5 research outputs found

    Geochemical fingerprinting and source discrimination of agricultural soils at continental scale

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    Available online 13 December 20142108 agricultural soil samples (Ap-horizon, 0-20cm) were collected in Europe (33 countries, area 5.6 million km2) as part of the recently completed GEMAS (GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural and grazing land Soil) soil mapping project. GEMAS soil data have been used to provide a general view of element origin and mobility with a main focus on source parent material (and source rocks) at the continental scale, either by reference to average crustal abundances or to normalized patterns of element mobility during weathering processes. The survey area covers a large territory with diverse types of soil parent materials, with distinct geological history and a wide range of climate zones, and landscapes.To normalize the chemical composition of European agricultural soil, mean values and standard deviation of the selected elements have been compared to model compositions of the upper continental crust (UCC) and mean European river suspended sediment. Some elements are enriched relative to the UCC (Al, P, Pb, Zr,) whereas others, such as Mg, Na and Sr are depleted. The concept of the UCC extended normalization pattern has been applied to selected elements. The mean values of Rb, K, Y, Ti, Al, Si, Zr, Ce and Fe are very similar to the values from the UCC model, even when standard deviations indicate slight enrichment or depletion. Zirconium has the best fit to the UCC model using both mean value and standard deviation. Lead and Cr are enriched in European soil when compared to the UCC model, but their standard deviation values span a large, particularly towards very low values, which can be interpreted as a lithological effect.GEMAS soil data have been normalized to Al and Na, taking into account the main lithologies of the UCC, in order to discriminate provenance sources. Additionally, sodium normalization highlights variations related to the soluble and insoluble behavior of some elements (e.g., K, Rb versus Ti, Al, Si, V, Y, Zr, Ba, and La, respectively), their reactivity (e.g, Fe, Mn, Zn) and association with carbonates (e.g., Ca and Sr). Maps of Europe showing the spatial distribution of normalized compositions and element ratios reveal difficulties with the use of classical element ratios because of the large lithological differences in compositions of soil parent material. The ratio maps and color composite images extracted from the GEMAS data can help to discriminate the main lithologies in Europe at the regional scale but need to be used with caution due to the complexity of superimposed processes responsible for the soil chemical composition.Philippe Négrel, Martiya Sadeghi, Anna Ladenberger, Clemens Reimann, Manfred Birke, the GEMAS Project Team (S. Albanese ... M. McLaughlin ... et al.

    GEMAS: Spatial distribution of the pH of European agricultural and grazing land soil

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    During 2008 the GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural Soils (GEMAS) project collected 2108 agricultural (ploughed soil, Ap horizon, 0–20 cm) and 2023 grazing land soil samples (Gr, 0–10 cm) evenly spread over 33 European countries and covering an area of 5.6 million km2. The pH of all samples was determined by one single laboratory applying a 0.01 M CaCl2 extraction, and following a strict quality-control procedure. The resulting pH-value distributions for European Ap and Gr soil are both bimodal. Broad acidic modes, with pH between 4 and 6, and sharp alkaline modes, with pH between 7 and 8 due to the Ca2+ buffer system, are clearly separated. The European median pH is 5.8 for the GEMAS Ap soil samples and 5.5 for the GEMAS Gr soil samples. According to the pH distribution maps, Europe is separated into two main zones: northern Europe with generally lower pH values (Ap: 5.2, Gr: 4.8), dominated by acidic soils occurring in Fennoscandia, and southern Europe with higher pH values (Ap: 6.3, Gr: 5.9), dominated by carbonate rich soils. The separation line coincides with the southern border of the sediments of the last glaciation. The dominant factors controlling pH at the European scale are thus geology (crystalline bedrock) in combination with climate (temperature and precipitation). The GEMAS pH maps mainly reflect the natural site conditions on the European scale, whilst anthropogenic impact is hardly detectable. The GEMAS results provide a unique set of homogenous and spatially representative soil pH data for the continent. The data set defines a dependable continental-scale background, and offers the possibility to calibrate studies on more detailed scales