1,105 research outputs found

    Assisted Entanglement Distillation

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    Motivated by the problem of designing quantum repeaters, we study entanglement distillation between two parties, Alice and Bob, starting from a mixed state and with the help of "repeater" stations. To treat the case of a single repeater, we extend the notion of entanglement of assistance to arbitrary mixed tripartite states and exhibit a protocol, based on a random coding strategy, for extracting pure entanglement. The rates achievable by this protocol formally resemble those achievable if the repeater station could merge its state to one of Alice and Bob even when such merging is impossible. This rate is provably better than the hashing bound for sufficiently pure tripartite states. We also compare our assisted distillation protocol to a hierarchical strategy consisting of entanglement distillation followed by entanglement swapping. We demonstrate by the use of a simple example that our random measurement strategy outperforms hierarchical distillation strategies when the individual helper stations' states fail to individually factorize into portions associated specifically with Alice and Bob. Finally, we use these results to find achievable rates for the more general scenario, where many spatially separated repeaters help two recipients distill entanglement.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Plan, Attend, Generate: Character-level Neural Machine Translation with Planning in the Decoder

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    We investigate the integration of a planning mechanism into an encoder-decoder architecture with an explicit alignment for character-level machine translation. We develop a model that plans ahead when it computes alignments between the source and target sequences, constructing a matrix of proposed future alignments and a commitment vector that governs whether to follow or recompute the plan. This mechanism is inspired by the strategic attentive reader and writer (STRAW) model. Our proposed model is end-to-end trainable with fully differentiable operations. We show that it outperforms a strong baseline on three character-level decoder neural machine translation on WMT'15 corpus. Our analysis demonstrates that our model can compute qualitatively intuitive alignments and achieves superior performance with fewer parameters.Comment: Accepted to Rep4NLP 2017 Workshop at ACL 2017 Conferenc

    Provincial Battles, National Prize? Elections in a Federal State

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    This book is about the general election of 2015 in Canada that returned the Liberal Party to power after a nine-year absence

    Alien Registration- Dutil, Lijdia (Biddeford, York County)

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