155 research outputs found

    Green Marketing and Benefits to Business

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    Nowadays, businesses are aware that they cannot carry on without being aware of environmental problems. Businesses have to take environmental aspects of all activities in their business strategies and long-term plans. Those environmental activities and green marketing are started to be taken into consideration by so many businesses. In this study, green marketing is examined

    Array size and area impact on nanorectenna performance properties

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    The metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes have high speed and compatibility with integrated circuits (IC's) making MIM diodes very attractive to detect and harvest energy for infrared (IR) regime of the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to the fact that small size of the MIM diodes, it is possible to obtain large volume of devices in same unit area. Hence, MIM diodes offer a feasible solution for nanorectennas (nano rectifiying antenna) in IR regime. The aim of this study is to design and develop MIM diodes as array format coupled with antennas for energy harvesting and IR detection. Moreover, varying number of elements which are 4x4, and 40x30 has been fabricated in parallel having 0.040, 0.065 and 0.080 μm2 diode area. For this work we have studied given type of material; Ti-HfO2-Ni, is used for fabricating MIM diodes as a part of rectenna. The effect of the diode array size is investigated. Furthermore, the effect of the array size is also investigated for larger arrays by applying given type of material set; Cr-HfO2-Ni. The fabrication processes in physical vapor deposition (PVD) systems for the MIM diodes resulted in the devices having high non-linearity and responsivity. Also, to achieve uniform and very thin insulator layer atomic layer deposition (ALD) was used. The nonlinearity 1.5 mA/V2 and responsivity 3 A/W are achieved for Ti-HfO2-Ni MIM diodes under low applied bias of 400 mV. The responsivity and nonlinearity of Cr-HfO2-Ni are found to be 5 A/W and 65 μA/V2, respectively. The current level of Cr-HfO2-Ni and Ti-HfO2-Ni is around μA range therefore corresponding resistance values are in 1-10 kΩ range. The comparison of single and 4x4 elements revealed that 4x4 elements have higher current level hence lower resistance value is obtained for 4x4 elements. The array size is 40x30 elements for Cr-HfO2-Ni type of MIM diodes with 40, 65 nm2 diode areas. By increasing the diode area, the current level increases for same size of array. The current level is increased from10 μA to100 μA with increasing the diode area. Therefore resistance decreased in the range of 10 kΩ and nonlinearity is increased from 58 μA/V2 to 65 μA/V2

    Highly efficient MIM diodes for NIR and SWIR applications

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    Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes are highly considered in high frequency applications in form of rectennas for energy harvesting applications due to their fast speed, small size, and ease of fabrication and IC compatibility. In these diodes, insulators are integral part of the device, determining performance parameters. In this study, we have evaluated HfO2 and Al2O3 based MIM diode structures to compare and determine performance parameters, with conversion efficiency being prioritized. The fabrication processes in physical vapor deposition (PVD) systems for the MIM diodes resulted in the devices having high non-linearity and responsivity. Also, to achieve uniform and very thin insulator layer atomic layer deposition (ALD) was used. We implemented the same MIM structure in 10x10 array form, with active area of 200×325 nm2. The efficiency values of same arrays tested with 1200 and 1600 nm wavelength LEDs for 200×325 nm2 diode active area without applying bias. The conversion efficiency value of the HfO2 based structures calculated as 5% for 1200 nm wavelength. These measured values of conversion efficiency are reported for the first time in the literature for MIM diodes in SWIR operation

    A low-power CMOS readout IC design for bolometer applications

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    A prototype of a readout IC (ROIC) designed for use in high temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) SiGe microbolometers is presented. The prototype ROIC architecture implemented is based on a bridge with active and blind bolometer pixels with a capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) input stage and column parallel integration with serial readout. The ROIC is designed for use in high (≥ 4 %/K) TCR and high detector resistance Si/SiGe microbolometers with 17x17 μm2 pixel sizes in development. The prototype has been designed and fabricated in 0.25- μm SiGe:C BiCMOS process

    Crónica sobre el Congreso de la IVR "Dignidad, Democracia, Diversidad" - Lucerna, Suiza 2019

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    Entre los días 8 y 12 de julio de 2019 se celebró el Congreso de la IVR en la Universidad de Lucerna, Suiza, certamen mundial dedicado a la discusión y debate sobre diversos temas de la filosofía del derecho, la teoría del derecho, y la filosofía social. Por vez primera, además, el Congreso albergó un special workshop sobre (Legal) Animal Rights.Between July 8 and 12, 2019, the IVR Congress was held at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, a world contest dedicated to the discussion and debate on various topics of the philosophy of law, the theory of law, and social philosophy. For the first time, in addition, the Congress hosted a special workshop on (Legal) Animal Rights

    Ergen Sağlığı Ünitesine Başvuran Adolesan Obezlerde Kitle İletişim Araç Bağımlılıkları ve Uyku Düzeninin Psikiyatrik Semptomlarla İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Y. Durmaz. The Evaluation of the Relationship Between Mass Media Tool Dependencies and Sleep Patterns and Psychiatric Symptoms in Obese Adolescents Applying to the Division of Adolescent Medicine. Hacettepe University. Graduated School of Health Science. Adolescent Health Program Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara, 2021. Adolescents aged 12-20, who were followed at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Division of Adolescent Medicine outpatient clinic due to obesity or overweight, who did not have a psychiatric disorder and voluntarily accepted participating in the study were included. The control group was comprised of normal weigh adolescents who were in a similar age range without a chronic or psychiatric disease. The study was conducted between January 2018 and December 2019. The demographic information form and the results of the questionnaire including Life Quality Scale, Brief Symptom Inventory, Smartphone Addiction Scale, Young Internet Addiction Scale, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and International Physical Activity Scale were evaluated. The number of participants from each group was 67 in the obese group, 41 in the overweight group, and 141 in the control group. (Total 249). Their age ranged from 12-20 years and the average was 16.02 years. Of the respondents 84% had internet at home, 98% had a mobile phone and 99.2% were smartphones. The group that was most involved with their mobile phone during the day was the overweight group. Phone replacement frequency was close between groups, with an average of 3.35 years. Of the obese group 76.9% of the overweight group 90.2% and of the normal weight group 81.2% did not turn off their mobile phones while they were asleep. The Quality of Life Scale scoring was not different between the groups (p>0.05). In terms of the brief symptom inventory, the psychiatric symptoms of the overweight group were found to be more pronounced and the obsessive group was the most prominent. The control group was more hostile, whereas the obese group were more anxious. The highest smartphone addiction scale score was found in the overweight group which was followed by the control group and obese group although there was no statistical difference. Scale scores were lower in the obese group. Internet addiction scores of the obese patients were found to be statistically significantly lower than that of the overweight and control group (p 0,05). Kısa semptom envanteri açısından fazla kilolu grubun psikiyatrik semptomları daha belirgin bulundu ve en fazla obsesif grup idi. Kontrol grubu daha hostil, obezler daha fazla anksiyetik saptandı. Akıllı telefon bağımlılığı ölçeği puanı en yüksek fazla kilolular da olup bunu kontrol grubu ve obezler takip etti. İstatistiki olarak fark yoktu. Obezlerde ölçek puanı daha düşük saptandı. Obezlerin internet bağımlılığı puanı, fazla kilolulara ve kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p<0,05). Kontrol grubu, obezlere göre daha fazla gündüz uykululuk hali yaşamaktaydı (p<0,05). Obezler, uyku kalitesini diğerlerine göre daha iyi olarak bildirmekteydi. Uyku süreleri açısından fazla kiloluların %99’u günlük 7 saatten az uyuyorlardı (p<0,05). Kontrol grubunda günlük işlev bozukluğu obezlerden ve fazla kilolulardan yüksekti (p<0,05). Uyku bozukluğu göstergesi olan 5 puan üzeri değer; fazla kiloluların %81.5’inde, normal kiloluların %77’sinde, obezlerin %63’ünde görüldü. Fizik aktivite açısından ise obezlerin daha fazla fiziksel aktivite yapmaya çalıştıkları gözlendi (p<0,05). Akıllı telefon bağımlılık puanı, internet bağımlılık testi puanı ve uykuyu değerlendiren testler ile kısa semptom envanterinin bazı alt bölümlerinde korelasyon vardı

    Cam panel biyoreaktörlerde Chlorella sp. üretiminde ışık şiddeti ve ışık yolu uzunluğunun etkisi

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    V ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY AND LIGHT PATH IN THE CULTURE OF Chlorella sp. GLASS-PLATE BIOREACTORS DURMAZ, Yaşar Msc in Fisheries Faculty, Aquaculture Department September 2000, 52 pages Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Şevket GQKPINAR This study has aimed to obtain algal biomass of Chlorella sp., which have commercial importance outside the laboratory conditions with in natural dark/light periods. With this aim, Chlorella sp. cells have been cultivated in thin plate glass bioreactor outside the laboratory. Reactors have been designed in three light path length (10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm) to measure the effect of light intensity on growth and biomass reproduction It has been determined in the reactors with the light paths at 10, 15, 20 cm areal output rates were 6,68 gr m'2 d"1, 13,12 gr.m"2 d"1 6,44 gr m"2 d; volumetric output rates were 0,084 gr It"1 d"1,' 0,164 gr.lt"1 d"1 0,76 gr It"1 d"1 ; maximum cell numbers were 36,5 x 106 cell ml"1, 49 x 106 x cell ml"1, 49,5 x 106 cell ml"1, maximum specific growth rates were 2,63 b g"1, 3,06 b g"1, 3,59 b g"1 and average dry weights 1,69 gr m"2 d"1, 1,81 gr m"2 d"1, 1,84 gr m"2 d"1.ABSTRACT (Devamı) As a result optimal cell growth and optimal biomass in Chlorella sp., cultures were obtained in bioreactor with a light path of 15 cm (13,12 grm^d-1). Keywords: Chlorella, Light path, Bioreactorrv ÖZET CAM PANEL BİYOREAKTÖRLERDE Chlorella sp. ÜRETİMİNDE IŞIK ŞİDDETİ ve IŞIK YOLU UZUNLUĞUNUN ETKİSİ DURMAZ, Yaşar Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Su Ürünleri Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr.Şevket GÖKPINAR Eylül 2000, 52 sayfa Ticari değere sahip Chlorella sp. laboratuvar dışında doğal aydınlık/karanlık peryotlannda kültürlenerek algal biyomas eldesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla Chlorella sp.'nin hücreleri laboratuvar dışında kurulan ince cam panel biyoreaktörlerde kültürü yapılmıştır. Günışığı şiddetinin algal büyümeye ve biyomas üretimi üzerine etkisini ölçmek için reaktörler farklı ışık yolu uzunluklarında (10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm) tasarlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada farklı ışık yolu uzunluğuna sahip reaktörde (10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm) sırasıyla alansal çıkış hızı 6,68 gr m"2 gün"1, 13,12 gr.m^gün"1 ve 6,44 gr m"2 gün"1, hacimsel çıkış hızları sırasıyla 0,084 gr İt"1 gün"1,0,164 gr.lt*1 gün"1 ve 0,76 gr İt"1 gün"1, maksimum hücre sayılan 36,5 x 106 hücre mi"1, 49 x 106 hücre mi"1, 49,5 x 106 hücre mi"1, maksimum spesifik büyüme hızlan 2,63 b g"1,ÖZET (Devamı) 3,06 b g"1,ve 3,59 b g*1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Biyoreaktörlerde elde edilen Ortalama kuru ağırlığı sırasıyla 1,69 gr m"2 gün"1, 1,81 gr m"2 gün"1, 1,84 gr m"2 gün"1 'dir. C More ila sp. hücreleri üretiminde optimal hücre yoğunluğu ve optimal biyomas eldesi 15 cm ışık yolu uzunluğuna sahip biyoreaktörde elde edilmiştir (13,12 gr m'2 gün"1)