136 research outputs found

    Technical note: Measuring tropospheric OH and HO<sub>2</sub> by laser-induced fluorescence at low pressure. A comparison of calibration techniques

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    International audienceThe hydroxyl radical (OH) is one of the most important oxidants in the atmosphere, as it is involved in many reactions that affect regional air quality and global climate change. Because of its high reactivity, measurements of OH radical concentrations in the atmosphere are difficult, and often require careful calibrations that rely on the production of a known concentration of OH at atmospheric pressure. The Indiana University OH instrument, based on the Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion technique (FAGE), has been calibrated in the laboratory using two different approaches: the production of OH from the UV-photolysis of water-vapor, and the steady-state production of OH from the reaction of ozone with alkenes. The former technique relies on two different actinometric methods to measure the product of the lamp flux at 184.9 nm and the photolysis time. This quantity derived from N2O actinometry was found to be 1.5 times higher than that derived from O2 actinometry. The water photolysis and ozone-alkene techniques are shown to agree within their experimental uncertainties (respectively 17% and 44%), although the sensitivities derived from the ozone-alkene technique were systematically lower by 40% than those derived from the water-vapor UV- photolysis technique using O2 actinometry. The agreement between the two different methods improves the confidence of the water-vapor photolysis method as an accurate calibration technique for HOx instruments. Because several aspects of the mechanism of the gas phase ozonolysis of alkenes are still uncertain, this technique should be used with caution to calibrate OH instruments

    Measurements of OH and HO2 concentrations during the MCMA-2006 field campaign - Part 1: Deployment of the Indiana University laser-induced fluorescence

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    Measurements of tropospheric hydroxyl (OH) and hydroperoxy (HO2) radicals were made during the MCMA (Mexico City Metropolitan Area) field campaign as part of the MILAGRO (Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations) project during March 2006. These radicals were measured using a laser-induced fluorescence instrument developed at Indiana University. This new instrument takes advantage of the Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion technique (FAGE) together with direct excitation and detection of OH at 308 nm. HO2 is indirectly measured as OH by titration with NO inside the fluorescence cell. At this stage of development, IU-FAGE is capable of detecting 3.9×105 molecule/cm3 of both OH and HO2, with a signal to noise ratio of 1, an averaged laser power of 10-mW and an averaging time of 5-min. The calibration accuracies (1 omega) are ±17% for OH and ±18% for HO2 using the water-vapor photolysis/O2 actinometry calibration technique. OH and HO2 concentrations were successfully measured at an urban site in Mexico City, with observed concentrations comparable to those measured in other polluted environments. Enhanced levels of OH and HO2 radicals were observed on several days between 09:30–11:00 a.m. and suggest an intense photochemistry during morning hours that may be due to elevated sources of HOx (OH+HO2) and a fast cycling between the radicals under the high NOx (NO+NO2) conditions of the MCMA.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (ATM-9984152)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (0612738)Henry & Camille Dreyfus Foundatio

    Impacts of HONO sources on the photochemistry in Mexico City during the MCMA-2006/MILAGO Campaign

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    The contribution of HONO sources to the photochemistry in Mexico City is investigated during the MCMA-2006/MILAGO Campaign using the WRF-CHEM model. Besides the homogeneous reaction of NO with OH, four additional HONO sources are considered in the WRF-CHEM model: secondary HONO formation from NO2 heterogeneous reaction with semivolatile organics, NO2 reaction with freshly emitted soot, NO2 heterogeneous reaction on aerosol and ground surfaces. The WRF-CHEM model with the five HONO sources performs reasonably well in tracking the observed diurnal variation of HONO concentrations. The HONO sources included are found to significantly improve the HOx (OH+HO2) simulations during daytime and the partition of NO/NO2 in the morning. The HONO sources also accelerate the accumulation of O3 concentrations in the morning by about 2 h and subsequently result in a noticeable enhancement of O3 concentrations over the course of the day with a midday average of about 6 ppb. Furthermore, these HONO sources play a very important role in the formation of secondary aerosols in the morning. They substantially enhance the secondary organic aerosol concentrations by a factor of 2 on average in the morning, although they contribute less during the rest of the day. The simulated particle-phase nitrate and ammonium are also substantially enhanced in the morning when the four HONO sources are included, in good agreement with the measurements. The impact of the HONO sources on the sulfate aerosols is negligible because of the inefficient conversion of H2SO4 from SO2 reacting with OH.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ATM-0528227))Molina Center for Energy and the Environmen

    Detailed characterizations of the new Mines Douai comparative reactivity method instrument via laboratory experiments and modeling

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    The hydroxyl (OH) radical is an important oxidant in the troposphere, which controls the lifetime of most air quality- and climate-related trace gases. However, there are still uncertainties concerning its atmospheric budget, and integrated measurements of OH sinks have been valuable to improve this aspect. Among the analytical tools used for measuring total OH reactivity in ambient air, the comparative reactivity method (CRM) is spreading rapidly in the atmospheric community. However, measurement artifacts have been highlighted for this technique, and additional work is needed to fully characterize them. In this study, we present the new Mines Douai CRM instrument, with an emphasis on the corrections that need to be applied to ambient measurements of total OH reactivity. Measurement artifacts identified in the literature have been investigated, including (1) a correction for a change in relative humidity between the measurement steps leading to different OH levels, (2) the formation of spurious OH in the sampling reactor when hydroperoxy radicals (HO2) react with nitrogen monoxide (NO), (3) not operating the CRM under pseudo-first-order kinetics, and (4) the dilution of ambient air inside the reactor. The dependences of these artifacts on various measurable parameters, such as the pyrrole-to-OH ratio and the bimolecular reaction rate constants of ambient trace gases with OH, have also been studied. Based on these observations, parameterizations are proposed to correct ambient OH reactivity measurements. On average, corrections of 5.2 ± 3.2, 9.2 ± 15.7, and 8.5 ± 5.8 s-1 were respectively observed for (1), (2) and (3) during a field campaign performed in Dunkirk, France (summer 2014). Numerical simulations have been performed using a box model to check whether experimental observations mentioned above are consistent with our understanding of the chemistry occurring in the CRM reactor. Two different chemical mechanisms have been shown to reproduce the magnitude of corrections (2) and (3). In addition, these simulations reproduce their dependences on the pyrrole-to-OH ratio and on bimolecular reaction rate constants of gases reacting with OH. The good agreement found between laboratory experiments and model simulations gives us confidence in the proposed parameterizations. However, it is worth noting that the numerical values given in this study are suitable for the Mines Douai instrument and may not be appropriate for other CRM instruments. It is recommended that each group characterize its own instrument following the recommendations given in this study. An assessment of performances for the Mines Douai instrument, including a propagation of errors from the different corrections, indicates a limit of detection of 3.0 s-1 and total uncertainties of 17-25 % for OH reactivity values higher than 15 s-1 and NOx mixing ratios lower than 30 ppbv

    The glyoxal budget and its contribution to organic aerosol for Los Angeles, California, during CalNex 2010

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    Recent laboratory and field studies have indicated that glyoxal is a potentially large contributor to secondary organic aerosol mass. We present in situ glyoxal measurements acquired with a recently developed, high sensitivity spectroscopic instrument during the CalNex 2010 field campaign in Pasadena, California. We use three methods to quantify the production and loss of glyoxal in Los Angeles and its contribution to organic aerosol. First, we calculate the difference between steady state sources and sinks of glyoxal at the Pasadena site, assuming that the remainder is available for aerosol uptake. Second, we use the Master Chemical Mechanism to construct a two-dimensional model for gas-phase glyoxal chemistry in Los Angeles, assuming that the difference between the modeled and measured glyoxal concentration is available for aerosol uptake. Third, we examine the nighttime loss of glyoxal in the absence of its photochemical sources and sinks. Using these methods we constrain the glyoxal loss to aerosol to be 0-5 × 10-5 s-1 during clear days and (1 ± 0.3) × 10-5 s-1 at night. Between 07:00-15:00 local time, the diurnally averaged secondary organic aerosol mass increases from 3.2 ÎŒg m-3 to a maximum of 8.8 ÎŒg m -3. The constraints on the glyoxal budget from this analysis indicate that it contributes 0-0.2 ÎŒg m-3 or 0-4% of the secondary organic aerosol mass. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Contributions of individual reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds to organic nitrates above a mixed forest

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) can react in the atmosphere to form organic nitrates, which serve as NOx(NO+NO2)\text{NO}_{x} (\text{NO} + \text{NO}_{2}) reservoirs, impacting ozone and secondary organic aerosol production, the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, and nitrogen availability to ecosystems. To examine the contributions of biogenic emissions and the formation and fate of organic nitrates in a forest environment, we simulated the oxidation of 57 individual BVOCs emitted from a rural mixed forest in northern Michigan. Key BVOC-oxidant reactions were identified for future laboratory and field investigations into reaction rate constants, yields, and speciation of oxidation products. Of the total simulated organic nitrates, monoterpenes contributed ~70% in the early morning at ~12 m above the forest canopy when isoprene emissions were low. In the afternoon, when vertical mixing and isoprene nitrate production were highest, the simulated contribution of isoprene-derived organic nitrates was greater than 90% at all altitudes, with the concentration of secondary isoprene nitrates increasing with altitude. Notably, reaction of isoprene with NO3\text{NO}_{3} leading to isoprene nitrate formation was found to be significant (~8% of primary organic nitrate production) during the daytime, and monoterpene reactions with NO3\text{NO}_{3} were simulated to comprise up to ~83% of primary organic nitrate production at night. Lastly, forest succession, wherein aspen trees are being replaced by pine and maple trees, was predicted to lead to increased afternoon concentrations of monoterpene-derived organic nitrates. This further underscores the need to understand the formation and fate of these species, which have different chemical pathways and oxidation products compared to isoprene-derived organic nitrates and can lead to secondary organic aerosol formation

    Field measurements of methylglyoxal using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry and comparison to the DNPH–HPLC–UV method

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    Methylglyoxal (MGLY) is an important atmospheric α-dicarbonyl species for which photolysis acts as a significant source of peroxy radicals, contributing to the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and, as such, the formation of secondary pollutants such as organic aerosols and ozone. However, despite its importance, only a few techniques exhibit time resolutions and detection limits that are suitable for atmospheric measurements.This study presents the first field measurements of MGLY by proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) performed during the ChArMEx SOP2 field campaign. This campaign took place at a Mediterranean site characterized by intense biogenic emissions and low levels of anthropogenic trace gases. Concomitant measurements of MGLY were performed using the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) derivatization technique and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection. PTR-ToF-MS and DNPH–HPLC measurements were compared to determine whether these techniques can perform reliable measurements of MGLY.Ambient time series revealed levels of MGLY ranging from 28 to 365&thinsp;pptv, with a clear diurnal cycle due to elevated concentrations of primary biogenic species during the daytime, and its oxidation led to large production rates of MGLY. A scatter plot of the PTR-ToF-MS and DNPH–HPLC measurements indicates a reasonable correlation (R2 = 0.48) but a slope significantly lower than unity (0.58±0.05) and a significant intercept of 88.3±8.0&thinsp;pptv. A careful investigation of the differences between the two techniques suggests that this disagreement is not due to spectrometric interferences from H3O+(H2O)3 or methyl ethyl ketone (or butanal) detected at m∕z 73.050 and m∕z 73.065, respectively, which are close to the MGLY m∕z of 73.029. The differences are more likely due to uncorrected sampling artifacts such as overestimated collection efficiency or loss of MGLY into the sampling line for the DNPH–HPLC technique or unknown isobaric interfering compounds such as acrylic acid and propanediol for the PTR-ToF-MS.Calculations of MGLY loss rates with respect to OH oxidation and direct photolysis indicate similar contributions for these two loss pathways.</p

    In-canopy gas-phase chemistry during CABINEX 2009: Sensitivity of a 1-D canopy model to vertical mixing and isoprene chemistry

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    Vegetation emits large quantities of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC). At remote sites, these compounds are the dominant precursors to ozone and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production, yet current field studies show that atmospheric models have difficulty in capturing the observed HOx cycle and concentrations of BVOC oxidation products. In this manuscript, we simulate BVOC chemistry within a forest canopy using a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model (Canopy Atmospheric CHemistry Emission model; CACHE) for a mixed deciduous forest in northern Michigan during the CABINEX 2009 campaign. We find that the base-case model, using fully-parameterized mixing and the simplified biogenic chemistry of the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Model (RACM), underestimates daytime in-canopy vertical mixing by 50–70% and by an order of magnitude at night, leading to discrepancies in the diurnal evolution of HOx, BVOC, and BVOC oxidation products. Implementing observed micrometeorological data from above and within the canopy substantially improves the diurnal cycle of modeled BVOC, particularly at the end of the day, and also improves the observation-model agreement for some BVOC oxidation products and OH reactivity. We compare the RACM mechanism to a version that includes the Mainz isoprene mechanism (RACM-MIM) to test the model sensitivity to enhanced isoprene degradation. RACM-MIM simulates higher concentrations of both primary BVOC (isoprene and monoterpenes) and oxidation products (HCHO, MACR+MVK) compared with RACM simulations. Additionally, the revised mechanism alters the OH concentrations and increases HO2. These changes generally improve agreement with HOx observations yet overestimate BVOC oxidation products, indicating that this isoprene mechanism does not improve the representation of local chemistry at the site. Overall, the revised mechanism yields smaller changes in BVOC and BVOC oxidation product concentrations and gradients than improving the parameterization of vertical mixing with observations, suggesting that uncertainties in vertical mixing parameterizations are an important component in understanding observed BVOC chemistry

    Differences in BVOC oxidation and SOA formation above and below the forest canopy

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    Gas-phase biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are oxidized in the troposphere to produce secondary pollutants such as ozone (O3), organic nitrates (RONO2), and secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Two coupled zero-dimensional models have been used to investigate differences in oxidation and SOA production from isoprene and α-pinene, especially with respect to the nitrate radical (NO3), above and below a forest canopy in rural Michigan. In both modeled environments (above and below the canopy), NO3 mixing ratios are relatively small (< 0.5 pptv); however, daytime (08:00–20:00 LT) mixing ratios below the canopy are 2 to 3 times larger than those above. As a result of this difference, NO3 contributes 12 % of total daytime α-pinene oxidation below the canopy while only contributing 4 % above. Increasing background pollutant levels to simulate a more polluted suburban or peri-urban forest environment increases the average contribution of NO3 to daytime below-canopy α-pinene oxidation to 32 %. Gas-phase RONO2 produced through NO3 oxidation undergoes net transport upward from the below-canopy environment during the day, and this transport contributes up to 30 % of total NO3-derived RONO2 production above the canopy in the morning (∌ 07:00). Modeled SOA mass loadings above and below the canopy ultimately differ by less than 0.5 ”g m−3, and extremely low-volatility organic compounds dominate SOA composition. Lower temperatures below the canopy cause increased partitioning of semi-volatile gas-phase products to the particle phase and up to 35 % larger SOA mass loadings of these products relative to above the canopy in the model. Including transport between above- and below-canopy environments increases above-canopy NO3-derived α-pinene RONO2 SOA mass by as much as 45 %, suggesting that below-canopy chemical processes substantially influence above-canopy SOA mass loadings, especially with regard to monoterpene-derived RONO2
