46 research outputs found

    Estimation of leakage from precipitation in aquifer using borehole data: Aalaşehir Basin (Manisa)

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    71.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 23-27 Nisan 2018, AnkaraSon yıllarda iklim değişikliğine bağlı su kullanımının artması ve buna ek olarak aşırı nüfus artışı, yeraltısuyu kullanımını arttırmakta ve su kaynaklarını tehdit etmektedir. Su kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması için barajlar ve yapay göller inşa edilmekte, ancak bu yapıların geniş yüzey alanlarında çok fazla buharlaşma görülmektedir. Dolayısı ile yeraltı suyunun, buharlaşma kayıplarının yaşanmadığı direkt yağış ile beslenen yapay beslenmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Yapay beslenme, havzalardaki suyu fazla buharlaşmadan korur ve su kaynaklarının potansiyelini artırıp, sürdürülebilirliğini sağlar. Bu çalışma kapsamında nümerik metotlar kullanılarak, Alaşehir (Manisa) havzasında alüvyon akiferin beslenmesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’nin batısında yer alan ve ülkenin %2’sini oluşturan Gediz Havzası, önemli bir yeraltı suyu potansiyelinin olduğu ve kullanıldığı alan konumundadır.TUBITAK project number of 115Y06

    Investigation of groundwater recharges mechanism in Alasehir plain: From physical characterization to modelling

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    IWA 2nd Regional Symposium on water, wastewater and environment, 22-24 March 2017, Cesme, İzmirCharacteristics of aquifer that allows the flow of groundwater, recharge and discharge mechanism effect the available groundwater potential. In order to determine the available potential of groundwater, the budget components are the most important parameters. In general, different analogical methods are applied in different countries, instead of using measurable data. Determination of the groundwater recharge is the most difficult parameter to be measured among the hydrological budget parameters. In general, the analogical methods are insufficient to determine the groundwater recharge rate. Precipitation, evaporation-transportation and runoff can be measured from the surface meteorological station. However, estimation of groundwater recharge cannot be measured directly. At the moment of climate change, visualization of the spatial distribution of the groundwater recharge estimation and mapping are needed. Therefore, improvements of easy groundwater recharge techniques are very important tools for groundwater basins to develop the water management planning.The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), project no. 115Y06

    Virtual Reality in Science Education: a Descriptive Review

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    The term “Virtual Reality” currently refers to a profound sensory immersion of the user in a synthetically generated virtual environment. It is foreseen that virtual reality will gain a substantial role in the instruction of science. In this literature review, the purpose was to investigate the research on the utilization of virtual reality in the science education context, according to several criteria. The articles published in peer-reviewed journals and academic conferences/symposiums that are available in the databases of ERIC, WOS, and Google Scholar have been reviewed. Consequently, a total of 30 eligible articles reviewed and findings presented under every respective criterion. Partially, findings revealed the dominance of journal article type publications, the USA and Turkey found to be most prominent origins, experimental studies being preferred mostly, undergraduate students and pre-service teachers were the most studied groups, the contexts of the studies were prominently general, and the learning outcomes investigated mostly

    Adıyaman fayının karakteri ve atım miktarı (Güneydoğu Anadolu): yeraltı verileri kullanılarak.

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    Structural interpretation of five 2D seismic sections acquired by TPAO is carried out in the Adıyaman region of Southeast Anatolia. The sections are geological calibrated with stratigraphic logs of five boreholes. This study has resulted in the discovery of a previously undefined fault, herein named as Şambayat Fault. The fault is a NW-SEtrending structure that parallels the Bozova Fault and comprises several parallel fault segments. The structural maps of Cretaceous Sayındere and Karababa formations are also prepared and suggest that their sedimentation was controlled by the Şambayat Fault; it is therefore suggested that the Şambayat Fault was active during at least Campanian and because it appears not affecting the Middle Eocene-Oligocene Gaziantep Formation, its activity ceased by then. The segments of the Şambayat Fault is cut and displaced by the Adıyaman Fault. The correlation of these segments on either side of the Adıyaman Fault indicates a total sinistral displacement of about 4400 m. The Şambayat Fault is buried beneath younger sediments and has no surface expression suggesting its activity. Therefore, careful interpretation of seismic sections would be a useful method to identify and map buried structures that may have important implications on the geological evolution of a given region.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Geological Engineering

    Pre-service science teachers’ perceptions about their technology integration experiences in the science education program: Does willingness to choose the program matter?

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    The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the training of pre-service science teachers has an essential place in the literature and promises meaningful outcomes. Therefore, it has become essential to define the connotations of undergraduate training experience for pre-service science teachers that will encourage them to integrate ICT materials into their practices. Based on this need, the Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence (SQD) model, which identifies the components that are expected to include a functional ICT integration to teacher training programs with a holistic approach, has been proposed (Tondeur et al., 2012). In order to facilitate the ICT integration in teacher training practices, it is feasible to ensure the utilization of the components of the SQD framework within the scope of pre-service science teacher training programs. However, the feasibility of ICT integration in the teacher training practices is not merely institution-laden but also depends on the perceptions of the pre-service teachers (İnel et al., 2011). Moreover, the perceptions of the pre-service teachers were indicated to be influenced by both before the enrolment and the experiences cultivated during their undergraduate training (Öztürk & Yıldırım, 2014). One of the influencing perceptions of the pre-service teacher candidates before enrolling in university is their willingness to choose their undergraduate programs Indeed, preliminary perceptions of pre-service teachers towards their programs are suggested to influence their attitudes towards teaching (Atalmış & Köse, 2018). More specifically, it was demonstrated that the willingness to choose the program has the potential to facilitate teacher candidates’ attitudes towards the act of teaching as well as pedagogyorientated courses (Beşoluk & Horzum, 2011). However, the relationship between the perceptions towards ICT integration during pre-service training and intrinsic standings of the teacher candidates is a rather under-tackled area in the literature (Hacıömeroğlu & Şahin-Taşkın, 2010). Hence, the scarcity of research that investigates the effect of willingness to choose the program on the ICT integration experiences of pre-service science teachers during their training is the central rationale of this study. The findings of the study will shed light on if the willingness to choose the program is influential in the perceptions of senior pre-service science teachers regarding ICT integration experiences