136 research outputs found

    Connecting Online Graduate Students to the University Community

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    The purpose of this study was to understand how to facilitate a sense of belonging among online graduate students. Sense of community theory was the basis for examining students’ desires to be a part of a community and feel connected to the institution. Findings from a survey using the Sense of Community Index 2 (SCI-2) of online graduate students provided insight into the sense of community, the importance of belonging to a community, and activities that could strengthen their connection with the institution. Overall students showed a slightly stronger sense of belonging to their program than to the institution. Students were also asked how they prefer to connect to others in the community with mentoring and inperson social events being the most requested

    Nutrition, Diabetes and Tuberculosis in the Epidemiological Transition

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes prevalence and body mass index reflect the nutritional profile of populations but have opposing effects on tuberculosis risk. Interactions between diabetes and BMI could help or hinder TB control in growing, aging, urbanizing populations. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We compiled data describing temporal changes in BMI, diabetes prevalence and population age structure in rural and urban areas for men and women in countries with high (India) and low (Rep. Korea) TB burdens. Using published data on the risks of TB associated with these factors, we calculated expected changes in TB incidence between 1998 and 2008. In India, TB incidence cases would have increased (28% from 1.7 m to 2.1 m) faster than population size (22%) because of adverse effects of aging, urbanization, changing BMI and rising diabetes prevalence, generating an increase in TB incidence per capita of 5.5% in 10 years. In India, general nutritional improvements were offset by a fall in BMI among the majority of men who live in rural areas. The growing prevalence of diabetes in India increased the annual number of TB cases in people with diabetes by 46% between 1998 and 2008. In Korea, by contrast, the number of TB cases increased more slowly (6.1% from 40,200 to 42,800) than population size (14%) because of positive effects of urbanization, increasing BMI and falling diabetes prevalence. Consequently, TB incidence per capita fell by 7.8% in 10 years. Rapid population aging was the most significant adverse effect in Korea. CONCLUSIONS: Nutritional and demographic changes had stronger adverse effects on TB in high-incidence India than in lower-incidence Korea. The unfavourable effects in both countries can be overcome by early drug treatment but, if left unchecked, could lead to an accelerating rise in TB incidence. The prevention and management of risk factors for TB would reinforce TB control by chemotherapy

    Xpert MTB/RIF versus sputum microscopy as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis: a cluster-randomised trial embedded in South African roll-out of Xpert MTB/RIF

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    Background In South Africa, sputum smear microscopy has been replaced with Xpert MTB/RIF as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis. In a pragmatic parallel cluster-randomised trial, we evaluated the eff ect on patient and programme outcomes. Methods We randomly allocated 20 laboratories (clusters) in medium-burden districts of South Africa to either an Xpert (immediate Xpert) or microscopy (Xpert deferred) group (1:1), stratifi ed by province. At two primary care clinics per laboratory, a systematic sample of adults giving sputum for tuberculosis investigation was assessed for eligibility. The primary outcome was mortality at 6 months from enrolment. Masking of participants’ group allocation was not possible because of the pragmatic trial design. The trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN68905568) and the South African Clinical Trial Register (DOH-27-1011-3849). Findings Between June and November, 2012, 4972 people were screened, and 4656 (93·6%) enrolled (median age 36 years; 2891 [62%] female; 2212 [62%] reported being HIV-positive). There was no diff erence between the Xpert and microscopy groups with respect to mortality at 6 months (91/2324 [3·9%] vs 116/2332 [5·0%], respectively; adjusted risk ratio [aRR] 1·10, 95% CI 0·75–1·62]). Interpretation Xpert did not reduce mortality at 6 months compared with sputum microscopy. Improving outcomes in drug-sensitive tuberculosis programmes might require not only better diagnostic tests but also better linkage to care

    Xpert MTB/RIF versus sputum microscopy as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis: a cluster-randomised trial embedded in South African roll-out of Xpert MTB/RIF.

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    BACKGROUND: In South Africa, sputum smear microscopy has been replaced with Xpert MTB/RIF as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis. In a pragmatic parallel cluster-randomised trial, we evaluated the effect on patient and programme outcomes. METHODS: We randomly allocated 20 laboratories (clusters) in medium-burden districts of South Africa to either an Xpert (immediate Xpert) or microscopy (Xpert deferred) group (1:1), stratified by province. At two primary care clinics per laboratory, a systematic sample of adults giving sputum for tuberculosis investigation was assessed for eligibility. The primary outcome was mortality at 6 months from enrolment. Masking of participants' group allocation was not possible because of the pragmatic trial design. The trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN68905568) and the South African Clinical Trial Register (DOH-27-1011-3849). FINDINGS: Between June and November, 2012, 4972 people were screened, and 4656 (93·6%) enrolled (median age 36 years; 2891 [62%] female; 2212 [62%] reported being HIV-positive). There was no difference between the Xpert and microscopy groups with respect to mortality at 6 months (91/2324 [3·9%] vs 116/2332 [5·0%], respectively; adjusted risk ratio [aRR] 1·10, 95% CI 0·75-1·62]). INTERPRETATION: Xpert did not reduce mortality at 6 months compared with sputum microscopy. Improving outcomes in drug-sensitive tuberculosis programmes might require not only better diagnostic tests but also better linkage to care. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Estimating the Magnitude and Direction of Altered Arbovirus Transmission Due to Viral Phenotype

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    Vectorial capacity is a measure of the transmission potential of a vector borne pathogen within a susceptible population. Vector competence, a component of the vectorial capacity equation, is the ability of an arthropod to transmit an infectious agent following exposure to that agent. Comparisons of arbovirus strain-specific vector competence estimates have been used to support observed or hypothesized differences in transmission capability. Typically, such comparisons are made at a single time point during the extrinsic incubation period, the time in days it takes for the virus to replicate and disseminate to the salivary glands. However, vectorial capacity includes crucial parameters needed to effectively evaluate transmission capability, though often this is based on the discrete vector competence values. Utilization of the rate of change of vector competence over a range of days gives a more accurate measurement of the transmission potential. Accordingly, we investigated the rate of change in vector competence of dengue virus in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and the resulting vectorial capacity curves. The areas under the curves represent the effective vector competence and the cumulative transmission potentials of arboviruses within a population of mosquitoes. We used the calculated area under the curve for each virus strain and the corresponding variance estimates to test for differences in cumulative transmission potentials between strains of dengue virus based on our dynamic model. To further characterize differences between dengue strains, we devised a displacement index interpreted as the capability of a newly introduced strain to displace the established, dominant circulating strain. The displacement index can be used to better understand the transmission dynamics in systems where multiple strains/serotypes circulate or even multiple arbovirus species. The use of a rate of a rate of change based model of vectorial capacity and the informative calculations of the displacement index will lead to better measurements of the differences in transmission potential of arboviruses

    Has the DOTS Strategy Improved Case Finding or Treatment Success? An Empirical Assessment

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    Background: Nearly fifteen years after the start of WHO's DOTS strategy, tuberculosis remains a major global health problem. Given the lack of empirical evidence that DOTS reduces tuberculosis burden, considerable debate has arisen about its place in the future of global tuberculosis control efforts. An independent evaluation of DOTS, one of the most widely-implemented and longest-running interventions in global health, is a prerequisite for meaningful improvements to tuberculosis control efforts, including WHO's new Stop TB Strategy. We investigate the impact of the expansion of the DOTS strategy on tuberculosis case finding and treatment success, using only empirical data. Methods and Findings: We study the effect of DOTS using time-series cross-sectional methods. We first estimate the impact of DOTS expansion on case detection, using reported case notification data and controlling for other determinants of change in notifications, including HIV prevalence, GDP, and country-specific effects. We then estimate the effect of DOTS expansion on treatment success. DOTS programme variables had no statistically significant impact on case detection in a wide range of models and specifications. DOTS population coverage had a significant effect on overall treatment success rates, such that countries with full DOTS coverage benefit from at least an 18% increase in treatment success (95% CI: 5–31%). Conclusions: The DOTS technical package improved overall treatment success. By contrast, DOTS expansion had no effect on case detection. This finding is less optimistic than previous analyses. Better epidemiological and programme data would facilitate future monitoring and evaluation efforts

    Lives saved by Global Fund-supported HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programs: estimation approach and results between 2003 and end-2007

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since 2003, the Global Fund has supported the scale-up of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria control in low- and middle-income countries. This paper presents and discusses a methodology for estimating the lives saved through selected service deliveries reported to the Global Fund.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Global Fund-supported programs reported, by end-2007, 1.4 million HIV-infected persons on antiretroviral treatment (ARV), 3.3 million new smear-positive tuberculosis cases detected in DOTS (directly observed TB treatment, short course) programs, and 46 million insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) delivered. We estimated the corresponding lives saved using adaptations of existing epidemiological estimation models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By end-2007, an estimated 681,000 lives (95% uncertainty range 619,000-774,000) were saved and 1,097,000 (993,000-1,249,000) life-years gained by ARV. DOTS treatment would have saved 1.63 million lives (1.09 - 2.17 million) when compared against no treatment, or 408,000 lives (265,000-551,000) when compared against non-DOTS treatment. ITN distributions in countries with stable endemic <it>falciparum </it>malaria were estimated to have achieved protection from malaria for 26 million of child-years at risk cumulatively, resulting in 130,000 (27,000-232,000) under-5 deaths prevented.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results illustrate the scale of mortality effects that supported programs may have achieved in recent years, despite margins of uncertainty and covering only selected intervention components. Evidence-based evaluation of disease impact of the programs supported by the Global Fund with international and in-country partners must be strengthened using population-level data on intervention coverage and demographic outcomes, information on quality of services, and trends in disease burdens recorded in national health information systems.</p

    HIV Treatment as Prevention: Debate and Commentary-Will Early Infection Compromise Treatment-as-Prevention Strategies?

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    Universal HIV testing and immediate antiretroviral therapy for infected individuals has been proposed as a way of reducing the transmission of HIV and thereby bringing the HIV epidemic under control. It is unclear whether transmission during early HIV infection—before individuals are likely to have been diagnosed with HIV and started on antiretroviral therapy—will compromise the effectiveness of treatment as prevention. This article presents two opposing viewpoints by Powers, Miller, and Cohen, and Williams and Dye, followed by a commentary by Fraser

    Alcohol use as a risk factor for tuberculosis – a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has long been evident that there is an association between alcohol use and risk of tuberculosis. It has not been established to what extent this association is confounded by social and other factors related to alcohol use. Nor has the strength of the association been established. The objective of this study was to systematically review the available evidence on the association between alcohol use and the risk of tuberculosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on a systematic literature review, we identified 3 cohort and 18 case control studies. These were further categorized according to definition of exposure, type of tuberculosis used as study outcome, and confounders controlled for. Pooled effect sizes were obtained for each sub-category of studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The pooled relative risk across all studies that used an exposure cut-off level set at 40 g alcohol per day or above, or defined exposure as a clinical diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder, was 3.50 (95% CI: 2.01–5.93). After exclusion of small studies, because of suspected publication bias, the pooled relative risk was 2.94 (95% CI: 1.89–4.59). Subgroup analyses of studies that had controlled for various sets of confounders did not give significantly different results and did not explain the significant heterogeneity that was found across the studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The risk of active tuberculosis is substantially elevated in people who drink more than 40 g alcohol per day, and/or have an alcohol use disorder. This may be due to both increased risk of infection related to specific social mixing patterns associated with alcohol use, as well as influence on the immune system of alcohol itself and of alcohol related conditions.</p
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