10 research outputs found


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    The outbreak of the Corona virus or Covid-19 in Indonesia since March 2020 has affected various aspects of life, especially education in Indonesia. One of the government's policies to suppress the spread of the Corona virus is to close school activities. Online learning is a solution to overcome the challenges of face-to-face learning. The Google Classroom application is an application created by Google specifically developed to support the implementation of online learning. The subjects of this study were 87 students of class 11th. The instrument used was a mathematics achievement test and a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative data analysis, where student learning outcomes achieve learning completeness of at least 70%. The results showed that 59.77% of students were very happy with the implementation of Google Classroom when learning Mathematics during the pandemic, and 56.32% of students felt happy when doing independent assignments given through Google Classroom. 56.32% of students feel interested in the mathematics learning process. 62.07% of students find it easy to apply the Google Classroom application in the Mathematics learning process. However, based on the results of several indicators, some students think that face-to-face learning is still very much needed. In addition, teachers are required to support the activities of their students to stay motivated to engage in online learning


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    This research aims to describe some of the mistakes made by students in solving set theory problems in the set and logic course. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this study were students of Tadris Mathematics STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo Semester I for the academic year 2021/2022. Data collection techniques used in this study were exams and interviews. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the subject made 9 types of errors, namely errors in determining the value of a quadratic equation, registering members of a set, writing mathematical notation, writing down sets, writing down members of Cartesian product, determining the intersection of two sets, determining the Cartesian product of two sets, determining the difference of the two sets, and determining the value of a quadratic inequality

    The Contribution of The Intensity of Playing Online Games and The Supervision of Both Working Parents Towards Children’s Religiosity

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    This research aims to determine the contribution of the intensity of playing online games and the supervision of both working parents towards the child's religiosity in MAN 2 Probolinggo. There were 100 students of MAN 2 Probolinggo used as the samples. This study used purposive sampling technique with some criteria. In testing the hypothesis, the researcher utilized regression analysis techniques. The method of data collection was through questionnaires given to respondents. Based on the results of data analysis using logistic regression, it can be seen that the partial influence of the intensity of playing online games showed significance value of 0.000, which was smaller than 0.05, and the supervision of both working parents generated its significance value of 0.000 (smaller than 0.05) towards the religiosity of the child. These results indicate that there is influence of the intensity of playing online games and the supervision of both working parents towards the religiosity of the child in MAN 2 Probolinggo

    Analyzing Eighth-grade Students' Numerical Literacy Skills in Problem Solving with Number Concepts

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to assess the numerical literacy abilities of eighth-grade students at MTs Miftahul Ulum in applying problem-solving skills to number concepts on a question-by-question basis. The research followed a qualitative methodology, and the participants consisted of 15 students from the VIIIA class at MTs Miftahul Ulum. The data were analyzed based on Polya's stages of problem-solving and numeracy literacy indicators. Data collection methods included numeracy literacy tests, interviews, and documentation. The results indicated that a significant proportion of students demonstrated a moderate level of numeracy literacy, while some students showed low or high levels of proficiency. Generally, the understanding stage had higher percentages of students who demonstrated comprehension. However, the planning and implementation stages varied across different questions. By focusing on the specific stages where students struggled or excelled, teachers can adapt their instructional approaches to better address students' needs.  Keywords: Numerical Literacy, Polya, Numbers


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    Perkembangan teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi serta ilmu pengetahuan di abad ke-21 telah memunculkan tantangan-tantangan baru bagi kehidupan manusia. Memasuki abad ke-21 kemajuan teknologi tersebut telah memasuki berbagai sendi kehidupan, tidak terkecuali di bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan Nasional di abad ke-21 bertujuan untuk mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa, yaitu masyarakat Indonesia yang sejahtera dan bahagia, dengan kedudukan yang terhormat dan setara dengan bangsa lain dalam dunia global. Hal tersebut bermuara pada pembentukan masyarakat yang terdiri dari sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, yaitu pribadi yang mandiri, berkemauan dan berkemampuan untuk mewujudkan cita-cita bangsanya. Sesuai dengan paradigma abad ke-21, maka diperlukan wawasan berpikir yang lebih luas dan imajinasi dalam mendukung seluruh kegiatan yang berperan di dalamnya. Era globalisasi memerlukan penampilan manusia Indonesia yang berkualitas tinggi, serta dapat mengikuti perkembangan dunia. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan peran serta aktif di segala bidang, tak terkecuali bidang pendidikan. Peran para cendekiawan Indonesia, khususnya para mahasiswa pascasarjana (doktoral) sangat urgen, minimal dalam memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran mereka


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    This research aims to find out: 1) student learning outcomes before and after using the Mind Mapping method 2) improvement of the learning outcomes of IAGA class XI Students through the use of mind mapping methods in moral faith lessons on material avoiding the major sins. This research is a class action research (PTK) that is carried out in cycles stages, while each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Subjects were taken as many as 14 students precisely in class XI IAGA. The data collection technique in this study through observation, interview and tests of learning results at the end of each cycle. The results of this study showed that there is an increase in learning outcomes in students. This is shown by the comparison of  the average learning outcomes achieved in the pre-cycle 70.57 with a percentage of 35.71%, cycle I 77.5 with a percentage of 50%, cycle II 85.71 with a percentage of 85.71%. The increase show that the use of  mind mapping learning methods is able to improve students' learning outcomes


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    The changing system in the current learning process at all levels of education due to the coronavirus pandemic. This study aimed to conduct literature review on project-based online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on policies toward home learning activities. A project-based online learning system offers many ways to access learning materials for teachers and students. Many online learning platforms and media can be accessed for free. Some of the free platforms that have proven effective for managing online learning include Google Classroom and Edmodo. At least 12 free online learning resource applications can be used during the Covid-19 pandemic, including Rumah Belajar, ICANDO, Meja Kita, Indonesia X, Kelas Pintar, Google for Education, Microsoft Office 365, Quipper, Ruang Guru, Zenius, Sekolahmu, and Cisco Webex. Some obstacles in implementing online learning include limitations of the Internet and unfamiliar knowledge of teachers and students about the application of online learning media. Therefore, more effort is needed to address these issues, starting with individuals, families, educational institutions, providers, and government services

    Speaking Skills Improvement Through the Role-Play Method in MTs Negeri 3 Probolinggo

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    Speaking is one of the skills in learning English languages ​​besides the other 3 skills in language: listening, reading, and writing. The four skills are connected, and the connection influences each other. Speaking skill talk about the art of speaking in conveying messages, ideas, and thoughts, for various purposes such as reporting, entertaining, persuading, or inviting others people. By speaking, people interact and create social relations between two or more people. This type of research is classroom action research to find out the improvement of students' English proficiency by using the role-play method. The sample of this research is students at eight grade from MTSN 2 Probolinggo in the academic year 2021/2022. To analyze the data, it used the Mean formula in calculating the average score of students with Criteria, if the average minimum score of 75% and improved in each cycle, then that role-playing method works. The results show that students' average score on speaking tests in the first cycle is 77.0, an increase of about 11.32 points from a pre-action class, and improved by 4.9 points to 81.9 in the second cycle. The minimum number of students who pass the criteria in the first cycle is 12 students and 16 students in the second cycle. It means the role-playing method can improve students' English-speaking skills, and the percentage of improvements has reached 88,9% of all students, then the action class research was stopped in the second cycle

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Moral Dengan Metode Sosiodrama Mata Pelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadist

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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu alat negara dan memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam penyelenggaraan serta pengembangannya. Oleh kerena iti, pendidik sebelum mengembangkan suatu mata pelajaran harus menyiapkan sebuah metode yang akan disampaikan kepada peserta didik. Karena ketepatan pemilihan metode pengajaran yang efektif oleh guru dalam suatu pembelajaran akan mampu menghasilkan pembelajaran yang efektif serta efesien, yaitu untuk meraih tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan metode sosiodrama dan menganalisis hasil penerapan metode sosiodrama pada mata pelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadits. Pemilihan metode pengajaran yang efektif oleh guru di kelas yang tidak tepat akan menyebabkan kegagalan untuk mencapai pembelajaran yang efektif, yaitu kegagalan dari harapan dalam mencapai suatu tujuan. Penelitian yang peneliti lakukan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), yang mana peneliti mengamati secara langsung objek yang akan diteliti. Hasil dari diterapkannya metode sosiodrama memperoleh peningkatan yang sangat baik. Dari hasil yang diperoleh peserta didik mulai dari sebelum diterapkannya metode sosiodrama ada 23 peserta didik yang tidak tuntas KKM, sampai pada tahap akhir hasil setelah di terapkan metode sosiodrama ada 3 peserta didik yang tidak tuntas KK

    Strategi Guru dalam Menanamkan Kebiasaan Sholat Berjamaah pada Siswa di MTs Miftahul Ulum Leces Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Teachers have a significant influence on how education is developed, especially how formal education is developed in schools. The success of students is also influenced by the teacher, especially in terms of the teaching and learning process and instilling habits that have a positive impact. The greatest contribution to high-quality educational practice and outcomes is made by teachers in the character-building process of learners. So the purpose of this research is to find out how an educator's strategy is in implementing the habit of praying in congregation at Mts Miftahul Ulum Leces, Probolinggo Regency. In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive method, and the approach was carried out using data analysis from the results of observations and interviews. So the results of this study the role of the Mts Miftahul Ulum Leces teacher in Probolinggo Regency in instilling congregational prayers for students has a positive impact on students to apply the habit of praying in congregation. So it can be concluded that the teacher's strategy in instilling the habit of praying in congregation of students has a very big influence on forming students' habits of praying in congregation at Mts Miftahul Ulum Leces, Probolinggo Regency