40 research outputs found

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii exert synergistic antipathogenic activity in vitro against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

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    Short-term colonic in vitro batch incubations were performed to elucidate the possible synergistic effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (CNCM-I-4798) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (CNCM-1-1079) (associated in Smebiocta/Smectaflora Protect (R)) on the colonic microbial fermentation process, as well as their antipathogenic activity against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (LMG2092) (ETEC). These incubations adequately simulate the native microbiota and environmental conditions of the proximal colon of both adult and toddler donors, including the colonic mucosal layer. Results indicated that both strains were capable of growing together without showing antagonistic effects. Co-cultivation of both strains resulted in increased butyrate (stimulated by L. rhamnosus GG), propionate (stimulated by S. boulardii), and ethanol (produced by S. boulardii) production compared to the control incubations, revealing the additive effect of both strains. After inoculation of ETEC under simulated dysbiotic conditions, a 40 and 46% reduction in the concentration of ETEC was observed upon addition of both strains during the experiments with the adult and toddler donor, respectively. Furthermore, ETEC toxin levels decreased upon S. boulardii inoculation, probably due to proteolytic activity of this strain, with a synergistic effect being observed upon co-cultivation of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii resulting in a reduction of 57 and 46% for the adult and toddler donor, respectively. Altogether, the results suggest that both probiotics together may help microbiota functionality, in both adults and toddlers and under healthy or impaired conditions, which could be of great interest when the colonic microbiota is dysbiotic and therefore sensitive to pathogenic invasion such as during antibiotic treatment

    Improving postpartum care delivery and uptake by implementing context-specific interventions in four countries in Africa: a realist evaluation of the Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health (MOMI) project.

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    Postpartum care (PPC) has remained relatively neglected in many interventions designed to improve maternal and neonatal health in sub-Saharan Africa. The Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health project developed and implemented a context-specific package of health system strengthening and demand generation in four African countries, aiming to improve access and quality of PPC. A realist evaluation was conducted to enable nuanced understanding of the influence of different contextual factors on both the implementation and impacts of the interventions. Mixed methods were used to collect data and test hypothesised context-mechanism-outcome configurations: 16 case studies (including interviews, observations, monitoring data on key healthcare processes and outcomes), monitoring data for all study health facilities and communities, document analysis and participatory evaluation workshops. After evaluation in individual countries, a cross-country analysis was conducted that led to the development of four middle-range theories. Community health workers (CHWs) were key assets in shifting demand for PPC by 'bridging' communities and facilities. Because they were chosen from the community they served, they gained trust from the community and an intrinsic sense of responsibility. Furthermore, if a critical mass of women seek postpartum healthcare as a result of the CHWs bridging function, a 'buzz' for change is created, leading eventually to the acceptability and perceived value of attending for PPC that outweighs the costs of attending the health facility. On the supply side, rigid vertical hierarchies and defined roles for health facility workers (HFWs) impede integration of maternal and infant health services. Additionally, HFWs fear being judged negatively which overrides the self-efficacy that could potentially be gained from PPC training. Instead the main driver of HFWs' motivation to provide comprehensive PPC is dependent on accountability systems for delivering PPC created by other programmes. The realist evaluation offers insights into some of the contextual factors that can be pivotal in enabling the community-level and service-level interventions to be effective

    Program assessment of efforts to improve the quality of postpartum counselling in health centers in Morogoro region, Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: The postpartum period represents a critical window where many maternal and child deaths occur. We assess the quality of postpartum care (PPC) as well as efforts to improve service delivery through additional training and supervision in Health Centers (HCs) in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. METHODS: Program implementers purposively selected nine program HCs for assessment with another nine HCs in the region remaining as comparison sites in a non-randomized program evaluation. PPC quality was assessed by examining structural inputs; provider and client profiles; processes (PNC counselling) and outcomes (patient knowledge) through direct observations of equipment, supplies and infrastructure (n = 18) and PPC counselling (n = 45); client exit interviews (n = 41); a provider survey (n = 62); and in-depth provider interviews (n = 10). RESULTS: While physical infrastructure, equipment and supplies were comparable across study sites (with water and electricity limitations), program areas had better availability of drugs and commodities. Overall, provider availability was also similar across study sites, with 63% of HCs following staffing norms, 17% of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) providers absent and 14% of those providing PPC being unqualified to do so. In the program area, a median of 4 of 10 RCH providers received training. Despite training and supervisory inputs to program area HCs, provider and client knowledge of PPC was low and the content of PPC counseling provided limited to 3 of 80 PPC messages in over half the consultations observed. Among women attending PPC, 29 (71%) had delivered in a health facility and sought care a median of 13 days after delivery. Barriers to PPC care seeking included perceptions that PPC was of limited benefit to women and was primarily about child health, geographic distance, gaps in the continuity of care, and harsh facility treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Program training and supervision activities had a modest effect on the quality of PPC. To achieve broader transformation in PPC quality, client perceptions about the value of PPC need to be changed; the content of recommended PPC messages reviewed along with the location for PPC services; gaps in the availability of human resources addressed; and increased provider-client contact encouraged

    Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii supplementation exert protective effects on human gut microbiome following antibiotic administration in vitro

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    Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis of the microbial community has been associated with several gastrointestinal symptoms. The impact of repeated administration of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (CNCM-I-4798) (formerly known as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (CNCM-I-1079) and their combination (associated in Smebiocta/Smectaflora Protect (R)) in supporting recovery of gut microbiota functionality and composition during and following amoxicillin:clavulanic acid administration was evaluated in vitro. Antibiotic dosage negatively affected SCFA production, coinciding with detrimental effects on Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Bifidobacterium spp. in the simulated proximal colon, while Akkermansia muciniphila was significantly reduced in the distal colon. L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii were able to thrive in both colon regions upon dosing, with S. boulardii even showing protective effects on the survival of L. rhamnosus GG during antibiotic administration. The impact of the probiotic strains on microbiome recovery revealed that supplementation with L. rhamnosus GG and/or S. boulardii resulted in a stimulating effect on the most abundant bacterial groups within the bacterial community of each donor. For one of the donors tested, co-dosing of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii resulted in superior short-chain fatty acid recovery accompanied by a stronger increase in abundance of Bifidobacteriaceae. Overall, the current study provides first evidence that combined supplementation of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii might be an interesting candidate in limiting detrimental effects of amoxicillin:clavulanic acid on the human gut microbiome, though further studies are warranted to confirm these findings