225 research outputs found

    Iterated and anisotropic marked point processes, with a view to the minicolumn hypothesis

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    Young Workers on Digital Labor Platforms: Uncovering the Double Autonomy Paradox

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    Drawing on interviews with 12 young adults in the Danish digital labor market, this article investigates how young workers on digital labor platforms experience the tension between ‘algorithmic management’ and autonomy. Digital labor platforms promise autonomy to workers, but the study shows that the platforms in varying degrees exert control over the labor process in different stages of the work. The inherent non-transparency of the algorithmic management systems makes it difficult for the young workers to understand the underlying mechanisms of the platforms. While the young workers’ autonomy in some important ways is restricted by the algorithmic management systems, the young workers have all chosen the platform work because they feel that it allows them to control where and when they work. We propose the conceptualization ‘the double autonomy paradox of young workers’ to describe this phenomenon

    Without a Safety Net: Precarization Among Young Danish Employees

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    Precarisation’ is one of the concepts that has become important in efforts to explain how neoliberal politics and changed economic conditions produce new forms of marginalization and increased insecurity. The aim of this article is to examine how subjectivity is produced among young Danish employees through socio-material processes of precarization at workplaces and employment projects. Drawing on ethnographic observations and qualitative interviews with 35 young employees and young people ‘Neither in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEET), the three case examples show how processes of precarization, rooted in global economic and political conditions, can be understood as situated contextual practices. It is demonstrated how being positioned as an easily replaceable source of labor is shaping young people’s processes of subjectification

    Perspektiver og udfordringer ved at etablere SMART CITY og SMART COMMUNITY-løsninger

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    SMART CITY-initiativer eller SMART COMMUNITY (herefter: SMART CITY) er nogle af de termer, der anvendes til at beskrive en trend i de store internationale bysamfund såsom Rio, London, Barcelona, München, Tokyo og København. Trenden går ud på at gøre bysamfundene mere ”intelligente” ved at opsamle, analysere og anvende information om fra byrummene. Et af fundamenterne i SMART CITY er digitalisering.Danmark har igennem mange år haft en førende position inden for digitalisering, og de første SMART CITY-initiativer ved at blive realiseret. Vejdirektoratet har sammen med Devoteam siden 2014 arbejdet for at etablere en SMART CITY-trafikløsning med realtidsdata fra billister. Denne artikels ambition er at dele vores erfaringer fra projektet med andre, der står – eller kommer til at stå - med de samme udfordringer

    The Cost-Effectiveness of Chin Tuck Against Resistance Compared to Usual Care in Citizens with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia – An Economic Evaluation

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    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of chin tuck against resistance (CTAR) for citizens suffering from dysphagia compared to the standard municipal treatment in Denmark.Patients and Methods: A cost-utility analysis, employing a municipal perspective, was conducted using cost data collected alongside clinical data of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of CTAR training for citizens with dysphagia. The composition of the clinical randomized controlled trial, which included citizens with different diagnoses, means that participants had different disease courses. Ninety-two citizens from seven different Danish municipalities were enrolled, of whom 43 received standard care, and 49 received CTAR in addition to standard care. The effect outcome of the economic evaluation was quality-adjusted life years (QALY), estimated using the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Individual resource consumption of each citizen was determined based on the use of home care, home nursing care, physio- and occupational therapy, dietitian guidance, and hospital admissions. The incremental costs and QALYs between the intervention group (CTAR in addition to standard care) and standard care group were estimated using regression analysis, and sensitivity analyses were performed to investigate the robustness of the results.Results: The base case analysis showed that the intervention group was dominant compared to the standard care group, with a decrease in incremental costs of ÂŁ 542.38 and an increase in incremental QALYs of 0.0118. All sensitivity analyses demonstrated similar findings as the base case analysis, supporting the robustness of the results.Conclusion: This study found that the intervention group was the dominant alternative, hence being more effective and cost-saving, compared to the standard care group in a Danish municipality perspective with a three-month time horizon. This study adds to the scarce evidence on the cost-effectiveness of CTAR in a Danish clinical setting, but further studies should focus on estimating long-term cost-effectiveness


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    Rejseplanen og Vejdirektoratet har besluttet at implementere en rejseplanlÌgger, hvor oplysninger om kollektive rejser og bilrejser kombineres i samme rejseplanlÌgger. Formület er at give bilister bedre information om deres valgmuligheder og samtidig motivere bilister til at bruge kollektiv transport ved at vise, at det nogen gange er hurtigere end at tage bilen, idet planlÌggeren viser realistiske rejsetider for bilrejsen. Samtidig vises ogsü pris og CO2 belastning for rejserne. Efter gennemførelsen af et tilfredsstillende pilotforsøg i 2008 blev det besluttet at lave en fuld implementering, som forventes i fuld drift i løbet af efterüret 2009
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