179 research outputs found

    Bliss and the mobile development business : filling the gap and taking advantage of the challenges between consumers and companies

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    Numerous mobile applications are available to consumers but just few survive within the competitive environment that is created by the innovative mobile industry. This study has the objective to identify the current and future needs of both companies and consumers in regards to mobile applications. This dissertation covers insights of interviews and consumer surveys held within the Portuguese market. The study intends to expose the gaps and similarities between the perspectives of companies and consumers. The purpose of this study will help Bliss, a Portuguese mobile application developer, to improve its product by taking advantage of the challenges. The main findings of the market research imply that both consumers and businesses share the idea that the importance of mobile applications will increase in the future and shape the society as we know it. Both primary and secondary data show us that the concern for data protection is substantial and poses an obstacle that needs to be overcome. More companies from other, traditional sectors start to move into the mobile development industry and relevant content and simple interface navigation remain key elements when it comes to building a successful application. Bliss Application has a substantial untapped potential for growth on the Portuguese market as the mobile development and adoption of mobile applications are still in its infancy.São inúmeras as aplicações disponíveis para os consumidores, porém somente algumas sobrevivem ao ambiente competitivo originado por um mercado em constante evolução. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as atuais e futuras necessidades, tanto das companhias, como dos consumidores, no que respeita às aplicações móveis. Nesta dissertação é possível encontrar, não só resultados de entrevistas individuais, mas também inquéritos ao consumidor, no contexto do mercado Português. O estudo tem como intuito expor as divergências, bem como as semelhanças entre as perspetivas das empresas e dos consumidores. A finalidade deste trabalho é contribuir para que a Bliss, empresa de aplicações móveis portuguesa, aperfeiçoe o seu produto, tirando vantagem dos diversos desafios que se impõem. As principais conclusões do estudo de mercado sugere que consumidores e negócios partilham a ideia de que a relevância das aplicações móveis irá aumentar, no futuro, e moldar a nossa sociedade. Tanto os dados primários, como os secundários, revelam que a proteção destes é substancial e apresenta-se como um obstáculo que precisa de ser ultrapassado. Cada vez mais empresas de distintos sectores de atividade de cariz tradicional começam a entrar neste mercado, no qual a facilidade de processos e a simplicidade do interface são fatores essenciais para o sucesso da indústria. Bliss Application tem um potencial inexplorado para crescer no mercado Português, uma vez que o desenvolvimento de dispositivos móveis e as suas aplicações ainda estão numa fase introdutória

    Hormonen op hol:(over) leven in een chemische wereld

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    Perceptions of future developments in the European Union

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    Political Science; European Unio

    Imatinib mesylate does not counteract ovarian tissue fibrosis in postnatal rat ovary

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    Chemotherapy may result in ovarian atrophy, a depletion of the primordial follicle pool, diminished ovarian weight, cortical and stromal fibrosis. Imatinib mesylate is an anticancer agent that inhibits competitively several receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). RTKs play important roles in cell metabolism, proliferation, and apoptosis. In clinic, imatinib mesylate is also known as an anti-fibrotic medicine. In the present study, the impact of imatinib on the ovarian tissue was investigated by assessing ovarian tissue fibrosis in postnatal rat administered with or without imatinib for three days. Fibrosis in the ovarian tissue was determined by histology (Picrosirius and Masson's trichrome staining) and the protein expression of vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA). Furthermore, mRNA expression of Forkhead box transcription factor O1 and O3 (FOXO1 and FOXO3), which are markers of cell proliferation was quantified. A short-term exposure to imatinib showed to increase tissue fibrosis in ovaries. This was observed by Masson's trichrome staining. Exposure to imatinib led also to a down-regulation of vimentin protein expression and up-regulation mRNA expression of FOXO3. This may indicate a role of FOXO3 in ovarian tissue fibrosis in postnatal rat ovaries.Peer reviewe

    Повышение эффективности контекстной рекламы в Интернете

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    Рассмотрены пути повышения эффективности рекламной кампании на площадках поисковых систем. Предложен подход к формированию рабочей группы ключевых слов, используемых в рекламных предложениях, разработан механизм изменения состава группы. Выработаны рекомендации по формированию и коррекции цены предложения на рекламном аукционе Google. Выполнена проверка предложенных решений на основе практических данных коммерческой фирмы, занимающейся контекстной рекламой на площадке поисковой системы.Розглянуто шляхи підвищення ефективності рекламної кампанії на площадках пошукових систем. Запропоновано підхід до формування робочої групи ключових слів, використовуваних у рекламних пропозиціях, розроблений механізм зміни складу групи. Вироблено рекомендації з формування й корекції ціни пропозиції на рекламному аукціоні Google. Виконано перевірку запропонованих рішень на основі практичних даних комерційної фірми, що займається контекстною рекламою на площадці пошукової системи.During article were examined new ways of Internet search system advertising efficiency increasing. Have been suggested method of creation optimal keywords workgroup(which are used in advertising sentences) approach. Have been worked out recommendations for bid fixing and correction. on Google advertising auction. Suggested conceptions were tested and implemented on real busyness information of internet-advertising company, which is mostly concentrated on context advertisin