms of creation of uniform medical space, carrying out of the comparative analysis of implementation of the new organizational, legal, financial and economic mechanisms.Materials and methods. Comparative analysis, economic, statistical methods are applied.Results. Basis of increase of system effectiveness of health care system is perfection of its organizational and economic mechanism with which will be coordinated its activity as uniform system. By the example of pilot regions new approaches to the organization of health care institutions and their staffing have been shown.Conclusions. The state policy on health care reforming should be directed on creation of model answering to social and economic realities of Ukraine. It is necessary to introduce experience of reforming of health care system in pilot regions at a national level.Мета: висвітлення основних цілей та орієнтирів економічних механізмів створення єдиного медичного простору; проведення порівняльного аналізу впровадження нових організаційно-правових та фінансово-економічних механізмів, спрямованих на підвищення ефективності та доступності медичного обслуговування населення.Матеріали і методи. Були використані статистичні дані пілотних регіонів; застосовані економічний, статистичний, методи порівняльного аналізу.Результати. Основою підвищення ефективності системи охорони здоров’я є удосконалення її організаційно-економічного механізму – сукупності форм, методів і механізмів, за допомогою яких здійснюється організація суспільного виробництва в сфері охорони здоров’я й узгоджується економічно доцільна її діяльність як єдиної системи. На прикладі пілотних регіонів показані нові підходи до організації роботи закладів охорони здоров'я та їх кадрового забезпечення.Висновки. Державна політика щодо реформування охорони здоров’я має бути спрямована на формування моделі, що відповідає соціально-економічним реаліям України. Необхідно запровадити набутий досвід реформування системи охорони здоров’я в пілотних регіонах на національному рівні

    Suppression of mICAT in Mouse Small Intestinal Myocytes by General Anaesthetic Ketamine and its Recovery by TRPC4 Agonist (-)-englerin A

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    © Copyright © 2020 Melnyk, Dryn, Kury, Dziuba and Zholos. A better understanding of the negative impact of general anesthetics on gastrointestinal motility requires thorough knowledge of their molecular targets. In this respect the muscarinic cationic current (mICAT carried mainly via TRPC4 channels) that initiates cholinergic excitation-contraction coupling in the gut is of special interest. Here we aimed to characterize the effects of one of the most commonly used “dissociative anesthetics”, ketamine, on mICAT. Patch-clamp and tensiometry techniques were used to investigate the mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of ketamine on mICAT in single mouse ileal myocytes, as well as on intestinal motility. Ketamine (100 µM) strongly inhibited both carbachol- and GTPγS-induced mICAT. The inhibition was slow (time constant of about 1 min) and practically irreversible. It was associated with altered voltage dependence and kinetics of mICAT. In functional tests, ketamine suppressed both spontaneous and carbachol-induced contractions of small intestine. Importantly, inhibited by ketamine mICAT could be restored by direct TRPC4 agonist (-)-englerin A. We identified mICAT as a novel target for ketamine. Signal transduction leading to TRPC4 channel opening is disrupted by ketamine mainly downstream of muscarinic receptor activation, but does not involve TRPC4 per se. Direct TRPC4 agonists may be used for the correction of gastrointestinal disorders provoked by general anesthesia

    Rare steppe plant communities in Ukraine: Status, threats and their minimization

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    Nowadays, the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural vegetation is constantly increasing, the level of threats is raised, and newer risk factors are emerging. Recent trends in the anthropogenic impact on plant communities are extremely pronounced, especially on those listed in the Green Book of Ukraine (GBU). Identifying such trends is required for the further development of strategic and tactical planning for the preservation and restoration of rare grass, shrub, and subshrub steppe, petrophyte and psammophyte plant communities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. In addition to well-established threat factors that cause changes in the habitat of plant communities or mechanically affect plants, new specific threats occur. Today, the most important among them in Ukraine are as follows: climate change, military activity, growing population in the industrial cities, population poverty and government corruption, changes in forms of land ownership and the creation of a land market, lack of knowledge and effective policy, including lack of popular scientific information about the status of specific species and plant groupings, inadequate management of protected areas, uncoordinated environmental protection measures, ineffective sanctions, insufficient monitoring of the consumption of natural biological resources. The preservation of rare grass, shrubby and subshrubby communities in the steppe zone of Ukraine should be provided with proper support at the state level. There is a pressing need for a law of Ukraine “On the preservation of the steppes in Ukraine” and this will require mechanisms for its implementation. The issue of developing a strategy for the conservation and balanced use of steppe ecosystems in Ukraine, whose area is one of the largest in Europe, has long been raised. The main goal of the strategy is the actual preservation of steppe communities (most of which are currently rare) ensuring their restoration, minimizing degradation, and stopping biodiversity loss. In order to develop specific actions to eliminate threats or reduce their impact on rare plant groupings, it is required to investigate the causes of threats and assess their level and duration. This is required to preserve the landscape and biotic diversity in the steppe zone of Ukraine

    Features of ecological differentiation of halophytic, steppe and petrophytic vegetation in the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast)

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    Assessment of key environmental factors that influence vegetation distribution and formation of plant communities is one of the most important challenges in modern phytocenology. Nowadays, several bioindication systems are applied to determine ecological specificity of plant communities and to establish the leading factors for their environmental differentiation. The system most widely used in Europe, that of H. Ellenberg, contains a numerical score on 6 ecological factors. On the example of vegetation of the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik, Y. Didukh developed the synphytoindication method based on evaluation of phytocenoses with respect to 12 ecological factors: 7 edaphic factors and 5 climatic factors; the method determines a more accurate and complete presentation of the analysis. In the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast) the largest area is covered with halophytic and steppe vegetation. Halophytic vegetation (Therosalicornietea, Festuco-Puccinellietea classes, Juncetea maritimi, Bolboschoenetea maritimi) predominated in the shoreline areas of the valley, whereas steppe (Festuco-Brometea) and petrophytic (Sedo-Scleranthetea) vegetation dominated on the slope sites. With the application of DCA-ordination and synphytoindication methods it was established that distribution of plant communities in the hyper-space of the environmental conditions was most strongly correlated with edaphic factors, whereas microclimatic (light intensity) and climatic (thermo-regime) conditions had somewhat less influence on their differentiation. Water regime and level of soil salinity served as key factors for syntaxa of halophytic vegetation; moisture variability and salt regime, as well as soil moisture and carbonate content were key factors for the steppe vegetation, and thermo-regime was the main factor for petrophytic-steppe and petrophytic vegetation. The "eco-spaces" of these groups largely overlap. Halophytic cenoses are characterized by quite wide ecological ranges by most ecological factors. Steppe communities show much less ecological diversity. In the valley of the liman, all the steppe communities were characterized by stenotopicity in relation to most ecological factors; these factors complexly determine the specificity and diversity of biotopes within the valley, which are unique and require protection and the taking of appropriate measures, depending on the changes in activity of one or another limiting factor. Nowadays, the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik is in a state of environmental disaster. The established relationships in ecological differentiation of plant communities will be applied to further monitoring of biodiversity state, preservation and possible restoration of vegetation types that were native for this unique territory