6,216 research outputs found

    Solar hard X-ray imaging by means of Compressed Sensing and Finite Isotropic Wavelet Transform

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    This paper shows that compressed sensing realized by means of regularized deconvolution and the Finite Isotropic Wavelet Transform is effective and reliable in hard X-ray solar imaging. The method utilizes the Finite Isotropic Wavelet Transform with Meyer function as the mother wavelet. Further, compressed sensing is realized by optimizing a sparsity-promoting regularized objective function by means of the Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm. Eventually, the regularization parameter is selected by means of the Miller criterion. The method is applied against both synthetic data mimicking the Spectrometer/Telescope Imaging X-rays (STIX) measurements and experimental observations provided by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The performances of the method are compared with the results provided by standard visibility-based reconstruction methods. The results show that the application of the sparsity constraint and the use of a continuous, isotropic framework for the wavelet transform provide a notable spatial accuracy and significantly reduce the ringing effects due to the instrument point spread functions

    Projectively and conformally invariant star-products

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    We consider the Poisson algebra S(M) of smooth functions on T^*M which are fiberwise polynomial. In the case where M is locally projectively (resp. conformally) flat, we seek the star-products on S(M) which are SL(n+1,R) (resp. SO(p+1,q+1))-invariant. We prove the existence of such star-products using the projectively (resp. conformally) equivariant quantization, then prove their uniqueness, and study their main properties. We finally give an explicit formula for the canonical projectively invariant star-product.Comment: 37 pages, Latex; minor correction

    Wigner-Souriau translations and Lorentz symmetry of chiral fermions

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    Chiral fermions can be embedded into Souriau's massless spinning particle model by "enslaving" the spin, viewed as a gauge constraint. The latter is not invariant under Lorentz boosts; spin enslavement can be restored, however, by a subsequent Wigner-Souriau (WS) translation, analogous to a compensating gauge transformation. The combined transformation is precisely the recently uncovered twisted boost, which we now extend to finite transformations. WS-translations are identified with the stability group of a motion acting on the right on the Poincare group, whereas the natural Poincare action corresponds to action on the left. The relation to non-commutative mechanics is explained.Comment: v3: a new Section explaining the relation to non-commutativity is added. 14 pages, 2 figure

    Eisenhart lifts and symmetries of time-dependent systems

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    Certain dissipative systems, such as Caldirola and Kannai's damped simple harmonic oscillator, may be modelled by time-dependent Lagrangian and hence time dependent Hamiltonian systems with nn degrees of freedom. In this paper we treat these systems, their projective and conformal symmetries as well as their quantisation from the point of view of the Eisenhart lift to a Bargmann spacetime in n+2n+2 dimensions, equipped with its covariantly constant null Killing vector field. Reparametrization of the time variable corresponds to conformal rescalings of the Bargmann metric. We show how the Arnold map lifts to Bargmann spacetime. We contrast the greater generality of the Caldirola-Kannai approach with that of Arnold and Bateman. At the level of quantum mechanics, we are able to show how the relevant Schr\"odinger equation emerges naturally using the techniques of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, since a covariantly constant null Killing vector field gives rise to well defined one particle Hilbert space. Time-dependent Lagrangians arise naturally also in cosmology and give rise to the phenomenon of Hubble friction. We provide an account of this for Friedmann-Lemaitre and Bianchi cosmologies and how it fits in with our previous discussion in the non-relativistic limit.Comment: 34 pages, no figures. Minor corrections, some references adde

    The location, clustering, and propagation of massive star formation in giant molecular clouds

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    Massive stars are key players in the evolution of galaxies, yet their formation pathway remains unclear. In this work, we use data from several galaxy-wide surveys to build an unbiased dataset of ~700 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs), ~200 giant molecular clouds (GMCs), and ~100 young (<10 Myr) optical stellar clusters (SCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We employ this data to quantitatively study the location and clustering of massive star formation and its relation to the internal structure of GMCs. We reveal that massive stars do not typically form at the highest column densities nor centers of their parent GMCs at the ~6 pc resolution of our observations. Massive star formation clusters over multiple generations and on size scales much smaller than the size of the parent GMC. We find that massive star formation is significantly boosted in clouds near SCs. Yet, whether a cloud is associated with a SC does not depend on either the cloud's mass or global surface density. These results reveal a connection between different generations of massive stars on timescales up to 10 Myr. We compare our work with Galactic studies and discuss our findings in terms of GMC collapse, triggered star formation, and a potential dichotomy between low- and high-mass star formation.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, in pres

    Cuts and flows of cell complexes

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    We study the vector spaces and integer lattices of cuts and flows associated with an arbitrary finite CW complex, and their relationships to group invariants including the critical group of a complex. Our results extend to higher dimension the theory of cuts and flows in graphs, most notably the work of Bacher, de la Harpe and Nagnibeda. We construct explicit bases for the cut and flow spaces, interpret their coefficients topologically, and give sufficient conditions for them to be integral bases of the cut and flow lattices. Second, we determine the precise relationships between the discriminant groups of the cut and flow lattices and the higher critical and cocritical groups with error terms corresponding to torsion (co)homology. As an application, we generalize a result of Kotani and Sunada to give bounds for the complexity, girth, and connectivity of a complex in terms of Hermite's constant.Comment: 30 pages. Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Transverse Shifts in Paraxial Spinoptics

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    The paraxial approximation of a classical spinning photon is shown to yield an "exotic particle" in the plane transverse to the propagation. The previously proposed and observed position shift between media with different refractive indices is modified when the interface is curved, and there also appears a novel, momentum [direction] shift. The laws of thin lenses are modified accordingly.Comment: 3 pages, no figures. One detail clarified, some misprints corrected and references adde

    Decomposition of symmetric tensor fields in the presence of a flat contact projective structure

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    Let MM be an odd-dimensional Euclidean space endowed with a contact 1-form α\alpha. We investigate the space of symmetric contravariant tensor fields on MM as a module over the Lie algebra of contact vector fields, i.e. over the Lie subalgebra made up by those vector fields that preserve the contact structure. If we consider symmetric tensor fields with coefficients in tensor densities, the vertical cotangent lift of contact form α\alpha is a contact invariant operator. We also extend the classical contact Hamiltonian to the space of symmetric density valued tensor fields. This generalized Hamiltonian operator on the symbol space is invariant with respect to the action of the projective contact algebra sp(2n+2)sp(2n+2). The preceding invariant operators lead to a decomposition of the symbol space (expect for some critical density weights), which generalizes a splitting proposed by V. Ovsienko