1,010 research outputs found

    Analysis of infrared optical polishing effluents and reduction of COD and TSS levels by ultrafiltration and coagulation/flocculation

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    Samples of polishing effluent produced during infrared optics manufacture were analyzed. Their particle size, composition, Zeta potential, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and settleable solids were determined. Feasibility of treatment methods such as ultrafiltration (UF) and coagulation/flocculation was investigated to reduce both COD and TSS. It was found that effluents consisted of a suspension of micro- and nanoparticles. Effluent particle size distribution reflected the removal rate of the originating polishing process. Their composition was primarily germanium and other polished substrates as well as polishing abrasives. The effluent Zeta potential was highly negative and prevented particle settling. COD of all specimens was very high, which prevented sewage discharge. Laboratory-scale trials using UF showed substantial COD abatement of up to 74.1%. TSS was reduced to zero after UF. Comparable coagulation/flocculation COD abatement was demonstrated for the highest COD sample

    L'activité internationale des régions. Une perspective mexicaine (Note)

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    Cet article est une contribution à l'étude de l'activité internationale des régions (ou États non souverains). Nous avons choisi la perspective mexicaine parce qu'elle a été peu étudiée et qu'elle offre au chercheur des nouveaux éléments qu'enrichissent le programme de recherche de la régionalisation des relations internationales. On trouve parmi eux une analyse des possibilités réelles d'activité internationale des régions appartenant à des États économiquement peu développés et politiquement très centralisés (comme ceux de l'Amérique latine), ainsi que les formes possibles de collaboration - coordination ou coopération - entre ces États et leurs régions. D'autres aspects sont les preuves, traditionnellement négligées, de l'importance pour l'activité internationale des régions des facteurs liés aux affaires économiques que de façon indirecte. À titre d'exemple, nous prenons une région mexicaine qui n'est pas située aux frontières internationales de l'État, mais qui a des intérêts extérieurs bien précis : le San Luis Potosi. De cette analyse on relève les particularités de l'action internationale des régions dans des conditions atypiques. Nos conclusions couvrent donc aussi bien l'étude des régions mexicaines que l'analyse générale des affaires internationales des régions.This is a contribution to the study of the international activities of regions (or non-sovereign States). We have chosen the Mexican perspective, which has been little studied and which offers to scholars new elements that enrich the regional international relations research programme. These include an analysis of the real possibilities of international activity for regions that belong to economically less developed and politically more centralised States (such as those in Latin America) and the possible means of collaboration - coordination or cooperation - between these States and their regions. We can also find previously neglected proof of the relevance to regional international activities of issues not directly related to economic affairs. As an example, I use the case of a Mexican region (San Luis Potosi), not directly located on the international border of the State, but whose international interests are well defined. From this analysis I draw the particular conditions for the development of regional international activity under atypical circumstances. My conclusions are therefore relevant both to the specific case of Mexico's regions and to the general study of the international activity of the regions

    Data fusion strategy for precise vehicle location for intelligent self-aware maintenance systems

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    Abstract— Nowadays careful measurement applications are handed over to Wired and Wireless Sensor Network. Taking the scenario of train location as an example, this would lead to an increase in uncertainty about position related to sensors with long acquisition times like Balises, RFID and Transponders along the track. We take into account the data without any synchronization protocols, for increase the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty after the data fusion algorithms. The case studies, we have analysed, derived from the needs of the project partners: train localization, head of an auger in the drilling sector localization and the location of containers of radioactive material waste in a reprocessing nuclear plant. They have the necessity to plan the maintenance operations of their infrastructure basing through architecture that taking input from the sensors, which are localization and diagnosis, maps and cost, to optimize the cost effectiveness and reduce the time of operation

    The Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in California

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    Examines rates of diabetes, hypertension, poor mental health, physical disability, and fair or poor self-reported health status among homosexual adults ages 50 to 70 compared with their heterosexual peers. Recommends enhancing policies and practices

    Integration of cost-risk assessment of denial of service within an intelligent maintenance system

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    As organisations become richer in data the function of asset management will have to increasingly use intelligent systems to control condition monitoring systems and organise maintenance. In the future the UK rail industry is anticipating having to optimize capacity by running trains closer to each other. In this situation maintenance becomes extremely problematic as within such a high-performance network a relatively minor fault will impact more trains and passengers; such denial of service causes reputational damage for the industry and causes fines to be levied against the infrastructure owner, Network Rail. Intelligent systems used to control condition monitoring systems will need to optimize for several factors; optimization for minimizing denial of service will be one such factor. With schedules anticipated to be increasingly complicated detailed estimation methods will be extremely difficult to implement. Cost prediction of maintenance activities tend to be expert driven and require extensive details, making automation of such an activity difficult. Therefore a stochastic process will be needed to approach the problem of predicting the denial of service arising from any required maintenance. Good uncertainty modelling will help to increase the confidence of estimates. This paper seeks to detail the challenges that the UK Railway industry face with regards to cost modelling of maintenance activities and outline an example of a suitable cost model for quantifying cost uncertainty. The proposed uncertainty quantification is based on historical cost data and interpretation of its statistical distributions. These estimates are then integrated in a cost model to obtain accurate uncertainty measurements of outputs through Monte-Carlo simulation methods. An additional criteria of the model was that it be suitable for integration into an existing prototype integrated intelligent maintenance system. It is anticipated that applying an integrated maintenance management system will apply significant downward pressure on maintenance budgets and reduce denial of service. Accurate cost estimation is therefore of great importance if anticipated cost efficiencies are to be achieved. While the rail industry has been the focus of this work, other industries have been considered and it is anticipated that the approach will be applicable to many other organisations across several asset management intensive industrie
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