55 research outputs found

    Thermo, Electrical and Structural Properties of Solid Electroyte Doped Bi2O3 Binary and Ternary Systems

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    In this study; production and characterization of Bi2O3 based solid electrolytes used in medium-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC) were performed. Solid electrolyte samples were obtained using compounds Eu2O3, Dy2O3 and Bi2O3. Stable phase which can create the highest power density δ-Bi2O3 (cubic-fcc) was tried to be reached for IT-SOFC. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and differential thermal analysis and thermal gravimeter (TG/DTA) with binary (Eu2O3-Bi2O3) and ternary (Eu2O3-Dy2O3-Bi2O3) powder materials were analyzed for crystal structure identification. Bi2O3-based compounds with the cubic structure have been identified in those composition regions ((Bi2O3)0,6(Eu2O3)0,3) and ((Bi2O3)1-x-y(Dy2O3)x(Eu2O3)y, 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.35, y=0,05). Four point measurement techniques were used for electrical characterization. The conductivity of the ternary system is higher than the conductivity of the binary system. The highest conductive sample is (Bi2O3)0,7(Dy2O3)0,25(Eu2O3)0,05 0.3 S/cm at 800 oC

    The effect of annealing temperature on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of CdS films

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    Cadmium sulfide (CdS) photocatalyst films were grown on glass by chemical bath deposition (pH 9.4, 70 °C) and then annealed in nitrogen from 423 K to 823 K in steps of 100 K. The XRD crystallite size increases in a sigmoidal manner from 60 nm to 100 nm while the optical band gap energy decreases from 2.42 eV to 2.28 eV. This trend is paralleled by the decreasing Urbach energy, but only up to 623 K, where it increases again. This is the temperature where the Cd effectively surpasses the phase transformation from cubic to hexagonal, and the activation energy for electronic transport drops by a factor of nearly tw

    Les conditions feminines et le heros Balzacien a travers des oeuvres de Balzac

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    TEZ ÖZETİBALZAC'IN ESERLERİNDE KADIN VE ERKEK KAHRAMANLARIN DURUMUÇalışmamızın birinci bölümünde Balzac'ın üç eserini inceledik. Vadideki Zambak, Otuz Yaşındaki Kadın ve Evlilik Fizyolojisi adlı eserlerde kadın ve erkek kahramanların durumlarını ayrıntılı bir biçimde gözler önüne serdik. Özellikle kadın kahramanların evlilik öncesi ve sonrası, aile ve toplum içinde bulundukları yeri irdeledik. Kadın problemleri, edebiyatta olduğu kadar, dünyada ve günlük yaşamda da önemli bir yer işgal etmektedir. Onların yaşadıkları acılar, yanılgılar, düş kırıklıkları, insanların büyük bir bölümünü ilgilendirmektedir. Zira birçok kadın benzer problemleri yaşadığından, kendi acılarını, romanlardaki kadın kahramanlarınki ile özdeşleştirerek teselli bulmaktadır. Balzac Vadideki Zambak, Otuz Yaşındaki Kadın ve Evlilik Fizyolojisi'nde 19. yüzyılda yaşamış olan kadınların, mutsuzluğunu, çektikleri acıları, yaşadıkları düş kırıklarını, gösterdikleri zayıflıkları, içtenlikle ortaya koymuştur. Balzac çocukluğu ve gençliği boyunca anne sevgisinden yoksun kalmıştır. Bu yüzden çoğunlukla olgun kadınlara ilgi duymuştur. Eserlerindeki çoğu kahramanı da, Balzac gibi hissederek olgun kadınlara yönelmişlerdir. Vadideki Zambak 19. yüzyılda kadın köleliğini en iyi biçimde anlatan bir eserdir. Evlilik Fizyolojisi Medeni kanunun, kadını yerleştirdiği durumu ve yaşanan problemleri dile getirmektedir. Balzac orada genç kızların iyi bir eğitim alması gerektiğini vurgulamıştır. Otuz Yaşındaki Kadın'da bir genç kızın yaşamının evreleri incelenmiştir. Roman kahramanı Julie yanlış bir evlilik yaparak ard arda felaketler yaşamıştır. Düş kırıklıklarının sıkça yaşandığı 1830'lu yıllarda görülen Julie ve onun gibi kadınlar, Balzac'ın eleştirdiği bir toplumun ürünüdürler. Onlar kanunlarla köle pozisyonuna getirilmişlerdir. İkinci bölümde Balzac'ın dünyasını, üslubunu, gözlemci ve gerçekçi yanını, genel olarak kahramanlarını, eserlerindeki varlığını, Vadideki Zambak'ta kahraman portrelerini, Otuz Yaşındaki Kadında, kahramanları, eserlerinde doğanın etkisini analiz ettik.Üçüncü bölümde Vadideki Zambak'ın temalarını inceledik. Evlilik, aşk, erdem, kıskançlık, isyan ve ölüm temalarını ayrıntılı bir biçimde ele aldık. ABSTRACTTHE SITUATION OF MALE AND FEMALECHARACTERS IN BALZAC'S WORKSIn the first part of our research we studied on Balzac's three works. In Lily of the Walley, A women of Thirty, and The Physiology of marriage we showed male and female characters situation in details. We especially searched the position of the female characters before and after marriage.Problem of women has important part in daily life and in the work as in literature. The passion, mistakes, disappointment they had in their life interests a great deal of people. Because many women have similar problems so they fin consolation by equating themselves-with the characters. Balzac shoved the unhappiness, passion, disappointment, weakness of the women who lived in the 19th century in this three work with a great sincerity. Balzac was deprived of mother love during his childhood. For this reason he generally interested in mature women. Many characters in his works interested in mature women like him.The Lily of the Walley is the best work which tells women's slavery. Physiology of marriage shows women's situation and their problems in civil code. He indicates that girls must get a good education in his works. A woman of Thirty worked on parts of life of a young girls. The main character Julia had an unsuccessful marriage and had many disasters. Julie and the women like her lived in 1930's which was a period of disappointment and they were the products of the public which Balzac criticize. They were seen as slaves in lows.In the second part we analised Balzac's world, his style, his realist and observer habit, his characters, his existance in his works. In Lily of the valley we analised the partroids of the characters an in 30 years old woman the characters and the effects of nature.In into third part we studied on the subjects of Lily of the valley. Also we considered marriage, love death, virtue rebellion, jealousy

    Characterization of chemically deposited ZnSe/SnO2/glass films: Influence of annealing in Ar atmosphere on physical properties

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    The Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) thin films have been deposited on SnO2/glass substrates by a simple and inexpensive chemical bath deposition (CBD). The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnSe films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX), optical absorption spectroscopy, and four point probe techniques, respectively. The films have been subjected to different annealing temperature in Argon (Ar) atmosphere. An increase in annealing temperature does not cause a complete phase transformation whereas it affects the crystallite size, dislocation density and strain. The optical band gap (E-g) of the as-deposited film is estimated to be 3.08 eV and decreases with increasing annealing temperature down to 2.43 eV at 773 K. The as-deposited and annealed films show typical semiconducting behaviour, d rho/dT>0. Interestingly, the films annealed at 373 K, 473 K, and 573 K show two distinct temperature dependent regions of electrical resistivity; exponential region at high temperature, linear region at low temperature. The temperature at which the transition takes place from exponential to linear region strongly depends on the annealing temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Annealing effect on CdS/SnO2 films grown by chemical bath deposition

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    The extensive investigation of the annealing effect in nitrogen atmosphere on the structural optical and electrical properties of chemically deposited CdS films on SnO2 has been performed. The as-deposited film shows 2.45 eV band gap (E-g) and decreases with increasing annealing temperature. The film annealed at 623 K having pure hexagonal phase (a = 4.14 angstrom, c = 6.71 angstrom for [1 0 0] plane) and E-g = 2.36 eV shows 10 times higher conductivity for all temperature range, and shows two different activation energies E-a = 0.114 eV and E-a = 0.033 eV for the temperature range 395 K <= T <= 515 K and 515 K <= T <= 585 K, respectively. The structural parameters such as dislocation density, strain and optical parameters such as absorption and extinction coefficient are calculated and compared for all the films. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved