159 research outputs found

    Construction of an integrated consensus map of the Apple genome based on four mapping populations

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    An integrated consensus genetic map for apple was constructed on the basis of segregation data from four genetically connected crosses (C1¿=¿Discovery × TN10-8, C2¿=¿Fiesta × Discovery, C3¿=¿Discovery × Prima, C4¿=¿Durello di Forli × Fiesta) with a total of 676 individuals using CarthaGene® software. First, integrated female¿male maps were built for each population using common female¿male simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs). Then, common SSRs over populations were used for the consensus map integration. The integrated consensus map consists of 1,046 markers, of which 159 are SSR markers, distributed over 17 linkage groups reflecting the basic chromosome number of apple. The total length of the integrated consensus map was 1,032 cM with a mean distance between adjacent loci of 1.1 cM. Markers were proportionally distributed over the 17 linkage groups (¿ 2¿=¿16.53, df¿=¿16, p¿=¿0.41). A non-uniform marker distribution was observed within all of the linkage groups (LGs). Clustering of markers at the same position (within a 1-cM window) was observed throughout LGs and consisted predominantly of only two to three linked markers. The four integrated female¿male maps showed a very good colinearity in marker order for their common markers, except for only two (CH01h01, CH05g03) and three (CH05a02z, NZ02b01, Lap-1) markers on LG17 and LG15, respectively. This integrated consensus map provides a framework for performing quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection in a multi-population design and evaluating the genetic background effect on QTL expression

    Aggressiveness of eight Venturia inaequalis isolates virulent or avirulent to the major resistance gene Rvi6 on a non-Rvi6 apple cultivar

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    For sustainable management of scab-resistant apple cultivars, it is necessary to understand the role of aggressiveness in the adaptation of Venturia inaequalis populations and particularly the costs to the organism of acquiring additional virulence. The aims of the present study were (i) to identify the quantitative variables that are most important in determining the differences in aggressiveness among groups of V. inaequalis isolates, and (ii) to ascertain whether virulent and avirulent isolates of V. inaequalis differ significantly in aggressiveness. The aggressiveness of eight isolates that differed in their virulence to the major resistance gene Rvi6 was compared on the non-Rvi6 apple cv. Gala. Three components of aggressiveness, namely lesion density, the number of spores per square centimetre of leaf area, and the number of spores per lesion, were evaluated 21 days after inoculation, and the kinetics of lesion density over time were analysed in terms of maximum lesion density, length of latent period and rate of lesion appearance. On the second youngest but fully developed leaf at the time of inoculation, maximum lesion density in the virulent group was 20% lower and the latent period 7% longer, than in the avirulent group. However, the alternative hypothesis, namely that isolates had adapted to quantitative resistance present in cv. Gala depending on their cultivar of origin, could not be rejected. The analysis of the kinetics of lesion density by a non-linear mixed-effect model proved useful in the assessment of aggressiveness

    Differential selection pressures exerted by host resistance quantitative trait loci on a pathogen population: a case study in an apple × Venturia inaequalis pathosystem

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    Understanding how pathogens evolve according to pressures exerted by their plant hosts is essential for the derivation of strategies aimed at the durable management of resistant cultivars. The spectrum of action of the resistance factors in the partially resistant cultivars is thought to be an important determinant of resistance durability. However, it has not yet been demonstrated whether the pressures exerted by quantitative resistance are different according to their spectrum of action.To investigate selection pressures exerted by apple genotypes harbouring various resistance quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on a mixed inoculum of the scab disease agent, Venturia inaequalis, we monitored V. inaequalis isolate proportions on diseased apple leaves of an F1 progeny using quantitative pyrosequencing technology and QTL mapping. Broad-spectrum resistances did not exert any differential selection pressures on the mixed inoculum, whereas narrow-spectrum resistances decreased the frequencies of some isolates in the mixture relative to the susceptible host genotypes. Our results suggest that the management of resistant cultivars should be different according to the spectrum of action of their resistance factors. The pyramiding of broad-spectrum factors or the use of a mixture of apple genotypes that carry narrow-spectrum resistance factors are two possible strategies for the minimization of resistance erosion

    Combining genetic resources and elite material populations to improve the accuracy of genomic prediction in apple

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    Genomic selection is an attractive strategy for apple breeding that could reduce the length of breeding cycles. A possible limitation to the practical implementation of this approach lies in the creation of a training set large and diverse enough to ensure accurate predictions. In this study, we investigated the potential of combining two available populations, i.e., genetic resources and elite material, in order to obtain a large training set with a high genetic diversity. We compared the predictive ability of genomic predictions within-population, across-population or when combining both populations, and tested a model accounting for population-specific marker effects in this last case. The obtained predictive abilities were moderate to high according to the studied trait and small increases in predictive ability could be obtained for some traits when the two populations were combined into a unique training set. We also investigated the potential of such a training set to predict hybrids resulting from crosses between the two populations, with a focus on the method to design the training set and the best proportion of each population to optimize predictions. The measured predictive abilities were very similar for all the proportions, except for the extreme cases where only one of the two populations was used in the training set, in which case predictive abilities could be lower than when using both populations. Using an optimization algorithm to choose the genotypes in the training set also led to higher predictive abilities than when the genotypes were chosen at random. Our results provide guidelines to initiate breeding programs that use genomic selection when the implementation of the training set is a limitation

    The threat of wild habitat to scab resistant apple cultivars

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    Evaluations of plant resistance to pathogens are rarely made using isolates from wild habitats, although the heterogeneity of such habitats may generate pathogen diversity which could be a source of new virulence in cultivated habitats. The aim of this study was to investigate whether scab resistance factors, identified and characterized in apples using isolates of Venturia inaequalis from a cultivated habitat, remained effective against isolates from a wild habitat. Three V. inaequalis core collections originating from the cultivated apple Malus × domestica and from two wild species, M. sieversii and M. sylvestris, were established to maximize pathogen diversity. For each core collection, 10 isolates were inoculated in mixtures onto 51 genotypes from an apple progeny segregating for two qualitative resistance genes and six quantitative resistance loci (QRL). On each apple genotype, isolates that contributed to the scab symptoms were identified within the mixture using microsatellite markers. The most frequently detected isolates were inoculated singly to compare their aggressiveness according to their host origin. The results showed that isolates from a wild habitat were able to infect the susceptible apple genotypes. However, these isolates were never more aggressive than isolates from the cultivated habitat on the resistance factors tested. It can therefore be concluded that the resistance factors used in this study, identified with V. inaequalis isolates from a cultivated habitat, remained effective against isolates from M. sylvestris and M. sieversii
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