3 research outputs found


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    Since the COVID-19 outbreak, which requires all Indonesian citizens and even around the world to apply WFH (Work from Home) including all school residents in Indonesia who apply online or online-based learning at SDIT AR-RISAALAH. The implementation of online learning has consequences for a teacher to increase his role and competence because competent teachers will be better able to manage classes and carry out evaluations for students both individually and in class. This study aims to determine the impact of online learning experienced by teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses case study research, wherein collecting data information with interview techniques, namely to find data on relevant matters. The results showed that the learning process during the pandemic changed by using a remote network. This has an impact on teachers because they are less than optimal in providing learning materials and disrupting the learning process which causes the expected learning objectives to not be achieved. So that it makes the material incomplete and the use of learning media in online learning is not optimal. Student assessment is also constrained by mere cognitive assessment. This research uses the case study method as the research method, by conducting interviews with 3 teachers and 3 students of SDIT AR-RISAALAH. Interviews were conducted in-person/offline by approaching the informants

    Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Membaca (Disleksia) Siswa Kelas III SDIT Latansa Cendekia

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    Education has a very important role in the progress of a nation. This research aims to reveal the history and development as well inclusive education problems. Inclusive schools provide appropriate educational programs, challenging, but appropriate to each student's abilities and needs as well as assistance and the support that teachers can provide so that children are successful. Method The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data results were obtained from observations and interviews. By interviewing class III teachers at SDIT Latansa Scholar, this was done using a guide interview to get information about inclusive education at SDIT Latansa School. From the results of observations and interviews, the inclusion of students at this school is good, there are students who can carry out their own activities, but there is still assistance from the teacher. By joining a regular (non-special school) school, it provides an opportunity for them to be able to socialize with children who are growing normally to help the child's emotional development so that they do not become inferior children, and even consider themselves the same as other children. This is the basis on which inclusive education is implemented