91 research outputs found

    Music as an Element of Tourism Innovation: Types of Nightlife Premises in Ibiza (Spain)

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    [Abstract]: The island of Ibiza is a western Mediterranean destination known internationally for its nightlife. The aim of this paper is to make a proposal to classify the different types of premises in the Ibiza nightlife offer. This involves making a first definition that allows to delimit which businesses are parts of the sector. The methodology used is based on the case study and specifically, on the review of the promotional actions and activities carried out, completed with the visit to the premises. The classification has been made based on the offer marketed and not only on the legal forms used, as innovation goes ahead of the existing legal classifications. Although it is a particular application, due to the international importance of Ibiza, it is a good starting point to classify the nightlife offer of many other tourist destinations. The resulting typology divides the sector into two large groups: nightclubs and other premises. While nightclubs have musical parties as their main activity declared, the other premises have accommodation or catering as their main activity, with music being an element of differentiation. Nightclubs are divided into several subgroups, depending on their size and relevance. The other premises are subdivided into Beach Clubs, Hotel Clubs, Party Boats, Lounge Clubs, Disco Pubs, among others.European Regional Development Fund of the European Union through the reference grant GR21161

    Entrepreneurship, Local Fashion, Tourism Development, and the Hippie Movement: The Case of Adlib Fashion (Ibiza, Spain)

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    [Abstract] On the island of Ibiza, the sixties and seventies saw a touristic boom and the rise of hippies. The hippie presence ended shortly after, but left various elements considered to be direct legacies. Among these elements, it is worth highlighting the creation of a local fashion inspired by traditional clothing and hippies. This fashion was called Adlib and has its appearance date in 1971 with the first Ibiza Fashion Week. In this paper, a case study is carried out, supported by interviews, which delves into the historical evolution and the current situation of Adlib Ibiza fashion and the businesses under this umbrella brand. Adlib fashion has always had more relevance as a tool for promoting and differentiating tourism than as an independent economic sector. Even so, it is a small sector made up of small or micro businesses created by entrepreneurs from the island who seek to market their designs. Unfortunately, many businesses fail shortly after their opening and do not survive the retirement of their founder, due to the strong link of these businesses to the designs and creations of their owner. The evolution of the brand and its businesses undermines any optimism in future trends, and possibly suggests a slow decline

    Thermal resorts of Extremadura and engagement with consumer in facebook (Spain)

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    With the advent of social networks, the building of Engagement between consumers and brands surpassed the limits of off-line relationships, and became reflected on-line. Social networks became then an essential tool for consumers, whether as regards the decision to purchase, or the searching for information, a primary item for touristic activity. With the purpose of facilitating access to information on their products and services, the thermal resorts of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura, in Spain, have invested in Facebook pages. However, just the presence in said social network is not sufficient anymore, becoming necessary to interact with their users. In order to understand if such interaction between the Facebook pages of Extremadura Thermal Resorts and their consumers is being efficient or not, this work aims at measuring and comparing the Engagement level of each of those thermal resorts (in their official Facebook pages), through digital metrics defined as from literature review, with the purpose of assisting administrators in the elaboration of communication strategies that might increase interaction and the involvement of fans with their brands. As methodology, two analyses were also used: a digital metrics and a content analysis, carried out in the period considered of high season, between the months of June and October, and in which all-thermal resorts were in operation. It was observed that Extremadura thermal resorts, in their great majority, are using the Facebook tool adequately, facilitating communication with their potential clients.Con la llegada de las redes sociales la edificación de un compromiso entre consumidores y marcas ha sobrepasado los limites de las relaciones offline, y se refleja online. Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta esencial para los consumidores, ya sea en cuanto a la decisión de compra, o a la búsqueda de información, es un elemento primordial para la actividad turística. Con el propósito de facilitar el acceso a la información de sus productos y servicios, los complejos turísticos termales de la Comunidad autónoma de Extremadura, España, han invertido en las páginas de Facebook. Sin embargo, solo la presencia en dicha red social ya no es suficiente, se ha hecho necesario interactuar con los usuarios para entender si dicha interacción entre el Facebook de los centros turísticos termales de Extremadura y sus consumidores es suficiente o no, este trabajo busca medir y comparar el nivel de compromiso de cada uno de estos centros termales (en sus páginas web de Facebook), a través de métricas digitales definidas a partir de la información revisada, con el propósito de asistir a los administradores en la elaboración de estrategias comunicativas que podrían incrementar la interacción y la participación de los fans con sus marcas. Como metodología, dos análisis fueron empleados: uno métrico digital y un análisis de contenido, que fueron llevados a cabo durante el periodo considerado como temporada alta, entre los meses de junio y octubre, y en los cuales todos los complejos termales estaban operativos. Se observó que los complejos termales de Extremadura, en su gran mayoría, están usando Facebook de forma efectiva, facilitando la comunicación con sus potenciales clientes.Con la llegada de las redes sociales la edificación de un compromiso entre consumidores y marcas ha sobrepasado los limites de las relaciones offline, y se refleja online. Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta esencial para los consumidores, ya sea en cuanto a la decisión de compra, o a la búsqueda de información, es un elemento primordial para la actividad turística. Con el propósito de facilitar el acceso a la información de sus productos y servicios, los complejos turísticos termales de la Comunidad autónoma de Extremadura, España, han invertido en las páginas de Facebook. Sin embargo, solo la presencia en dicha red social ya no es suficiente, se ha hecho necesario interactuar con los usuarios para entender si dicha interacción entre el Facebook de los centros turísticos termales de Extremadura y sus consumidores es suficiente o no, este trabajo busca medir y comparar el nivel de compromiso de cada uno de estos centros termales (en sus páginas web de Facebook), a través de métricas digitales definidas a partir de la información revisada, con el propósito de asistir a los administradores en la elaboración de estrategias comunicativas que podrían incrementar la interacción y la participación de los fans con sus marcas. Como metodología, dos análisis fueron empleados: uno métrico digital y un análisis de contenido, que fueron llevados a cabo durante el periodo considerado como temporada alta, entre los meses de junio y octubre, y en los cuales todos los complejos termales estaban operativos. Se observó que los complejos termales de Extremadura, en su gran mayoría, están usando Facebook de forma efectiva, facilitando la comunicación con sus potenciales clientes

    Active Tourism Research: a Literature Review (1975-2013)

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    [Resumen] La investigación en turismo activo: Revisión bibliográfica (1975-2013). En los últimos años hemos asistido a un incremento del interés por el denominado “turismo activo” o “turismo de aventura”, interés que se ha reflejado en el aumento del número de artículos publicados tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Los objetivos del presente trabajo han sido examinar el estado actual de la investigación en ésta tipología de turismo y explorar las diferencias entre la producción científica publicada en revistas turísticas y no turísticas. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico de los artículos publicados en revistas en castellano indexadas en la base de datos bibliográfica ISOC del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCSH) del consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), realizando una búsqueda avanzada de términos relacionados con el turismo activo o de aventura que ha dado lugar a un conjunto de 155 referencias, que abarcan el periodo comprendido entre los años 1975-2013. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que en la última década el número de artículos sobre turismo activo en castellano ha crecido y que, debido a su contenido interdisciplinar, estos estudios son publicados en revistas de diversas temáticas cuya titularidad es pública en un 84% de los casos destacando las universidades y la administración como los organismos más prolíferos.[Abstract] In recent years, we have seen an increase in interest by the so-called "active tourism" or "adventure tourism", interest which has been reflected in the increase in the number of articles published both nationally and internationally. The objectives of this work have been examining the current state of research on this type of tourism and explore the differences between scientific production published in tourist and non-tourist journals. To do this, a Bibliometric study was made of articles published in Spanish journals indexed in the bibliographic database ISOC of the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CCSH) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), performing an advanced search terms related to active tourism or adventure that has resulted a set of 155 references covering the period between the years 1975-2013. The results highlight that in the last decade the number of articles on active tourism in Spanish has grown and that, due to its interdisciplinary content, these studies are published in journals of various topics whose ownership is public in 84% of cases highlighting the universities and the Administration as the most prolific organisms

    Sustainable water resources management: a bibliometric overview

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    Si bien la demanda mundial de agua continúa aumentando, la cantidad y calidad de los recursos de agua está disminuyendo en muchas regiones. Es probable que aumenten los conflictos por la competencia en el uso del agua a medida que las sociedades enfrentan desafíos sociales, económicos y políticos, especialmente agravados por el cambio climático. En este escenario, la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos es una prioridad clave para satisfacer la creciente demanda de agua y lograr un suministro futuro seguro y ambientalmente sostenible. El objetivo principal de este artículo era mostrar una imagen de la producción científica internacional relacionada con la "Gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos" mediante el uso del estudio bibliométrico comparativo de los documentos indexados en las bases de datos WoS (Web of Science) y Scopus como herramienta; y analizar aspectos relevantes como su cobertura, correlación, superposición, crecimiento, citación, dispersión o concentración, entre otros. Para este propósito, y mediante una búsqueda avanzada de términos, se seleccionó un conjunto representativo de 160 artículos en WoS y 210 en Scopus (con un límite de tiempo que limitó los resultados a cualquier cosa publicada antes de 2017, incluido 2017), que forman las bases ad-hoc del análisis. Su aumento significativo tanto en el número de artículos como en las citas recibidas en los últimos 10 años demuestra el creciente interés de la comunidad científica en su estudio. Con respecto al análisis de las bases de datos, aunque WoS y Scopus difieren en términos de alcance, volumen de datos y políticas de cobertura, ambos sistemas de información son complementarios y no exclusivos. A pesar de sus similitudes, Scopus realiza una mejor cobertura en el área específica de Gestión de Recursos de Agua Sostenible al recopilar una mayor cantidad de artículos y recibir una mayor cantidad de citas.While global water demand continues increasing, the quantity and quality of wáter resources is decreasing in many regions. Conflicts over competition in the use of water are likely to increase as societies face social, economic and political challenges, especially aggravated by climate change. In this scenario, sustainable management of water resources is a key priority to meet the growing demand for water and to achieve a safe and environmentally sustainable future supply. The main objective of this article was to show an image of the international scientific production related to “Sustainable Water Resources Management” by using the comparative bibliometric study of the documents indexed in the WoS(Web of Science) and Scopus databases as a tool; and to analyze relevant aspects such as their coverage, correlation, overlap, growth, citation, dispersión or concentration, among others. For this purpose, and by means of an advanced search of terms, a representative set of 160 articles in WoS and 210 in Scopus were selected (with a time limit that limited the results to anything published before 2017, including 2017), which form the ad-hoc basis of the analysis. Their significant increase in both the number of articles and citations received in the last 10 years demonstrates the growing interest of the scientific community in its study. Regarding the analysis of the databases, although WoS and Scopus differ in terms of scope, volume of data and coverage policies, both information systems are complementary and non-exclusive. Despite their similarities, Scopus performs better coverage in the specific area of SustainableWater Resource Management by collecting a greater number of articles and receiving a greater number of citations.peerReviewe

    Biomecànica de l’arquitectura muscular i potència mecànica de salt en joves

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    Objectiu: Analitzar les relacions i diferències en potència mecànica en salt i l’arquitectura de la musculatura extensora de les extremitats inferiors en subjectes joves segons el sexe i el nivell d’activitat física. Metodologia: S’han realitzat 3 estudis: 2 de metodològics i 1 d’aplicat. Al Primer es van comparar 2 mètodes d’avaluació de la potència de curta durada basats en salt i en pedaleig. Al Segon es va comparar el mesurament de la potència en salt mitjançant un mètode directe davant d’alguns d’indirectes. Al Tercer es va analitzar la potència de salt i l’arquitectura de la musculatura extensora d’extremitats inferiors en una població d’homes i de dones distribuïts cada un en 3 subgrups amb diferent condició física. Hi van participar 244 subjectes: 9 universitaris; 161 homes aspirants a una Facultat de Ciències de l’Esport; 12 jugadores de voleibol de la Selecció Espanyola; 12 dones i 7 homes jugadors de voleibol de Primera Divisió Nacional; 10 dones i 10 homes de Ciències de l’Esport; 12 dones i 11 homes universitaris sedentaris. Resultats i discussió:  A l’Estudi 1 les potències obtingudes amb tots dos mètodes correlacionaven entre si, però amb el salt es van obtenir valors gairebé 3 vegades superiors. A l’Estudi 2 la punta de potència amb equacions correlacionava amb l’obtingut amb plataforma de forces. No obstant això, totes les equacions han subestimat la potència respecte a la plataforma. A l’Estudi 3, la variable d’arquitectura que millor ha correlacionat amb el salt ha estat el gruix muscular del vast lateral (VL). La població d’homes ha mostrat potències més grans en salt, majors gruixos i longituds de fascicles en VL, i angles de penniació en VL i gastrocnemi lateral (GL) que no pas la de dones. Les dones han mostrat majors longituds de fascicles en GL i gastrocnemi medial (GM) que no pas els homes. Entre subgrups de diferent sexe els d’homes han mostrat més capacitat de salt que els respectius de dones. Entre els subgrups del mateix sexe s’han trobat diferències en potència de salt, però no en arquitectura muscular. Homes i dones semblen presentar diferències de partida en algunes variables d’arquitectura, que els podrien condicionar diferències en el rendiment físic en algunes activitats. Les majors potències dels homes sobre les dones al costat de les diferències en gruix i longitud de fascicles del VL entre els dos i les correlacions trobades fan pensar que l’arquitectura d’aquest ventre condiciona la potència de salt i explica el major rendiment dels homes davant les dones en el salt, però no explicaria les diferències entre subgrups del mateix sexe. Conclusions: Les diferents arquitectures dels subjectes explicarien les diferències en la capacitat de salt entre homes i dones, però no les diferències entre subgrups del mateix sexe. El VL és el ventre que major implicació ha mostrat amb la potència en salt

    Spanish journal of finance and accounting (SJFA): mapping of knowledge over the last 25 years

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    The Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting (SJFA) is a leading international journal in the field of accounting and finance, which was founded in 1972 with the aim of serving as a platform for dissemination at the service of academics, researchers and accounting and business professionals. The aim of this research is to examine the development of the SJFA journal from its creation to the present day, with the purpose of identifying the journal’s trend through published articles, authors, the most productive institutions and countries, and research topics, as well as citation patterns (most cited papers and typology of citing articles). The methodology used is bibliometric analysis and the data on which the bibliometric indicators are applied are taken from the Scopus database. This study also develops a graphical mapping of the bibliometric material by using the visualisation of similarities software. These graphs represent keyword co-occurrence, citation and co-citation analysis, and Journal Co-citation Analysis. The results show a significant growth of the journal over time, both in terms of the number and diversity of documents published and citations received, which has contributed to the positive evolution in terms of its impact and visibility. It is noteworthy that the journal is becoming more geographically diverse. The main topics covered in the journal are accounting and auditing management, and performance management. Papers dealing with topics related to management accounting, auditing, and management control, together with earnings management, accounting history and accounting regulation, stand out in terms of number of papers. Both topics are mediated by the subject of corporate governance.European Regional Development Fund of the European Union | Ref. GR2116

    Water markets: mapping scientific knowledge

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    Water is a vital resource for citizens’ economic and social development. However, the uses to which it can be put often conflict. Possible solutions to mitigate disputes involve political options, scarce economic resources, and the search for mechanisms to ensure its adequate allocation. For over half a century, countries such as Australia, Spain, Chile, and the western states of the United States have been considering the possibility of using markets for rights of use. They are defined as formal or informal trading exchanges of rights, whose aim is to improve efficiency, ensure security of supply, and make allocations more flexible. In this context, the aim of this article is to show a current picture of the scientific production related to Water Markets using the comparative bibliometric study of the documents indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases as a tool. The advanced search of relevant terms resulted in the retrieval of 261 papers from WoS and 305 from Scopus, with a time limit of 2020, which make up the ad hoc basis of the analysis. From this basis, it can be deduced that the subject of the Water Market has been present in the scientific literature on a more or less regular basis since the beginning of the 1990s. However, it has emerged as a topical issue in recent years, being in a phase of exponential growth, which means that interest in the area is likely to continue in the coming years.Junta de Extremadura | Ref. GR2116

    Cloning, characterization and analysis of cat and ben genes from the phenol degrading halophilic bacterium Halomonas organivorans.

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    Background: Extensive use of phenolic compounds in industry has resulted in the generation of saline wastewaters that produce significant environmental contamination; however, little information is available on the degradation of phenolic compounds in saline conditions. Halomonas organivorans G-16.1 (CECT 5995T) is a moderately halophilic bacterium that we isolated in a previous work from saline environments of South Spain by enrichment for growth in different pollutants, including phenolic compounds. PCR amplification with degenerate primers revealed the presence of genes encoding ringcleaving enzymes of the b-ketoadipate pathway for aromatic catabolism in H. organivorans. Findings: The gene cluster catRBCA, involved in catechol degradation, was isolated from H. organivorans. The genes catA, catB, catC and the divergently transcribed catR code for catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (1,2-CTD), cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase, muconolactone delta-isomerase and a LysR-type transcriptional regulator, respectively. The benzoate catabolic genes (benA and benB) are located flanking the cat genes. The expression of cat and ben genes by phenol and benzoic acid was shown by RT-PCR analysis. The induction of catA gene by phenol and benzoic acid was also probed by the measurement of 1,2-CTD activity in H. organivorans growth in presence of these inducers. 16S rRNA and catA gene-based phylogenies were established among different degrading bacteria showing no phylogenetic correlation between both genes. Conclusions/Significance: In this work, we isolated and determined the sequence of a gene cluster from a moderately halophilic bacterium encoding ortho-pathway genes involved in the catabolic metabolism of phenol and analyzed the gene organization, constituting the first report characterizing catabolic genes involved in the degradation of phenol in moderate halophiles, providing an ideal model system to investigate the potential use of this group of extremophiles in the decontamination of saline environments

    Requirements Processes: An Experience Report

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    Processes are certainly a key element in software management. Defining and using processes is believed to be an important factor towards quality. Our paper describes a general process language and the experience on its use by two different research teams with two different requirements processes. The process language is the basic representation for a process reuse repository implemented as a web application. The web application was used in order to describe a process for requirements management and a process for interface generation based on requirements information. We present both processes as well as an evaluation of the prototype. Our results are a confirmation of the importance of process reuse and of the possibility of sharing requirements information by publication, on the web, of requirements processes