115 research outputs found

    The Mauritians in Sydney

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    The very first Mauritian trading expedition to Sydney was undertaken in 1802, during the Peace of Amiens, by Alexandre Josselin Lecorre, who sailed in the Entreprise to Port Jackson in order to sell provisions, arriving on 9 September 1802. (Authorities in Sydney mistakenly registered the Entreprise as the Surprise.

    The Dutch in Sydney

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    Dutch colonial ambitions and trading interests in the East Indies led to the first European visits to the Australian coast. Between 1606 and 1642, the Dutch charted most of the continent's northern, western and southern coasts. The Netherlands did not colonise Australia, but Dutch people in small numbers were present from 1788 onwards. Cornelius Du Heg, a seaman on the First Fleet transport Friendship, was possibly the first Dutchman to visit Port Jackson

    Innovative methods to increase HIV testing among MSM in regional Queensland

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    Utilisation of novel methodologies to engage 'hard to reach' clients in health promotion and screening, in rural and regional areas

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    This following provides a detailed summary regarding the case of HIV screening and health promotion within a regional/rural community in Queensland, with higher self-reported rates of stigma and discrimination. Information is provided regarding the community engagement and communication strategies employed to promote this novel screening initiative; use of community-based online technologies to promote participant recruitment, and use of respondent-driven sampling to increase engagement with hard to reach and socially isolated members of the target group. Use of peer-health promotion officers, a discrete screening environment, bringing the mobile service to the key target groups and geographical regions; onward linking and integration with mainstream health services and models of care; and direct collaborative partnering with key community organisations will be further discussed and are pivotal to the feasibility and acceptability of these types of initiatives. Broader applications to other health areas will also be discussed

    Novel HIV testing during health promotion outreach: a qualitative analysis of field notes by peer-testers

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    Introduction: Significant health disparities persist regarding new/late HIV diagnoses among HIV sub-Saharan African communities in Australia . A wide range of personal and cultural beliefs and practices significantly influence HIV risk and prevention both within Australia and during return visits to countries of origin. Method: A community forum was conducted which included 23 male and female adult members of African community agencies/networks and stakeholders. The forum was facilitated by cultural workers and an experienced clinician/researcher. The forum consisted of small and large group discussions regardingkey topics with responses transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was utilised to analyse data collected at the forum. Ethics approval was obtained. Results: Issues of stigma and denial, social norms, tradition and culture permeated perceptions and beliefs regarding HIV prevention and transmission among African Australians, particularly in relation to return travel to countries of origin. Conclusions: The role of international travel as a risk factor for HIV acquisition requires increased examination and review, as do the role of the GP and Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as responses to that risk. Further assessment of PrEP as an appropriate and feasible intervention within the community is needed with careful attention given to negative community perceptions and its potential impact on individuals

    Tunable thermal expansion in framework materials through redox intercalation

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    Thermal expansion properties of solids are of fundamental interest and control of thermal expansion is important for practical applications but can be difficult to achieve. Many framework-type materials show negative thermal expansion when internal cages are empty but positive thermal expansion when additional atoms or molecules fill internal voids present. Here we show that redox intercalation offers an effective method to control thermal expansion from positive to zero to negative by insertion of Li ions into the simple negative thermal expansion framework material ScF3, doped with 10% Fe to enable reduction. The small concentration of intercalated Li ions has a strong influence through steric hindrance of transverse fluoride ion vibrations, which directly controls the thermal expansion. Redox intercalation of guest ions is thus likely to be a general and effective method for controlling thermal expansion in the many known framework materials with phonon-driven negative thermal expansion

    Las rivalidades hispano-neerlandesas en el Pacífico y la conquista de Australia: de Cornelis de Houtman a Abel Janszoon Tasman (1595-1651)

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    Early in the 17th century, the VOC —Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie— attempted to identify new places where commercial factories could be built as well as a new route to sail between New Guinea and the Pacific. A general introduction will describe the reasons of for these journeys, and the causes behind the expeditions. Specialised bibliography will be used, including reports, memorials as well as documents from the archives of the East India Dutch Company (VOC Archief) located in the National Archives in The Hague.A comienzos del siglo XVII la Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) pretendía localizar nuevos enclaves que sirvieran como factorías mercantiles y abrir una vía entre Nueva Guinea y el Pacífico. Se realizará una introducción general sobre las razones de estos viajes y un análisis de las causas que motivaron las expediciones holandesas. Se utilizará bibliografía especializada, memoriales e informes de la época, así como documentos del Archivo de la Compañía Holandesa de las Indias Orientales (VOC Archief) que se encuentran en el Archivo Nacional de La Haya