1,093 research outputs found

    A periodic elastic medium in which periodicity is relevant

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    We analyze, in both (1+1)- and (2+1)- dimensions, a periodic elastic medium in which the periodicity is such that at long distances the behavior is always in the random-substrate universality class. This contrasts with the models with an additive periodic potential in which, according to the field theoretic analysis of Bouchaud and Georges and more recently of Emig and Nattermann, the random manifold class dominates at long distances in (1+1)- and (2+1)-dimensions. The models we use are random-bond Ising interfaces in hypercubic lattices. The exchange constants are random in a slab of size Ld1×λL^{d-1} \times \lambda and these coupling constants are periodically repeated along either {10} or {11} (in (1+1)-dimensions) and {100} or {111} (in (2+1)-dimensions). Exact ground-state calculations confirm scaling arguments which predict that the surface roughness ww behaves as: wL2/3,LLcw \sim L^{2/3}, L \ll L_c and wL1/2,LLcw \sim L^{1/2}, L \gg L_c, with Lcλ3/2L_c \sim \lambda^{3/2} in (1+1)(1+1)-dimensions and; wL0.42,LLcw \sim L^{0.42}, L \ll L_c and wln(L),LLcw \sim \ln(L), L \gg L_c, with Lcλ2.38L_c \sim \lambda^{2.38} in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensions.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Intermittence and roughening of periodic elastic media

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    We analyze intermittence and roughening of an elastic interface or domain wall pinned in a periodic potential, in the presence of random-bond disorder in (1+1) and (2+1) dimensions. Though the ensemble average behavior is smooth, the typical behavior of a large sample is intermittent, and does not self-average to a smooth behavior. Instead, large fluctuations occur in the mean location of the interface and the onset of interface roughening is via an extensive fluctuation which leads to a jump in the roughness of order λ\lambda, the period of the potential. Analytical arguments based on extreme statistics are given for the number of the minima of the periodicity visited by the interface and for the roughening cross-over, which is confirmed by extensive exact ground state calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Disorder-induced roughening in the three-dimensional Ising model

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    Using an exact method, we numerically study the zero-temperature roughness of interfaces in the random bond, cubic lattice, Ising model (of size L3, with L<~80). Interfaces oriented along the {100} direction undergo a roughening transition from a weak disorder phase, which is almost flat, to a strong disorder phase with interface width w∼cL0.42 (c is a function of the disorder). For random dilution we find the roughening threshold p∗=0.89±0.01 and c∼p∗−p for p<~p∗ (p is the volume fraction of present bonds). In contrast {111} interfaces are algebraically rough for all disorder.Peer reviewe

    Structural compliance, misfit strain and stripe nanostructures in cuprate superconductors

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    Structural compliance is the ability of a crystal structure to accommodate variations in local atomic bond-lengths without incurring large strain energies. We show that the structural compliance of cuprates is relatively small, so that short, highly doped, Cu-O-Cu bonds in stripes are subject to a tensile misfit strain. We develop a model to describe the effect of misfit strain on charge ordering in the copper oxygen planes of oxide materials and illustrate some of the low energy stripe nanostructures that can result.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Self-Attracting Walk on Lattices

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    We have studied a model of self-attracting walk proposed by Sapozhnikov using Monte Carlo method. The mean square displacement t2ν \sim t^{2\nu} and the mean number of visited sites tk \sim t^{k} are calculated for one-, two- and three-dimensional lattice. In one dimension, the walk shows diffusive behaviour with ν=k=1/2\nu=k=1/2. However, in two and three dimension, we observed a non-universal behaviour, i.e., the exponent ν\nu varies continuously with the strength of the attracting interaction.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 6 postscript figures, Submitted J.Phys.

    Extremal statistics in the energetics of domain walls

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    We study at T=0 the minimum energy of a domain wall and its gap to the first excited state concentrating on two-dimensional random-bond Ising magnets. The average gap scales as ΔE1Lθf(Nz)\Delta E_1 \sim L^\theta f(N_z), where f(y)[lny]1/2f(y) \sim [\ln y]^{-1/2}, θ\theta is the energy fluctuation exponent, LL length scale, and NzN_z the number of energy valleys. The logarithmic scaling is due to extremal statistics, which is illustrated by mapping the problem into the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang roughening process. It follows that the susceptibility of domain walls has also a logarithmic dependence on system size.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quasi-static cracks and minimal energy surfaces

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    We compare the roughness of minimal energy(ME) surfaces and scalar ``quasi-static'' fracture surfaces(SQF). Two dimensional ME and SQF surfaces have the same roughness scaling, w sim L^zeta (L is system size) with zeta = 2/3. The 3-d ME and SQF results at strong disorder are consistent with the random-bond Ising exponent zeta (d >= 3) approx 0.21(5-d) (d is bulk dimension). However 3-d SQF surfaces are rougher than ME ones due to a larger prefactor. ME surfaces undergo a ``weakly rough'' to ``algebraically rough'' transition in 3-d, suggesting a similar behavior in fracture.Comment: 7 pages, aps.sty-latex, 7 figure

    Random-field Ising model on complete graphs and trees

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    We present exact results for the critical behavior of the RFIM on complete graphs and trees, both at equilibrium and away from equilibrium, i.e., models for hysteresis and Barkhausen noise. We show that for stretched exponential and power law distributions of random fields the behavior on complete graphs is non-universal, while the behavior on Cayley trees is universal even in the limit of large co-ordination.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The true reinforced random walk with bias

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    We consider a self-attracting random walk in dimension d=1, in presence of a field of strength s, which biases the walker toward a target site. We focus on the dynamic case (true reinforced random walk), where memory effects are implemented at each time step, differently from the static case, where memory effects are accounted for globally. We analyze in details the asymptotic long-time behavior of the walker through the main statistical quantities (e.g. distinct sites visited, end-to-end distance) and we discuss a possible mapping between such dynamic self-attracting model and the trapping problem for a simple random walk, in analogy with the static model. Moreover, we find that, for any s>0, the random walk behavior switches to ballistic and that field effects always prevail on memory effects without any singularity, already in d=1; this is in contrast with the behavior observed in the static model.Comment: to appear on New J. Phy

    Strength Reduction in Electrical and Elastic Networks

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    Particular aspects of problems ranging from dielectric breakdown to metal insu- lator transition can be studied using electrical o elastic networks. We present an expression for the mean breakdown strength of such networks.First, we intro- duce a method to evaluate the redistribution of current due to the removal of a finite number of elements from a hyper-cubic network of conducatances.It is used to determine the reduction of breakdown strength due to a fracture of size κ\kappa.Numerical analysis is used to show that the analogous reduction due to random removal of elements from electrical and elastic networks follow a similar form.One possible application, namely the use of bone density as a diagnostic tools for osteorosporosis,is discussed.Comment: one compressed file includes: 9 PostScrpt figures and a text fil