18 research outputs found

    Identifiability Evaluation of Crucial Parameters for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Plants Design Optimization

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    This paper aims to assess the impact of different key factors on the optimized design and performance of grid connected photovoltaic (PV) power plants, as such key factors can lead to re-design the PV plant and affect its optimum performance. The impact on the optimized design and performance of the PV plant is achieved by considering each factor individually. A comprehensive analysis is conducted on nine factors such as; three objectives are predefined, five recent optimization approaches, three different locations around the world, changes in solar irradiance, ambient temperature, and wind speed levels, variation in the available area, PV module type and inverters size. The performance of the PV plant is evaluated for each factor based on five performance parameters such as; energy yield, sizing ratio, performance ratio, ground cover ratio, and energy losses. The results show that the geographic location, a change in meteorological conditions levels, and an increase or decrease in the available area require the re-design of the PV plant. A change in inverter size and PV module type has a significant impact on the configuration of the PV plant leading to an increase in the cost of energy. The predefined objectives and proposed optimization methods can affect the PV plant design by producing completely different structures. Furthermore, most PV plant performance parameters are significantly changed due to the variation of these factors. The results also show the environmental benefit of the PV plant and the great potential to avoid green-house gas emissions from the atmosphere

    A New Pre-processing for Assessing Connection Areas for Busbars of Wind Power Plants Using Meteorological, Financial and Electrical Grid Data

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    The objective of this study is to provide practical pre-processing approaches for entities that are active in wind farm development that needs to define connection areas of busbars for wind power plants. With the increase in the installed capacity of the renewable energy resources, the determination of the power grid connection points has gained importance. Failure to correctly identify the feasible grid connection points extends the timeline of return of investment of the power plants. Wind power plants, which cannot produce efficiently, can also cause problems (voltage drop, frequency deterioration, flicker, increased costs, etc.) on the electrical energy system. Within the scope of this study, a new methodology has been developed to determine the number of regional wind power plants that can be connected to a grid connection point depending on economic and technical criteria as well as the installed capacity of these power plants. In the developed methodology; the geographical structure of the region, technical characteristics of turbine technologies used in wind power plants, electrical grid criteria and economic connection criteria of wind power plants are taken into consideration. WindPRO, a wind power analysis program, was used in the definition of regional variables. The dataset obtained from the WindPRO program was used in the analysis of installation of wind turbines with different tower heights and different installed powers (50 MW, 100 MW, etc.). Investment costs of turbine technologies and energy transmission system integration costs were taken into consideration in determining bus-based installation costs. As a result, the possible costs of the wind power plants that can be established for bus connection points in a zone defined on the energy transmission system were determined. Thus, the preliminary working time of the energy planners will be shortened and the most economic regions related to the wind power plant technology will be chosen

    Mesoscale Wind Farm Placement via Linear Optimization Constrained by Power System and Techno-Economics

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    The objective of this study is to develop a wind farm placement and investment methodology based on a linear optimization procedure. This problem has a major significance for the investment success for the projects of renewable energy such as wind power. In this study, a mesoscale approach is adopted whereby the wind farm location is investigated in comparison with a microscale approach where the location of each individual turbine is optimized. Specifical study focuses on the placement of a wind farm by economical optimization constrained by the power system, wind resources, and techno-eco-nomics. Linear optimization is introduced in this context at the power system which is constrained by wind farm planning

    A new educational software package for photovoltaic system feasibility: PVGUI

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    With the increase in the market share of renewable energy sources, the feasibility analysis of the renewable energy-based power systems has also gained importance. In this study, a MATLAB-based interface for the feasibility analysis of photovoltaic systems is proposed in order to be used in educational purposes. The interface has been presented to the students of Yildiz Technical University as an educational material, and positive feedback has been received from the majority of the students

    Ismail Nakir A New MPPT Algorithm for Vehicle Integrated Solar Energy System

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems are considered as a support unit and eco-friendly energy source for the electric vehicles. If the surface of the electric vehicle is covered by PV cells, it is possible to store considerable amount of energy in the battery system. In this study, different maximum power point trackers (MPPT) with different maximum power point (MPP) tracking algorithms have been tested on a PV structure moving according to a predefined motion loop. Compatibility of each algorithm to moving systems, such as electric vehicles, is presented in a real experimental environment. As a result of these experiments, positive factors in each algorithm have been defined and a new MPP tracking algorithm convenient for moving vehicle has been proposed. The proposed MPPT algorithm shows a better performance than other MPPT algorithms under fast varying radiations. However, proposed algorithm brings slightly higher costs compared to usage of other MPPT algorithms since it requires the measurement of solar irradiance. The developed algorithm is described in detail and comparative analysis and performance evaluation with other algorithms are presented

    Comparison of warm fluid and cold fluid resuscitation during uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock model in rats.

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    This study was designed to compare the effects of resuscitation with cold and warm fluid on survival time, rate and volume of hemorrhage, hemodynamics, hypothermia, coagulopathy, acid-base balance, hematocrit, lactate, and base deficit during uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock (HS) model in rats. METHODS:HS model was created with splenic vascular and parenchymal injury in 29 rats under ketamine and xylazine anesthesia. Thirty minutes after the hemorrhage, the rats were randomized to receive 14.5 mL/kg 0.9% sodium chloride solution at either 24ºC (Group 1; n=9) or 4ºC (Group 2; n=10) for 20 minutes. Groups 1 and 2 were compared with group that did not receive fluid (Group 3; n=10). Statistical data were represented as mean±SD. SPSS for Windows, Version 15.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software, Bonferroni-adjusted Mann-Whitney U test and Kaplan-Meier procedure were used to perform statistical data analysis. P value of ?0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTS:Cold fluid resuscitation decreased survival time due to increased rate and volume of hemorrhage, acidosis, hypothermia, lactate, and base deficit and decreased blood pressure and hematocrit.CONCLUSION:There is a great need for further experimental and clinical trials on fluid resuscitation in trauma in order to define which fluid should be administered, temperature of the fluid, quantity to be delivered, and duration

    Topikal hemostatik ajanların travmalı olgularda güncel kullanım esasları

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    ÖZETSivil ve askeri travmalarda önlenebilir ölümlerin en sık nedeni kanamalardır. Özellikle ekstremitelerde meydanagelen yaralanmalarda basit kanama kontrolü ve turnike uygulanabilirken aksiller ve femoral bölge yaralanmalar›nda hemostaz zor sa¤lanmaktad›r. Bu yaz›da posttravmatik kanamal› olgularda kullan›lmas› önerilen topikal hemostatik ajanlar›n literatür eflli¤inde gözden geçirilmesi amaçland›. Topikal hemostatik ajanlarla ilgili mevcut bilgilerin,az say›da olgu sunumuna, ço¤unlu¤u deneysel çal›flmalardan elde edilen verilere ve sahraya ait baz› kiflisel yorumlara dayand›¤›, ürünler aras›nda klinik kullan›m›na ait ileriye dönük randomize kontrollü çal›flmalara rastlanmad›¤›gözlendi. Kanamaya ba¤l› geliflen mortaliteyi azaltmaya yönelik topikal hemostat uygulamas›na dair de¤erlendirmelerin yüksek kan›t düzeyli çal›flmalar ile desteklenmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: Topikal hemostat; kanamaSUMMARYHemorrhage is the most common cause of preventable deaths both in civilian and military trauma. Simple hemorrhage control and tourniquets can be applied in extremity injuries but hemostasis in the axillary and femoralregion is rather challenging. In this study, results on the efficacy of topical hemostatic agents in post-traumatichemorrhages reported in the literature are reviewed. As conclusion, current information on topical hemostaticagents depend upon a few case reports, data from mostly experimental studies and subjective evaluations in thefield, but there are no prospective, randomized studies with control group. Evaluations regarding the use of topical hemostatic agents to reduce the mortality need to be supported by studies with higher level of evidence.Key words: Topical hemostat; hemorrhage.</p

    Community-acquired pneumonia - An EFIM guideline critical appraisal adaptation for internists.

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    In real-life settings, guidelines frequently cannot be followed since many patients are multimorbid and/or elderly or have other complicating conditions which carry an increased risk of drug-drug interactions. This document aimed to adapt recommendations from existing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to assist physicians' decision-making processes concerning specific and complex scenarios related to acute CAP. The process for the adaptation procedure started with the identification of unsolved clinical questions (PICOs) in patients with CAP and continued with critically appraising the updated existing CPGs and choosing the recommendations, which are most applicable to these specific scenarios. Seventeen CPGs were appraised to address five PICOs. Twenty-seven recommendations were endorsed based on 7 high, 9 moderate, 10 low, and 1 very low-quality evidence. The most valid recommendations applicable to the clinical practice were the following ones: Respiratory virus testing is strongly recommended during periods of increased respiratory virus activity. Assessing the severity with a validated prediction rule to discriminate where to treat the patient is strongly recommended along with reassessing the patient periodically for improvement as expected. In adults with multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy, or advanced age, it is strongly recommended to check for possible drug interactions before starting treatment. Strong graded recommendations exist on antibiotic treatment and its duration. Recommendations on the use of biomarkers such as C-reactive protein or procalcitonin to improve severity assessment are reported. This document provides a simple and reliable updated guide for clinical decision-making in the management of complex patients with multimorbidity and CAP in the real-life setting