8 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Natural Enemies (Hymenoptera) on Different Lands Use: Study from Agroforestry, Community Forest, and Pioneer Land

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    Land use and management must be carried out in a way that ensures the sustainability of land ecological function. The presence of natural enemies that suppress pest populations is an important component of the ecological function. Monitoring the presence of natural enemies and avoiding silvicultural activities that threaten the presence of natural enemies are important aspects of land management. This study investigates the presence of natural enemies on three different lands: agroforestry, community forests, and pioneer lands. Monitoring was carried out during three months at three types of land use by using observation plot in the square form of 20 x 20 m2. Insect collection in the field uses pitfalls and sticky traps which are placed using a grid and a diagonal method, respectively. Phytophagous insects, such as leafhopper, flies, thrips, aphids were surveyed. Hymenoptera natural enemies, predators (Formicidae) and parasitic wasps (Trichogrammatidae and Scelionidae) were obtained. The results show that community forests and pioneer lands are support the existence of Formicidae. This study indicates that in the agroforestry there are variations in population of Formicidae based on the period of on-going land management. Agroforestry provides a more suitable place for the existence of Trichogrammatidae and Scelionidae

    Pengelompokan Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) di Indonesia Menurut Karakter Buah

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    Status taksonomi Famili Dipterocarpaceae telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan. Menurut tinjauan klasifikasi yang disusun oleh Heim, Symington, Meijer, Maury, dan Ashton bahwa Dipterocarpus memiliki hubungan yang cukup dekat dengan Anisoptera sehingga dalam beberapa klasifikasi digambarkan dengan menuliskan keduanya dalam satu kelompok. Namun, Heim memiliki pandangan yang berbeda dengan 4 ahli yang lain yaitu membagi genus Dipterocarpus menjadi 5 seksi yaitu sphaerales, angulati, plicati, alati, dan tuberculati. Penggolongan yang dilakukan oleh Heim atas Dipterocarpus ternyata didukung dengan keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh Symington bahwa ke-5 seksi dapat dideteksi dari kelopak buah yang membentuk tabung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan seksi dalam genus Dipterocarpus ditinjau dari karakter buahnya. Materi sebanyak 38 spesies Dipterocarpus dan 3 Anisoptera dikoleksi dari sebaran alaminya kemudian diidentifikasi menggunakan prosedur standar dan hasilnya ditabulasikan dalam bentuk matrik. Terdapat 48 karakter meliputi seluruh organ, namun yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada 9 karakter khusus pada organ buah. Analisis dilakukan secara statistik dengan software NCSS seri 10 untuk mendapatkan dendrogram yang akan menggambarkan hubungan kedekatan antar spesies. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa kedudukan seksi dalam Dipterocarpus dapat dibuktikan secara nyata melalui karakter morfologinya. Dengan memanfaatkan Anisoptera sebagai outgroup, diketahui bahwa Dipterocarpus dari seksi sphaerales paling dekat dengan Anisoptera, kemudian diikuti oleh tuberculati, angulati, alati, dan plicati.Kata kunci: pengelompokan, Dipterocarpus, seksi, karakteristik, buah Classification of Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) in Indonesia on the Basis of Fruit CharactersAbstractThe taxonomy status of Dipterocarpaceae family has been changed for several times. According to the review of classification compiled by Heim, Symington, Meijer, Maury and Ashton, the genus Dipterocarpus had quite close relations with Anisoptera, therefore, in some classifications they were described by writing in a group. However, Heim had a different point of view from four other experts as he divided the genus Dipterocarpus into 5 sections: sphaerales, tuberculati, angulati, alati and plicati, The classification done by Heim on Dipterocarpus were supported by Symington that the 5 sections could be detected from the fruit petals forming a tube. This study aimed to determine the position of the species in the genus of Dipterocarpus in terms of fruit characters. There were 38 species of Dipterocarpus and 3 species of Anisoptera used in the research which were collected from the natural distribution and then were identified using standard procedures, and the results were tabulated in a matrix. There were 48 characters from the entire organ, but only 9 fruit characters used in this research. Statistical analysis was done with NCSS software series 10 to build a dendrogram and to draw the hierarchical of relations between species. The results showed that the position of section in Dipterocarpus was significantly provable through morphological characters. By utilizing Anisoptera as an outgroup, it was known that Dipterocarpus of sphaerales section was closest to the Anisoptera, followed by tuberculati, angulati, alati and plicati

    Community Empowerment through Sustainable Utilisation of Mangrove Forests for the Production of Natural Dyes with an Environmentally Friendly System (Phase I: Increasing Awareness and Knowledge Enhancement)

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    Community participation in mangrove forest ecosystem conservation is an effort to overcome and avoid mangrove ecosystem deterioration. The findings show that mangrove forests in Kampung Laut’s coastal region, particularly in the village of Ujung Alang, are still well preserved due to diverse mangrove planting efforts. Currently, the community uses mangrove plants by converting some plant sections into food and using the plant’s stems as building materials. Efforts have been made to preserve mangrove forest ecosystems through the Sustainable Utilisation of Mangrove Forests for the Production of Natural Dyes with a Zero Waste System. The following are the activities: 1) Dissemination of the concept to raise public awareness of the potential of mangrove plants as a source of raw materials for natural dyes to increase community income and sustainably manage mangrove forests, 2) Raising the awareness of the younger generation to improve the local economy through the development of micro-scale SMEs in the field of mangrove-based natural dyes, and 3) Technical training on thinning/logging and sustainable mangrove planting to acquaint participants with the concepts of thinning/logging and sustainable man Establish the program’s purpose, which should be divided into six activities. Many farmer groups anticipate that this community service under the auspices of Krida Wana Lestari will assist them in improving their existing products and estimating the potential process of their natural mangroves. This program raises public awareness of the mangrove plant’s potential as a source of raw materials for natural colours. In addition, this activity enables the community to do technical logging and sustainable mangrove planting to support the availability of raw materials for natural dyes. Consequently, the creation and development of a local economic business unit with a green entrepreneurship incubator model based on mangrove conservation and zero waste from natural dye SMEs have begun


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    Perception is a process to make a sense of stimulus input captured by human sense to search for the interpretation based on knowledge and experience (Passer and Smith, 2008). Restoration in Merapi Mountain National Park is purposed to return a degraded or former ecosystem that resemble as close as possible its pre-disturbed state caused by Mt. Merapi�s eruption in 2010, both its structure and function. Restoration activities were started by establishing restoration plot planted with several species such as puspa, salam and gayam. This study is aimed to know their perception about recognizing and utilizing those species. The perceptions of the three species are expected to be an important source of information and material consideration in purpose to restoration management activities through those third species in TNGM. The study was conducted in two Padukuhan around Kali Kuning, namely Padukuhan Gondang and Pangukrejo. Respondents that were drawn in this study was quantified and stratified by household heads (Kepala Keluarga/KK). The number of respondents interviewed randomly was measured from 50% of the total number of household heads (KK) in every Padukuhan. The reserach used interview technique using questionnaires as a guidance and conducting observation activities. Description of the perception on puspa, salam and gayam and their utilization are presented in graphical form. Based on the results, the study shows that there are perception�s differences and similarities about recognizing and utilizing puspa, salam and gayam as core restoration plants in TNGM. The perceptions are influenced by several things. They are the differences in the location of the two Padukuhan, the existence of those species either trees or seedlings, the utilization in daily life, the respondents involvement in treating plant plots, the difference of their occupation, their gender and age. Based on their perception, puspa, salam and gayam have their own benefit as protection functions and specific benefit. Puspa is utilized for crafts, medicine and fertilizer. Salam is useful for seasoning and medicine. Gayam is able to be used for food


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    Ethnobotany is a branch science of biology which studies about the correlation of humans and plants which influenced by social and culture behaviour. Merapi Mountain National Park has several purposes, one of them is as an ecosystem protection. Post eruption on 2010 has resulted on deterioriation of its function. In order to restore the purpose as the ecosystem protection, Forestry Ministry and national park officer has established restoration plot using several plant species such as Puspa, Salam, and Gayam. The expansion plan of the restoration area has created the idea to explore the society knowledge and utilization of Puspa, Salam, and Gayam. This research method was using the etnographic method to revealed the society knowledge through research on the field. The research was conducted with paticipatory observation method by direct interaction in society daily activity on Plosorejo and Plosokerep Orchard, Sleman District. The society was stratified based on their occupation using the Sampling Intensity by 50%. Data were obtained by interview using the questionnaire. The result data was analyzed with descriptive quantitative. The result of this research showed that 9% of society has utilized Puspa, 100% has utilized Salam, and 18% has utilized Gayam. Based on the occupation stratification, entrepreneur, peasant, and labor are the most percentage that has used Puspa, Salam, and Gayam. Puspa has been used by the society for building material and charcoal. Meanwhile, Salam has been used for cooking and medicines. The Gayam seed also has been utilized for food

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has “Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.  Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme: Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms: ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi