9 research outputs found

    Assessing mental wellbeing in urban areas using social media data: understanding when and where urbanites stress and de-stress

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    Are Americans more stressed out by living in dense, urbanized areas or less dense, car-oriented areas? To answer this question, can we use people's expressions of stress in different environments to understand what kinds of spaces help them de-stress? This study uses stress levels of geolocated tweets to help us answer such inquiries and resolve the longstanding disparities between the field of psychology and urban planning about mental health impacts of cities. This is important because more than 75 percent of Americans are moderately stressed. Long-term stress is associated with mental health disorders, including sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, chronic stress is linked to physical ailments, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. The psychology literature claims that urban areas witness elevated levels of mental health problems, manifested as stress, mood disorders, and anxiety issues. Density, crowding, traffic, crime, and pollution are identified as stressors associated with urban living conditions. Contending this claim, the urban planning literature positions stress in the context of longer commutes, lack of accessibility, and social isolation that comes with suburban living conditions. Urban Planners and urban designers have advocated for density. With rapid urbanization, 60 percent of the world population will live in urban areas by 2030, making it crucial for urban planners to address these disparities to support the mental wellbeing of the urbanites. This research uses multi-headed attention transformer model to classify tweets (token sequences), and assesses the stress levels of custom-defined assessment grids of ten acres within the city area of Atlanta and Boston. The assessed stress level of these assessment grids is called the mental wellbeing score (MWS). Mental wellbeing score is defined in this research as a measure of `mental wellbeing' of any given grid (higher score is better). Using this measure, the research investigates the relationship between mental wellbeing and built environment characteristics in urban areas to uncover the impact of long-term stress triggered by the conditions of the built environment in urban settings. In summary, the results of the exploration shed light on three critical aspects: 1. Mental wellbeing score increases with increasing urbanness. 2. The mental wellbeing score increases with the increase in the diversity of escape facilities, including green parks, open spaces, and other points of interest. 3. The mental wellbeing score is positively impacted by accessible high-density spaces with high symbolic value. The research also investigates the impact of safety perception and socio-economic status on mental wellbeing scores. The results show that addressing socio-economic disparity, crime, and investment in green infrastructure can improve mental wellbeing of urbanites. The methods and findings of the research show that 'urban areas' can positively impact mental health if designed appropriately. Furthermore, this study can empower urban planners and policymakers to develop tools to assess the mental wellbeing of urbanites, adjust infrastructure needs, and improve the urban amenities that support mental wellbeing.Ph.D

    Modeling Algae Powered Neighborhood Through GIS and BIM Integration

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    This paper aims to propose a modeling method for algae powered neighborhoods through GIS-BIM integration. In the first part of the paper, the applicability of different types of algae systems in an urban neighborhood are studied. The various systems of algae provide different strengths and weakness that affect their performance and suitability for given urban scenarios. Through extensive literature review, the variables that affect the performance of the micro-algae in the built environment are identified, with a focus on flat-panel photo bio-reactors and tubular photobioreactors. A previous GIS model for data management, performance analysis and design of the algae systems is reviewed [1], which shows its limitations in managing fine-grained structures and functions of algae systems. A bottom-up BIM approach to deal with these limitations is further explored. The algae-embedded built environment can be modeled in the parametric 3D BIM and Rhinoceros with a set of building parameters for the roof, façade, window to wall ratio, etc. Subsequently, solar exposure on building surfaces, the use of the buildings and their respective façade types would be studied. Parametric 3D models of the buildings allows for faster design modification and the creation of multiple design options. These models can be used to perform energy analysis using the parametric energy analysis tool to check for building energy use intensity (EUI). The bottom-up approach explored in this research design aims to facilitate visualization and analysis of the built environment and gauge the productivity of microalgae. Finally, a platform for BIM –GIS integration and its possibility is explored in this paper. © 2017 The Authors

    Reclaiming Public Realm to Improve Human Health and Environment in Indian Cities: Shaping ideas of public realm conducive to non- motorized modes of travel

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    This study examines how the public realm can be redesigned to improve human health and environmental conditions in Indian cities. Indian streets have traditionally been a significant part of its public realm as they were the primary places to congregate, celebrate, and interact (Fyfe, 1998). Yet, in the past two decades, rapid increase in vehicular traffic have crowded out most forms of non-motorized human activity on public roads. The high levels of congestion and pollution from vehicles are engendering serious human health hazards. This paper first describes how the growth of private automobiles in past few decades have intensified the environmental challenges in Indian cities. It then argues that the control of vehicular traffic together with the promotion of walking and non-motorized transportation are essential for improving human health and the public realm in Indian cities. The paper then outlines potential design strategies for integrating walkability and bikability in different types of streets through global examples and case studies. Finally, a key commercial and residential area of South Kolkata is chosen as a case for examining the principles outlined through a redesign of its street network to improve walkability and bikability that could serve as an example for similar urban transformations in other Indian cities

    Reclaiming Public Realm to Improve Human Health and Environment in Indian Cities

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    This study examines how the public realm can be redesigned to improve human health and environmental conditions in Indian cities. Indian streets have traditionally been a significant part of its public realm as they were the primary places to congregate, celebrate, and interact (Fyfe, 1998). Yet, in the past two decades, rapid increase in vehicular traffic have crowded out most forms of non-motorized human activity on public roads. The high levels of congestion and pollution from vehicles are engendering serious human health hazards. This paper first describes how the growth of private automobiles in past few decades have intensified the environmental challenges in Indian cities. It then argues that the control of vehicular traffic together with the promotion of walking and non-motorized transportation are essential for improving human health and the public realm in Indian cities. The paper then outlines potential design strategies for integrating walkability and bikability in different types of streets through global examples and case studies. Finally, a key commercial and residential area of South Kolkata is chosen as a case for examining the principles outlined through a redesign of its street network to improve walkability and bikability that could serve as an example for similar urban transformations in other Indian cities

    TEP/Westside Studio

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    This studio report acts as a pre-cursor to a feasibility study for the Technology Enterprise Park and Westside neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia

    InternaUonal Urban Design Studio 2016: Shanghai – Disney

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    A Studio Project of the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning, 2016The Georgia Tech studio team, consists of urban planning, architecture, and environmental engineering students. The team is assisting the Shen-D Corporation with the creation of evaluative tools and guidelines for integratively designing a near net zero energy community just south of the forthcoming Disneyland theme park in Shanghai, China