360 research outputs found

    Poboljšanje uspješnosti prognoze oborine nad Indijom primjenom metode višemodelskog ansambla

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    In this paper a Multi-Model Ensemble (MM E) technique is experimented for improving day to day rainfall forecast over India in short to medium range time scale during summer monsoon of 2010. Four operational global Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models namely, ECMWF, JMA, NCEP GFS and UKMO available on real time basis at India Meteorological Department (IMD), New Delhi are used simultaneously with appropriate weights to obtain the MME Technique. In this technique, weights for each NWP model at each grid point is assigned on the basis of the correlation coefficient (CC) between model forecasts and observed daily rainfall time series of south west monsoon (JJAS) season. Apart from MM E, a simple ensemble mean (ENSM ) forecast are also generated and experimented. The rainfall prediction skill of the weighted MM E is examined against ENSM and member models. The inter-comparison reveals that the weighted MM E is able to provide more accurate forecast of rainfall over Indian monsoon region by taking the strength of each constituent member model. It has been further found that the rainfall prediction skill of MM E is higher as compared to ENSM and member models in the short range time scale. The rainfall prediction skill of weighted MM E technique improved significantly over India.U ovom radu primijenjena je metoda višemodelskog ansambla (MME) s ciljem poboljšanja kratkoročnih do srednjoročnih dnevnih prognoza količine oborine nad Indijom tijekom ljetnog monsuna 2010. godine. pri tome su istovremeno te s odgovarajućim težinama korištena četiri operativna globalna modela za numeričku prognozu vremena (NWP): ECMWF, JMA, NCEP, GFS i UKMO, a koji su na raspolaganju u realnom vremenu pri Indijskom meteorološkom odsjeku (IMD) u New Delhiju. Težine za svaki NWP model u svakoj točki mreže pridijeljene su na temelju koeficijenta korelacije (CC) između modelskih prognoza i mjerenog niza dnevne količine oborine za sezonu jugozapadnog monsuna (od lipnja do rujna). Pored MME, generirane su i ispitane jednostavne prognoze dobivene srednjakom ansambla (ENSM). Uspješnost prognoze količine oborine dobivene MME metodom procijenjena je usporedbom rezultata dobivenih tom metodom i onih na temelju ENSM te sa svakim pojedinačnim modelom. Međusobna usporedba pokazuje da metoda MME točnije prognozira količinu oborine u području indijskog monsuna ponderiranjem doprinosa svakog pojedinog modela u ansamblu. Nadalje, utvrđena je veća uspješnost kratkoročnih prognoza količine oborine pomoću metode mmE u odnosu na rezultate metode ENSM te u odnosu na prognoze pojedinačnih modela ansambla. Primjena ponderirane metode MME značajno poboljšava uspješnost prognoze količine oborine nad Indijom

    Effect of fibre composition on essential properties of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics as secondary layer for composite wound dressings

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    Suitability of viscose, bamboo, cotton and polyester fibres as a secondary layer for wound dressing application hasbeen analysed. The needle-punched nonwovens of the selected fibres in seven different combinations, namely 100% viscose,70/30 viscose/bamboo, 70/30 viscose/cotton, 70/30 viscose/polyester, 30/70 viscose/bamboo, 30/70 viscose/cotton and30/70 viscose/polyester have been used for the study. These nonwovens are compared for their properties like mass per unitarea, thickness, air permeability, tensile strength, elongation, water vapor transmission rate, rate of absorption, absorbency,vertical wicking, dehydration rate, and antibacterial efficacy against S.aureus and E.coli. From the obtained results, based onthe importance of wound dressing characteristics, 70/30 viscose/bamboo needle-punched nonwoven is found to be moreuseful as a secondary layer for wound dressing. The dressings maintain the suitable moisture conditions around the woundsurface, preventing the desiccation. The usage of developed nonwovens aids in rapid uptake and retention of wound fluid,which creates an optimum environment for rapid healing and inhibition of bacterial growth.

    Effect of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-4 gene therapy on adenocarcinoma of the colon.

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    Insulin-like growth factors induce the proliferation of transformed cells. IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) are involved in their local tissue regulation. In this project, the effects of early and late administration of IGFBP-4 gene were assessed on colon cancer model in vivo. Nude mice were subcutaneously inoculated with HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. In the early gene transfer model, IGFBP-4 gene was administered along with cancer cells. In the late gene transfer model, cancer was induced first and IGFBP-4 gene was administered when the tumour became visible (one week after inoculation). Animals received either mammalian expression vector containing IGFBP-4 cDNA, or vector alone, or PBS as peritumoral injection. Tumour size was measured at different time periods during the experiment. After three to four weeks of IGFBP-4 induction, the mice were sacrificed and tumour tissues were collected for further examinations. Tumour proliferative activity was determined by counting mitotic cells. Tumour apoptosis was investigated by TUNEL assay and electron microscopy. Results showed that tumour tissues had large necrotic areas, significantly increased numbers of apoptotic cells, and decreased cells undergoing mitosis following treatment with IGFBP-4 gene, in both early and late gene transfer model. Despite increased apoptosis and decreased mitosis in IGFBP-4 treated tumours, tumour volume was not significantly altered, possibly due to cellular debris filling the centre of tumours. There was an increase in Bax protein levels after IGFBP-4 gene therapy in both models. When IGFBP-4 gene was administered late, tumours showed higher expression of IGFBP-4 protein levels as well as IGF-IR levels when compared with controls. However, in the early gene transfer model, when IGFBP-4 gene was administered along with cancer cells, the tumours did not show such an increase in IGFBP-4 levels compared with controls. Although the tumours of the late group showed a reduction in Bcl-2 protein levels, the early gene transfer model did not show a similar reduction. In fact the Bcl-2 was elevated after IGFBP-4 gene therapy

    A study on the development of scaffold fabrication using citric acid polyester – nanohydroxyapatite composite

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    ABSTRACT. Nano hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) and its composites have shown a great development in the field of tissue regeneration and in controlled drug delivery due to its good biocompatibility and bioactivity behavior. Furthermore, HAp-based nanocomposites enhance mechanical properties. These synthetic HAp nanocomposites can also be tailored to fabricate scaffold with controlled porosity which facilitate the growth of the cell in the field of tissue engineering. In this paper, we focus on the synthesis of nano hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) by sol-gel method. The synthesized nano powders were calcined at 500 oC and characterized by FT-IR, XRD and TEM. We have also described the synthesis of citric acid-based polyester by melt polycondensation method without adding catalyst. The monomers used were citric acid, 1,6-hexane diol and sebacic acid. The corresponding synthesized n-HAp/polyester composite have potential application in soft tissue engineering. The structures of polyester and its nanocomposite were studied by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectral studies. The thermal and mechanical properties of polyester, composites and cytotoxicity activity (MTT assay) using vero cells were also studied. Porous scaffold of the nano HAp/Polyester was fabricated by solvent-casting particulate leaching technique which is useful in the development of tissue engineering applications. SEM and TEM studies were carried out for nano HAp, polyester, composites and scaffold.   KEY WORDS: Cytotoxicity, Polycondensation, Sol-gel, Solvent-casting, Tissue engineering Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2022, 36(4), 923-934.                                                                DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v36i4.17                                                     &nbsp

    A Study of Correlation of Heart Rate Variability and Serum Uric Acid with Blood Pressure in Normotensives and Stage 1 Hypertensives

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    INTRODUCTION: American Heart Association (AHA) has defined hypertension as a systolic pressure of ≥ 130 mm Hg and/or a diastolic pressure of ≥ 80 mm Hg. Hypertension has ill effects on almost all organ systems of the body and has multiple risk factors among which autonomic nervous system balance and serum uric acid are studied here. Autonomic nervous system has two components – sympathetic and parasympathetic. Influence of autonomic nervous system over the heart can be studied by Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: To compare and correlate the HRV parameters and serum uric acid values with blood pressure in normotensive and stage 1 hypertensive subjects. METERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 120 volunteered subjects (60 normotensives and 60 newly diagnosed stage 1 hypertensives) were selected from non-communicable diseases OPD. They were subjected to HRV analysis and serum uric acid analysis. The results were analysed using SPSS software and unpaired t-test and correlation were done for the mean values of HRV analysis and serum uric acid levels from normotensives and hypertensives. RESULTS: Study result shows that significantly increased levels of Low Frequency [LF] values, LF normalized unit [LF nu] and Low frequency high frequency ratio [LF/HF] are seen in hypertensives when compared with normotensives. This shows increased sympathetic activity in hypertensives. HFnu values are decreased in hypertensives when compared with normotensives, signifying decreased parasympathetic activity in hypertensives. Mean serum uric acid levels were increased in hypertensives when compared with normotensives. DISCUSSION: Hypertensives had increased sympathetic activity and decreased parasympathetic activity when compared with normotensives. The study showed as the mean blood pressure increased the sympathetic activity increased and parasympathetic activity decreased. Thus hypertensives had reduced HRV due to impaired autonomic balance. The study also showed that as the mean blood pressure increased, serum uric acid levels also increased. CONCLUSION: Hypertensives have autonomic system imbalance and increased serum uric acid levels. Hence, HRV analysis and uric acid estimation should become part of routine investigation in hypertensives and treatment should be done accordingly

    Weed seed bank and weed population as influenced by weed management practices in rice var Co 54

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    Weed seed bank in soil serves as the reservoir of weed seeds which emerge whenever conditions become conducive and affects crop growth.  In the present study, a field experiment was performed at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India, during Kharif 2021 and Rabi 2022 to determine weed seed bank present in soil by direct seed extraction using the sieving method at discrete depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm and 10-15 cm after rice harvest with reference to different weed management practices imposed and its effect on weed population in succeeding crop. The average proportion of weeds that emerged in the field ranged from 9 to 38 % of the total weed seed bank. Weed management practices followed during the preceding crop greatly influenced weed seed germination. The higher weed seed reserve (1384 m-2) and consequent weed population (528 no’s m-2) were found at a depth of 0-5 cm in unweeded plots. The lower weed seed density (536 m-2) and weed population (94 no’s m-2) were found in pre emergence application of Pyrazosulfuron + Pretilachlor and early post emergence application of Bispyripac sodium. The results from the present study confirmed that herbicide treatment considerably minimized the weed seed density and population, which will assist in predicting weed infestation and appropriate timing of weed control