56 research outputs found

    Magnetic interactions in frozen solutions of ironporphyrins

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    The powder samples of meso-tetraphenyloporphyrin iron(III) chloride and ferriprotoporphyrin IX chloride and their frozen in solutions N,N-dimethylformamide were studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy. The variation of the outer ligands of the porphyrin rings modifies their magnetic properties but the major influence on the magnetic relaxation process exerts the intermolecular magnetic interactions, which are eliminated in dilute solutions

    Czynniki socjodemograficzne a zjawisko samoleczenia bólu w Polsce

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    Introduction. Self-healing applies to the use of non-prescription drugs, as well as nutritional supplements, and herbal plant products for the treatment of diseases and symptoms diagnosed single-handedly. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of socio-demographic factors on the phenomenon of self-healing pain among Poles. Material and method. The study involved 218 randomly selected respondents, 159 women and 59 men. The tool was a questionnaire designed for the study. Collected data were analyzed using cross tables. Results. During six months before the start of the study 90% of respondents used the analgesics. Women declared that they took pain medication several times a month, three times more often than men. The type of pain for which respondents most frequently used the self-treatment is varied by gender as well as age and type of professional activity of the studied group. The most important factor in the purchase of the drug among the oldest patients is usually the pharmacist's advice (47.1% of the group), and among the youngest respondents - previous use of the drug (62.5%). About 70% of respondents admit that they use the Internet to obtain information about medicines. Conclusions. The most important element in the development of responsible self-treatment is education, in terms of both responsible consumption of analgesics, and the use of appropriate sources concerning the treatment of these diseases.Wprowadzenie. Samoleczenie dotyczy głównie stosowania leków wydawanych bez recepty, ale również suplementów diety, produktów roślinnych i ziół w leczeniu chorób oraz objawów rozpoznanych samodzielnie. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu czynników socjodemograficznych na zjawisko samoleczenia bólu przez Polaków. Materiał i metoda. W badaniu udział wzięło 218 losowo wybranych respondentów, 159 kobiet oraz 59 mężczyzn. Narzędzie stanowił kwestionariusz skonstruowany na potrzeby badania. Zabrane dane poddano analizie tabelarycznej z wykorzystaniem tabel krzyżowych. Wyniki. W okresie sześciu miesięcy przed rozpoczęciem badania po leki przeciwbólowe sięgnęło 90% ankietowanych. Kobiety trzykrotnie częściej niż mężczyźni deklarowały, że zażywały leki przeciwbólowe kilka razy w miesiącu. Rodzaj dolegliwości bólowych, w przypadku których respondenci najczęściej stosowali samoleczenie jest zróżnicowany ze względu na płeć, jak również wiek oraz rodzaj aktywności zawodowej badanych. Czynnikiem skłaniającym do zakupu leku przez najstarszych pacjentów jest najczęściej porada farmaceuty (47,1% grupy), a dla najmłodszych – wcześniejsze zastosowanie leku (62,5%). Około 70% badanych przyznaje, że wykorzystuje internet do pozyskania informacji o lekach. Wnioski. Najistotniejszym elementem rozwoju odpowiedzialnego samoleczenia jest edukacja, zarówno w zakresie odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji leków przeciw-bólowych, jak również w zakresie wykorzystywania odpowiednich źródeł dotyczących terapii tych dolegliwości

    The future of work in automated warehouse from the perspective of the employees

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    Contemporary enterprises operate in conditions of high uncertainty, where competition takes place not only at the level of prices of products or services offered, but above all on quality. The time taken to deliver a product or service is one of the most important quality measures. The role and importance of the logistics system in the current competitive environment is of fundamental importance. Warehouses have ceased to be perceived as cost centers, just being a central place in the flow of goods, and are gaining ever more importance in building a lasting competitive advantage. There are also growing requirements for modern warehouses (identification of the place where the goods are stored, efficient means of internal transport, the possibility of quick product picking). Technological progress and automation has a huge impact on the way warehouse processes are carried out and managed. And this technology is developing extremely quickly, radically changing work in the warehouse. Elimination of errors, increased efficiency, significant reduction of operating costs, assurance of constant availability of the full range of goods, the improvement of process control, increase of precision and speed of information flow are some of the benefits of introducing automation in the warehouse. Although warehouse processes are becoming increasingly automated, people will still have to a role by collaborating and interacting with machines. Due to the fact that the interaction between man and machine in warehouse work has not been the subject of much attention in contemporary literature on the subject, the purpose of the article is to assess the impact of automation on warehouse work, through CAPI research directed at warehouse employees. What impact the current technology has on people’s work was assessed, whether large fluctuations and staff shortages among warehouse workers are not a repercussion of treating them as supplementary to modern machines, or whether they feel at risk of losing their jobs due to automation

    The coexistence of the impaired exercise tolerance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea with gastroesophageal reflux

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    Wstęp: U chorych na obturacyjny bezdech senny (OBS) często stwierdza się refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy (RŻP), co pogarsza ich komfort życia i wymaga dodatkowego leczenia. Postanowiono sprawdzić, czy obniżenie tolerancji wysiłku u tych chorych ma związek z występowaniem i zaawansowaniem kwaśnego refluksu żołądkowo-przełykowego. Materiał i metody: Zbadano 18 chorych (6K i 12 M) w wieku średnio 55 ± 9 lat, z ciężką postacią OBS, wskaźnik bezdechów i spłycenia oddychania (AHI) wynosił średnio 44 ± 22. Wszyscy byli leczeni z powodu chorób metabolicznych i/lub nadciśnienia tętniczego lub przewlekłej choroby wieńcowej. U wszystkich chorych, poza ogólną oceną stanu zdrowia, stanu układu krążenia i oddychania, wykonano gastroskopię, 24-godzinne badanie pH w dolnym odcinku przełyku (pHmetria) i 6-minutowy test chodu (6MWT). Wyniki: U 12 badanych rozpoznano RŻP. U 14 chorych gastroskopia wykazała zmiany zapalne przełyku (w tym u 3, u których nie stwierdzono refluksu). Chorzy z RŻP w porównaniu z chorymi bez RŻP mieli nieco bardziej nasilony OBS (AHI — 46 ± 24 vs. 39 ± 18), byli nieco młodsi (53 ± 7 vs. 59 ± 11 lat), bardziej otyli (BMI - 38 ± 5 vs. 36 ± 9 kg/m2), a podczas 6MWT pokonali mniejszy dystans (różnica w odsetku wartości należnej: 78 ± 17% vs. 86 ± 22%) i pod koniec wysiłku mieli niższe wysycenie krwi tętniczej tlenem - SaO2: 91 ± 3% vs. 94 ± 3%. Wnioski: Mimo pewnych różnic w tolerancji wysiłku u chorych na OBS z RŻP i bez RŻP, nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych zależności między występowaniem RŻP a upośledzoną tolerancją wysiłku. W celu pełnego wyjaśnienia problemu wskazane byłoby zbadanie większej grupy chorych.Introduction: Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is a frequent disease in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim of the study was to evaluate possible correlation between the impairement of exercise tolerance and GERD. Material and methods: We examined 18 patients with OSA, mean AHI - 44 ± 22; 6 females, 12 males, mean age 55 ± 9 years. All patients were treated for metabolic disorders and for hypertension or coronary artery disease. In all patients gastroscopy was performed with 24h pHmetry and 6MWT. Results: In 12 patients GERD was found, in 14 patients esophagitis was diagnosed (among them there were 3 patients without GERD). Patients with GERD were younger (53 ± 7 vs. 59 ± 11 years) and more obese (BMI - 38 ± 5 vs. 36 ± 9 kg/m2). During 6MWT the distance covered was shorter (in % of normal values) in GERD subjects: 78 ± 17 vs. 86 ± 22%) and desaturation was deeper (91 ± 3 vs. 94 ± 3%). Conclusions: Despite some tendencies the relationship between GERD and impairement of exercise tolerance in OSA patients was not statistically significant. Perhaps study in larger group of subjects will be more reliable

    EU Strategy for Convergence of International Accounting Standards, 2000-2008 : Network Externalities Analysis

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    This analysis focuses on how the European Union (EU) succeeded in bringing the International Accounting Standards (IAS) to being accepted as the international accounting standards. It overcame resistances mainly from the U.S. which considered its accounting stan-dards, US GAAP, to be the superior ones and had been reluctant in supporting EU’s attempt ofthis. Michael L. Katz’s and Carl Shapiro’s model of network externalities is conceptually applied to this case. First, EU regulated all EU listed companies to use IAS from 2005 onwards. Second, it announced that it would apply this regulation to non EU companies from 2007 onwards. Non EU companies were regulated not to have access to EU financial markets for raising capital unless they make financial reporting, using the accounting standards which EU would consider to be equivalent to the standards it uses. This gave a big push to non IASusing countries to switching to adopting IAS, making IAS de facto international accounting standards. This maneuver of EU had what Katz and Shapiro called “a strategic, first-mover advantage.” The analysis covers developments only until early part of 2008 and does not coverdevelopments after the global financial crisis of 2008

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS)

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common cause of chronic cough, heartburn, epigastric or retrosternal discomfort, chest pain and abdominal pain or esophagitis. Our patients with OSAS seldom manifest GERD symptoms. We suspected that obesity and high pressure in abdominal cavity may induce acid gastroesophageal reflux in these patients. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that obesity, cigarettes smoking or ventilatory and gas exchange abnormalities provoke GERD. We studied 21 consecutive patients with severe OSAS (mean AHI 44.9±23.8) before CPAP treatment, all without GERD clinical symptoms. Standard polysomnography, gastroscopy and 24-h oesophageal pH monitoring was performed. There were 6 females, 15 males, mean age 57±9 years, mean BMI 38±6 kg/m2. All patients presented with normal spirometric and gas exchange values (mean VC 3.64±1.23 1, 90% of normal, mean FEV1 2.61±0.95 1, 83% of normal, mean FEV1%VC 72%, mean PaO2 68.1±7.7 mmHg, mean PaCO2 40.8±5.8 mmHg, mean pH 7.42±0.02). GERD was diagnosed in 14 patients. Patients with GERD were younger, more often were cigarettes smokers (5/14). We did not fi nd statistically signifi cant differences between severity of OSAS, BMI, ventilatory or gas exchange parameters and GERD

    Male breast hypertrophy - a review of modern methods of treatment

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    Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the mammary gland in males. Nowadays it is a common disorder of all ages, including newborns, adolescents and adults. It may be bilateral or unilateral enlargement of the breast. Gynecomastia may be a severe problem in adolescents resulting in development of psychological disorders. Evolution of surgical treatment options, depending on the degree of breast hypertrophy advancement, brought significant improvement in aesthetic effect and patient’s quality of life. This paper presents the development of pharmaceutical and surgical treatment technics. The manuscript proposes the optimal methods of clinical approach to the patients with an enlargement of the breast