28 research outputs found

    Global research priorities for sea turtles : informing management and conservation in the 21st century

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    Over the past 3 decades, the status of sea turtles and the need for their protection to aid population recovery have increasingly captured the interest of government agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the general public worldwide. This interest has been matched by increased research attention, focusing on a wide variety of topics relating to sea turtle biology and ecology, together with the interrelations of sea turtles with the physical and natural environments. Although sea turtles have been better studied than most other marine fauna, management actions and their evaluation are often hindered by the lack of data on turtle biology, human–turtle interactions, turtle population status and threats. In an effort to inform effective sea turtle conservation a list of priority research questions was assembled based on the opinions of 35 sea turtle researchers from 13 nations working in fields related to turtle biology and/or conservation. The combined experience of the contributing researchers spanned the globe as well as many relevant disciplines involved in conservation research. An initial list of more than 200 questions gathered from respondents was condensed into 20 metaquestions and classified under 5 categories: reproductive biology, biogeography, population ecology, threats and conservation strategies

    Negative ERGs in mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) Hurler-Scheie (I-H/S) and Hurler (I-H)-syndromes

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    The configuration and progression of the ERG in two children with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I H/S (Hurler–Scheie syndrome) and MPS I H (Hurler syndrome) is described. Physical examination, biochemical analysis, ophthalmic examination and electroretinography were performed. The Hurler–Scheie patient (case 1) showed negative scotopic but normal photopic ERGs, which remained unchanged over 2 years. The Hurler patient (case 2) showed negative scotopic and photopic ERGs which did not alter after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). One year after BMT, further b-wave amplitude reduction had caused the ERGs to become more negative. The electronegative configuration of the ERGs suggests that, in these cases of MPS, the primary retinal abnormality in MPS I may be faulty synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to more proximal elements, deficient bipolar responsivity, or Muller cell disease. Further degradation with time suggests the defect to be progressive with BMT causing little or no improvement. In the Hurler–Scheie syndrome case, the defect appears to spare the cone system and to show little or no progression

    Population stock structure of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Atlantic revealed using mtDNA and microsatellite markers

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    This study presents a comprehensive genetic analysis of stock structure for leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), combining 17 microsatellite loci and 763 bp of the mtDNA control region. Recently discovered eastern Atlantic nesting populations of this critically endangered species were absent in a previous survey that found little ocean-wide mtDNA variation. We added rookeries in West Africa and Brazil and generated longer sequences for previously analyzed samples. A total of 1,417 individuals were sampled from nine nesting sites in the Atlantic and SW Indian Ocean. We detected additional mtDNA variation with the longer sequences, identifying ten polymorphic sites that resolved a total of ten haplotypes, including three new variants of haplotypes previously described by shorter sequences. Population differentiation was substantial between all but two adjacent rookery pairs, and F ST values ranged from 0.034 to 0.676 and 0.004 to 0.205 for mtDNA and microsatellite data respectively, suggesting that male-mediated gene flow is not as widespread as previously assumed. We detected weak (F ST = 0.008 and 0.006) but significant differentiation with microsatellites between the two population pairs that were indistinguishable with mtDNA data. POWSIM analysis showed that our mtDNA marker had very low statistical power to detect weak structure (F ST < 0.005), while our microsatellite marker array had high power. We conclude that the weak differentiation detected with microsatellites reflects a fine scale level of demographic independence that warrants recognition, and that all nine of the nesting colonies should be considered as demographically independent populations for conservation. Our findings illustrate the importance of evaluating the power of specific genetic markers to detect structure in order to correctly identify the appropriate population units to conserve