827 research outputs found

    Risk factors for indigenous Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli infections in The Netherlands: a case-control study

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    A case-control study comprising 1315 Campylobacter jejuni cases, 121 Campylobacter coli cases and 3409 frequency-matched controls was conducted in The Netherlands in 2002-2003. Risk factors for both C. jejuni and C. coli enteritis were consumption of undercooked meat and barbecued meat, ownership of cats and use of proton pump inhibitors. Consumption of chicken was a predominant risk factor for C. jejuni enteritis, but many additional risk factors were identified. Unique risk factors for C. coli infections were consumption of game and tripe, and swimming. Contact with farm animals and persons with gastroenteritis were predominant risk factors for C. jejuni enteritis in young children (0-4 years). Important risk factors for the elderly (>= 60 years) were eating in a restaurant, use of proton pump inhibitors and having a chronic intestinal illness. Consumption of chicken in spring, steak tartare in autumn and winter and barbecued meat in rural areas showed strong associations with C. jejuni infections. This study illustrates that important differences in risk factors exist for different Campylobacter spp. and these may differ dependent on age, season or degree of urbanization

    In vitro bioconversion of polyphenols from black tea and red wine/grape juice by human intestinal microbiota displays strong interindividual variability

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    Dietary polyphenols in tea and wine have been associated with beneficial health effects. After ingestion, most polyphenols are metabolized by the colonic microbiota. The current study aimed at exploring the interindividual variation of gut microbial polyphenol bioconversion from 10 healthy human subjects. In vitro fecal batch fermentations simulating conditions in the distal colon were performed using polyphenols from black tea and a mixture of red wine and grape juice. Microbial bioconversion was monitored by NMR- and GC-MS-based profiling of diverse metabolites and phenolics. The complex polyphenol mixtures were degraded to a limited number of key metabolites. Each subject displayed a specific metabolite profile differing in composition and time courses as well as levels of these metabolites. Moreover, clear differences depending on the polyphenol sources were observed. In conclusion, varying metabolite pathways among individuals result in different metabolome profiles and therefore related health effects are hypothesized to differ between subjects

    Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of κ-Carrageenan Gels Investigated via Single-Particle-Tracking Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Hydrogels made of the polysaccharide κ-carrageenan are widely used in the food and personal care industry as thickeners or gelling agents. These hydrogels feature dense regions embedded in a coarser bulk network, but the characteristic size and behavior of these regions have remained elusive. Here, we use single-particle-tracking fluorescence microscopy (sptFM) to quantitatively describe κ-carrageenan gels. Infusing fluorescent probes into fully gelated κ-carrageenan hydrogels resulted in two distinct diffusional behaviors. Obstructed self-diffusion of the probes revealed that the coarse network consists of κ-carrageenan strands with a typical diameter of 3.2 ± 0.3 nm leading to a nanoprobe diffusion coefficient of ∼1-5 × 10-12 m2/s. In the dense network regions, we found a fraction with a largely decreased diffusion coefficient of ∼1 × 10-13 m2/s. We also observed dynamic exchange between these states. The computation of spatial mobility maps from the diffusional data indicated that the dense network regions have a characteristic diameter of ∼1 μm and show mobility on the second-to-minute timescale. sptFM provides an unprecedented view of spatiotemporal heterogeneity of hydrogel networks, which we believe bears general relevance for understanding transport and release of both low- and high-molecular weight solutes.</p

    Early identification of common-source foodborne virus outbreaks in Europe.

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    The importance of foodborne viral infections is increasingly recognized. Food handlers can transmit infection during preparation or serving; fruit and vegetables may be contaminated by fecally contaminated water used for growing or washing. And the globalization of the food industry mean that a contaminated food item may not be limited to national distribution. International outbreaks do occur, but little data are available about the incidence of such events and the food items associated with the highest risks. We developed a combined research and surveillance program for enteric viruses involving 12 laboratories in 9 European countries. This project aims to gain insight into the epidemiology of enteric viruses in Europe and the role of food in transmission by harmonizing (i.e., assessing the comparability of data through studies of molecular detection techniques) and enhancing epidemiologic surveillance. We describe the setup and preliminary results of our system, which uses a Web-accessible central database to track viruses and provides the foundation for an early warning system of foodborne and other common-source outbreaks

    Mitosene-DNA adducts. Characterization of two major DNA monoadducts formed by 1,10-bis(acetoxy)-7-methoxymitosene upon reductive activation

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    Reductive activation of racemic 1,10-bis(acetoxy)-7-methoxymitosene WV15 in the presence of DNA, followed by enzymatic digestion and HPLC analysis, revealed the formation of various DNA adducts. Reduction is a necessary event for adduct formation to occur. This reductive activation was performed under hypoxic conditions in various ways:  (1) chemically, using a 2-fold excess of sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4), (2) enzymatically using NADH-cytochrome c reductase, (3) electrochemically on a mercury pool working electrode, and (4) catalytically, using a H2/PtO2 system. Five different mitosene−DNA adducts were detected. These adducts were also present when poly(dG-dC) was used instead of DNA, but were absent with poly(dA-dT). All were shown to be adducts of guanine. Reduction of 1,10-dihydroxymitosene WV14 in the presence of DNA did not result in detectable adduct formation, demonstrating the importance of good leaving groups for efficient adduct formation by these mitosenes. Finally, two of the adducts were isolated and their structures elucidated, using mass spectrometry, 1H NMR and circular dichroism (CD). The structures were assigned as the diastereoisomers N2-(1‘ ‘-n-hydroxymitosen-10‘ ‘-yl), 2‘-deoxyguanosine (n = α or β). These type of adducts, in which the mitosene C-10 is covalently bonded to the N-2 of a guanosylic group, are different from the well-known mitomycin C 2‘-deoxyguanosine monoadducts, that is linked via the mitomycin C C-1 position, demonstrating that the order of reactivity of the C-1 and C-10 in these mitosenes is reversed, as compared to mitomycin C. The 7-methoxy substituent of WV15 is a likely factor causing this switch. Evidence is presented that the 7-substituent of mitosenes also influences their DNA alkylation site. Adducts 4 and 5 represent the first isolated and structurally characterized covalent adducts of DNA and a synthetic mitosene

    Capillary Flow-MRI:Quantifying Micron-Scale Cooperativity in Complex Dispersions

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    Strongly confined flow of particulate fluids is encountered in applications ranging from three-dimensional (3D) printing to the spreading of foods and cosmetics into thin layers. When flowing in constrictions with gap sizes, w, within 102 times the mean size of particles or aggregates, d, structured fluids experience enhanced bulk velocities and inhomogeneous viscosities, as a result of so-called cooperative, or nonlocal, particle interactions. Correctly predicting cooperative flow for a wide range of complex fluids requires high-resolution flow imaging modalities applicable in situ to even optically opaque fluids. To this goal, we here developed a pressure-driven high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) velocimetry platform, comprising a pressure controller connected to a capillary. Wall properties and diameter could be modified respectively as hydrophobic/hydrophilic, or within w ∼ 100-540 μm. By achieving a high spatial resolution of 9 μm, flow cooperativity length scales, ξ, down to 15 μm in Carbopol with d ∼ 2 μm could be quantified by means of established physical models with an accuracy of 13%. The same approach was adopted for a heterogeneous fat crystal dispersion (FCD) with d and ξ values up to an order of magnitude higher than those for Carbopol. We found that for strongly confined flow of Carbopol in the 100 μm capillary, ξ is independent of flow conditions. For the FCD, ξ increases with gap size and applied pressures over 0.25-1 bar. In both samples, nonlocal interactions span domains up to about 5-8 particles but, at the highest confinement degree explored, ∼8% for FCD, domains of only ∼2 particles contribute to cooperative flow. The developed flow-MRI platform is easily scalable to ultrahigh field MRI conditions for chemically resolved velocimetric measurements of, e.g., complex fluids with anisotropic particles undergoing alignment. Future potential applications of the platform encompass imaging extrusion under confinement during the 3D printing of complex dispersions or in in vitro vascular and perfusion studies.</p

    Do Interactions Between Gut Ecology and Environmental Chemicals Contribute to Obesity and Diabetes?

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    Background: Gut microbiota are important factors in obesity and diabetes, yet little is known about their role in the toxicodynamics of environmental chemicals, including those recently found to be obesogenic and diabetogenic

    General practitioner practices in requesting laboratory tests for patients with gastroenteritis in the Netherlands, 2001–2002

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    Background: The objective of this study was to estimate the (selective) proportion of patients consulting their GP for an episode of gastroenteritis for whom laboratory tests were requested. In addition adherence of GPs to the guidelines for diagnostic test regime was ascertained. Methods: Data were collected from a GP network in the Netherlands. Information was also collected on the reason for requesting the test, test specifications, and test results. Results: For 12% of the GP patients with gastroenteritis, a stool sample was requested and tested for enteric pathogens. In most patients, the duration, followed by severity of complaints or a visit to a specific, high-risk country were reported as reasons to request laboratory diagnostics. Tests were requested most often in summer months and in February. Campylobacter (requested for 87% of the tests), Salmonella (84%), Shigella (78%) and Yersinia (56%) were most frequently included in the stool tests. Campylobacter was detected most often in patients. Conclusion: Test requests did not always comply with existing knowledge of the etiology of gastroenteritis in GP patients and were not always consistent with the Dutch GP guidelines. Therefore, the data of this study can be used to develop educational approaches for GP's as well as for revision of the guidelines

    Trends in Gastro-enteritis in Nederland. Notitie met betrekking tot 2007

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