122 research outputs found

    Epistemologische Überzeugungen von Auszubildenden und deren Einfluss auf die metalltechnische Fachkompetenz

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    In der Lehr-Lernforschung herrscht Konsens, dass die schulischen Leistungen von Lernenden durch multiple Determinanten begründet sind. Neben der allgemeinen Intelligenz, der persönlichen Motivation und dem individuellen Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept, geht man auch davon aus, dass die subjektiven Theorien von Lernenden (z.B. epistemologische Überzeugungen, Ansichten zum Lernen, subjektive Theorien zum Fach) einen Einfluss auf die schulische Leistung nehmen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag geht es erstens um die Beschreibung des Entwicklungsstands der epistemologischen Überzeugungen von Auszubildenden der Metalltechnik zu Beginn der Ausbildung (n=353) und zweitens um die Untersuchung des Einflusses der epistemologischen Überzeugungen auf die metalltechnische Fachkompetenz am Ende der Grundstufe (n=300). Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass bei einer Vielzahl von Auszubildenden zum Konstrukt individuelle Entwicklungspotenziale bestehen und die epistemologischen Überzeugungen, neben der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit, den mathematischen Kompetenzen und dem Fachinteresse, einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Erklärung der metalltechnischen Fachkompetenz am Ende der Grundstufe liefern.Schlüsselwörter: Subjektive Theorien, Epistemologische Überzeugungen, gewerblich-technische Domäne, Metalltechnik, metalltechnische FachkompetenzEpistemological beliefs of students and their effect on metal technologic expertiseAbstractIn the teaching-learning research, there is a consensus that the academic performance of learners is motivated by multiple determinants. In addition to general intelligence, personal motivation and the individual self-concept regarding ability, it is also assumed that the subjective theories of learners (e.g. epistemological beliefs, opinions about learning, and subjective theories concerning the subject) have an effect on academic achievement. In this paper, the topics to be discussed are, first, the description of the state of development of epistemological beliefs of students of metalworking technology at the beginning of their training (n=353) and, second, the examination of the influence of epistemological beliefs on metal technical expertise at the end of the basic level (n=300). The results show that in a number of trainees, there is evidence of individual development potential, and that epistemological beliefs, in addition to cognitive performance, mathematical skills and professional interest make a significant contribution to the explanation of metalworking technology expertise at the end of the basic stage.Keywords: subjective theories, epistemological beliefs, commercial-technical domain, metalworking technology, metalworking technology expertis

    Odnos krimsko-kongoanske hemoragijske groznice i klime: utječe li klima na broj ovih bolesnika?

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne viral zoonosis. The incidence of zoonotic diseases has been shown to be affected by climatic factors. In this study, we evaluated patients endemic to the CCHF region and examined the relationship between the number of patients and climatic properties of the region where they lived. The study included 548 CCHF patients. Along with the patient demographic and clinical characteristics, we recorded temperature, humidity and precipitation in the places where they lived at the time of their admission to the hospital. In addition to temperature, humidity and precipitation at the time of patient admission, these values were assessed at one month and three months prior to admission. The relationship between the number of patients and the above-mentioned values was examined. Humidity at the time of and one month prior to hospital admission, and precipitation three months prior to hospital admission were found to affect the number of patients admitted to the hospital for CCHF. In conclusion, climate appeared to affect the number of CCHF patients. We believe that the number of patients presenting to the hospital with CCHF could be predicted by taking into account climatic properties of the places where CCHF has been recorded, along with under-taking necessary measures.Krimsko-kongoanska hemoragijska groznica (KKHG) je virusna zoonoza koju prenose krpelji. Dokazano je da klimatski čimbenici utječu na incidenciju zoonotskih bolesti. U ovom smo istraživanju ispitivali bolesnike endemske za područje KKHG te odnos broja bolesnika i klimatskih svojstava područja u kojem oni žive. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 548 bolesnika s KKHG. Uz demografske i kliničke značajke bolesnika bilježili smo temperaturu, vlagu i količinu padalina u mjestu gdje su bolesnici živjeli u vrijeme prijma u bolnicu. Uz vrijednosti temperature, vlage i količine padalina u vrijeme prijma bolesnika u bolnicu, vrijednosti ovih parametara procijenjene su za jedan mjesec i tri mjeseca prije prijma u bolnicu. Tada smo ispitali odnos broja bolesnika i gore spomenutih vrijednosti. Pokazalo se da razina vlage u vrijeme prijma i jedan mjesec prije prijma u bolnicu, kao i količina padalina tri mjeseca prije prijma u bolnicu utječu na broj bolesnika primljenih u bolnicu zbog KKHG. U zaključku, čini se da klima utječe na broj bolesnika s KKHG. Vjerujemo da bi se broj bolesnika koji dolaze u bolnicu zbog KKHG mogao predvidjeti uzimajući u obzir klimatska svojstva u mjestima gdje je zabilježena KKHG, a time bi se isto tako mogle poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere

    Zooming in on Transcription Preinitiation

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    AbstractClass II gene transcription commences with the assembly of the Preinitiation Complex (PIC) from a plethora of proteins and protein assemblies in the nucleus, including the General Transcription Factors (GTFs), RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II), co-activators, co-repressors, and more. TFIID, a megadalton-sized multiprotein complex comprising 20 subunits, is among the first GTFs to bind the core promoter. TFIID assists in nucleating PIC formation, completed by binding of further factors in a highly regulated stepwise fashion. Recent results indicate that TFIID itself is built from distinct preformed submodules, which reside in the nucleus but also in the cytosol of cells. Here, we highlight recent insights in transcription factor assembly and the regulation of transcription preinitiation

    Resurrection of Ornithogalum brevipedicellatum (Asparagaceae) with morphological and molecular data

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    This study evaluates Ornithogalum brevipedicellatum, which was previously accepted as a synonym of O. oligophyllum, as a separate distinct species and discusses the similarities and differences between O. brevipedicellatum and its related species (O. oligophyllum and O. pamphylicum). Similarities and differences among these species were identified by morphological and molecular studies. The leaf morphology and inflorescence of O. brevipedicellatum and O. pamphylicum are similar to each other, and in terms of these features, they show differences from O. oligophyllum. Some diagnostic characteristics are quite different in O. brevipedicellatum and O. pamphylicum, such as the size of tepals, length of fruiting pedicels and style. Morphological data were supported by the results obtained from molecular studies. According to a dendrogram obtained by molecular studies, O. brevipedicellatum and O. pamphylicum are similar. O. oligophyllum is more closely related to O. pyrenaicum used as an out-group. Additionally, the seeds of O. brevipedicellatum were examined with the use of scanning electron microscopy

    Entwicklung und Evaluation der virtuellen Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA

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    Im Beitrag wird von der theoriegestützten Entwicklung und Evaluation der virtuellen Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA berichtet. VILA wurde für die berufliche Aus- und Weiter­bildung von Fachkräften im industriellen Dienstleistungsbereich entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse der mit (angehenden) Servicetechnikern in gewerblich-technischen Domänen (n = 62) und Berufs- und Technikpädagogen (n = 72) durchgeführte Evaluation lassen darauf schließen, dass die virtuelle Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung VILA mit ihren technologischen und funktionalen Optionen sowie ihrem methodisch-didaktischen Konzept zentrale Anforderun­gen an ein situiertes und flexibles Lernen erfüllt und von den Befragten im Hinblick auf Usability, räumliche Präsenz und Flow-Erleben positiv wahrgenommen wird. In einem Strukturmodell zeigt sich, dass vor allem die wahrgenommene räumliche Präsenz das Flow-Erleben im virtuellen Setting determiniert.Schlüsselwörter: Virtuelles Lernen, Usability, räumliche Präsenz, Flow-Erleben, Evaluatio

    Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of some novel sulfonylamido-benzoxazoles

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    A series of 2-(p-substituted phenyl)-5-[(4-substituted phenyl) sulfonylamido]-benzoxazoles were synthesized and tested for their antimicrobial activities. The structures of the new derivatives were elucidated by spectral techniques. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the new benzoxazoles were determined against standard bacterial and fungal strains and drug-resistant isolates and compared to those of several reference drugs

    ServiceLernLab - Ein Lern- und Transferkonzept für (angehende) Servicetechniker im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

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    Unternehmen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau stehen vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Bedeutung des Dienstleistungssektors und den Effekten des demografischen Wandels vor zentralen Herausforderungen in der Personalentwicklung. Sie müssen dem wachsenden Bedarf an hoch qualifizierten Servicetechnikern nachkommen - neue qualifizierte Fachkräfte für den Servicebereich gewinnen, betriebsspezifisch weiterbilden und eine systematische Sicherung zum Erhalt des spezifischen Erfahrungswissens ausscheidender Servicetechniker im Unternehmen betreiben. An der Universität Stuttgart entwickelte und erprobte das Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft ein technikdidaktisches Konzept zur Kompetenzentwicklung bzw. zum Kompetenztransfer für Servicetechniker im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (ServiceLernLab). Transfer bezieht sich dabei einerseits auf den Transfer zwischen erfahreneren und weniger erfahrenen Personen und andererseits auf den Anspruch, das Konzept so anzulegen, dass ein Transfer der in spezifischen Anforderungssituationen erworbenen Kompetenzen auf andere Anforderungskotexte wahrscheinlicher wird. Zentrale Elemente dieses technikdidaktischen Konzepts sind zwei Schulungseinheiten: a) eine Einheit für die Kompetenzentwicklung im technischen Anforderungsbereich und b) eine Einheit zur sozialen Kompetenzentwicklung, speziell zur Perspektivenübernahme. Der Beitrag bietet (1.) eine Beschreibung der Anforderungen und Tätigkeiten von Servicetechnikern sowie Ansatzpunkte für ein innovatives Lehr-/ Lernkonzept (ServiceLernLab), (2.) eine Dokumentation der Umsetzung des ServiceLernLab bei (angehenden) Servicetechnikern des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus und (3.) die Darstellung der erzielten Effekte des Lehr-/ Lernkonzeptes auf die Fachkompetenz (Fachwissen und Fehlerdiagnosekompetenz) sowie einen Vergleich von Selbst-, Fremdeinschätzungen und objektiven Fachkompetenzleistungen.Schlüsselwörter: Servicetechniker, Dienstleistungssektor, Lernfabrik, Fehlerdiagnosekompetenz, Erfahrungswisse

    Sex difference in alcohol withdrawal syndrome: a scoping review of clinical studies

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    BackgroundWe conducted a review of all studies comparing clinical aspects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) between men and women.MethodsFive databases (PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE, Scopus and Clinical Trials) were searched for clinical studies using the keywords “alcohol withdrawal syndrome” or “delirium tremens” limited to “sex” or “gender” or “sex difference” or “gender difference.” The search was conducted on May 19, 2023. Two reviewers selected studies including both male and female patients with AWS, and they compared males and females in type of AWS symptoms, clinical course, complications, and treatment outcome.ResultsThirty-five observational studies were included with a total of 318,730 participants of which 75,346 had AWS. In twenty of the studies, the number of patients presenting with or developing AWS was separated by sex, resulting in a total of 8,159 (12.5%) female patients and a total of 56,928 (87.5%) male patients. Despite inconsistent results, males were more likely than females to develop complicated AWS [delirium tremens (DT) and AW seizures, collective DT in Males vs. females: 1,792 (85.4%) vs. 307 (14.6%), and collective seizures in males vs. females: 294 (78%) vs. 82 (22%)]. The rates of ICU admissions and hospital length of stay did not show sex differences. Although variable across studies, compared to females, males received benzodiazepine treatment at higher frequency and dose. One study reported that the time from first hospitalization for AWS to death was approximately 1.5 years shorter for males and males had higher mortality rate [19.5% (197/1,016)] compared to females [16% (26/163)].ConclusionDespite the significant heterogeneity of the studies selected and the lack of a focus on investigating potential sex differences, this review of clinical studies on AWS suggests that men and women exhibit different AWS manifestations. Large-scale studies focusing specifically on investigating sex difference in AWS are needed