2,416 research outputs found

    Stokes phenomenon and matched asymptotic expansions

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    This paper describes the use of matched asymptotic expansions to illuminate the description of functions exhibiting Stokes phenomenon. In particular the approach highlights the way in which the local structure and the possibility of finding Stokes multipliers explicitly depend on the behaviour of the coefficients of the relevant asymptotic expansions

    Overview of Performance Based Practical Design

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    State transportation agencies (STAs) have increasingly turned to practical design and performance based practical design (PBPD) to inform project development and implementation — and to reduce project costs while optimizing systemwide benefits. PBPD is a design-up philosophy that encourages agencies to formulate projects to meet the purpose and need rather than adhering to ostensibly immutable design standards. This paper reviews practical design and PBPD concepts and initiatives and their application in a variety of contexts. It also summarizes best practices STAs can use to develop a PBPD program. As a holistic approach to project design, PBPD underscores context sensitive solutions that balance the needs of all roadway users, including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Common PBPD solutions include opting for low-cost enhancements, such as striping, signing, and rumble strips, as opposed to realignment; narrowing shoulder widths; redesigning projects to lower right-of-way costs; modifying interchange designs; and using design exceptions to build projects that fulfill project objectives. STAs committed to establishing robust PBPD programs will typically require 18 to 24 months to get a program off the ground. For an initiative to succeed, it is critical for executive leadership in an agency to advocate for PBPD; that agency staff learn about practical design and ongoing PBPD programs in other states; that a baseline performance evaluation of the tools, concepts, and resources currently used for project development be conducted; and that changes made to the project development process are thoroughly documented. The report closes with a series of recommended performance metrics the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet should consider adopting to improve its monitoring of critical bridge and roadway assets

    The Rapidly Rotating, Hydrogen Deficient, Hot Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Star ZNG 1 in the Globular Cluster M5

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    We report observations of the hot post-asymptotic giant branch star ZNG 1 in the globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). From the resulting spectrum, we derive an effective temperature T_eff = 44300 +/- 300 K, a surface gravity log g = 4.3 +/- 0.1, a rotational velocity v sin i = 170 +/- 20 km/s, and a luminosity log (L/L_sun) = 3.52 +/- 0.04. The atmosphere is helium-rich (Y = 0.93), with enhanced carbon (2.6% by mass), nitrogen (0.51%) and oxygen (0.37%) abundances. The spectrum shows evidence for a wind with terminal velocity near 1000 km/s and an expanding shell of carbon- and nitrogen-rich material around the star. The abundance pattern of ZNG 1 is suggestive of the ``born-again'' scenario, whereby a star on the white-dwarf cooling curve undergoes a very late shell flash and returns to the AGB, but the star's rapid rotation is more easily explained by a previous interaction with a binary companion.Comment: 8 pages, 2 PostScript figures, Latex with emulateapj5. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Comparison of Orchid Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Species Composition Collected with Four Chemical Attractants

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    Orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) are a diverse and important group of Neotropical pollinators. Numerous chemicals have been used in sampling orchid bees, and species-specific attraction, particularly of males, to these chemicals is well known. However, there have been few studies that have quantified differences in the species composition of orchid bees attracted to particular chemicals. In this study, we compared the abundance and species composition of orchid bees collected with 4 commonly used attractants: benzyl acetate, eucalyptol (or cineole), eugenol, and methyl salicylate. Eucalyptol collected the greatest abundance and species richness of orchid bees. Indicator species analysis revealed that 3 species, Euglossa imperialis Cockerell, Euglossa obtusa Dressler, and Eufriesea mexicana (Mocsáry), were significantly associated with eucalyptol, and 1, Eulaema marcii Nemésio, with benzyl acetate. The multi-response permutation procedure revealed relatively large differences in species composition of orchid bees collected with eucalyptol vs. benzyl acetate and eucalyptol vs. eugenol. Our results showed that eucalyptol and benzyl acetate were the most effective and complimentary attractants, but even less effective attractants such as eugenol may attract novel species

    Hawaiian Lava Tubes with Extraterrestrial Habitat Applications

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    One of the next major steps in space exploration, as noted by agencies such as NASA and SpaceX, is the creation of extraterrestrial habitats. Most current extraterrestrial habitat designs focus on above-surface solutions and do not consider all the hazards that can impact this habitat. However, the existence of lava tubes on the moon, supported by data from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL), SELenological and ENgineering Explorer (SELENE), and NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), could impact extraterrestrial habitat designs. To support life, a prospective habitat must be safe from the harsh conditions of space, including meteorite impacts, radiation, and fluctuating temperatures. Lunar lava tubes, cave-like structures created during volcanic eruptions, can house a prospective habitat. This paper provides an understanding of lava tube morphology and formation methods on Earth which gives insight into extraterrestrial lava tubes, specifically their structure, stability, and formation methods. By studying lava tubes in Hawaii, a better understanding of these qualities is formed. This knowledge provides for a more accurate model in which stability is further investigated. Several factors are investigated in this model, including size and geometry. Using a case study of the Kaumana Cave and Thurston’s lava tube in Hawaii, it is found that stable terrestrial lava tubes share many similarities with extraterrestrial lava tubes. This shows the stability of lava tubes a few kilometers wide on the Moon. By knowing more about the stability of lunar lava tubes found through this research, future extraterrestrial habitat engineering designs will be impacted

    Superheating fields of superconductors: Asymptotic analysis and numerical results

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    The superheated Meissner state in type-I superconductors is studied both analytically and numerically within the framework of Ginzburg-Landau theory. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions we have developed a systematic expansion for the solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the limit of small Îş\kappa, and have determined the maximum superheating field HshH_{\rm sh} for the existence of the metastable, superheated Meissner state as an expansion in powers of Îş1/2\kappa^{1/2}. Our numerical solutions of these equations agree quite well with the asymptotic solutions for Îş<0.5\kappa<0.5. The same asymptotic methods are also used to study the stability of the solutions, as well as a modified version of the Ginzburg-Landau equations which incorporates nonlocal electrodynamics. Finally, we compare our numerical results for the superheating field for large-Îş\kappa against recent asymptotic results for large-Îş\kappa, and again find a close agreement. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of the method of matched asymptotic expansions for dealing with problems in inhomogeneous superconductivity involving boundary layers.Comment: 14 pages, 8 uuencoded figures, Revtex 3.

    ORFEUS-II Far-Ultraviolet Observations of 3C273: 1. Interstellar and Intergalactic Absorption Lines

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    We present the first intermediate-resolution (lambda / 3000) spectrum of the bright quasi-stellar object 3C273 at wavelengths between 900 and 1200 A. Observations were performed with the Berkeley spectrograph aboard the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission. We detect Lyman beta counterparts to previously-identified intergalactic Lyman-alpha features at cz = 19900, 1600, and 1000 km/s; counterparts to other putative Lyman-alpha clouds along the sight line are below our detection limit. The strengths of the two very low redshift Lyman-beta features, which are believed to arise in Virgo intracluster gas, exceed preflight expectations, suggesting that the previous determination of the cloud parameters may underestimate the true column densities. A curve-of-growth analysis sets a minimum H I column density of 4 E14/cm^2 for the 1600 km/s cloud. We find marginally significant evidence for Galactic H_2 along the sight line, with a total column density of about 1 E15/cm^2. We detect the stronger interstellar O VI doublet member unambiguously; the weaker member is blended with other features. If the Doppler b value for O VI is comparable to that determined for N V then the O VI column density is 7 +/- 2 E14/cm^2, significantly above the only previous estimate. The O VI / N V ratio is about 10, consistent with the low end of the range observed in the disk. Additional interstellar species detected for the first time toward 3C273 (at modest statistical significance) include P II, Fe III, Ar I, and S III.Comment: LaTeX file, 11 pages, 4 encapsulated PostScript figures. Uses aaspp4.sty and astrobib.sty. (Astrobib is available from http://www.stsci.edu/software/TeX.html .) The ORFEUS telescope is described at http://sag-www.ssl.berkeley.edu/orfeus/ . To appear in ApJ (Letters

    Generalized Master Equations for Non-Poisson Dynamics on Networks

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    The traditional way of studying temporal networks is to aggregate the dynamics of the edges to create a static weighted network. This implicitly assumes that the edges are governed by Poisson processes, which is not typically the case in empirical temporal networks. Consequently, we examine the effects of non-Poisson inter-event statistics on the dynamics of edges, and we apply the concept of a generalized master equation to the study of continuous-time random walks on networks. We show that the equation reduces to the standard rate equations when the underlying process is Poisson and that the stationary solution is determined by an effective transition matrix whose leading eigenvector is easy to calculate. We discuss the implications of our work for dynamical processes on temporal networks and for the construction of network diagnostics that take into account their nontrivial stochastic nature

    Naval Narratives of Re-enactment: In Which We Serve and Sea of Fire

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    This essay examines two narrative examples of the Royal Navy and naval combat on screen, exploring their resemblances in the reenactment of naval history and their portrayal of the past through consistent representational strategies. In Which We Serve (Noel Coward and David Lean, 1942) and Sea of Fire (Ian Duncan, 2007) use deliberate and self-conscious recreations of the past to authenticate their interpretations of British naval history, and evince comparably conservative stances towards the Royal Navy and perceptions of its traditions. The similarity of their narratives, which describe the events leading up to the loss of two Navy destroyers, helps to reveal and reinforce the tonal, structural and stylistic parallels in their depictions. The correspondence in their portrayal of naval combat and the institution of the Royal Navy illustrates the consistencies of representation which characterise the naval war film as a distinctive, definable narrative form. Above all, their commitment to the recreation and reenactment of identifiable historical events underpins their importance in the representation and commemoration of the national, naval past. It is this aspect of both productions which is significant in the exploration of the role of visual representations to construct, affirm and broadcast pervasive and persuasive versions of popular history
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