22 research outputs found

    Heat shock protein and heat shock factor I expression and localization in vaccinia virus infected human monocyte derived macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Viruses remain one of the inducers of the stress response in the infected cells. Heat shock response induced by vaccinia virus (VV) infection was studied in vitro in human blood monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) as blood cells usually constitute the primary site of the infection. METHODS: Human blood monocytes were cultured for 12 – 14 days. The transcripts of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and two viral genes (E3L and F17R) were assayed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and the corresponding proteins measured by Western blot. Heat shock factor 1 DNA binding activities were estimated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and its subcellular localization analyzed by immunocytofluorescence. RESULTS: It appeared that infection with vaccinia virus leads to activation of the heat shock factor 1. Activation of HSF1 causes increased synthesis of an inducible form of the HSP70 both at the mRNA and the protein level. Although HSP90 mRNA was enhanced in vaccinia virus infected cells, the HSP90 protein content remained unchanged. At the time of maximum vaccinia virus gene expression, an inhibitory effect of the infection on the heat shock protein and the heat shock factor 1 was most pronounced. Moreover, at the early phase of the infection translocation of HSP70 and HSP90 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of the infected cells was observed. CONCLUSION: Preferential nuclear accumulation of HSP70, the major stress-inducible chaperone protein, suggests that VV employs this particular mechanism of cytoprotection to protect the infected cell rather than to help viral replication. The results taken together with our previuos data on monocytes or MDMs infected with VV or S. aureus strongly argue that VV employs multiple cellular antiapoptotic/cytoprotective mechanisms to prolong viability and proinflammatory activity of the cells of monocytic-macrophage lineage

    Influence of Surface Retarders on Texture Profile and Durability of Upper Layer of Exposed Aggregate Concrete Pavement

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    Exposed aggregate concrete (EAC) pavement technology is used in Poland for construction of major highways and expressways. When properly executed, it is an efficient technique to provide desired friction for skid resistance without compromising the noise limitations. Concrete mix uniformity, proper dosing of retarding agent and optimal time to brush with a mechanical broom are supposed to have a major impact on the properties of the upper pavement layer. An experimental investigation was performed on exposed aggregate concrete specimens manufactured in the laboratory in a way to simulate the industrial production of two-layer concrete slab with exposed aggregate. The texture depth was determined using a laser profiler. The compressive strength of concrete, the water absorption rate, and permeability of chloride ions through concrete were also determined. The freeze-thaw resistance and surface scaling resistance were tested and analyzed with respect to air void characteristics. Results revealed an increase in surface scaling for EAC slabs with higher w/c ratio and slabs simulating local bleeding. The most efficient method to determine indirectly the durability of EAC slabs was the set of permeability tests comprised of measurements of chloride migration and rate of water absorption. The change of macrotexture depth with increase of w/c ratio and retarding admixture type was found

    Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke – Five years of experience in Poland

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    Objectives Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is not reimbursed by the Polish public health system. We present a description of 5 years of experience with MT in acute stroke in Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs) in Poland. Methods and results We retrospectively analyzed the results of a structured questionnaire from 23 out of 25 identified CSCs and 22 data sets that include 61 clinical, radiological and outcome measures. Results Most of the CSCs (74%) were founded at University Hospitals and most (65.2%) work round the clock. In 78.3% of them, the working teams are composed of neurologists and neuro-radiologists. All CSCs perform CT and angio-CT before MT. In total 586 patients were subjected to MT and data from 531 of them were analyzed. Mean time laps from stroke onset to groin puncture was 250±99min. 90.3% of the studied patients had MT within 6h from stroke onset; 59.3% of them were treated with IV rt-PA prior to MT; 15.1% had IA rt-PA during MT and 4.7% – emergent stenting of a large vessel. M1 of MCA was occluded in 47.8% of cases. The Solitaire device was used in 53% of cases. Successful recanalization (TICI2b–TICI3) was achieved in 64.6% of cases and 53.4% of patients did not experience hemorrhagic transformation. Clinical improvement on discharge was noticed in 53.7% of cases, futile recanalization – in 30.7%, mRS of 0–2 – in 31.4% and mRS of 6 in 22% of cases. Conclusion Our results can help harmonize standards for MT in Poland according to international guidelines

    Assessment of the frequency of depression among young people

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    Wprowadzenie: Depresja to choroba cywilizacyjna XXI wieku, a częstotliwość zachorowań na nią ciągle wzrasta. Ludzie młodzi stanowią około 46 mln chorych na depresję na świecie. Na rozwój depresji wpływają liczne czynniki ryzyka, a część z nich można modyfikować. Ważna jest ich identyfikacja oraz podjęcie działań prewencyjnych oraz diagnostycznych, mających na celu zmniejszenie częstotliwości zachorowań na depresję wśród ludzi młodych oraz jej wczesne rozpoznawanie. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena częstotliwości występowania depresji wśród ludzi młodych, w przedziale wiekowym 18-25 lat. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 236 osób w przedziale wiekowym 18 - 25 lat. Badania zostały przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką ankiety. Narzędzia badawcze wykorzystane w badaniu to: Inwentarz Objawów Depresyjnych Becka (BDI) oraz kwestionariusz ankiety własnej. Wyniki: Wśród badanych zdecydowana większość - 84,32% nie miała rozpoznanej depresji. Pozostałe - 15,68%, zdeklarowało rozpoznanie depresji. Wyniki Skali Depresji Becka ukazały jednak, że u ponad połowy badanych - 54,66% występowała umiarkowana depresja, a głęboka depresja dotyczyła 13,98% z nich. Brak depresji w oparciu o tę skalę dotyczył 31,36% ankietowanych. Analiza statystyczna wykazała zależność między poziomem nasilenia objawów depresyjnych u badanych, a każdym objawem psychicznym występującym u nich. Również wykryto zależność pomiędzy objawami somatycznymi, a poziomem nasilenia objawów depresji. Osoby, u których zaobserwowano jakiekolwiek objawy psychiczne lub somatyczne, odnotowały wyższe wyniki Skali Depresji Becka w porównaniu, z osobami które nie obserwowały u siebie tych objawów. Odnotowano również zależność pomiędzy stosowaniem używek, płcią badanych oraz stresem. Okazało się, że osoby niestosujące żadnych używek odnotowały wyższe wyniki Skali Depresji Becka, w porównaniu do osób, które stosowały jakąkolwiek używkę. Kobiety częściej niż mężczyźni przejawiały objawy depresji, a stres związany z życiem rodzinnym i towarzyskim miał największy wpływ na rozwój depresji u badanych. Miejsce zamieszkania oraz stan cywilny ankietowanych nie miały znaczenia dla poziomu nasilenia u nich objawów depresyjnych. Zaobserwowano również niewielki wpływ pandemii COVID - 19 na pogorszenie zdrowia psychicznego badanych. Nauka lub praca prowadzona w systemie zdalnym to czynniki mające najbardziej negatywny wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne badanych. Wnioski: Depresja występuje wśród ludzi młodych bardzo często, a stopień nasilenia objawów depresji u młodych ludzi zależy od wielu różnorodnych czynników.Introduction: Depression is a disease of civilisation and in the 21st Century the incidences of it are constantly increasing. Globally there are approximately 46 million young people with depression. The development of depression is influenced by numerous risk factors, and some of them can be modified. It is important to identify these risk factors and take preventive and diagnostic measures aimed at reducing the frequency of depression among young people and its early diagnosis. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the frequency of depression among young people, aged 18-25. Material and methods: The study included 236 people aged 18-25. The research was carried out by the method of a diagnostic survey, questionnaire technique. The research tools used in the study are: Beck Depressive Symptoms Inventory (BDI) and the self-questionnaire. Results: The vast majority of respondents 84.32% did not have a diagnosis of depression. The remaining ones 15.68%, declared depression. However, the results of the Beck Depression Scale showed that in more than half of the respondents 54.66%, moderate depression was present, and 13.98% of them were deeply depressed. Based on this scale, 31.36% of the respondents were not depressed. Statistical analysis showed a relationship between the level of severity of depressive symptoms in the respondents and each psychological symptom occurring in them. There was also a relationship between somatic symptoms and the level of severity of depression symptoms. People who experienced any mental or somatic symptoms had higher Beck Depression Scale scores than those who did not. There was also a relationship between the use of stimulants, the sex of the respondents and stress. It turned out that people who did not use any stimulants had higher scores on the Beck Depression Scale, compared to those who used stimulants. Women more often than men showed symptoms of depression, and stress related to family and social life had the greatest impact on the development of depression in the respondents. The place of residence and marital status of the respondents did not affect the level of severity of depressive symptoms. There was also a slight impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the deterioration of the mental health of the respondents. Learning or working in a remote setting are the factors that have the most negative impact on the mental health of the respondents. Conclusions: Depression is very common among young people, and the severity of depression symptoms in young people depends on many different factors

    Nursing care of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a home environment - case study

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    Przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc (POChP) należy do najczęściej rozpoznawalnych chorób płuc na świecie. Charakteryzuje ją przewlekły charakter. Liczba zachorowań wzrasta wraz z wiekiem, a jej uporczywe symptomy utrudniają funkcjonowanie osobom chorującym i przyczyniają się do znacznego pogorszenia jakości ich życia. Choroby tej nie da się całkowicie wyleczyć. Prowadzone leczenie objawowe przyczynia się do zredukowania nieprzyjemnych dolegliwości takich jak duszność czy kaszel. Przyczyny POChP są różne, ale za główną uznawane jest palenie tytoniu. Ze względu na modyfikowalną przyczynę tej choroby, bardzo ważne jest uświadomienie ludziom istoty prewencji pierwotnej, aby nie dopuścić do jej rozwoju. Prowadzenie prozdrowotnego stylu życia oraz unikanie czynników drażniących płuca znacznie zmniejszy prawdopodobieństwo zachorowania. W leczeniu POChP stosuje się głównie regularnie leki wziewne, których zadaniem jest rozszerzenie światła oskrzeli i ułatwienie oddychania. Rehabilitacja oddechowa oraz ćwiczenia fizyczne dostosowane do możliwości pacjenta poprawiają wydolność fizyczną pacjentów. Przestrzeganie zaleceń lekarskich oraz właściwa samokontrola mogą znacznie przedłużyć okres życia osób dotkniętych tą chorobą. Celem pracy było przedstawienie charakterystyki, patogenezy, czynników ryzyka, diagnostyki oraz sposób leczenia farmakologicznego i niefarmakologicznego jednostki chorobowej jaką jest POChP. W drugiej części pracy przedstawione zostały diagnozy pielęgniarskie, cele opieki, a także interwencje pielęgniarskie dostosowane do stanu pacjenta objętego opieką oraz ocena wyników opieki. Opieką pielęgniarską został objęty pacjent w środowisku domowym chorujący na POChP od 5 lat. Podejmowane wobec niego działania przyczyniły się do poprawy jego jakości życia. Zmniejszono nasilenie duszności, zwiększono efektywność odksztuszania, poprawiono wydolność fizyczną, zmniejszono deficyt wiedzy pacjenta na temat choroby i sposobów postępowania w jej przebiegu. Nie dopuszczono do wystąpienia zaostrzeń choroby oraz poprawiono nastrój pacjenta. Opieka, którą został objęty pacjent przyniosła oczekiwane efekty.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most widely recognised lung diseases in the world. The number of cases increases with age, and its persistent symptoms make it difficult for the sick to work, contributing to a significant deterioration of their quality of life. The disease can not be completely cured. Systomatic treatment contributes to reducing unpleasant symptoms such as shortness of breath or cough. The causes of COPD are various, but smoking is considered to be the main one. Due to the modifiable cause of this disease, it is very important to make people aware of the nature of primary prevention in order to prevent its development. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and avoiding factors that irritate the lungs will significantly reduce the likelihood of getting sick. In treatment of COPD, regular inhalation medications are mainly used to extend bronchial light and facilitate breathing. Respiratory rehabilitation and physical exercises adjusted to the patient's ability improve the physical capacity. Compliance with medical recommendations and proper self-control can significantly extend the life span of people affected by this disease. The aim of the BA dissertation was to present the characteristics, pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnostics as well as the pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment of the disease entity, which is COPD. In the second part of the BA dissertation, nursing diagnoses, nursing goals and nursing interventions tailored to the condition of the patient under care and the assessment of care results were presented. Nursing care was taken of a patient, in a home environment, who has been suffering from COPD for 5 years. Actions taken towards him have contributed to improving his quality of life. The severity of dyspnea was decreased the efficiency of the cough was increased, physical capacity was improved, the patient's knowledge deficit on the disease and ways of dealing with it were reduced. No exacerbations of the disease were noticed and the mood of the patient was improved. The care has brought expected results

    Influence of Calcination Temperature and Amount of Low-Grade Clay Replacement on Mitigation of the Alkali–Silica Reaction

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    Results of experimental investigation on the mitigation of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) by low-grade calcined clay are presented. Domestic clay with an Al2O3 content equal to 26% and SiO2—58% was used. The calcination temperatures were as follows: 650 °C, 750 °C, 850 °C and 950 °C, which were chosen much more widely than presented in previous studies. Pozzolanity of the raw and calcined clay was determined with the Fratini test. The performance of calcined clay to mitigate ASR was evaluated according to ASTM C1567 using reactive aggregates. A control mortar mixture was prepared with 100% Portland cement (Na2Oeq = 1.12%) as a binder with reactive aggregate, and test mixtures were made with 10% and 20% of calcined clay as a cement replacement. The microstructure of the specimens was observed on the polished sections using scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated in backscattered mode (BSE). The results of expansion of mortar bars with reactive aggregate showed that replacing cement with calcined clay reduced the expansion of the mortar bars. The greater the cement replacement, the better results in terms of ASR mitigation. However, the influence of the calcination temperature was not as clear. The opposite trend was found with the use of 10% or 20% calcined clay

    Laboratory investigations on fine aggregates used for concrete pavements due to the risk of ASR

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    The assessment of the aggregate suitability for concrete pavements applies mainly to coarse aggregate. However, even fine aggregate can significantly affect the long-term durability of concrete when it is susceptible to alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The sustainable use of available fine aggregates for the production of concrete, while reducing the effects of ASR, requires special preventive measures. The paper proposed different procedures to determine the chemical composition of aggregate and the related ASR risk. The study covers various properties of natural fine aggregates from glacial deposits. The experiments included determination of chemical composition by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA), quantitative mineralogical characterisation on thin sections using digital image procedure (DIP) and expansion measurements in mortar bar test (MBT). The strong correlation of sand origin and its susceptibility to ASR was observed. Content of micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz in siliceous sand was found to have a crucial effect on its performance in AMBT

    Assessment of long-lived residual radioisotopes in cement induced by neutron radiation

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    During the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, a significant amount of cement based composites should be disposed as radioactive waste. The use of material with low-activation constituents could effectively reduce radioactivity of concrete. The subject of the paper is the content of trace elements with large activation cross section in concrete constituents due to their ability to be activated in radiation shielding structures. Various Portland cement specimens were subjected to elemental analysis by neutron activation analysis and prompt gamma activation analysis to assess the dominant long-lived residual radioisotopes. Concentrations of the radionuclides, such as Europium-152, Cobalt-60 and Caesium-134 were assessed. Their half-life time is 13.5, 5.27, and 2.07 years, respectively. On the basis of the obtained results, recommendations for cement selection for low-activation concrete are proposed in order to economize decommissioning cost by reducing a radioactive concrete waste