6 research outputs found


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    A synthesis technique was developed and a new complex [Fe(рhen)3][Sn(HCit)2]∙2H2O (I) (phen is 1,10-phenanthroline and Н4Сit is citric acid) was obtained. Based on the data of elemental analysis, the molar ratio Sn: citrate: Fe: phen = 1:2:1:3 is realized in complex I. The presence of a vacant carboxyl group –COOH in molecule I is confirmed with the band in the IR-spectra ν(С=О) = 1708 сm–1. Unlike the IR-spectrum of citric acid, νas(СОО–), νs(СОО–), ν(С–О) bands of the alcoholate type in the region of 1083 сm–1 and stretching vibrations of the Sn – O bond appear in the IR-spectrum of I. The presence of the stretching vibrations in the range of 1300–1600 сm–1, 1000–1500 сm–1 and 700–1200 сm–1, which is specific for an aromatic molecules, confirms the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline in I. X-Ray analysis showed that I is a coordination compound of the cation-anionic type with the [Fe(phen)3]2+ as cation and the [Sn(HCit)2]2- as anion. The coordination polyhedron of Sn(IV) in the complex anion is a distorted octahedron formed by three pairs of oxygen atoms of two tridentate chelating ligands НCit3-. In cations, Fe atoms are coordinated by three phen molecules. In one of the cations, one phen molecule is disordered in two positions with the same occupation. This leads to the formation of two types of cation: A (without disordering of phen molecules) and B (with disordering of phen molecules). The coordination polyhedron of Fe(II) in both types is a distorted octahedron. Anions, cations, and also water molecules form alternating layers parallel to the crystallographic plane bc. Layers can be divided into three types: layers, which contain only anions and water molecules connected with intermolecular hydrogen bonds; and ones which contain only type A cations or only type B cations.Розроблена методика синтезу та отримано новий комплекс [Fe(рhen)3][Sn(HCit)2]∙2H2O (I), де рhen – 1,10-фенантролін, Н4Сit – лимонна кислота. За даними елементного аналізу в комплексі I реалізується мольне співвідношення Sn : цитрат : Fe : рhen = 1:2:1:3. Про наявність вакантної карбоксильної групи –СООН в молекулі I свідчить смуга ν(С=О) = 1708 см–1 в його ІЧ-спектрі. В порівняні зі спектром лимонної кислоти, в спектрі I відзначено появу смуг νas(СОО–), νs(СОО–), ν(С–О) алкоголятного типу в області 1083 см–1 і валентних коливань зв’язку Sn–O. Наявність смуг, характерних для ароматичних молекул в діапазоні 1300–1600 см–1, 1000–1500 см–1 і 700–1200 см–1 підтверджує присутність 1,10-фенантроліну в складі комплексу I. В результаті РСА встановлено, що I являє собою координаційну сполуку катіон-аніонного типу з катіоном [Fe(phen)3]2+ і аніоном [Sn(HCit)2]2-. Координаційний поліедр Sn(IV) в комплексному аніоні – викривлений октаедр, утворений трьома парами атомів Оксигену двох тридендантно-хелатних лігандів НCit3-. В катіонах атоми Феруму координуються трьома молекулами phen. В одному з катіонів спостерігається разупорядкування одної молекули phen по двом положенням з однаковою заселеністю, в сполуці виділені катіони типу А (без розупорядкування молекул phen) і типу Б (з разупорядкуванням молекул phen). Координаційний поліедр Fe(ІІ) в катіонах обох типів являє собою викривлений октаедр. В кристалі аніони, катіони, а також молекули води утворюють шари, що чергуються, паралельні кристалографічні площини bc. Шари можна розділити на три типи: шари, що містять тільки аніони і молекули води, пов’язані міжмолекулярними водневими зв’язками; шари, що містять катіони типу А і шари, що містять разупорядковані катіони типу Б


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    Optimal synthesis methods of germanium(IV) coordination compounds with mandelic (Н2Mand), gallic (Н4Gal) acids and 1,10-phenantroline (phen), 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) in water solution were developed. Their composition was established. Thermogravimetric analysis of coordination compounds with mandelic acid 1, 2 showed that complexes are crystallohydrates. Thermal destruction of both compounds is similar: the endothermic effect with the maximum at 100 °С and 90 °С is observed in the temperature range 70-230 °С (for 1) and 80-240 °С (for 2) respectively. This effect is followed by the weight loss about 3,3% for 1 and 6,1% for 2, which corresponds to one and two water molecules. The difference in thermal destruction of 3 and 4 (with gallic acid) is absence of low-temperature endo-thermic effects. Two consequent exothermic effects in the interval 260-520 °С are observed for 3 (for 4 - one exothermic effect at 340-520 °С), during which phen and bipy molecules ware eliminated. During the X-Ray analytics there was established that 3 (CCDC 1862035; e-mail: [email protected]) is different-ligand complex with distorted octahedral polyhedron, which is formed with four oxygen atoms of two molecules of gallic acid and two nitrogen atoms of 1,10-phenantroline. In the crystal 3 molecules are bonded between each other through hydrogen bonds and form three-dimensional net. In crystal c emptiness between molecules with the volume 1084.76 Å3 (which is 33% from the total unit cell volume) is formed along the crystallographic axis. In this article it is shown that mononuclear different-ligand complexes with octahedral coordination polyhedron of germanium [Ge(Mand)2(phen)]∙2H2O (1), [Ge(Mand)2(bipy)]∙H2O (2), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(phen)] (3), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(bipy)] (4) were formed. Their structures were suggested


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    Optimal synthesis methods of germanium(IV) coordination compounds with mandelic (Н2Mand), gallic (Н4Gal) acids and 1,10-phenantroline (phen), 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) in water solution were developed. Their composition was established. Thermogravimetric analysis of coordination compounds with mandelic acid 1, 2 showed that complexes are crystallohydrates. Thermal destruction of both compounds is similar: the endothermic effect with the maximum at 100 °С and 90 °С is observed in the temperature range 70-230 °С (for 1) and 80-240 °С (for 2) respectively. This effect is followed by the weight loss about 3,3% for 1 and 6,1% for 2, which corresponds to one and two water molecules. The difference in thermal destruction of 3 and 4 (with gallic acid) is absence of low-temperature endo-thermic effects. Two consequent exothermic effects in the interval 260-520 °С are observed for 3 (for 4 - one exothermic effect at 340-520 °С), during which phen and bipy molecules ware eliminated. During the X-Ray analytics there was established that 3 (CCDC 1862035; e-mail: [email protected]) is different-ligand complex with distorted octahedral polyhedron, which is formed with four oxygen atoms of two molecules of gallic acid and two nitrogen atoms of 1,10-phenantroline. In the crystal 3 molecules are bonded between each other through hydrogen bonds and form three-dimensional net. In crystal c emptiness between molecules with the volume 1084.76 Å3 (which is 33% from the total unit cell volume) is formed along the crystallographic axis. In this article it is shown that mononuclear different-ligand complexes with octahedral coordination polyhedron of germanium [Ge(Mand)2(phen)]∙2H2O (1), [Ge(Mand)2(bipy)]∙H2O (2), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(phen)] (3), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(bipy)] (4) were formed. Their structures were suggested.Розроблено оптимальні методики синтезу у водному розчині координаційних сполук германію(IV) з мигдальною (Н2Mand), галовою (Н4Gal) кислотами та 1,10-фенантроліном (phen), 2,2′-біпіридином (bipy). Показано, що утворюються моноядерні різнолігандні комплекси складу [Ge(Mand)2(phen)]∙2H2O (1), [Ge(Mand)2(bipy)]∙H2O (2), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(phen)] (3), [Ge(Н2Gal)2(bipy)] (4). В результаті рентгеноструктурного аналізу встановлено, що 3 (CCDC 1862035; e-mail: [email protected]) являє собою різнолігандний комплекс з викривленим октаедричним поліедром германію, що утворений чотирма атомами оксигену двох молекул галової кислоти та двома атомами нітрогену 1,10-фенантроліну

    Doebner-type pyrazolopyridine carboxylic acids in an Ugi four-component reaction

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    Substituted 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-4- and 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-6-carboxamides have been synthetized through a Doebner-Ugi multicomponent reaction sequence in a convergent and versatile manner using diversity generation strategies: combination of two multicomponent reactions and conditions-based divergence strategy. The target products contain as pharmacophores pyrazolopyridine and peptidomimetic moieties with four points of diversity introduced from readily available starting materials including scaffold diversity. A small focused compound library of 23 Ugi products was created and screened for antibacterial activity. © 2019 Murlykina et al