42 research outputs found

    Food Reservoir for Escherichia coli Causing Urinary Tract Infections

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    Closely related strains of Escherichia coli have been shown to cause extraintestinal infections in unrelated persons. This study tests whether a food reservoir may exist for these E. coli. Isolates from 3 sources over the same time period (2005–2007) and geographic area were compared. The sources comprised prospectively collected E. coli isolates from women with urinary tract infection (UTI) (n = 353); retail meat (n = 417); and restaurant/ready-to-eat foods (n = 74). E. coli were evaluated for antimicrobial drug susceptibility and O:H serotype and compared by using 4 different genotyping methods. We identified 17 clonal groups that contained E. coli isolates (n = 72) from >1 source. E. coli from retail chicken (O25:H4-ST131 and O114:H4-ST117) and honeydew melon (O2:H7-ST95) were indistinguishable from or closely related to E. coli from human UTIs. This study provides strong support for the role of food reservoirs or foodborne transmission in the dissemination of E. coli causing common community-acquired UTIs

    ISLES 2015 - A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI

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    Ischemic stroke is the most common cerebrovascular disease, and its diagnosis, treatment, and study relies on non-invasive imaging. Algorithms for stroke lesion segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumes are intensely researched, but the reported results are largely incomparable due to different datasets and evaluation schemes. We approached this urgent problem of comparability with the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge organized in conjunction with the MICCAI 2015 conference. In this paper we propose a common evaluation framework, describe the publicly available datasets, and present the results of the two sub-challenges: Sub-Acute Stroke Lesion Segmentation (SISS) and Stroke Perfusion Estimation (SPES). A total of 16 research groups participated with a wide range of state-of-the-art automatic segmentation algorithms. A thorough analysis of the obtained data enables a critical evaluation of the current state-of-the-art, recommendations for further developments, and the identification of remaining challenges. The segmentation of acute perfusion lesions addressed in SPES was found to be feasible. However, algorithms applied to sub-acute lesion segmentation in SISS still lack accuracy. Overall, no algorithmic characteristic of any method was found to perform superior to the others. Instead, the characteristics of stroke lesion appearances, their evolution, and the observed challenges should be studied in detail. The annotated ISLES image datasets continue to be publicly available through an online evaluation system to serve as an ongoing benchmarking resource (www.isles-challenge.org).Peer reviewe

    Rapport II.14 L'épandage des eaux résiduaires des industries agricoles en Champagne -Evolution des idées -Solutions techniques

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    Waste water application of agricultural industries in Champagne region. -Evolution of ideas -Technical solutions. A method had been established in order to calculate sprinkling dosage with waste water of agricultural industries : beet sugar factories, starch industry and beet sugar distillery. Application of that method is satisfying, but improvements are possible for agronomic and ground water pollution aspects : sprinkling with mobile irrigators, regular control of waste water composition, soil analysis in order to control appropriate levels for different fertilizing elements, ruduction of dosage for industries which have a product with rapid mineralization or a necessity of early sprinkling, and for industries having a product with a low nitrogen level. Now, problem of chlorids and natrium is resoluted, but study of sulfates in distilleries must be approached.Une mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie pour calculer la dose d'arrosage avec les eaux rĂ©siduaires de sucreries, fĂ©culerie et distilleries. L'application de la mĂ©thode est satisfaisant, mais des amĂ©liorations sont encore possibles sous l'aspect agronomique et sous l'aspect pollution de nappe : Ă©pandage avec asperseurs mobiles, contrĂŽle rĂ©gulier de la composition de l'eau rĂ©siduaire, analyses de sols pour vĂ©rifier les niveaux en Ă©lĂ©ments fertilisants, rĂ©duction de la dose d'arrosage pour les indus tries oĂč le produit a une minĂ©ralisation rapide ou bien nĂ©cessite un Ă©pandage prĂ©coce, et pour les industries oĂč le produit contient peu d'azote. Actuellement, le problĂšme du sodium et des chlorures est rĂ©solu, mais en distillerie, le devenir des sulfates doit ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©.Dutil Pierre. Rapport II.14 L'Ă©pandage des eaux rĂ©siduaires des industries agricoles en Champagne -Evolution des idĂ©es -Solutions techniques. In: L'assainissement de demain. L'hydraulique des eaux pluviales et usĂ©es. Compte-rendu des XVIIes journĂ©es de l'hydraulique. Nantes,14-16 septembre 1982. Tome 1, 1982

    Essai de bilan hydrologique du chott d’Ouargla (Sahara occidental)

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    Experimental "hydraulic balance" for Chott d Ouargla in the Western Sahara. The purpose of an investigation during the past two years has been to find out whether the "chott" (which, like most other Algerian "chotts", can be compared to a complex evaporation mechanism) is fed by underground water, or whether it is part of the degraded Oued Mya hydrographical system in that it provides a return path for runoff from the Ouargla palm grove to the underflow water tables. The "chott’s" hydraulic balance is based on three items : 1) a positive item expressing the inflow from the drains collecting surplus irrigation water from the palm grove, which is supplied both by an artesian well and runoff ; 2) a negative item relating to evaporation losses and 3) the quantity of water drawn off by pumping, also a negative item. If the "chott" is operating as a closed-circuit system, the algebraic sum of these three items should be the same as the change in the volume stored in the "chott". The repeated failure to get the two sides of the "balance sheet" to agree during the past two years appears to show that the "chott" is either feeding or boosting supplies to the underflow water table, especially a series of "sebkhets" in the N’Goussa depression 20 kms north of Ouargla. The existence of a pronounced pressure gradient towards this depression appears to substantiate this theory. The "trial balance" drawn up by the Hydro-logical Section of the Scientific Research Department is presented and its pedological aspect discussed by Mr. P. Dutil, who is a member of the Pedological Section of that Department.L'Ă©tude entreprise depuis deux ans visait Ă  s'assurer, soit de l'alimentation souterraine du chott qui fonctionnait alors comme la majeure partie des chotts algĂ©riens en machine Ă©vaporatoire complexe, soit de son appartenance Ă  l'ensemble hydrographique dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© de l'Oued Mya en permettant aux eaux de ruissellement de la palmeraie d'Ouargla de retourner aux nappes d'infĂ©ro-flux. Le rapport prĂ©sente le bilan du chott Ă  partir de trois postes : le premier, positif chiffre l'apport des drains recueillant le surplus des eaux d'irrigation de la palmeraie alimentĂ© par un forage artĂ©sien et les eaux de ruissellement ; le second, nĂ©gatif concerne les pertes par Ă©vaporation et le dernier, Ă©galement nĂ©gatif, est celui des prĂ©lĂšvements par pompage. La somme algĂ©brique de ces trois postes du bilan doit, si le chott travaille en circuit fermĂ©, correspondre Ă  la variation du volume emmagasinĂ© dans le chott. L'impossibilitĂ© oĂč l'on se trouve depuis deux ans de fermer ce bilan par excĂšs montre que le chott alimente, ou suralimente, la nappe d'infĂ©ro-flux et en particulier une sĂ©rie de sebkhet dans la dĂ©pression de N'Goussa Ă  une vingtaine de kilomĂštres au N d'Ouargla ; l'existence d'une pente piĂ©zomĂ©trique importante vers cette dĂ©pression semble confirmer cette hypothĂšse. L'essai de bilan de la Section Hydrologie du S.E.S. est prĂ©sentĂ© et commentĂ© du point de vue pĂ©dologique par M. P. Dutil (Section PĂ©dologie du S.E.S.).Dutil Pierre, Samie C. Essai de bilan hydrologique du chott d’Ouargla (Sahara occidental). In: L'hydraulique souterraine. Compte rendu des sixiĂšmes journĂ©es de l'hydraulique, Nancy, 28-30 juin 1960. Tome 2, 1961


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    Détermination de l'impact des barrages sur l'accÚs de l'anguille d'Amérique (Anguilla rostrata) aux habitats d'eau douce et établissement de priorités pour des gains en habitat

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Eaux [TR1_IRSTEA]QUASARE [Coll_IRSTEA]Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 2921American eel (Anguilla rostrata) experience a marked decline in the St. Lawrence River. Access to freshwater is impaired by an ever growing number of dams some of which are used for hydropower and cause mortalities to downstream migrants. A model is proposed to prioritize mitigation schemes in the Rimouski River (Quebec), a 1376 km long mid-size watershed on which 23 barriers higher than 1 m occur. A diffusion rate of 20 km2 year-1 over a 20 year period was applied in the model. The impact of each barrier was simulated by reducing movements upstream at the barrier, survival among eels blocked downstream, and survival of eels at the barrier during the downstream migration. Model outputs have stressed the prime importance of a single dam located near the estuary in determining the colonization process whereas mitigating other dams in the watershed did not significantly improve spawning escapement. Setting priorities among watersheds poses additional challenges. There are differences in growth, fecundity and size at maturity among watersheds and these have an effect on egg production associated with spawning escapement. Size at maturity within a watershed was found to correlate with the observed back-calculated growth rate of eel from age 1 to age 10 in the watershed. OMMER (Obstacle Mitigation Model for Eel in Rivers) is a valuable tool to compare a range of management scenarios aimed at mitigating upstream and downstream passage at barriers, though its extension to other watersheds is currently limited by the availability of relevant data for a diversified set of habitats and watersheds.L'anguille d'Amérique (Anguilla rostrata) connaßt un déclin dans le Saint-Laurent. L'accÚs aux lacs et riviÚres est bloqué par un nombre de plus en plus considérable de barrages, certains munis de turbines qui causent des mortalités. Ce rapport propose un modÚle pour évaluer les priorités d'aménagement dans le réseau hydrographique de la riviÚre Rimouski (Québec), un réseau long de 1376 km sur lequel 23 barrages sont recensés. Le modÚle suppose un coefficient de diffusion d'une vingtaine de km2 par an appliqué sur une période de 20 ans et tient compte de la réduction des déplacements vers l'amont, de la mortalité induite parmi les individus bloqués à l'aval des obstacles et de la mortalité à la dévalaison à chacun des obstacles. Les résultats des simulations ont montré l'importance du barrage situé le plus en aval dans les priorités d'aménagement, la mitigation des autres obstacles de la Rimouski n'ayant que peu d'effets sur le nombre potentiel de géniteurs s'échappant de ce systÚme. Pour prioriser les bassins entre eux, il faudrait mesurer les gains en nombres d'oeufs produits, plutÎt qu'en nombre de géniteurs, en tenant compte des différences de croissance, de fécondité et de longueur à l'argenture observées entre les anguilles de différents bassins versants. La taille à l'argenture semble corrélée avec le taux de croissance rétrocalculé de l'anguille dans les 10 premiÚres années de sa vie. Le modÚle OMMER, (Obstacle Mitigation Model for Eel in Rivers) s'avÚre un outil pratique pour évaluer divers scénarios d'aménagement dans un bassin versant, mais son utilisation pour comparer les bassins versants entre eux est limitée par un manque relatif de données de terrain pour une diversité de bassins versants