25 research outputs found

    Liquid Tobacco Smoke Concentration Test Against the Intensity of Stem Borer (Chilo saccharipagus) Attack on Sugar Cane

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    One of the most harmful pests of sugar cane is the Chilo sacchariphagus striped stem borer because it causes a decrease in the quality and quantity of sugar cane. Scratched wounds can be a place of infection of various pathogens so that it can result in fatal losses that can cause the death of sugar cane plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of tobacco liquid smoke that precisely suppressed the attack of striped stem borer. The study was conducted in the Experimental Garden Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute Malang in May to September 2018. The study was conducted using a randomized block design with 3 replications. The treatments consist of: concentration of tobacco liquid smoke: 10 ml / l, 8 ml / l, 6 ml / l, 4 ml / l, 2 ml / l, Diafentiuron concentration 2 ml / l (negative control), and without treatment. Spraying of liquid tobacco smoke is done every 2 weeks. The results showed that the treatment of tobacco liquid smoke concentration had no significant effect on the intensity of the striped stem borer attack, but the number of sugar cane tillers and sugar content showed a significant effec

    Study of the Use of Organic Polybags based on Water Hyacinth and Coconut Fiber on Growth and Results of Big Red Chili (Capsicum Annum L.)

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    Polybags, including plastic materials that are difficult to be decomposed by soil microbes, can affect plant growth. The increasing demand of red chili pepper every time causes the chili to be relied upon as a non-oil and gas export commodity. This study aims to examine the use of organic polybag based on water hyacinth and coconut fiber with the addition of goat manure to the growth and yield of red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). The study was conducted from August to December 2018. This study used a simple Randomized Block Design (RBD) repeated 3 times. The treatment is as follows: P0: control ie plastic polybag, PO1: EG: SK (40g: 60g) + goat manure 1 g, PO2: EG: SK (50g: 50g) + goat manure 1 g, PO3: EG: SK (60g: 40g) + goat manure 1 g, PO4: EG: SK (70g: 30g) + goat manure 1 g, and PO5: EG: SK (80g: 20g) + goat manure 1 g. The results of the study using organic planting pots made from water hyacinth 40 g: 60 g coconut fiber (PO1) showed the best results on vegetative observation variables namely plant height and number of leaves. The treatment of the use of organic planting pots in the comparison of water hyacinth 70g: 30g coconut fiber (PO4) showed the best results on generative observation variables, namely the number of flowers, number of fruits, and wet weight of frui

    The role of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle) as soil protectant in improving soil physical, chemical, and biological properties

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    One of the aquatic weeds inhibiting agricultural production is hydrilla. The plants are simply removed not far from the bunds to prevent them from competing with cultivated plants. However, hydrilla can be used to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. As an indicator of production, chili plants were planted in the trial field in Purworejo Village, Ngantang Sub-district, Malang District from October 2020 to January 2021 to test the dose of hydrilla compost. The treatments tested consisted of hydrilla compost doses of 5 t.ha⁻¹ (P₁), 10 t.ha⁻¹ (P₂), 15 t.ha⁻¹ (P₃), and 20 t.ha⁻¹ (P₄), and NPK (16:16:16) inorganic fertilizer dose of 250 kg.ha⁻¹ (P₅) as control. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. Analysis of variance showed no significant difference (F0.05). Hydrilla compost contained 17.3% organic C element, while the inorganic fertilizer contained 4.27%. Hydrilla compost contained decomposing microorganisms, including Pseudomonas luorescent group, Trichoderma sp., Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. The optimum dose of hydrilla compost for chili plants is 20 t.ha⁻¹


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    Permukiman penduduk di RW 07 Kelurahan Merjosari di Kota Malang menghadapi permasalahan pada infrastruktur saluran air di tepi jalan permukiman, menuju riol kota. Limpasan air hujan yang mengalir di atas permukaan jalan, seharusnya dialirkan menuju saluran air kota. Pada kondisi eksisting ruas Jalan Tirto Agung, telah terdapat saluran air memanjang dan melintang, namun kondisinya telah menurun karena debit air hujan lebih besar dibandingkan kapasitas penyalurannya. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan tepi dan dinding saluran memanjang yang rusak, dan terjadi penumpukan sedimen pada saluran melintang. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki dinding saluran drainase memanjang, dan merombak saluran drainase melintang. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan pemasangan bata dan plester pada dinding saluran memanjang, dan merubah sudut belok, lebar, dan kedalaman saluran melintang. Rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian diawali dengan persiapan perencanaan dan diskusi dengan warga, dan dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan perbaikan yang diikuti oleh Bapak-Bapak Warga RW 07. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa saluran air memanjang yang telah diperbaiki dindingnya sepanjang 60 meter. Pada sisi melintang, telah dibangun saluran semi terbuka dengan diameter 40 cm sedalam 60 cm dengan panjang 5 m. Program kegiatan yang dilakukan mendapat respon yang positif yang ditunjukkan dengan antusiasme dan partisipasi masyarakat yang luar biasa dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan. Warga RW 07 Merjosari saat ini telah memiliki saluran air yang lebih memadai, setelah dilakukan perbaikan dinding saluran drainase memanjang dan perombakan saluran drainase melintang pada ruas Jalan Tirto Agung. Permasalahan limpasan air hujan pada ruas jalan tersebut diharapkan tidak terjadi di masa mendatang, karena tepian jalan menjadi lebih tertata dan bantalan dinding saluran air lebih tinggi dari badan jala