863 research outputs found

    The structural and diagenetic evolution of injected sandstones: examples from the Kimmeridgian of NE Scotland

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    Abstract: Injected sandstones occurring in the Kimmeridgian of NE Scotland along the bounding Great Glen and Helmsdale faults formed when basinal fluids moved upward along the fault zones, fluidizing Oxfordian sands encountered at shallow depth and injecting them into overlying Kimmeridgian strata. The orientation of dykes, in addition to coeval faults and fractures, was controlled by a stress state related to dextral strike-slip along the bounding fault zones. Diagenetic studies of cements allow the reconstruction of the fluid flow history. The origin of deformation bands in sandstone dykes and sills was related to the contraction of the host-rocks against dyke and sill walls following the initial stage of fluidized flow, and these deformation bands are the earliest diagenetic imprint. Early non-ferroan calcite precipitated in injection structures at temperatures between 70 and 100 8C, indicating that it precipitated from relatively hot basinal fluids that drove injection. Coeval calcite-filled fractures show similar temperatures, suggesting that relatively hot fluids were responsible for calcite precipitation in any permeable pathway created by dextral simple shear along the faults. During progressive burial, percolating sea water was responsible for completely cementing the still relatively porous injected sandstones with a second generation of ferroan calcite, which contains fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures below 50 8C. During this phase, depositional host sandstones were also cemented

    Radiation-free Microwave Technology for Breast Lesion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Model

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    Mammography is the gold standard technology for breast screening, which has been demonstrated through different randomized controlled trials to reduce breast cancer mortality. However, mammography has limitations and potential harms, such as the use of ionizing radiation. To overcome the ionizing radiation exposure issues, a novel device (i.e. MammoWave) based on low-power radio-frequency signals has been developed for breast lesion detection. The MammoWave is a microwave device and is under clinical validation phase in several hospitals across Europe. The device transmits non-invasive microwave signals through the breast and accumulates the backscattered (returned) signatures, commonly denoted as the S21 signals in engineering terminology. Backscattered (complex) S21 signals exploit the contrast in dielectric properties of breasts with and without lesions. The proposed research is aimed to automatically segregate these two types of signal responses by applying appropriate supervised machine learning (ML) algorithm for the data emerging from this research. The support vector machine with radial basis function has been employed here. The proposed algorithm has been trained and tested using microwave breast response data collected at one of the clinical validation centres. Statistical evaluation indicates that the proposed ML model can recognise the MammoWave breasts signal with no radiological finding (NF) and with radiological findings (WF), i.e., may be the presence of benign or malignant lesions. A sensitivity of 84.40% and a specificity of 95.50% have been achieved in NF/WF recognition using the proposed ML model

    evaluation of ovine milk clotting aptitude

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    A comparative study of the lactodynamographic parameters was carried out on ovine milk. Besides evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of the analytical method, the influence of some variables such as the genetic type (three breeds), the kind of milk (whole or skimmed), and its concentration after reconstitution (12g or 20g /100 ml) was evaluated. The working plan involved 6 laboratories for the final statistic analyses, by the use of freeze-dried milk samples (adequately reconstituted on the basis of established methods) from Sardinia, Comisana, and Massese ewes. All the considered variability factors showed a highly significant effect (P<0.001) on the lactodynamographic parameters considered. In particular, Massese ewe milk showed the shortest curd speed (k20) and the best coagulum strength (a30 and a45), although clotting time (CT) was the highest one. The same trend was registered for skimmed milk and for the most concentrated one (20g). Repeatability values within laboratories were 96% and 97% for CT and k20, lowering for a30 e a45, (respectively 87% and 85%). Much lower coefficients were found for the among laboratories reproducibility, ranging from a maximum of 58% for CT to a minimum of 18% for k20. The wide variability observed indicates that lactodynamographic parameters are comparable only within the same lab. Further investigation is needed to compare different labs in order to obtain more homogeneous results

    Synthesis and Properties of Sucrose- and Lactose-Based Aromatic Ester Surfactants as Potential Drugs Permeability Enhancers

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    The delivery of therapeutics across biological membranes (e.g., mucosal barriers) by avoiding invasive routes (e.g., injection) remains a challenge in the pharmaceutical field. As such, there is the need to discover new compounds that act as drug permeability enhancers with a favorable toxicological profile. A valid alternative is represented by the class of sugar-based ester surfactants. In this study, sucrose and lactose alkyl aromatic and aromatic ester derivatives have been synthesized with the aim to characterize them in terms of their physicochemical properties, structure–property relationship, and cytotoxicity, and to test their ability as permeability enhancer agents across Calu-3 cells. All of the tested surfactants showed no remarkable cytotoxic effect on Calu-3 cells when applied both below and above their critical micelle concentration. Among the explored molecules, lactose p-biphenyl benzoate (URB1420) and sucrose p-phenyl benzoate (URB1481) cause a reversible ~30% decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) with the respect to the basal value. The obtained result matches with the increased in vitro permeability coefficients (Papp) calculated for FTIC-dextran across Calu-3 cells in the presence of 4 mM solutions of these surfactants. Overall, this study proposes sucrose- and lactose-based alkyl aromatic and aromatic ester surfactants as novel potential and safe permeation enhancers for pharmaceutical applications

    Analysis of conglutin seed storage proteins across lupin species using transcriptomic, protein and comparative genomic approaches

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    Background - The major proteins in lupin seeds are conglutins that have primary roles in supplying carbon, sulphur and nitrogen and energy for the germinating seedling. They fall into four families; α, β, γ and δ. Interest in these conglutins is growing as family members have been shown to have beneficial nutritional and pharmaceutical properties. Results - An in-depth transcriptome and draft genome from the narrow-leafed lupin (NLL; Lupinus angustifolius) variety, Tanjil, were examined and 16 conglutin genes were identified. Using RNAseq data sets, the structure and expression of these 16 conglutin genes were analysed across eight lupin varieties from five lupin species. Phylogenic analysis suggest that the α and γ conglutins diverged prior to lupin speciation while β and δ members diverged both prior and after speciation. A comparison of the expression of the 16 conglutin genes was performed, and in general the conglutin genes showed similar levels of RNA expression among varieties within species, but quite distinct expression patterns between lupin species. Antibodies were generated against the specific conglutin families and immunoblot analyses were used to compare the levels of conglutin proteins in various tissues and during different stages of seed development in NLL, Tanjil, confirming the expression in the seed. This analysis showed that the conglutins were expressed highly at the mature seed stage, in all lupin species, and a range of polypeptide sizes were observed for each conglutin family. Conclusions - This study has provided substantial information on the complexity of the four conglutin families in a range of lupin species in terms of their gene structure, phylogenetic relationships as well as their relative RNA and protein abundance during seed development. The results demonstrate that the majority of the heterogeneity of conglutin polypeptides is likely to arise from post-translational modification from a limited number of precursor polypeptides rather than a large number of different genes. Overall, the results demonstrate a high degree of plasticity for conglutin expression during seed development in different lupin species

    Moraxella catarrhalis-specific Th1 cells in BAL fluids of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients' airway mucosa is infiltrated by macrophages and T lymphocytes, potentially reactive to pathogens. We studied the antigen-specificity and the effector functions of in vivo activated T lymphocytes isolated from BAL (Bronchoalveolar lavage) of 5 Moraxella catarrhalis (Mc)-infected and 5 Mc-non-infected COPD patients. Mc-specific T cells were detected only in BAL or peripheral blood of Moraxella catarrhalis-infected patients. The majority of BAL Mc-specific T cells expressed the T helper type 1 (Th1) cytokine profile with high cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic activity. Upon antigen stimulation, all Me-specific T clones were able to help the immunoglobulin production by autologous B cells and the MMP (Matrix MetalloProteinase)-12 activity by monocytes. Our results suggest a role for Th1-driven response to Moraxella catarrhalis in the genesis of COPD

    Challenging Social Cognition Models of Adherence:Cycles of Discourse, Historical Bodies, and Interactional Order

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    Attempts to model individual beliefs as a means of predicting how people follow clinical advice have dominated adherence research, but with limited success. In this article, we challenge assumptions underlying this individualistic philosophy and propose an alternative formulation of context and its relationship with individual actions related to illness. Borrowing from Scollon and Scollon’s three elements of social action – “historical body,” “interaction order,” and “discourses in place” – we construct an alternative set of research methods and demonstrate their application with an example of a person talking about asthma management. We argue that talk- or illness-related behavior, both viewed as forms of social action, manifest themselves as an intersection of cycles of discourse, shifting as individuals move through these cycles across time and space. We finish by discussing how these dynamics of social action can be studied and how clinicians might use this understanding when negotiating treatment with patients

    Deciphering the Bifidobacterial Populations within the Canine and Feline Gut Microbiota

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    During the course of evolution, dogs and cats have been subjected to extensive domestication, becoming the principal companion animals for humans. For this reason, their health care, including their intestinal microbiota, is considered of considerable importance. However, the canine and feline gut microbiota still represent a largely unexplored research area. In the present work, we profiled the microbiota of 23 feline fecal samples by 16S rRNA gene and bifidobacterial internally transcribed spacer (ITS) approaches and compared this information with previously reported data from 138 canine fecal samples. The obtained data allowed the reconstruction of the core gut microbiota of the above-mentioned samples coupled with their classification into distinct community state types at both genus and species levels, identifying Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, and Prevotella 9 as the main bacterial components of the canine and feline gut microbiota. At the species level, the intestinal bifidobacterial gut communities of dogs and cats differed in terms of both species number and composition, as emphasized by a covariance analysis. Together, our findings show that the intestinal populations of cats and dogs are similar in terms of genus-level taxonomical composition, while at the bifidobacterial species level, clear differences were observed, indicative of host-specific colonization behavior by particular bifidobacterial taxa.IMPORTANCE Currently, domesticated dogs and cats are the most cherished companion animals for humans, and concerns about their health and well-being are therefore important. In this context, the gut microbiota plays a crucial role in maintaining and promoting host health. However, despite the social relevance of domesticated dogs and cats, their intestinal microbial communities are still far from being completely understood. In this study, the taxonomical composition of canine and feline gut microbiota was explored at genus and bifidobacterial species levels, allowing classification of these microbial populations into distinct gut community state types at either of the two investigated taxonomic levels. Furthermore, the reconstruction of core gut microbiota coupled with covariance network analysis based on bifidobacterial internally transcribed spacer (ITS) profiling revealed differences in the bifidobacterial compositions of canine and feline gut microbiota, suggesting that particular bifidobacterial species have developed a selective ability to colonize a specific host

    Internal alignment and position resolution of the silicon tracker of DAMPE determined with orbit data

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    The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-borne particle detector designed to probe electrons and gamma-rays in the few GeV to 10 TeV energy range, as well as cosmic-ray proton and nuclei components between 10 GeV and 100 TeV. The silicon-tungsten tracker-converter is a crucial component of DAMPE. It allows the direction of incoming photons converting into electron-positron pairs to be estimated, and the trajectory and charge (Z) of cosmic-ray particles to be identified. It consists of 768 silicon micro-strip sensors assembled in 6 double layers with a total active area of 6.6 m2^2. Silicon planes are interleaved with three layers of tungsten plates, resulting in about one radiation length of material in the tracker. Internal alignment parameters of the tracker have been determined on orbit, with non-showering protons and helium nuclei. We describe the alignment procedure and present the position resolution and alignment stability measurements