26 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Potensi Akuifer Berdasarkan Metode Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis pada Daerah Krisis Air Bersih di Kota Semarang

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    Semarang city has a unique geological rock formations constituent layers in each region. The uniqueness of the identification of the presence of roundwater show that is different. Groundwater reserves in fulfilling the water requipments decreasing due to population growth, industrial growth and infrastructure development. This study aims to identify potential of aquifer to know the type of lithology layers, thickness and depth. The method used in this research is a geoelectric resistivity Schlumberger configurations with measurement points are Cangkiran, Cepoko, Ngadirgo, Gunungpati, Pakintelan, Pesantren, Tandang and Rowosari. The results suggest the potential for aquifer interpretations are based on the value of resistivity 19,6 Ωm – 92,5 Ωm with lithology as a sandstone. The aquifer grouped into the deep aquifer and the shallow aquifer. Deep aquifer has range of depth between 50-100 meters on point CA-3, CA-4, CE-1, CE-2, NG-2 and TA-1. Shallow aquifer has range of depth between 10-4 meters on point of GP, NG1, PA, PE and RO

    Evaluasi Metode Perhitungan Ketebalan Perisai pada Ruang Digital Radiografi

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    This research would discuss about the methods to determine shielding thickness for X-Ray of digital radiography room published by BIR (British Institute of Radiology), NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection), KEMENKES No.1014/Menkes/SK/XI/2008 and Perka BAPETEN No. 4 (2013). Each method assume different considerations so evaluation is needed in terms of it's ability to control external radiation exposure. Shielding thickness based on NCRP and BIR need data such as space map area of the other side operation X-Ray, shift workers, total number of patient, and distance of primary and secondary radiation to the point of occupation, all of data collected based on survey before experiment. Then shielding thickness calculated based on the dose rate inside and outside room be used as a comparation. The result of primary Pb shielding thickness by NCRP 49 is 1,00 mm, NCRP 147 is 0,469 mm and BIR is amount of 0,650 mm. The secondary Pb thickness shielding by NCRP 49 is 0,500 mm, NCRP 147 is 0,170 mm and BIR is amount of 0,00980 mm. Shielding thickenss based on dose rate, for primary Pb shielding thickness is 0,898 mm and secondary Pb shielding thickness is 0,987 mm respectivelly. The result of shielding thickness based on NCRP 49 method is closer with the result by shielding thickness was based on dose rate


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    This study aims to find out the effect of the Google SketchUp application and the need for achievement on students’ learning achievements of building interior design. Quasi-experimental research was conducted at the Vocational High School (VHS) with a 2 x 2 factorial design. The Google SketchUp application was used in the experimental group, while the PowerPoint Slides were used in the control group. The sample consisted of 56 VHS students, study program of modeling design and building information. The instruments used are need for achievement tests and learning achievement tests with reliability coefficients of 0.916 and 0.671. To test the hypothesis using multiple variance analysis techniques and the Tukey test. The results show that the Google SketchUp application is more effective than the PowerPoint in the learning of building interior design. Students who classified with a high need for achievement earn higher learning achievement compared to the lower one. There is an interaction between the Google SketchUp application and the students’ need for achievement. For students who have a high need for motivation, using the Google SketchUp application is more effective than using PowerPoint Slides. On the other side, the students who have a low need for motivation, the use of the Google SketchUp application does not differ significantly compared to the use of PowerPoint Slides. This finding is very useful for vocational teachers as an effort to improve the learning process of building interior design. However, it is also possible that these findings can apply more broadly to student learning in other skills competencies in VHS. These findings contribute to the management of vocational education as an effort to implement VHS revitalization. Furthermore, it also can be used as a consideration by the Head of VHS and decision-makers in the Ministry of Education and Culture

    Ethnicity influences the gut microbiota of individuals sharing a geographical location: a cross-sectional study from a middle-income country.

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    Daniel Reidpath - ORCID: 0000-0002-8796-0420 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8796-0420No studies have investigated the influence of ethnicity in a multi-ethnic middle-income country with a long-standing history of co-habitation. Stool samples from 214 Malaysian community members (46 Malay, 65 Chinese, 49 Indian, and 54 Jakun) were collected. The gut microbiota of the participants was investigated using 16S amplicon sequencing. Ethnicity exhibited the largest effect size across participants (PERMANOVA Pseudo-F = 4.24, R2 = 0.06, p = 0.001). Notably, the influence of ethnicity on the gut microbiota was retained even after controlling for all demographic, dietary factors and other covariates which were significantly associated with the gut microbiome (PERMANOVA Pseudo-F = 1.67, R2 = 0.02, p = 0.002). Our result suggested that lifestyle, dietary, and uncharacterized differences collectively drive the gut microbiota variation across ethnicity, making ethnicity a reliable proxy for both identified and unidentified lifestyle and dietary variation across ethnic groups from the same community.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82311-311pubpub


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    Currently, the population growth is quite rapid and variety of work activities per person allows all these activities should be done quickly. So that people can do the job quickly, it needed support, such as transportation. One of the means of transport is the car. Among the various types of cars, there is one type of the most demanding consumers, namely the multi-purpose vehicle (MPV). Currently MPV type car that has the highest market share of Toyota Innova, which was ranked 1. However, in each year, the market share of Toyota Kijang Innova tends to decrease. This shows that consumers are also interested to buy other brands besides Toyota Kijang Innova. Many factors can influence the purchasing decisions such as promotion, product quality and price perception. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of promotion, product quality and price perception on purchase decision The population of consumers who buy Toyota Innova on PT. Nasmoco, Jl. No Setiabudi. 22 Semarang whose number is unknown. The sample in this study was 96 respondents. Sampling techniques in the study conducted by purposive sampling technique. Is the primary type of data. Methods of data collection using questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple regression. Results of analysis using SPSS shows that Promotion effect on the purchase decision. Product Quality influence on the purchase decision. Price perception effect on the purchase decisio

    Profil Penutup Atap Genteng Beton dalam Effesiensi Konsumsi Energi Listrik pada Skala Rumah Tinggal

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    Hingga bulan oktober 2012, Isyu kenaikan harga BBM kini menjadi ajang mencari simpati masyarakat luas oleh kalangan politik, karena mereka mengetahui bahwa kuota terbesar dari pemakaian listrik di Indonesia ada pada masyarakat kalangan menengah kebawah (wong cilik), terutama pada sektor rumah tinggal. Satu sisi, fenomena pendekatan Arsitektur Green kini juga sedang jadi ‘trend' diberbagai kalangan, letlebih pada dunia Perancangan Arsitektur. Karena salah satu aspek Effesiensi energy berada pada satu diantara 6 (enam) parameter ranking Green Building, baik pada standart Green versi LEED-Internasional ataupun GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) Dua beban panas dalam suatu bangunan yang mempengaruhi Kenyamanan penghuni, yaitu beban internal (aktivitas penghuni) dan beban eksternal (salah satunya peran kulit bangunan). Mencapai 40% konsumsi listrik rumah tinggal dalam mengatasi suhu panas ruangan disebabkan perangaruh keberadaan aspek kulit bangunan ini. Kulit bangunan berupa atap rumah tinggal berperan secara fungsional dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap iklim (pancaran sinar matahari dan hujan), disamping perannanya secara estetis yang juga dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat kita. Dari beberapa ragam material atap (genteng tanah, genteng beton, polycarbonate, seng dan asbes)yang diuji cobakan pada RUMAH MODEL, ternyata posisi bahan atap ini menunjukan adanya profil penurunan suhu dalam ruangan secara signifikan. Untuk daerah panas, seperti kota Semarang, pemakaian bahan penutup atap berupa Genteng Beton dapat menekan konsumsi energy hingga 17% dibanding material lain