57 research outputs found

    A proposal for analogue cum digital character recognition.

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    Social Intelligence: A Preliminary Investigation of Its Development in Children

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    Conventional, Speed Sintering and High-Speed Sintering of Zirconia: A Systematic Review of the Current Status of Applications in Dentistry with a Focus on Precision, Mechanical and Optical Parameters.

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    The aim of this systematic review was to provide an overview of the technical and clinical outcomes of conventional, speed sintering and high-speed sintering protocols of zirconia in the dental field. Data on precision, mechanical and optical parameters were evaluated and related to the clinical performance of zirconia ceramic. The PICOS search strategy was applied using MEDLINE to search for in vitro and in vivo studies using MeSH Terms by two reviewers. Of 66 potentially relevant studies, 5 full text articles were selected and 10 were further retrieved through a manual search. All 15 studies included in the systematic review were in vitro studies. Mechanical, precision and optical properties (marginal and internal fit, fracture strength and modulus, wear, translucency and opalescence, aging resistance/hydrothermal aging) were evaluated regarding 3-, 4- and 5-YTZP zirconia material and conventional, high- and high-speed sintering protocols. Mechanical and precision results were similar or better when speed or high-speed sintering methods were used for 3-, 4- and 5-YTZP zirconia. Translucency is usually reduced when 3 Y-TZP is used with speed sintering methods. All types of zirconia using the sintering procedures performed mechanically better compared to lithium disilicate glass ceramics but glass ceramics showed better results regarding translucency

    Push-Out Bond Strength Assessment of Different Post Systems at Different Radicular Levels of Endodontically Treated Teeth.

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    This study assessed the bond strength of prefabricated post systems at different root levels of endodontically treated teeth. One-rooted human premolars (N = 70; n = 10) were cut to 2 mm above the cement-enamel junction. Root canals were treated and randomly assigned to one of the seven post systems: T: Titanium (Mooser), ZrO: Zirconia (Cosmopost), G: Fiber (FRC Postec Plus), E1: Fiber (Direct) (Everstick post), E2: Fiber (Indirect) (Everstick post), PP: Fiber (PinPost), and LP: Injectable Resin/Fiber composite (EverX Posterior). All posts were luted using a resin cement (Variolink II), and the roots were sectioned at the coronal, middle, and apical root levels. Push-out tests were performed in the Universal Testing Machine (0.5 mm/min). Data (MPa) were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). The results showed that the bond strength (mean ± SD) of E2 posts were highest (5.3 ± 2.7) followed by PP (4.1 ± 2.0); G (4.0 ± 1.6); LP (2.6 ± 1.9): T (2.2 ± 1.5) and ZrO (1.9 ± 1.0) posts systems. No significant differences were found in bond strength of all post systems. The bond strength in the coronal root level was the highest with 3.6 ± 2.2 MPa. The bond strength of FRC post systems was significantly higher than those of rigid posts of titanium or ZrO2. Bond strength results were the highest in the coronal root level for all tested post systems but did not differ significantly from the other two root levels

    Unlocking Strength: The Powerful Impact of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Supplementation on Resistance Training

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    Withania somnifera, commonly known as ashwagandha, has gained popularity in recent years among individuals interested in healthy lifestyles, natural medicine, and sports. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge regarding the effects of ashwagandha supplementation on various aspects of physical performance, particularly in the context of resistance training. Studies have shown that ashwagandha can positively impact muscle strength, with significant increase of muscle force and power output. Additionally, it has demonstrated potential in modulating body composition, with reduction of body fat percentage noted in certain populations. However, results of studies on ashwagandha’s effect on muscle size remain inconclusive and may depend on various factors such as training status and individual responses. In terms of endurance, ashwagandha supplementation has been associated with improvement in maximal oxygen uptake, indicating enhanced aerobic capacity and delayed exhaustion during endurance activities. Furthermore, ashwagandha was shown to aid muscle recovery by reducing exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammatory response, potentially accelerating the muscle regeneration process. Ashwagandha may also influence hormone levels, such as testosterone and cortisol, with potential implications for muscle growth and recovery. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms underlying these effects. Overall, ashwagandha supplementation appears to hold promise for enhancing physical performance and overall well-being. Further research is needed to elucidate optimal dosages, long-term safety, and potential interactions with other supplements or medications

    A Better Touch: C-tactile Fibers Related Activity is Associated to Pain Reduction During Temporal Summation of Second Pain

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    C-tactile (CT) fibers, responsible for the so-called “affective” touch (AT), have drawn a fair amount of attention within the scientific community for their marked social dimension. However, while the pain-relieving potential of discriminative touch (DT) has been documented, proofs of the analgesic properties of AT are still scarce. Additionally, no study has so far tested its possible pain-relieving effect on a clinically-relevant model. Temporal summation of second pain (TSSP), otherwise referred to as “wind-up,” relies on repetitive stimulation of C-nociceptors and it is thought to reflect central sensitization, a process linked to many chronic pain conditions. In the present experimental, within participants, design we induced TSSP through trains of ascending and descending repetitive heat stimulation. Forty-two healthy participants’ pain was measured during 2 different tactile stimulations (stroking velocities AT: 10 cm/s; DT: 0.3 cm/s) or without concomitant tactile input. Since measures of pleasantness of the tactile stimulation have been found to strongly correlate with C-tactile fibers’ firing rate, these, together with participants’ body awareness, were also taken into account. Our results show that AT brought about a decrease of our participants’ pain as opposed to both DT and no touch, while DT did not produce any significant pain reduction. Thus, only AT successfully modulated wind-up. As expected, AT was perceived as more pleasant than DT, while a clear relationship between body awareness and pain was found only during DT. Targeting CT fibers could pave the way to new treatments for chronic pain conditions whose aetiology depend on abnormal C-nociceptors’ physiology. Perspective: This study extends previous findings on the analgesic potential of affective touch, documenting a clear pain reduction during temporal summation of second pain (TSSP). Since TSSP is thought to reflect central sensitization, the psychophysiological mechanisms of affective touch could be exploited for new chronic pain treatments

    Ukraińska leksykografia historyczna. Problematyka łączliwości i słownik kombinatoryczny języka ukraińskiego

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    У статті подано характеристику комбінаторного словника відповідно до засад практичної комбінаторної лексикографії, а також на тлі історичної лексикографії. Наведено основні принципи створюваного Комбінаторного словника української мови XVІ–XVIII століть на основі ад’єктивно-субстантивних словосполучень, особливості його будови, специфіку джерельної бази, будову словникової статті. Згадано важливість короткого Словника малозрозумілих іменників, доданого до Комбінаторного словника української мови XVІ–XVIII століть.W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę słownika kombinatorycznego według zasad praktycznej leksykografii kombinatorycznej oraz na tle leksykografii historycznej. Podano podstawowe zasady budowy powstającego Słownika kombinatorycznego języka ukraińskiego XVI–XVIII wieku na podstawie przymiotnikowo-rzeczownikowych związków syntaktycznych, a także cechy jego budowy, specyfikę bazy źródłowej oraz strukturę artykułu słownikowego. Wspomniano również o znaczeniu krótkiego Słownika rzeczowników niejasnych załączonego do Słownika kombinatorycznego języka ukraińskiego XVI–XVIII wieku.The initial and practical interest in the compatibility of words as an object of lexicographic description led to the emergence of combinatorial lexicography – an independent direction within the general theory of lexicography. Part of the problem of describing compatibility is related to general lexicographic principles, and partly on the theory of compatibility. That is why combinatorial lexicography can be classified as a sphere of lexicography, the purpose of which is theoretical and practical issues of creating compatibility dictionaries. Adjective-substantive phrases provide valuable material for lexicographical interpretation, as evidenced by the Combinatorial Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language of the 16th–18th centuries – the first attempt in Slavic lexicography in general and in Ukrainian lexicography in particular to codify lexical-syntactic compatibility on the material of written monuments. Combinatorial dictionary of the Ukrainian language of the 16th–18th centuries combines the features of two lexicons. First, the combinatorial dictionary is a historical dictionary and, secondly, a combinatorial dictionary, that is, a compatibility dictionary. On the one hand, it occupies its proper place in the combinatorial lexicography system, on the other hand, it is a distinctive dictionary, since all of the combinatorial dictionaries known today are created with a didactic purpose, moreover, based on modern literary lexical material and function as bilingual