66 research outputs found

    Masalah-masalah dalam pembelajaran matematika di SLTP

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    The problems described are common problems that occur in learning mathematics in secondary school. The problems that occur can be grouped according to the learning component, i.e., materials, methods, media, evaluation, and classroom management. The problems associated with learning material are the tendency of teachers to immediately resolve the learning materials from the achievement of understanding and avoid the problem solving and geometry. The issues relating to the learning method are that: (1) the method used is less closely linked with the experience of everyday life, (2) information is too obvious, (3) there are rarely teachers who apply the learning with group work, (4) teachers emphasize drills rather than develop the power of reason, and (5) teachers ask students to memorize formulas. The problems associated with the media are concerned with the use of visual aids by the students. The issues relating to evaluation are dealt with the fact that evaluation is always convergent. The problems associated with management of the class are that seating arrangements and room seem to be rather stiff

    Analisis Matematis dan Ekonomis Penggunaan Metanol dan Etanol pada Kompor “hd”

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    High energy requirements result in increased fuel prices. It is quite an impact on all sectors mainly engaged in the business world, because the cost of increasing production without increasing the purchasing power offset market. One effort that can be done is the use of alternative fuels economical. The question is bioethanol fuel, methanol and ethanol that requires an appropriate stove design for the fuel. To determine the level of fuel efficiency is needed stove heaters called “HD”. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic value of fuel use of methanol and ethanol on the stove “HD”, particularly in heating the chicken coop. The me thod used to determine the level of efficiency in the use of methanol and ethanol fuel is a method of boiling water. Measurements carried out on several parameters, namely: the volume of water in a saucepan, water temperature before it is heated, the use of heavy fuel, fuel density, temperature difference, the total energy absorbed, the amount of energy absorbed, the minimum energy required, and the amount of water boiled. Based on mathematical analysis, concluded that the use of fuel ethanol has a boiling speeds higher than methanol. Although the time of boiling methanol fuel longer, but the use of methanol fuel is more economical. The use of methanol fuel content of 85% is more economical because of savings significantly which is Rp 544,984, 00 for broiler farms per 1000 larvae in one period of 40 days

    Pembelajaran lingkaran dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah versi Polya pada kelas VIII di SMP PGRI 01 Dau

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    The purposes of this study are to (1) understand the patterns of students’ mathematic problem solving with the version of the Polya problem-solving approach and (2) find out the difficulties faced by students in solving mathematic problem. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature. The object of this research is the eighth year students of junior high school PGRI 01 Dau on a circle of material. Data collecting was done using test sheet that aims to determine the patterns of students' mathematic problem solving, so that the results of the test can also show the difficulties encountered by the students. The data analysis showed that (1) the students were able to perform stage version of the Polya problem solving on measures of understanding about and plan for the settlement, but there were 16 students who were able to plan the implementation phase and half of the students (10) were able to do the checking stage again and (2) as many as 0% of the students found difficulty in understanding problem and planning stages of completion, meaning no student had difficulty in understanding the problem and plan for completion. But there were 17% of the total number of the students who got difficulty in implementing the plan, and there were 47% of the total number of the students who encountered difficulty at this stage of review


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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah kompetensi profesional guru,  khususnya dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran inovatif  khususnya menggunakan FX Draw. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah 1). workshop tentang media pembelajaran, 2). pendampingan pembuatan Media Pembelajaran, 3). uji coba media pembelajaran FX Draw, 4). refleksi dan evaluasi. Kegiatan tersebut telah terlaksana dan sesuai dengan rencana awal pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan media pembelajaran menggunakan FX Draw yang telah diajukan. Hasil refleksi dan evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa peserta sudah terampil menggunakan FX Draw. Hasil pengisian angket melalui Google form terlihat bahwa para peserta sangat terbantu dalam pembuatan LKPD yang lebih menarik untuk peserta didik, dan mempermudah guru dalam membuat objek-objek matematika (seperti dalam geometri, fungsi kuadrat, grafik, bangun datar, bangun ruang, dll). Para peserta juga masih membutuhkan banyak pelatihan-pelatihan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis matematika guna membantu dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran matematika yang lebih menarik lagi

    Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi Peserta Didik SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Aljabar

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    This article describes junior high school students' literacy numeracy skills in solving story problems on algebra. The research was conducted at private-junior high school located in Batam with 25 female students' research subjects. The data were obtained through the literacy numeracy skills test and interview results, and then the data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that the literacy numeracy skills of 25 female students showed an excellent category with an average score of 84.7. Students with the highest score can fulfilled two to three indicators, while students with low score of literacy numeracy skills’ test only fulfilled one indicator. The unfulfillment of indicators is caused by student errors include: 1) Not writing known data information and asked, 2) Wrong in solving the problem, 3) Wrong when calculating, and 4) Not writing conclusions on the results of the answers obtained


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    The aim of this study described the effectiveness of instructional media that produces valid, effective, and practical media. The development of communication and technology requires teachers to be more active and creative in carrying out classroom learning.  Teachers can develop learning media that can improve student learning outcomes. The sample of this research trial was the students of class X at MAN 1 Mojokerto. This study uses a 4-D research method which is shortened to 3-D.  Data collection techniques used include interviews with mathematics teachers, pretest and posttest questions.  The instruments used in this study include guidelines for using media, teaching materials, validation sheets, student response questionnaires and tests.  The results of this study indicate that the average validation guide for the use of media, and teaching materials is 95.15%, besides that the validator also provides an assessment on the response questionnaire sheet of 97.5%.  This indicates that the media guidelines, teaching materials, and response questionnaires are very valid.  The average result of the N-Gain value of students is 0.96, based on the N-Gain criteria scale shows high criteria so that the media is said to be effective, and the results of the calculation of students' questionnaire responses show that each statement point is greater by 70% and the students can be said to be good in ability operate the gadget. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan efektivitas media pembelajaran yang menghasilkan media valid, efektif dan praktis. Berkembangnya komunikasi dan teknologi menuntut guru untuk lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas. Guru bisa mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Sampel uji coba penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X di MAN 1 Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian 4-D yang dipersingkat menjadi 3-D. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara pada guru matematika, soal pretest dan posttest. Instrumen yang digunakan penelitian ini meliputi panduan penggunaan media, bahan ajar, lembar validasi, angket respon peserta didik dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata validasi panduan penggunaan media dan bahan ajar adalah 95,15%, selain itu validator juga memberikan penilaian pada lembar angket respon sebesar 97,5%. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa panduan media, bahan ajar dan angket respon sangat valid. Hasil rata-rata nilai N-Gain peserta didik sebesar 0.96, berdasarkan skala kriteria N-Gain menunjukkan kriteria tinggi sehingga media dikatakan efektif dan hasil perhitungan respon angket peserta didik menunjukkan tiap poin pernyataan lebih besar dengan 70% sehingga peserta didik dapat dikatakan baik dalam kemampuan mengoperasikan gadget

    Kajian Teoritis Interaksi TiO2-Zeolit Menggunakan Metode Semiempiris MNDO, AM1, dan PM3

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    TiO2-zeolit telah berkembang menjadi fotokatalis yang efisien dalam proses fotodegradasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi yang terjadi saat TiO2 diimpregnasikan ke dalam zeolit melalui perhitungan energi tunggal secara komputasi. Metode semiempiris yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah MNDO, AM1, dan PM3. Perhitungan energi tunggal struktur zeolit dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak Orca. Struktur TiO2 (rutile) disisipkan di atas permukaan struktur zeolit dengan dua orientasi. Kajian teoritis interaksi TiO2-zeolit menunjukkan orientasi xz TiO2 menghasilkan energi yang lebih rendah
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