14 research outputs found

    Creación y automatización de un plan de mantenimiento para los tanques de guerra AMX-13 modelo VCI.

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    El presente trabajo se denomina “Creación y Automatización de un Plan de Mantenimiento para los Tanques de Guerra AMX-13 Modelo VCI”, el propósito del mismo es el de crear y automatizar un plan de mantenimiento con el desarrollo de un software para los vehículos blindados AMX-13 modelo VCI que se encuentran ubicados en la Brigada Blindada Nro.11 Galápagos, perteneciente al Ejército Ecuatoriano, localizada en la ciudad de Riobamba. La investigación surge debido a los problemas que generaba llevar un registro de mantenimiento manual y a las necesidades específicas existentes en el Centro de mantenimiento de blindados (CEMAB), ésta se la realizo con el fin de alargar la vida útil de los equipos y sistemas del vehículo blindado además de mejorar el flujo de información que se genera en el mantenimiento de los vehículos. La metodología que se utilizo fue de forma exploratoria, descriptiva, de observación, correlacional, las cuales fueron aplicadas tanto a la investigación de campo como a la investigación documental. El resultado al que se llegó fue la correcta automatización del plan de mantenimiento desarrollado en base a la metodología mencionada y a los requerimientos obtenidos a lo largo de la investigación. En conclusión se realizó el desarrollo e implementación del software de manera que el mantenimiento de los vehículos blindados así como el manejo de información se ha optimizado. Finalmente se recomienda al personal que utilice el software, revisar el manual de usuario para aprovechar al máximo las funcionalidades del mismo.  This Investigation is called “Creation and Automation Maintenance Plan for the War Tanks AMX-13 VCI Model”, its purpose is to create and automate a maintenance plan with the development of a software for armored vehicles AMX-13 VCI model, that are located in the Galapagos Armored Brigade No.11 belonging to the Ecuadorian Army, located in the city of Riobamba. The investigation arises due to problems generated manually keep track of maintenance and the specific needs that exist in the Armored Maintenance Centre (AMC acronyms in Spanish of CEMAB), this is in order to extend the life of the equipment and vehicle systems shielded, and improves the flow of information generated in vehicle maintenance. The methodology used was: exploratory, descriptive, observational, and correlational; which were applied in the field researches as documentary research. The result we reached was the correct automation of the maintenance plan developed based on the above methodology and requirements obtained throughout the investigation. In conclusion, we made the development and implementation of the software so the maintenance of armored vehicles as the management of the information was improved. Finally, we recommend to the manpower that uses the software to check the user manual in order to advantage the features of it

    Unifying (Machine) Vision via Counterfactual World Modeling

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    Leading approaches in machine vision employ different architectures for different tasks, trained on costly task-specific labeled datasets. This complexity has held back progress in areas, such as robotics, where robust task-general perception remains a bottleneck. In contrast, "foundation models" of natural language have shown how large pre-trained neural networks can provide zero-shot solutions to a broad spectrum of apparently distinct tasks. Here we introduce Counterfactual World Modeling (CWM), a framework for constructing a visual foundation model: a unified, unsupervised network that can be prompted to perform a wide variety of visual computations. CWM has two key components, which resolve the core issues that have hindered application of the foundation model concept to vision. The first is structured masking, a generalization of masked prediction methods that encourages a prediction model to capture the low-dimensional structure in visual data. The model thereby factors the key physical components of a scene and exposes an interface to them via small sets of visual tokens. This in turn enables CWM's second main idea -- counterfactual prompting -- the observation that many apparently distinct visual representations can be computed, in a zero-shot manner, by comparing the prediction model's output on real inputs versus slightly modified ("counterfactual") inputs. We show that CWM generates high-quality readouts on real-world images and videos for a diversity of tasks, including estimation of keypoints, optical flow, occlusions, object segments, and relative depth. Taken together, our results show that CWM is a promising path to unifying the manifold strands of machine vision in a conceptually simple foundation

    Algoritmos de seguridad para aplicaciones web: un mapeo sistemático

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    At present the number of network users has been progressively increasing; as a consequence, the treats and vulnerabilities faced by the system have also increased considerably. Putting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the handled data at risk. The implementation of algorithms protection in the development of websites is crucial to guarantee the security and integrity of information and to face possible computer treats. The deductive method, observation and exploratory research will be used for the analysis of primary information. As a result, a systematic mapping of the most used security algorithms in web applications is presented. The impact of this research could have a direct or indirect effect for all web applications, which present security problems. Keywords: Algorithms, confidentiality, integrity, availability, web security.En la actualidad, el número de usuarios en la red ha ido incrementándose de manera progresiva; como consecuencia, las amenazas y vulnerabilidades a las que se enfrentan los sistemas han aumentado considerablemente, poniendo en riesgo la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de los datos que se manejan. La implementación de algoritmos de protección en el desarrollo de sitios web es crucial para garantizar la seguridad e integridad de la información y hacer frente a las posibles amenazas informáticas. Se utilizará el método deductivo, la observación e investigación exploratoria para el análisis de la información primaria. Como resultado se presenta un mapeo sistemático sobre los algoritmos de seguridad más empleados en aplicaciones web. El impacto de esta investigación podría tener un efecto directo o indirecto para todas las aplicaciones web, que presenten problemas de seguridad. Palabras clave: algoritmos; confidencialidad; integridad; disponibilidad; seguridad web. Abstract At present the number of network users has been progressively increasing; as a consequence, the treats and vulnerabilities faced by the system have also increased considerably. Putting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the handled data at risk. The implementation of algorithms protection in the development of websites is crucial to guarantee the security and integrity of information and to face possible computer treats. The deductive method, observation and exploratory research will be used for the analysis of primary information. As a result, a systematic mapping of the most used security algorithms in web applications is presented. The impact of this research could have a direct or indirect effect for all web applications, which present security problems. Keywords: Algorithms, confidentiality, integrity, availability, web security. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 16 de marzo de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 02 de junio de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 20 de junio de 2023

    Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries

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    Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? We measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. Listeners reproduced random 'seed' rhythms; their reproductions were fed back as the stimulus (as in the game of 'telephone'), such that their biases (the prior) could be estimated from the distribution of reproductions. Every tested group showed a sparse prior with peaks at integer-ratio rhythms. However, the importance of different integer ratios varied across groups, often reflecting local musical practices. Our results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm 'categories' at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s).

    En el cultivo de arroz en el Ecuador es poco considerado el aporte de silicio (si) en la fertilización pese a que este nutriente es absorbido en grandes cantidades por las gramíneas por ello en el presente trabajo se efectuó con el objetivo de estudiar diferentes dosis de si utilizando como fuente la ceniza de cascarilla de arroz además de distintos niveles de fertilización de fósforo (p) y potasio (k) las dosis de silicio utilizadas fueron de 0; 1973; 394.7; 592 y 789.3 kg/ha. las cantidades evaluadas de fósforo fueron 17 y 22.5 kg/ha y de potasio fueron de 104 y 139 kg/ha.

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    La obligación de ser eficientes en nuestros sistemas de producción nos llevan a buscar y/o mejorar nuestros recursos. El presente estudio busca un mejor y mayor aprovechamiento de la cáscara de gandul “Cajanus cajan” a través del ensilaje, investigando el comportamiento fermentativo de este material al adicionarle urea, como fuente de nitrógeno no proteíco, melaza como fuente de carbohidratos hidrosoluble y leche como fuente de bacterias lácticas para la producción de ácido láctico. A fin de obtener un producto suculento de aceptable calidad para ser utilizado en la alimentación bovina, dada la disponibilidad de este potencial recurso y la necesidad de ser conservado. The obligation of being efficient in our production systems are conducting us to seek and improve our resources. This present study is taking advantage of the gandul peel “Cajanus cajan” through the storage, for which we propose to develop a fermentative behaviour of this material when urea is added, as a nitrogen source and not as a proteic source; melaza as a hydrosoluble carbohydrate and milk as lactic bacterias source for the production of lactic acid. The purpose is to obtain a rich and tasty product with and acceptable quality for use in cattle feeding, due to the disponibility of this potential resource and the need of being conserve

    Metamers of neural networks reveal divergence from human perceptual systems

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    © 2019 Neural information processing systems foundation. All rights reserved. Deep neural networks have been embraced as models of sensory systems, instantiating representational transformations that appear to resemble those in the visual and auditory systems. To more thoroughly investigate their similarity to biological systems, we synthesized model metamers - stimuli that produce the same responses at some stage of a network's representation. We generated model metamers for natural stimuli by performing gradient descent on a noise signal, matching the responses of individual layers of image and audio networks to a natural image or speech signal. The resulting signals reflect the invariances instantiated in the network up to the matched layer. We then measured whether model metamers were recognizable to human observers - a necessary condition for the model representations to replicate those of humans. Although model metamers from early network layers were recognizable to humans, those from deeper layers were not. Auditory model metamers became more human-recognizable with architectural modifications that reduced aliasing from pooling operations, but those from the deepest layers remained unrecognizable. We also used the metamer test to compare model representations. Cross-model metamer recognition dropped off for deeper layers, roughly at the same point that human recognition deteriorated, indicating divergence across model representations. The results reveal discrepancies between model and human representations, but also show how metamers can help guide model refinement and elucidate model representations.NSF (Grant BCS-1634050)NIH (Grant R01-DC017970

    Evaluación del estrés físico y la hepatoprotección en pollos de engorde

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    Se evaluará el impacto que ejerce el estrés físico en pollos de engorde (300 broilers en total, 50% de cada sexo): a) una maniobra de encierre (reduciéndoles espacio, mediante el uso de lonas) y captura, con posterior inversión de las mismas, operación repetida periódicamente hasta el final del ciclo de producción, para inducir cambios compatibles con el síndrome de estrés, y b) los efectos de la hepatoprotección continua con un suplemento comercial con acciones: lipotrópica, colerético-colagoga, y favorecedora de la regeneración hepática. Con un modelo experimental factorial en bloques a dos vías, combinando dos niveles de ambos factores, se asignaran al azar a cuatro grupos experimentales cuatro tratamientos (1= con estrés y hepatoprotección, 2= con hepatoprotección, 3= con estrés y 4= control). Se utilizará el análisis de la varianza para los tratamientos en estudio entre los grupos midiendo parámetros productivos y parámetros bioquímicos. Además de relacionar estos últimos parámetros con el peso corporal de las aves

    Implementación de un Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje como estrategia didáctica apoyada en un modelo de aprendizaje colaborativo para mejorar los procesos de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes de grado tercero de la Institución Educativa Benicio Agudelo, Tierralta-Córdoba.

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    Este proyecto tiene como objeto Implementar un Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje (OVA) para solucionar las debilidades en la competencia lectora, es una de las estrategias tecnológicas que se tienen en cuenta para emprender acciones que permitan un mejoramiento continuo, tomando como elemento fundamental la estimulación de la decodificación y el aprendizaje colaborativo, dado que por medio de estos se logra incentivar cada uno de los procesos. con las apropiadas técnicas de análisis cualitativas, donde en conjunto dan respuesta a la pregunta orientadora. Al lograr sintetizar, organizar y analizar lo encontrado en relación con los procesos de los niños en cuanto a la comprensión lectora, el desarrollo de esta innovadora propuesta deja en evidencia los impactos positivos en los estudiantes, docentes, investigadores, la escuela y su entorno social, dejando ver el alcance de cada uno de los objetivos trazados. En la Institución Educativa Benicio Agudelo, específicamente en estudiantes del grado tercero, se han identificado falencias relacionadas con el desempeño de los educandos en relación con las competencias lectoras, en especial con los procesos de decodificación de la información que se presenta en los textos, lo cual se ve reflejado en los resultados de las pruebas internas y externas que se aplican.MaestríaMagíster en Recursos Digitales Aplicados a la Educació

    Perceptual fusion of musical notes by native Amazonians suggests universal representations of musical intervals

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Music perception is plausibly constrained by universal perceptual mechanisms adapted to natural sounds. Such constraints could arise from our dependence on harmonic frequency spectra for segregating concurrent sounds, but evidence has been circumstantial. We measured the extent to which concurrent musical notes are misperceived as a single sound, testing Westerners as well as native Amazonians with limited exposure to Western music. Both groups were more likely to mistake note combinations related by simple integer ratios as single sounds (‘fusion’). Thus, even with little exposure to Western harmony, acoustic constraints on sound segregation appear to induce perceptual structure on note combinations. However, fusion did not predict aesthetic judgments of intervals in Westerners, or in Amazonians, who were indifferent to consonance/dissonance. The results suggest universal perceptual mechanisms that could help explain cross-cultural regularities in musical systems, but indicate that these mechanisms interact with culture-specific influences to produce musical phenomena such as consonance

    Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries

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    Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? We measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. Listeners reproduced random ‘seed’ rhythms; their reproductions were fed back as the stimulus (as in the game of ‘telephone’), such that their biases (the prior) could be estimated from the distribution of reproductions. Every tested group showed a sparse prior with peaks at integer-ratio rhythms. However, the importance of different integer ratios varied across groups, often reflecting local musical practices. Our results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm ‘categories’ at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures